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Non-modifiable Modifiable

Age : 20 50 Chronic use of corticosteroid

years old medication
Sex : Female Pituitary micro adenoma
(much more Tumor in the adrenal
common in Multiple endocrine neoplasia
women) type I
Ectopic ACTH secreting tumor
Irregular sleep pattern
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Depression, alcoholism, &
Trained athletes

Growth of ACTH secreting tumor

Synthesis and increased secretion of ACTH

ACTH stimulate adrenal cortex to secrete


Synthesis and secretion of cortisol

Increased cortisol

Suppression of cortisol and ACTH secretion

Decreased level of ACTH

Atrophy of remaining adrenal cortex

Alteration of remaining adrenal cortex

Alteration of cortisol secreting activity

Prolonged and excessive cortisol level


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