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Adolescence is a period of transition someone from children into adults that is between

age 10-19 years.(Graber, 2004). At this time there were many changes in adolescents, both in

terms of biological, psychological, and social as well as teens on her social role in society.

(Zahra, 2005). Childhood experiences and their good relationships with parents and families

have an important role in the development of adolescents.

However unfortunately not all children have the opportunity to have complete family on

the way his life. Frequently various problems such as loss of a parent, divorce, even socio-

economic conditions are weak cause the child to be separated from the man like the orphans.

(Zahra, 2005)

Depression is one among forms syndrome balance disorders mood (feeling). According

Geldard and Geldard (2000) in Zahra (2005), three major contribution to the emergence of

depression in adolescents is their negative view of self, negative interpretation of the experience

of life, and a negative outlook on the future. Depression can be defined as a mood disorder

characterized by feelings of sadness and other associated symptoms, including changes in sleep

patterns, appetite, psychomotor, concentration, fatigue, hopelessness, and helplessness (Kaplan

and Saddock, 2010). Mentioned that the risk of depression in adolescents can be increased two to

four times, with 20% of incidents occurred at the age of 18 years (Brent and Lisa, 2008 in

Mayasari, 2013).

Some studies have found that the higher prevalence of depression occurs in adolescents

orphaned. A study conducted by Ibrahim et al. (2012) investigated the prevalence and

predisposing factors of depression in children and adolescents orphaned in Egypt. In the study
found that 20% of 200 orphaned depressed. In addition, also found that depression is more

common in women than men. The higher depression can be caused by two things, namely the

problem before and after entering the orphanage. Other research conducted by Bhat (2014)

regarding the stability of emotions and depression in adolescents orphaned and not an orphan.

The study showed that adolescent orphans have lower emotional stability, and higher levels of

depression than youth not an orphan.

The failure of individuals to adjust to the problems and demands in his life would make

orphans in distress situations and disturbing emotions, causing individual response to these

pressures. (Carnegie D, 2008). So that the incidence of deperesi associated with the ability to

control themselves in each individual, this is called the Locus of Control (LOC). Locus of

Control refers to the orientation of one's perception or what is regarded as the cause of a situation

or event in his life. These perceptions affect the level of motivation, expectations, self-esteem,

risk-taking behavior, decision-making and ultimately will affect the actual results of one's actions

as a result of causal circle. LOC is not innate, but is a result of learning that is considered as one

of the human response to a situation that is formed by the environment and life experiences.

(Phares EJ, 2007)

There are two types of LOC, namely internal LOC-I (internal self control) and external

LOC-E (external self-control). Individuals with LOC-I feel confident that he has control over

what happens in their lives, while individuals with LOC-e will see that everything that happens

in his life caused by factors outside themselves, such as chance, luck, fate, or the actions of

others who power. Individuals with LOC-i tend to have a more active effort to achieve the goal,

more tenacious in seeking information, better prepared, and more independent in making a
decision. Individuals circuitry LOC-e is more often found depressed, anxious, and less able to

adapt in their daily life.( Atmadi F, 2007)

Several factors are suspected of contributing to depression is BMI (risk ratio =1.60, 95%

confidence interval: 1.03, 2.51)(Godin, et al, 2012), Physical activity (OR=1.22), Social support

(OR=0,90), Smoking (OR=1.43), is sex (OR=2.93) (Galambos, 2004).

This research aims to know depression and its correlation with locus of control (LOC)

and other significant factror among orphaned teenager in Denpasar, Bali.


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Carnegie D. Mengatasi Rasa Cemas dan depresi. Think, Yogyakarta.2008
Phares EJ. Locus of Control in Personality. Silver Burdett Company, Canada, 2007
Atmadi F. Orientasi Internal atau Eksternal. 2007. http: // Diakses pada 25
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in adolescence: A 4-years longitudinal study. International Journal Behavioral Development
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Godin, Ophlia. , Elbejjani, Martine,.et al. (2012) Body Mass Index, Blood Pressure, and Risk of
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