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PLANNING, DESIGH cRITERrA Eeononies, STAUGTURAL Cons aERATIONS IMPEDANCE, FAULT CURRENT CALCULATIONS VOLTAGE DROP AND REGULATION, Losses, coNoUcTOR seLEcTiON SHORT-GIRCUIT PROTECTION, LIGHTAING PROTECTION RADIAL PRinagy, systeus TRANSFORMERS, CAPACITORS AMO OTHER EQUIPMENT AND DEVICES NEUTRAL SYSTEMS AND GRovNDING RoaDWaY LIGHTING UTULIZATION EQUIFHENT AND LOAD chanAeTERISTICS SOINT USE, INDUCTIVE COORDINATION, RADIC AND TV INTERFERENCE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, CODES, REGULATIONS section seetion SEcTiON seerion seerion secrion Seczion section Section SECTION seerion SECTION secri0n twoex 5 ir PLANNING, DESIGN cRiTERIA Eeonowics, STRUCTURAL CONSIDERATIONS VOLTAGE oRoF AND REGULATION, LOSSES, CONDUCTOR SELECTION SMORT-CLRCUIT PROTECTION, LIGHTHING PROTECTION BADIAL FRIMRAY, SYSTEWS TANSFORUEK-SECORDARIES, SERVICES, METERING TRANSFORMERS, CAPACITORS AND OTHER EQUIPMENT AND DEVICES NEUTRAL SYSTEMS AND GROUNDING RouowaY LisHTiNG VTULIZATIOW EQUIPHENT AND LOAD CHARACTERISTICS JOINT USE, INDUCTIVE CooROIRATION, RADIO AND TY INTERFERENCE STANDARD SPECIFIGATIONS, CODES, REGULATIONS section seeTion section seerion seevion section section section section section SECTION Section section 1 exz01 E1202 #1203 #1206 #1205 £1206 euzil wi2iz B12i6 27 rzis B1251 £1252 i261 #1262 E1263 1201 i202 mz. mzi2 zi? mizat wiz; section 12 UTILIZATION EQUIPYPT AND LOAD cHARAGTERISTICS coneral Voltage Rating of Utilization Equipment Inrush Current Limitations Starting live and Compensator Cepacitor-Stare Capecitor-Run Single-Phase Notor typical Flicker Frequencies Incandescent Lamps Light Flicker, Taeandescent Lamps Fluorescent Lamps, Light Flicker, Fluorescent Lanps Radio Interference Frea Fluorescent Lamps Losd Seudies Load Characteristics Selection of Custoners for Load Survey Survey by Sampling Mathematical Check of Reliability of Sampling Method (ARTS AND TABLES ERI-NEWA UedIization Equipsont = Preferred Voltage Reting Naximin Starting Current ~ Light snd Power Secondary Voltage Characterietics of Incandescent Lamps Flicker Volts a, Frequency ~ Incandescent Lenps Eéfect of Vartovs Sustained Voltages on Fluorescent Lanps Motor Starting Kua Miscellaneous Motor Characteristics ©» SECTION 12 - UTILIZATION EQUIPMENT AND LOAD CHARACTERISTICS this scction ineludes information on the characteristics £1201 of utilizetion equipment useful in eases where the supply voleage GeneRAL Gicters from che equigaent aneplate or design value, or where changes in supply voltage nay cause objectionable performance of equipment of facilities, This section also discusses load surveys by neane of eanpling. it includes information on the eathenaties of sompLing £0 that the distribution ov rate engincer way apply the theory of probability for checking the reliability of @ sample. A Soint Comittee of the Edison Electric Instivute end the £1202 National Electrical Manufacturers Association on Preferced Voltage YOLTAGE eating oF Ratings for A-C Systema and Equipment published a report designated ASA C84,1-1954 EEL Pub-to. R-6, NENA Pub.Nio. 117 dated May 1949. unicizariow The tabies included in the report give preferred nominal system equieneyt Voltages and preferred voltage ratings for sue eystens end equip- Rent, dn Tables 4 and 5 of this report are given the preferred Voltage ratings of spplisnces, laps, devices and motors. The Iisting given in M201 sea summary of these tables. If 2 par- ticular appliance {2 not covered by this suasry, reference should be nade to ASA CB4,1-1954, ASA Committees vere formed in early Tevise ASA'C84,1,” Ie da expected that this work will take nonths. Table Mi201 and other information taken fron the Jott ceantard se)! he brousht nin ex data ne sean ae revintana ar Agitions becone available from the newly revised stancard. The design of @ satisfactory secondary distribution system £1208 requires consideration of three Limitations of voltage. Two Limita- INRUSH ions ere the minimum and maximum voltages under steady state con~ CURRENT Gitions which would give acceptable performance of load devices. LIMITATIONS The third linttation ie the minum Voltage change during the initial or starting period after energizing of a device, or chat caused by Fluctuations in current while the device te ruaning. This Latter Limitation Ls imposed to give greater assurance of satisfaccory per- formance of other devices already connected, that ney be materially affected by such