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Questionnaire on Source of Information

Please select the most appropriate answer(s) and describe your idea. This questionnaire will be
used only for improving JDS Project in the future, and has no influence on selection results.
1. How did you FIRST get to know JDS? (Select only one.)
Belonging Organization
JDS Fellows/Alumni
JDS Facebook page
Embassy of Japan
Internet (please specify the website: )
Other (please specify: )
2. Did you see the following promotion tools? (Multiple answers allowed.)
Application Guidelines
JDS Website
JDS Facebook page
Articles on newspaper (please specify the newspaper: )
News on VIED website
3. Did you attend the JDS information session?
Yes (place: ) No
4. Why did you choose JDS among the competitive scholarship programs? (Select only one.)
Amount of Scholarship/Allowance
Destination (Japan)
University/ Faculty
Feature of Program/courses
Support from JICE
Recommendation from JDS Fellows/Alumni
Recommendation from supervisor/belonging organization
Fairness and transparency of selection
JDS Special Program (budget for field trips, international conference, academic writing, etc.)
Orientation Program including Japanese training
Other (please specify: )
5. Any comment or opinion to improve JDS recruitment activity

Thank you for your cooperation.

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