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Islamic Online University The New Muslim Course - The First Day

University 1
Islamic Online University The New Muslim Course - The First Day

The New Muslim Course

(The First Day)

By Dr Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

Your Conversion to Islam

Module 1 2
Islamic Online University The New Muslim Course - The First Day


There are two things you need to keep in mind for your conversion to be of any value.

Firstly, it should be based on knowledge, and not on emotions. For example, you might
have a dream pointing you to this direction, or someone may have made it sound
appealing by his words or actions. It is not a bad thing to feel this way. However, you
should not go ahead with your decision based simply on emotions, since emotions can
easily change.

If you are a Christian, who Jesus is should be clear to you. It should be clear that he was
not the son of God from a literal perspective. Rather, metaphorically, it is where anyone
who is close to God is called 'son' or 'daughter' of God. It is not from Islam to believe
that he was actually God who became man, his own son, who sacrificed himself for the
sake of purification of human beings. If, by any chance, such belief is still in your heart,
you need to go back for more understanding and clarification.

Jesus was not a god. He was a man. Although he was born in a special way without a
father, still, this did not make him more than a man. If this was so, what could we say
about Eve or Adam who were also born without father or mother?

The Bible also refers to Adam, peace be upon him, as a son of God. God had created
Adam without father or mother. Jesus was born without a father, and everyone else is
born with a mother and father. These are just three modes of creation, and they do not
make anyone a God. If this topic requires more clarification, you should not enter Islam
until it becomes all clear to you.

If you are from a Hindu background where the belief is that God is an incarnate or
becomes a human being, not once but many times, then you should know that God is
God and He does not do ungodly actions which make Him no longer God. If God
becomes a man, and a man is not God, then this would mean that God became
something which was no longer God. He stopped being God and became creation. God
is the Creator; and the Creator doesnt become His creation. It is the creation that is in
need of the Creator. And if the Creator becomes a creation, He would be in need of a
Creator, and is no longer God. 3
Islamic Online University The New Muslim Course - The First Day

We need to know that God is without beginning or end while creation has a beginning
and an end. The Creator of all things will never have a beginning, and He who is without
beginning cannot become one with a beginning. These are contradicting terms.

God cannot be represented by an image called an idol. God is not like the creation, and
once we represent Him, we make Him part and parcel of creation. Whatever we make as
an image of God is no longer God, rather, it is the human minds product of
understanding of the world and what we have seen; a mixture of actual representation
of the existing creatures, but not God. We have to know that God is God and He is not a
man and does not become a man.

Whether you are Hindu or Christian, you should know who Muhammad, peace and
blessings be upon him, is. It is important to note that you are not giving up the worship
of Jesus, Shiva, or Vishnu for the worship of Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon
him. It should be clear to you that according to Islam; Muhammad, peace and blessings
be upon him, is not an object of worship. He is only a Messenger of God like all other
messengers who were sent by God to the nations to convey His message. They, as he
did, only brought the message of God to men; and this is his position in Islam.

Finally, the knowledge base for accepting Islam should also be clear, and at least the
basic understanding of what Islam is. You should know that Islam has five daily prayers,
and a fast of one month every year during the month of Ramadhan. Also if you have a
surplus of wealth, you are required to give a certain percentage of that wealth to the
needy. And if you have the means, there is a Hajj pilgrimage to Makkah. These are the
basic principles, or forms of worship, of which one has the obligation to do in his life
time. All of these principles are prescribed in order to attain the best moral character.
Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said, I was only sent to perfect
for you the highest moral character traits. Everything Islam prescribes is to make us
morally upright.

The next thing you have to be clear about is your intention. In order for the entrance to
Islam to be real, valid, and accepted by God, and true means of entering Paradise, the
intention has to be based on sincerity. You should be sincere in your decision. If your
intention to accept Islam is based on taking a course, and expectation to accept it is a
requirement for the course, dont accept Islam now. Wait until you are convinced of the
truth of Islam. 4
Islamic Online University The New Muslim Course - The First Day

You need to feel strongly in your heart that this is the right thing to do. Dont accept
Islam just because you want to marry someone who is a Muslim. Become a Muslim
because of the knowledge you are exposed to. Accepting Islam for the sake of marriage
is a big mistake and it will create problems in the future. This is not pleasing to God. It
will not solve any future problems in your marriage, if you are a Muslim only for the sake
of marriage.

Similarly if you are applying for a job and they need a Muslim to send him to Makkah,
dont accept Islam for such a reason. It is not the right reason. All of the benefits that
you want the job for will one day disappear. They will not bring you real happiness. So
my advice to you is to learn about Islam, and become a Muslim because you strongly
believe in the truth, and not for a job position.

If it is a matter of family, for example your parents have accepted Islam and they ask you
to accept it also, dont do it just to please your parents. Do it because you want to
please God. Do it because you want to believe and do what God wants from you.

Any of these external factors should not become the major reason why you want to
accept Islam. The actual reason should be that you know what Islam is all about, and
that is why you want to accept it.

If you are convinced and you sincerely want to accept Islam, you should know that the
process of becoming a Muslim is very simple. It is not necessary for a male to be
circumcised. This is a part of custom for a male child on the seventh day; while in
Christianity and Judaism it is on the eighth day. Circumcision is not a requirement in
order to become a Muslim.

If you come from a tradition where you are supposed to be dunked or immersed in
water, then know again that this is not a part of Islamic teachings. What it takes to
become a Muslim is to bear witness that there is no Deity worthy of worship except
Allaah and to bear witness that Muhammad is His last and final messenger, peace and
blessings be upon him. If you make that statement, youve become a Muslim.

It should take place in front of people and usually in an Islamic center. It is usually said
in Arabic, and in the local language, but it is not a requirement. With the
pronouncement of bearing witness, you become a Muslim, but you will become a true
Muslim only by practicing Islam inwardly; that is where the real conversion takes place.
The external change is supportive of the internal change. 5
Islamic Online University The New Muslim Course - The First Day

If you will accept Islam in an Islamic center, then do it and have it documented. This is
not critical for being a Muslim, but the certification will facilitate your Hajj pilgrimage.
The Saudi Arabian embassy requires converts to produce certification proving that they
are Muslims.

Also for the purpose of marriage, if you are a male marrying a female Muslim, you will
be required to present such certification. This is not required from you as a Muslim,
rather it is only for legal purposes.

We welcome you to join Islam, and our family of faith as a Muslim. Acceptance of this
faith makes you part of the 1.7 billion people already Muslim. Make sure that this step
you are planning to take is for the sake of God alone and no one else, and that this step
is based on knowledge and sincerity, and for the pleasure of God. God wants something
from you. You were created with a purpose, and the purpose is based on your worship of
God. By doing such you will attain a state for which God has created you.

We pray that God makes this step easy for you to take and that He keeps you on this
path to Paradise. 6

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