voltage changes, se well aa for satisfactory per- formance of the device being energized. Motors have starting currents which generally vary from 4 to 10 tines full load running currents, when connected to cir~ cuits supplying Lighting, radio, television, X-ray machines, motion pictuse machines and siniiar devices that ate sensitive to voltage Changes, i€ is necessary Co plece 2 Linit on circuit impedance co Keep voltage changes within satisfactory values, In the case of © 1563 e203 cuswent Lin Tari ons: (conta) e208 STARTING VA ANG) CONPEKSATOR continuous secondary lateral systens supplying residential areas, saticactory values of voltage ave usually obtained by linteing the mazimen run of secondary Lines fron che transformer and Linit~ fing the mininun size of conductor ané transformers, For economic consideracions, the cast of the distribution systen may be assumed generally Eo bu an inverse fusetion of inpedance, 1. e., the lower the inpedance the greater the system cost In order to keep the secondary distribution system investaent within praceieable Iiaits snd co avoid unsatisfactory values of voltage change, Limitations suat be placed on the starting currents of watore that ate eo be connectec a secondarics which serve veltage sensitive equipment and facilities, such ee Lighting. The Linications are shown in Table 1202, In case of secondarica without Lighting Load or other voltage sensitive equipment, larger currents may be permitted. For argo custoners, che permisaible maxicun starting evrrent or locked rotor values are approxinately related Co the customer maxinun denand, ‘ A motor draws considerably more current vhen starting than when running. M1221 incicates the anount of starting kva to be expected fron various types of motors, H1225 shows the power factor at starting, 4. e., Tocked rotor pover factor, In the case of motors without code Letter desig~ nation it may be necessary to obtain che “Locked rotor current" from the nanufacturer or by test. However, the values shown in Table I below may be Used for approwinacions A eet Sacvoas Times Poll Lose Approx. Current Locked Rotor LEE Squirrel cage (one- or three-phase) 20 40 Double-equirrel cage (three-phase) 4s 50 Slip ring (thece-phase-niniaun current) 1s 60 Ropulsion start-induetion run one-phase) 4.5 40 Cspaeitor start-induetion run (one-phase) 415 70 Capacitor start-capacitor run (one-phase) 4.5 87 Compensators may be used to reduce Locked rotor current and” their effect is shown in Table II, but in many caves they do not help the flicker problem because they interrupt the circuit when changing frog the starting te E16 running position. In this respect the stepless resistance starter (such as Allen-Bradley) is ideal, the multi-step Fesiscance starter next best, with che single-step being somewhat better than che compensator. table 11 EFPEOT OF MOTOR STARTERS Starting Torque Starting Tnrush ink of Current’ Current. Full Voltage Type of Starting From Lines To Motoe Starting Torque T © ae Across the Line 100.0 100.0 100.0 B01 = autotransformer 64.0 30.0, 64:0 BOL = Resistor or Reactor 80.0, 80.0, 66.0 Other commonly used valees aca 65% and 50%. Starting torque in the case of 80k reactor or resister is 25%. The starting and running characteristics of capacitor ‘start capacitor-run single-phase notors compere very favorably vith three-phase motors. This is che reason that three-phase service is hot seeded co serve residential arens, where the prevalent sator load ie for air-conditioning units up to 7.5 hp eating. Sone of the eco- perative characteristics of one make of S-hp motor are! Single=Ph Three Phebe Raced voltage 230 220 Running power factor -% 93 83 Seereing pousr fecter ® 7 Efeiciency 80 & Locked rotor corque 36 fe 1b 28 fe ab ‘The frequency of occurrence of voltage dips caused by varfous types of equipaent is shova in Table TIT. Teble TIT ‘TyPICAL UTILIZATION EQUIPMENT VOLTAGE FLICKER FRDQUENCY cyetie oneyelic Cyclic Low Frequency —_—_Honeyelie Infrequent 2 to l0/see 0.2 to 2/see Leo ize nin to 3/He Reciprocating Flashing signs Single elevators House punss ae Ave welders Hofets ‘Sump penps Compressors — vaqusl spot Cranes Air-conditioning Autonatic spot welders Korey equipaens — eauipment outa Drop hanmers Theatrical Lighting Planers Refrigerators Saws 041 burners Shear Group elevators ®ve E1204 staating kVA AND (cant) £1205 CAPACITOR START carAci TOR fun singue- PHASE NoTOR e1206 Trica FLiceEe FREQUENCIES fia ntanoes- cen ein Lent ficeer