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Bissu is one of the five genders of the Bugis, an ethnic group of South Sulawesi in Indonesia.

The Bissu are commonly termed "gender transcendent" or as "having a ritual role" in the Bugis
culture. There are divergent theories regarding the definitive origins and meaning of "gender
transcendent" in this context.

The Bissu are sometimes portrayed as transvestites, but this seems to be a

misunderstanding to much of their history and role in society. To be Bissu, one has to fuse all
aspects of gender. In many examples this means to be born hermaphroditic or an inter-sexual
individual. There appears also be examples of Bissu, in which male or female Bissu are fully
sexually formed.

The unusual inter-sexual role of the Bissu is not exclusively connected to their anatomy,
but to their point in the Bugis culture, their gender-less identity and their exhibit of many types
that can not be accurately allocated to any one sex.

This is in evidence in the Bissus attire. The Bissu dresses in a type of garment that is not
worn by any other sex and which incorporates both "female" and male qualities, which explains
why Bissu cannot be termed Transvestites, or Cross-dressers, as they are only permitted to wear
the garment which is appropriate for their given gender caste.

The Bissu are typically sought advice from when a particular approval from the powers of
the batin world is required. This may for example be the situation when a Bugis person is
departing Sulawesi for the Hajj, the compulsory pilgrimage to Makkah. In that situation the Bissu
will permit an excellent djinn to seize Zir and to proceed as an emissary of the batin.

This is not in keeping with traditional Islam, but it has been endure by the regional Muslim
establishment, on condition that it does not comprise any act that is evidently in opposition to
the Shariah. In this exceptional case, it means that the spirit and the Bissu's powers should not
be measured as in any way autonomous from Allahs power, because he is the only one who is to be

In day to day social life the Bissu, along with the calabai and the calalai, are authorised to
enter the womens parts of the dwellings and villages in addition to the men's.

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