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 Be Courageous! 

Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it
is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee (Deuteronomy 31:6).

C ourage is the ability and the will to do what is right or necessary even in the face
of adversity. It is the will and ability to stand for what is right in spite of opposition.
Courage deals with affirming your faith in Christ, no matter who your adversaries are. A
man or woman of courage understands that every challenge is an opportunity to make
progress since the contrary winds drive your roots deeper.
You need courage to do what God has called you to do. You need courage to stand,
courage to face a fight and courage to make a fight, in case you have to make one. You
need courage to give life, strengthen and bring light to others.
Courage is the character of your spirit that makes you do anything for the gospel of
Jesus Christ. Its the only reason why you can give anything for Christ. As a man or
woman of courage, Christ becomes your priority and nothing is too big for you to give
to Him.
Courage is what got the Church of Jesus Christ to where it is today. Had the apostles
and prophets of old not exhibited courage by standing for what was right in spite of
opposition, the gospel wouldnt have gone around the world. They werent afraid of
kings and nobles and they sure werent afraid to die.
God wants you to be a man or woman of courage who can stand up for whats right,
not in the eyes of men, but in His eyes. He wants you to be someone whos not afraid
to stand out from the general class, but is always ready to put His Word first before
making any move in life.
Make up your mind today to be ready to affirm your faith in the gospel of Jesus
Christ irrespective of the challenges that come your way. And if you desire a change in
your health, financial status, family, job, or academics, affirm your faith in the divine
ability of Gods Word courageously, and youll have good success.

F U RT H E R S T U DY : 1 T H E S S A LO N I A N S 2:2

Rhapsody of Realities Topical Compendium Vol.2  32 

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