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Logo Brainstorm

Our colour scheme is a simplistic use of red and black. Red connotes
fire and symbolizes the idea of our movies being dynamite.
The tagline corresponds with our name TNT Productions.
We decided to go for a simplistic layout where you could clearly
distinguish our company name and tagline. The idea of the name
TNT productions implements the first letter of each members
name (Tamia, Neha, Tanika) and we chose this order, because TNT
is a type of explosive. We wanted this element to symbolise how our
movies are unforgettable and will go off with a bang.
Our background is white, because we didnt want to overdo our logo
with lots of bright colours and images because it could make it look

This is the symbol of our logo which links to our company name. We
wanted to establish this link so the image wouldnt be random or as
simplistic as having a video recorder or camera as the base image.
This made our idea more unique.
We used this layout to promote the title and its importance. We
want the name of our company to be remembered, therefore laying
it out to be the biggest centre point means it will be remembered.
However, we chose to make the writing black, in order for it not to
distract from the other elements of the logo to the point of ignoring
the tagline and image.
To further make it more eye catching, our colour scheme could have
incorporated more colours which connoted the theme of fire and
explosions for example reds and yellows. This would have made the
logo bolder to the human eye and less simplistic.
Other production company logos are very simplistic to aid the
professionalism, which is why we went down a simplistic route.
The tagline corresponds with our name TNT Productions in order
for it not to be random and have a meaning to our company.
To improve our logo, I think although we didnt use a lot of colours to
make the overall logo look over done and unprofessional, we could
have made it bolder and more vibrant in so aspects to make the
logo more eye catching.
The production company logos below were our inspirations. All of
them have an element of colour, but not too much to the point of
the logo being overcrowded with colour and images. The only aspect
of colour is the company image or shape around the focal company
name. We wanted to incorporate this, because we wanted our logo
to be as close and similar to an authentic production company logo
as possible.

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