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Sector 10, Dwarka, New Delhi 110075

Session: 2015 - 16

Class : VI Max. Marks : 90

Date : Time allotted : 3 hours
General Instructions:

 This question paper contains 26 questions and 4 printed pages.

 All the questions are compulsory.
SECTION A 1x20=20
a. The greatest 6 digit number formed by using 3,0,8 will be ________ .
i. 883300 ii. 888308 iii. 888803 iv. 888830

b. In a triangle ABC, side opposite to vertex A is ________ .

i. BC ii. AB iii. AC iv. none of these

c. An integer which is 5 more than -3 is __________.

i. 1 ii. 0 iii. 2 iv. - 2

d. A quadrilateral is a polygon having sides __________ .

i. 5 ii. 3 iii. 4 iv. 6

e. Sum of an integer and its additive inverse is ________.

i. integer itself ii. - 1 iii. 1 iv. 0

f . Which of the following figures is not a simple closed curve?

i. square ii. triangle iii. 8 iv. circle

g. How many three digit numbers can be formed using 4, 7, 0?

i. 3 ii. 4 iii. 5 iv. 6

h. The number of edges in a cuboid are ________.

i. 6 ii. 8 iii. 10 iv. 12
i. 6978 + 6134 + 6014 = __________ .
i. 16226 ii. 19126 iii. 19216 iv. 19226

j. 3000000 +30000 +300 + 3 can be written as

i. 3333 ii. 303030 iii. 3030303 iv. 3333000

k. Number of medians in a triangle are ________.

i. 2 ii. 3 iii. 4 iv. infinite

l. Number of degrees in 3 right angles is ________.

i. 180 ii. 360 iii. 270 iv. 90
m. The mathematical statement for "the difference of 15 and 21 multiplied by 3"is____.
i. (15 -21) x 3 ii. (21-15) x 3 iii. 21-15 x 3 iv. 15-21 x 3
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n. 64531 + 45698 is __________ .
i. 110564 ii. 110229 iii.112029 iv. 117462

o. 5 - 20 is _______ .
i. 15 ii. - 15 iii. 25 iv. - 25

p. Which of the following is divisible by 11?

i . 11111 ii. 111111 iii. 22222 iv.333000

q. Which of the following expressions is not possible?

i. 10 1 ii. 10 x1 iii. 10 0 iv. 0 10

r. Number of lines that can be drawn through two distinct points are________.
i. 2 ii. 3 iii. many iv. 1

s. The sum of prime numbers lying between 50 and 70 is________.

i. 199 ii. 201 iii. 240 iv. 272

t. If x is a whole number, then x 0 is __________ .

i. x ii. 0 iii. 1 iv. not possible
SECTION B 2x10=20
2. In the following figure, name
a. the vertex opposite to side AB.
b. the side opposite to the vertex B.


3. Find the number of times the digit 3 appears in numbers from 1 to 100 ?

4. a. How many rays can you draw in different directons with the same initial point O?
b. How many lines can you draw with initia point O and passing through the given
point A?

5. Which integer is equal to its additive inverse?

6. What is the estimated product of 79 x 513 ?

7. It is given that 65610 is exactly divisible by 27. Which two numbers nearest to 65610
are each divisible by 27 ?

8. Find a number which when divided by 17 gives a remainder 11. How many such

numbers are possible ?

9. a. How many edges does a cuboid have?

b. How many faces does a cube have?
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10. Add : - 408 and 291.

11. Find the prime factorisation of 3960.

12. Add + 8 and - 5 using number line.

SECTION C 3x10=30
13. Write in Roman numerals:

a. 105 b. 213 c. 346

14. Evaluate : 250 + ( - 130) 50.

15. Find the smallest number of 5 digits which is exactly divisibe by 312.

16. If a * b = a + b - 5, find 8 * ( -4) and ( -4) *8,

Is 8 * ( -4) = ( -4) * 8 ?

17. Find the following products :

a. 38 x 27 x 1.
b. 245 x 20 x 0 x 98 .
c. 99 x 437.

18. The HCF and LCM of two numbers are 173 and 6055 respectively. If one of the
numbers is 1211, find the other.

19. In the following box , answer the following questions:

a. Are the planes ABCD and ABEF parallel?
b. Name the plane parallel to CDGH. B C
c. Are the planes ADGF and BCHE parallel?

20. Using divisibility test , state which of the following numbers are divisible by 2, 4 or 8:
a. 352 b. 1838 c. 37780
21. Illustrate, if posssible, each one of the following with a rough diagram:
a. A closed curve that is not a polygon.
b. A polygon with two sides.
c. A polygon with minimum number of sides.

22. In following figure, ABCDEF is a regular hexagn.

a. What kind of triangle is ABC according to angles?
b. What kind of triangle is ADC according to sides?
c. What kind of quadrilateral is ADEF? E D


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SECTION D 4x5=20

23. Find the least number of 6 digits which on dividing by 15, 20, 25, 30 and 40 leaves

10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 as remainders.

24. Name the quadriaterals by identifying following features:

a. 4 sides 4 angles equal.

b. 2 pairs of adjacent sides equal.

c. 2 pairs of opposite sides and 4 angles equal.

d. 4 sides equal.

25. Vineeta got Rs 100 from her mother. She bought a book for Rs 27.75, a pen for

Rs 18.10 and a colour box for Rs 8.25 and bought gift of Rs 30.42 for her younger

brother . How much amount is left with her? What values do you learn from her?

26. In the following figure, name D C

a. all triangles.

b. all angles. E

c. all segments. A B

d. triangles having angle E as common angle.

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