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News Script

Hello and welcome to the news, the news show that brings you

I have a guest this evening, Professor O. Riseley. Hes a specialist

in social action. So Owen what impact do you feel social action
campaigns can have?

Social action has the potential to evoke change on a local, national
or even global scale. The way it achieves this is by providing
unknown information to the public, allowing millions of people to
discover and learn more about this said social issue. This in turn
raises awareness. The best example of this is the KONY2012 campaign,
though not entirely factual it churned controversy and raised a huge
amount of awareness to the point that KONY was a household name.

Showing a clip and poster of the KONY campaign.

So Owen, do you reckon that this could also be used to strengthen
community ties, as it centralizes a problem with in the community?

Yes, social action has the capability to achieve that, as it brings
unity, builds relationships between the people and the subject as
they are working together to create this change.

Owen, so why is controversy such a vital component in a majority of
social action campaigns?

Well, controversy generates attention and evokes opinions due to its
typically outrageous views, changing attitudes and this challenging
dominant representations and agendas that are forced feed to our

Where does the power of social action lay?

The power lies in the hands of the masses as the more people you can
reach and touch with your action the better the effect it will have.
Bringing the unknown issues of the world into the limelight,
infiltrate the mainstream media and create access to media
production for non-traditional groups.

And in terms on politics how can social action change voting

Showing a clip of Tumps camping while talking.

Social action is used in the form of a campaign by politicians, they
use personal pronouns and overt messaging to persuade and influence
the public to follow their political views. Their videos associate
their campaign with positivity and manipulate the views of the
opposing party to make them look inferior. This in turn can change
the voting behaviour of the public. Trump is a good example of this
as his video features a long monologue by Trump, it enforced the
uses of personal pronouns to put you on his side and associates all
the negativity with Hillary likeness.

Now, everyone is a bit more accustomed with social action. We will
now be moving into our next section were we will be discussing
social action movements in more depth.
The two films we have looked at are KONY2012, and Louis Theroux
Meets The Most Hated Family In The World. The KONY2012 film was
created in order to raise awareness of Joseph Kony, and his crimes
against humanity, such as mutilation, rape, child Sex trafficking,
creating child soldiers, are among many of his crimes. Bringing this
to light was necessary in order to lead to his arrest, and end his
reign of tyranny. Directed by Jason Russell, a filmmaker born in San
Diego. Who travelled to Uganda and found a boy named Jacob who had a
story, so he made a promise.
Louis Therouxs film was different as the social action was not a
campaign and was made to just raise awareness and inform. It covers
the family of the Baptist Church and their beliefs, in an attempt to
understand where their views come from. This film is important as
outsiders to this movement would not understand its motivation and
where it comes from. The people involved in this film are Louis
himself, the members of the Baptist church but also the opposing
crowd, the people that are against what they believe as this this
allows the viewer to see all opinions.
KONY2012 was very much a global campaign, they wanted every piece of
help they could and they found their voice in young people. Jason
Russell created Invisible Children Inc. A charity which gave help to
towns in Uganda know about rebel attacks, and help Ugandan children
come to the U.S. one of them being Jacob. Though at its core its
main objective was to raise awareness, rather than changing
attitudes. And through Invisible Children Inc. Jason and his team
held seminars, music gigs, created a Facebook group so that all the
people involved to be connected, and created wristbands so that
everyone involved could feel connected.
In contrast Louis Therouxs show focuses on changing attitudes and
shining a light on the representation of the Baptist church. He
achieves this through interviewing a wide range of people, prying
emotion out of them and trying to make it personal, so as to engage
with the viewers emotions. Although he expresses his view on their
beliefs he does not make the film bias, staying neutral and trying
to humanise their Religion. The programme is made to provide
information and is not treated as a campaign as he does not have a
goal he wishes to inforce on people but just allow the world to
understand this family. Over the course of make the documentary it
is clear that he had built some kind of a relationship between some
members and was able to get the truth out of them making for a more
honest film.
Throughout the film, more information is given about the impact of
the campaign, some being, radio tower in Uganda to help villages
outside of the city plan for rebel attacks. Helped bring Ugandan
kids to the U.S. away from the horror of being abducted, and got
U.S. Marines into Uganda to help train Ugandan forces in methods to
capture Joseph Kony. Jason would cut to old footage of his son
growing up, so that we build a connection with him in order to build
a connection between us and him. He also uses old footage of Jacob
in Uganda so that we see the raw emotion displayed by the children
who are running for their life. One other technique he uses is
showing the action that Invisible Children Inc., which lets the
viewer see first-hand the change that is being created. Undoubtedly
the best technique used was, connecting the viewer to the child.
This also is used to stir the viewers emotions because its a
really personal aspect of his life. The viewer is being taught at
the same time as the child, and in the end the child is convinced
that Kony is a problem and so is the viewer. Making the film really
Louis Theroux is famous for his frank questioning to pry the truth
out of people and he uses this to its full existent in this film. It
creates controversy and discussion between the viewers thus
developing the point of filming the production giving them a better
understanding. He achieves a connection with the viewer through the
use of narration as he is talking to us, this only done through a
voice over so as we the viewer listen in more depth and take in what
he is saying. This is effective and clever as although again not be
biased he is able to provide a message and a voice of reasoning
impacting the viewer. The production is emotional dew to the shear
horror of what the Baptist church stands for and we are able to have
a glimpse of their lives. It is hard to pin what has exactly come
from this video and how it has effected people and the community,
but it has informed us and shown us the power of religion and how it
can be manipulated and used to brain wash others, and that these
people have nothing else to turn too and that they need help.

More Equal is a social act to raise awareness of the lack of
equality in my local community, High Wycombe.

I believe that there is need for More Equal as equality, although

highly covered topic nobody seems to be doing anything about it and
it is accepted in our society. So this campaign will help to evoke
emotions on this matter and produce change.

It will predominantly be focusing locally, as that is all our budget

allows us. Creating a difference locally. But there is no reason
that it could not reach a national or even global scale.
We plan to achieve our goal by showing the raw truth, questioning
the publics views and innovate new discussions. This will in turn
strive others to help make this change.
Most of our research will presented in our production as we will be
talking to members of the public and figures of our local Society so
as we will be able to connect to the viewer through understanding
but also informing them on facts that they dont know.

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