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Acorns & Oak leaves

3.5mm hook
Wool needle
DK yarn in the following colours;
light brown
Toy stuffing

This pattern is written in US crochet terms with the following

ch - chain
st - stitch
ss - slip stitch
sc - single crochet
hdc - half double crochet
dc - double crochet
tr - treble crochet

General tips
Join each round (for acorn) with a ss, then ch1. These don't count as
stitches, start the next round in the same stitch as you made the ss in.
Instructions in brackets ( ) should all be done in the same stitch.

Acorn measures approx. 4cm, large oak leaf is approx. 10cm long and
small oak leaf is approx. 7cm when made in DK yarn with a 3.5mm hook.

In light brown:
1. Make 6sc in a Magic ring.
2. Sc in first stitch, inc in next. Repeat around (9)
3. Sc around (9)
4. Sc in first 2 stitches, inc in next. Repeat around (12)
5. Sc around (12)
6. Sc around (12)
7. Dec around. Finish off and leave a tail for closing (6)
8. Stuff and close up hole.

Acorn cap
In dark brown:
1. Chain 5, ss in 2nd chain from hook and next 2, 6sc in last chain.
Join with ss to first of 6sc, making sure you work over the stalk of
the cap. [see fig. 1] (6 +stalk)
2. Inc in each of the sc around (12)
3. Sc around (12)
4. Sc around (12)
5. Finish off and attach to acorn.

fig. 1
Oak leaves

In green or brown:
1. Chain 20, dc in 4th chain from hook and next 3 chains, hdc in next
4 chains, sc in next 6 chains. Leave last 3 chains unworked
[see fig. 1]
2. Ch1 and turn. Skip 1st stitch, sc in next, hdc in next stitch, (dc, ch2,
ss) all in next stitch, ss in next stitch, sc in next stitch, hdc in next
stitch, dc in next stitch, (tr, ch3, ss) all in next stitch, sc in next
stitch, hdc in next stitch, dc in next stitch, (tr, ch3, ss) all in next
stitch, ss in next stitch, ch3 (3dc) in end chain space, ch 3
[see fig. 2]
3. Working along opposite side of leaf; ss in next stitch, (ss, ch3, tr)
all in next stitch, dc in next stitch, hdc in next stitch, sc in next
stitch, (ss, ch3, tr) all in next stitch, dc in next stitch, hdc in next
stitch, sc in next stitch, ss in next stitch, (ss, ch2, dc) all in next
stitch, hdc in next stitch, sc in next stitch, ss in next stitch and 3
chains unworked from row 1
fig. 1 fig. 2
In green or brown:
1. Chain 12, sc in 2nd chain from hook and next 7, leaving last 3
2. Chain 3 and turn, dc in same stitch, tr in next stitch, (dc, ch3, ss) all
in next stitch, ss in next stitch, (ss, ch2, hdc) all in next stitch, dc in
next stitch, (hdc, ch2, ss) all in next stitch, ss in next (ch3, 2dc,
ch3) all in end chain space.
3. Working along opposite side of leaf; ss in next stitch, (ss, ch2, hdc)
all in next stitch, dc in next stitch, (hdc, ch2, ss) all in next stitch, ss
in next stitch, (ss, ch3, dc) all in next stitch, tr in next stitch, (dc,
ch3, ss) all in next stitch. Ss in 3 chains left unworked in row 1

Project Ideas
Join multiple items together with a chain to create a garland, or gather
smaller groups together and hang from a thread.
The garland below was created by chaining 20 in dark brown then
inserting hook through last ss of 2 small leaves before completing the
next chain, then chaining another 20 before inserting hook through last ss
of 2 large leaves and last ss of acorn stalk and completing another chain,
and so on with 20 chains between each group of leaves/acorns.

Original design by Katie Young


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