iwcunoes~ cent Lines: eine FLuonescenT LANs ei2i7 Fuieeer FLuoREsceNt Lanes: At Si overvoltage Life of an inesndescent Lamp 18 S7t, and Light outpue ty 17h, On basis of Luaenhours pet dollar there hes eon 1ittle change in cost, but lamps would require replacenent nore y vhon operated af overveltage, see M121 Characteristics Froques of Hoada © Lamps Lamp flicker ie @ function of the magnitude and Creguency of voltage change and the elucteo-physteal characteriaties ef the Lamp filament. A change of 0.8 volt at's frequency of 6 per second on @ B5-vaet lamp could be annoying. Increasing the lap size or change fing the, Frequency would change an annoying condition to one that 1s inperceptible or not objectionable. mi2i2 intustrates voltage changes at varsous fcequencies causing {icker in incandescent lamps in terms of the effect on observers. The upper edge of the perceptible band should be used as 4 base in designing aysten co give satisfactory service except for Erequenctes from 2 to 10 per second uhexe the lover edge is nore applicable. Ui ALL fluorescent Lamps make use of phosphor-coated glass tubing, excited by the predominant Exequency of 2537 Angstrom Unite Line of ultraviolet radiation produced by an electrical discharge hrough s very lov pressure (roughly 0.00015 1b per sq inch) of mercury vayor. The prover voltape for # fluorescent lanp is deter mined by the are lengeh, bulb disnoter ang Lamp currents The type Of cathode is also a factor - hot cathode laaps require lower volt~ aye Cin couresponding Lamps ot colé cathode tvoe. The hot eathnae np ey 3 titensnt ceerying cusvent which emits dieectons wacress the cold cathode depends upon voltage differential to pull out electrons from unheated cathode, The higher voltage required at cold cathode co maintain electron enission means greater weccaze loss and higher tenperature for cold cathode than hot cathode. Ballasts or choke coils are connected in series with fluorescent lamps to limit the current to values for which they are gesianed. There are twelve aveilable voltage classifications of ballasts as of 1963 which are 113, 118, 120, 208, 220, 236, 260, 265, 277, 440, 460 and 480 voles The change in Lanp charecteristics with change in circuit voltage is given in Chart M1217, Notice that illumination is almost dizectly proportional to Lamp voltage. . If a voltage dip lasts very long, the change in illuming~ tion of an incandescent lamp will be greater than the change in Fluorescent lanp because of redsetion of TER. If the change Lasts for a short time, the change in illumination of a fluorescent lamp nay be greater then the change in an incandescent lasp becsuse of seal thermal lag of Fluorescence ave stream, Tests made in 1945, indicate that when the flicker frequency is leas than 15 per second, che change in illusination on sn incandescent lanp is greater than for 9 fluorescent lanp. Tests made at a-frequency.of 50 eyeles per second show that 9 voleage dip of 2.5 volts is not discernible on a 5 YOo-wate incandescent lonp but Ss annoying on L00-vatt Tulane Aluorescene unit. For che range of frequencies shown in M212, the objectionable flicker volts are about the sane for fluorescent Lamps A fluorescent lamp may go cut on @ sudden voltage dip. ‘The magnitude ae which this occucs 1s variable eo such an extent that representative values Cor different types of lamps and ballasts are not available, Instont start lanps generally will allow a greater dip of longer duration in dip chan a preheat leep. Since the Lasps will come back on quickly with the restoration of voltage, fe is possible that the outage would be barely noticeable, Ingtsbility of the are current within 9 fluorescent Lewy may cause radio interference. The broadcast frequencies of 550 to 1600 kilocysiec are most adversely effected. FN and television are Little affected, The interference may reach the receiver in one or all af the following three ways 1 = Direct radiation from the Lamp bulb. 2 = Direct radiation from the electric supply line to the serial circuit. 3.