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Phrasal verbs

1. Wake up to become aware of

It's time you woke up to the fact that our world is changing faster and faster.
2. Keep up with (sth/sb): To be updated.
Employees need to keep up with the latest technical developments.
3. Figure out: solve
I cant figure out what the teacher was talking about.
4. Get down to sth/doing sth: Start doing sth seriously.
Right now, we have to get down to discussing about our project.
5. Make for sth: to move towards a place.
I think it's time we made for britanico
6. Miss out on sth: lose an opportunity
I can't figure out why qualified candidades miss out on job opportunities.
7. Put(sb)off (sb/sth): make someone not want/like something
Roberts attitude towards women really puts me off.
8. Take (sth) on: to accept some work or responsibility
I cant take on any more work at the moment.

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