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Marke,ng: How to
grow sales and leads for your
What is Aliate Marke/ng?

When a third party website markets the products or

services of others and they are remunerated on the basis
of a commission or fee for any sale or ac/on agreed

Growth in Aliate Marke/ng
According to the IAB UK,
aliate marke/ng is
worth over 16.5 billion
In US, aliate marke/ng
is worth over $39.6 billion
What are the Benets of Aliate
Drive addi/onal trac to your website
Addi/onal brand and website exposure
Drive sales, leads or registra/ons
Fully trackable and measurable
Low cost
Low risk
How does Aliate Marke/ng Work?
Who is an Aliate?
A third party who will promote products or services for a
commission based on reward
Many dierent types of aliate, usually dieren/ated by the
method of promo/on:
Paid search
Voucher Code
How does Aliate Marke/ng Work?
Who is a merchant?
The adver/ser who is looking to increase number of
new customers, sales, leads or brand exposure.

How does Aliate Marke/ng Work?
What is an Aliate Network?
Provides a trusted pla_orm for aliate marke/ng to occur
Provides a technology pla_orm
Work as the middle man between merchants (adver/sers) and
Enable aliates and merchants to access informa/on and
Key aliate networks include: CJ Aliate, ShareASale, Rakuten
Linkshare, Aliate Window, Avantgate, Clickbank and

How does Aliate Marke/ng Work?
Who gets paid?
Aliates receive a
commission from the
merchant (adver/ser)
Aliate Network receives a
fee and a variable income
How does Aliate Marke/ng Work?
How does tracking work?
Predominantly cookie based
A cookie is dropped on the
customers browser when
they click an aliate link
A small line of code is placed
on the conrma/on page of
the merchant
How does Aliate Marke/ng Work?
Commission & Creative supplied

Visit Click Re-direct

Aliate Tracking Merchant

site Sodware Site

Sets cookie period


Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick, 2012

Is Aliate Marke/ng Right for My
Pre-requisites for a successful aliate
marke,ng programme:
Quan/able ac/on
Has to be trackable
Has to be simple and easy to explain/
Best suits direct response campaign/ac/vi/es
Is Aliate Marke/ng Right for My
Consumer Products & Business Products &
Services Services
Wide Aliate appeal If commodi/sed
Generally suitable Befer suited for lead-
Commodi/sed based campaigns
Recognised brands or Limited aliate appeal
Known prot margins
Is Aliate Marke/ng Right for My
Lead genera,on Data capture
If occurs wholly online Needs to capture a
Needs a simple form simple data set
comple/on Needs some form of
Suitable for many incen/ve/reason for
aliate types if aimed user to complete elds
at private individuals
Is My Website Right for Aliate
Need to consider the
Transac/on capability
Shopping basket/
Payment gateway
Contact details
Is My Website Right for Aliate
Marke/ng? A Summary
Conversion will conversion rates meet aliate needs?
Transac,on capability do we have the right infrastructure
for aliate marke/ng?
Shopping basket/checkout is there are smooth route to
Payment gateway is the payment process simple and
Leakage is the sale/ac/on process aliate friendly?
Informa,on/content is the product or service clearly
described and displayed? Is the site easy to navigate?
Contact details will your site be viewed as legi/mate?
Gehng started in Aliate Marke/ng:
Elements to consider when seNng up your aliate
Site analy/cs
The current sales/lead rate
Dening the ac/on
Benchmarking the compe//on
Objec/ve sehng
Budge/ng and resourcing
Gehng started in Aliate Marke/ng:
Budge,ng - Fixed
Set up fees one o
fee paid to the
network for integra/on
of programme
Network access fee
Monthly fee paid to
the network for use of
technology pla_orm
Gehng started in Aliate Marke/ng:
Budge,ng - Variable
Commission The money
paid to an aliate for a
valid ac/on
Override Network levy on
commission payments
Incen,ve addi/onal
payments or increases in

Gehng started in Aliate Marke/ng:
External costs Intangible costs
Web design/web Opportunity cost
agency costs Resource
Maintenance and design Sta /me
costs Budget taken from other
Coding and channels
Consultancy and
Gehng started in Aliate Marke/ng:
Assigning budget
How much can we What can we aord to
invest? pay?
Available budget Consider own business margins
Industry standard Can be dictated by compe/tor
Needs to be revised
con/nuously if lead-based
Ini/al payment needs to be as
Gehng started in Aliate Marke/ng:
Stang requirements
Is addi/onal headcount required?
In-house exper,se
Is the exper/se available within the current
Is the /me available?
Can save or free up internal resource
Possible greater exper/se
Clear deni/on of role and expecta/ons
Transparency and repor/ng
Gehng started in Aliate Marke/ng
Planning Summary
Site analy,cs - how does trac to the site behave? How does that impact
on aliate marke/ng?
Understanding other online marke,ng tools - can provide a benchmark
for CPA payments based on ROI gures
The current sales/lead rate - is an aliate programme viable? What
targets should be placed for it?
Dening the ac,on - must be of commercial advantage for both
merchant and aliate
Benchmarking the compe,,on - providing guidance for acceptable valid
ac/ons and payment levels
Objec,ve seNng what do we want our aliate programme to achieve?
Budge,ng and resourcing - considering xed, variable, external and
intangible costs of an aliate marke/ng programme as well as resources
Sehng up Your Aliate Programme
Crea,ve requirements
Basic generic crea/ve required in
selec/on of banner sizes and logos
Special sizes only to be created for
proven aliates
HTML email

