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Annexure I to Clause 41

CRANEX LIMITED, t !'E UOOe ' bzzuul

Rs ln Lakhs

itatemeni of Standalone Unaudited Results for the Quarter and Nine Months Ended 31h212O16
Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended Year Ended

30-09-2016 31-12-2015 31-12-2016 31-12-2015 31 -03-201 6

Jnaudited Unaudited Jnaudited Unaudited Jnaudited Audited

1 ncome from operations

357 0{ 1209,0i 952 37 2173 8a
ooeralions (Net of excise dutv) 681 6'1 395 67
'b) Other Operating lncome 000 0.00 00( 00( 00( 00(
681 61 357 05 1 209 08 vaz Jl 2173 85
Total Income from Operations

2 Exoenses
224 6t zvc oJ 410 56 714 36 1 078.38 1267 60
(a) Cost of materials consumed
28! '162 60
lb) Purchases of stock-in-trade 034 1 1.6( 00( 12 96

c) Changes in inventories of finished goods, worK-ln-progress

-289 05 -23 9t -61 3 0( 49 81
rnd stock-in-trade 278 7! -99 41
40 43 44 61 49.27 120 75 125.3: 154 97
d) Employee benefits exPense
37C 32( 241 992 96 14 8a
e) Depreciation and amortisation exPense
140,6 '120.95 170 10 360.30 323 85 418 7
f) Other expenses
688 5 376 70 1194 31 927 07 2068 55
Total Expenses

Pfoftt / (Loss) trom oPeratlons oeTore olner Income, rlnaree

18 97 13 76 14 77 25 30 105 30
3 and exceptional items (1-2)

23.0( 00( 49 18 35 21 324

Jther Income
'16 05 18 97 49 98 6C /O 137 78
c Profit before Interest and Exceptional ltems(3+4)
13 44 15 76 35 85 43 52 50 0: 60 50
6 Finance Costs
Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities after finance costs but
7 before exceptional items (5 + 6) 261 321 27 09 646 35.7 77 28

00( 0,0c 000 0.0( 0.0c 00(

d Exceptional ltems
Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities before tax
(7+8) 261 321 27 09 646 35 73 77 2t

000 00( 0 000 000 19 89

10 Tax exoense
11 \et Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities after tax (9 + 1 0) zol J Zl 27 09 646 57 39

Extraordinary ltem (net of tax expenses Rs. Lakhs) 00( 00c 000 00( 000
321 27 6.46 57 39
IJ Net Profit / (Loss) for the period (1'l + 12) 261 0S

'14 Paid up equity share capital(Face Value of Rs 1 0 each) 600.0( 600 00 600.0( 600,0c 600 0c 600 0(
Reserve excluding Revaluation Reserves as Per balance sheet of
tc previous accounting year 00( 0,00 00c 00( 00c 000

16 Earning Per Share(EPS)

a) Basic and diluted EPS before Extraordinary iteams for the
period,for the year to date and for the previous year (not
annualized) 00r 045 0't1 06( 096
b) Basic and diluted EPS after Extraordinary iteams for the
period,for the year to date and for the year (not to be
annualized) 0.04 005 04 0'll 0.6c 09(

The above financial results of the company have been taken on record by the Board of Dirctors
at their meeting held on 14 Feb 2017 and have been subject to Limited Review by the Auditors of the Company

For Crane Limitsd

Place : New Delhi
Date: 14 Feb20'17 Auth. Sig

MBER 31, 20

We havee reviewed thhe accompan nying statemeent of unauddited financiaal results of M

(the commpany) for tthe quarter ennded Decembber 31, 2016 (the Statem ment. This Staatement is thee responsibilitty
of Comppanys Managgement and has h been approved by thee Board of Diirectors. Our responsibilitty is to issue a
report onn these financcial Statemennts based on our
o review.

We cond ducted our revview in accorrdance with thhe Standard on Review Engagements
E (SRE) 2400 Engagemennts
to Revieew Financial Statements, issued by the t Institute of Charteredd Accountantts of India. This Standarrd
requires that we plaan and perfoorm the revieew to obtainn moderate Assurance
A ass to whetherr the financial
statemennts are free oof Material Misstatements.
M . A review is limited prim
marily to inquiries of comp pany personnel
and anallytical proceddures applied to financial data and thuus provide lesss assurance tthan an auditt. We have noot
performeed an audit annd accordinglly, we do not express an AAudit opinionn.

Based onn our review conducted as

a above, nothhing has com me to our atteention that caauses us to believe
b that thhe
accompaanying Statemment of unaud
dited financiaal results, preepared in accoordance withh the applicab
ble Accountinng
Standardds and other recognized accounting
a prractices and policies
p has not
n disclosed the informatiion required to t
be discllosed in term
ms of Regullation 33 off the SEBI (Listing Oblligations & Disclosure Requirement R s)
Regulations, 2015 inncluding the manner in which it is to be discllosed or thatt it contains any material

Place: New Delhi

Date: 14.02.2017

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