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ACADEMIC: What do I need to learn today?

How are transverse, longitudinal, and periodic waves similar.
ACCOMPLISH: What do I need to accomplish today to be successful?
Physics Talk
Please take note of any important topics or vocabulary.
Wave- a transfer of energy with no net transfer of mass
Medium- (in physics) the material through which the wave can travel
Periodic waves- a repetitive series of pulses; a wave sequence in which
the particles of the medium undergo periodic motion: that is, after a fixed
amount of time, the medium returns to its starting point and then repeats it
Crest- the highest point of displacement of a wave
Trough- the lowest point of displacement of a wave
Amplitude- the maximum displacement of a particle as a wave passes the
height of a wave crest it is related to the waves energy

Checking Up
Thoughtfully respond to the following checking up questions. Reference
the text whenever needed. Do not copy the text, respond only in your own
1. A wave is a transfer of energy with no net transfer of mass.

2. A transverse wave is a wave in which the motion of the medium is

perpendicular to the motion of the wave. A longitudinal wave is when the
motion of the medium is parallel to the motion of the wave.

3. A node is a point on a wave where the medium is motionless. Amn

antinode is a point on the wave where the displacement is the largest.

What do you think now?

At the beginning of the section, you were asked the following:

How would you answer this question now?

When something comes in contact with the ocean it makes a wave far from
the surface. It continues towards the surface where it becomes smaller
and hits the surface of a beach.

Essential Questions
Please respond to the following:
Why do you believe?
Describe how transverse waves on a spring, compressional waves on a
spring, water waves, and sound waves are all similar.
All the waves start out large but become smaller as they move farther from
the source. When sound moves it become quieter and when the
transverse waves on the spring move they become smaller as well.

Physics to Go
Respond to the following questions, show your work on all calculations.
1. A. When measuring amplitude we measured how
far to start the wave from the starting position. As it moved it
became the same size as when we measured previously. We
measured wavelength by finding where two waves were when
they were at the crest and measured between them. We
measured frequency by counting how many times my hand
moved back and forth in ten seconds. We measured spread by
finding where two crests were and finding how long it took for
the wave to travel that distance.
B. The amplitude we used centimeters. For wavelength we
used centimeters. For frequency we used Hz. For speed we used meters
per second.
C. Trough, Crest, amplitude. All of these are related because
they are all measurements of how big a wave is or where the biggest
displacement is.

2. A. When you shake the spring more rapidly the frequency of the waves
increases. More waves are being produced and they are moving faster.
B. Frequency, period
C. wavelength, amplitude, node, antinode

6. A. A standing wave is a wave pattern that remains in a constant position.

C. The wavelength is determined by looking at a wave and measuring
between two nodes.

7. A. Transverse wave is a wave in which the motion of the medium is

perpendicular to the motion of the wave. A longitudinal wave is a wave in
which the motion of the medium is parallel to the direction of the motion of
the wave.
C. When the previous waves hit the end of the spring and traveled back the
waves were moving in opposite direction.
8. A. Shake faster
B. Shake it slower

10. A. The wavelength is 20 m

B. s/cycle
C. 10 m/s

12. A. v = distance/time
v = 4.5(2)/2.64
v = 3.41 m/s

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