Sehng up Your Aliate Programme
Network specic requirements
Understand technical capabili/es of network
Know what crea/ve can be supported and delivered
Make sure valida/on period and op/ons work for you
Sehng up Your Aliate Programme
Editorial requirements:
Merchant Descrip/on
Sales (product/service) copy
Aliate editorial copy
Welcome email

Sehng up Your Aliate Programme
Commercial Policy
Acceptance criteria
Regulatory requirements
Commission structure
PPC Guidelines

Sehng up Your Aliate Programme
SeNng Your Cookie Period
Will depend on the desired
Can be single session or
between 30 and 90 days
Usually 30 days in aliate
marke/ng for ecommerce-
based programmes
Sehng up Your Aliate Programme
A Summary
Do we have all the crea,ve requirements to start our aliate
Banners and HTML email crea/ve
Network specic requirements
Top 10s/product feeds/form design
Do we have all the editorial requirements to start our aliate
Merchant descrip/on
Sales copy
Aliate text
Welcome email
Have we put together a robust commercial policy?
PPC Guidelines, regula/ons and commission structures
Have we set a suitable Cookie period?

Sehng up Your Aliate Programme:
Gehng Ready to Launch
Choosing a network Should I choose more than
Reputa/on one aliate network?
Cost (Set Up fees/Monthly Larger Reach
fees /Override) Improved rela/ons
Access to aliates
Similar merchants But
Ease of administra/on
Cross tracking
Valida/on period available
Admin /me

Sehng up Your Aliate Programme:
Gehng Ready to Launch

Integra,ng code
Placing of required code on
site pages
Guidance documenta/on
Technical support available
for your web team
Ensure its fully tested

Sehng up Your Aliate Programme:
Gehng Ready to Launch
Uploading required Dening Parameters
material Automa/c or manual
Banners/HTML crea/ve approval of joining aliates
Manual valida/on of
Editorial commissions
Commercial Policy (recommended)
Logo Automa/c valida/on of
commissions (not
Welcome email recommended)

Congure automated
repor/ng (if available)
Sehng up Your Aliate Programme:
Gehng Ready to Launch
Have we chosen the right aliate network?
Had the required tracking pixel been coded to our
site? Has it been tested?
Have we uploaded the required material?
Have we dened the required programme
Launching Your Aliate Programme
Consider a launch
incen/ve aliate
and consumer
Benchmark against
compe//on to dene
a launch oer
Avoid launching on
Prepare welcome
Communicate launch
on relevant channels
Recrui/ng Aliates
Developing your recruitment
Educate and inform aliates via all
available channels
Incen/vise new aliates with a rst
month bonus
Use network recruitment tools and
work with network account manager
Search using your to referring
keywords for ranking sites
Look at appropriate niche aliates
Approve aliates daily give clear
reasons for rejec/on

Op/mising Your Aliate Programme
What if it goes wrong?
Too many sales
No stock led
Too few sales
Site doesnt convert for aliates
Aliates wont put links up
Aliates take links down
Op/mising Your Aliate Programme
Communicate regularly
Avoid repe//on of message
Rotate promo/ons and incen/ves to prolong delivery
Monitor volume and quality
Review aliates and police where necessary
Ensure a variety of opportuni/es for dierent aliates
Engage in one-to-one dialogue with key aliates and
take on board feedback
Op/mising Your Aliate Programme
Decrease your standard commission
Decline transac/ons without a clear reason
Delay approvals or make late payments
Think that money is the only or best incen/ve
Be impersonal or send untargeted recruitment
Aliate marke/ng is based on the performance
marke/ng model
A publisher adver/ses a merchants website and is
remunerated with commission when the desired ac/on
is agreed.
An aliate network provide the technology pla_orm for
aliate marke/ng to work
Aliate marke/ng u/lises cookies to track desired
Aliate marke/ng works best for consumer-based
products and service or genera/ng leads
Clearly dening your ac/on is the most
important aspect to consider when sehng up
your aliate programme
Its also important to budget for xed and
variable costs plus any addi/onal resources you
may need
Your commercial policy is one of the single most
important documents for your aliates
Youll need to ensure you produce suitable
crea/ve and editorial for your aliate
Your aliate network choice should not be
based on cost alone
Consider a launch incen/ve to afract aliates
to your programme
Communica/on is key when launching and
op/mising your programme as well as
recrui/ng new aliates
Con/nuing Your Journey
Performance In news on all things aliate
marke/ng in the UK : hfp://
Aliate marke/ng stats and benchmarks:
Guide to Top Aliate Networks:
US Aliate Marke/ng Forum:

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