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Name: Erica Mae Domingo BSED -4 E

My Reflection

My experiences of pastoral works never failed me to amaze of. For I

exposed with different people and that build my confidence. I encountered new faces of
individuals and learning a lots from them. Having a values of hard work and cooperation
is a great blessing to gain.

I assigned at OLAP. I watched candles and helped clean it. A lots of

people were praying silently. I realized that after all, the faith and love for God were
always prevail. My co pastoral works from different departments were so amiable. They
talked a lots of valuable lessons of life and that makes my mind and heart for different
situations. I also assigned in Monte Cueva. I was able to help in preparing before the
mass, cleaning the area and assigned for lecture. I read the word of God and it feels so
warm and glory.

Its an honor to be one of the pastoral workers. The love and lessons I
gained will never be forgotten and Ill forever be grateful for the indelible experiences.
The moments that I had could not be paid by any amounts of money for this serve as
valuable souvenir of my works. The sweats and hectic schedules were never a
hindrance in serving God.

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