= Line feedback from lamp through supply Lines to the radio, ‘wate lamp ané aerial is 4 fC and between @ 4O-vaet lamp ond aerial 4s 10 fe. Where the supply line 1a acting as a tranenitting antenna, ‘separation as described for bulb radiation ts usually efeeceive; or, if not, chen filters at che fixture should be used. Interference from Line feedback can best be mininized by installing filters ss near to each leap or Fixture as possible. Not all fluorescent fixtures cause radio interference. Approved starters and most inatent-etarting ballasts contain sal condensers uhich reduce line radiation and feedback, In many esses, these condensers will satisfactorily avoid raéio inter- ference, © ie cizi7 trent Fuicece FLuoeescenr (cot?0) ciate rxD10 Tare Fenenee row FLuores- ceaT Lanes east erase revty chaRacTER- istics Information regarding characteristics of custouers* loads 1s a requisite for (2) Design of electrical eystene (b) Analysis of operating costs to different classes of custoners and types of service (©) Development of rate structures In order that load data nay be of value for other studies on any given system or other eystens, or at other tines, enough inforaa tion should be collected to reflect the conditions on that system where At vas gathered, Suppose, for example, that a study of the demands of certain electric range custoners is to be made. It is desirable chat the data be secured for different periods of the day, week and algo at different ‘the nunber of persons in the seasons. Furthermore, such items famiiies, the sunber of meals cooked in a week, the Eine of day vhen survey which are eypieal and secure date which truly reflects the factors determining the characteristics: of this load. The following’ itens are needed with regard ¢o load eo as to determine ite characterfstics 1 = Size of the average denand (or load) per customer during sign{ffeant pertods. (Be > 2-= Amount of energy consuned per eustoner during a.) .ptegsed both in nunerals and by load curves significant periods. 3 = Load factors for significant periods based upon denands at significant times during the periods, (The ratio of the average load over tthe period to the demand occurring at @ atgniffeant tine tn the period.) 4 = Diversity factors for significant periods. na (the ratio of che average of the saximun Loko ss charaere individual denands of the cuitoners occurring iid during a period co the average of heir con (eon) demands at 2 signtfteant Anetdent individea time in the period.) Reciprocal of cox snesdence factor 5 = Coincidence factors for significant periods. (Ihe ratte of the everaye of the coinetdent individval demands of the customers at significant tine in a period to the average of thesr maximum individuel denends occurring during the period.) Reciprocal of diversity factor. 6 = Power factor. (The ratio of the load ¢o the apparent load, per evetoner, during a stantfi- cant period or periods.) AWatontticant” pertad of tine, 12 one for which the oheerund e261 the dats derived for then are statistically stable, Whether this seceerion ToweRs successive cumulative portions of the group, each tine increasing the eke It {9 of prine importance to include enough cvstoners eo that condition has been achieved can be tested by computing average values for portion used by a constant percentage and determining whether or not che average figures reach a fairly constant valve As a general thing, any distribution load uhich it is desired to study comprises © relatively large number of custoners so that sanpling {¢ necessary in order to reduce the cost of the survey to practicel Limits. ‘The prevalent theory on sampling and {es practical applications (Q) that, sample to custoner load studies presents two salient facts: selection must be based on cormon sense judgment, end mathematical tas scucetion Fow LOAD surver (conr'o) e122 SURVEY 8Y SAHPLING cechnique cannot be substituted for the judquent which will Insure that he sample vill faithfully reproduce che characteristics of the whole, (2) that it is, hovever, not only possible but practicable to use hngtheuatics as @ sean of cesting the reliabslicy of the data that have been obtained fron the sanple. Several coxpantes have been making load studies in recent years in which, for economical considerations, sampling hes been ured. ‘These atedies indicate thet, generally spesking, sampling may be conducted by either of two methods which are souetines called "nase average" and "Individual selective" methods, The first of these involves, as above stated, the selection of a large enough sanple which sn te aggregate may be expected to produce a true average of all sfscation, customers of the specified load cl: ‘The second one Savolves the selection of a nusher of individual samples, each of which though relatively ensll, i= nevertheless truly representative of the whole from which

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