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Name : Fredion k.


Nim : P1510006




1. Functions of saliva:

Moistening dry foods to aid swallowing

Providing a medium for dissolved and suspended food materials that

chemically stimulate taste buds

Buffering of the contents of the oral cavity through its high concentration of
bicarbonate ion

Digestion of carbohydrates by the digestive enzyme alpha-amylase

Controlling the bacterial flora because of the presence of the antibacterial

enzyme lysozyme

Source of calcium and phosphate ions essential for normal tooth maintenance

2 functions of parotid

parotid serves to facilitate swallowing food. Thus, salivary function moistens and
lubricates the food is so easy to swallow. In addition, the lining of the mouth saliva
also protects against heat, cold, acids and bases.

Parotid gland is the largest salivary gland. He is surrounded by the mandibular rami
and secrete saliva through Stensen duct to the oral cavity to help chew and produce
saliva menelan.25%.

submandibular gland
Submandibular gland is a gland located in the lower jaw, on top of the muscle
digatrik. Secretory production is a mixture of serous and mukous and into the mouth
via the duct Wharton. Although smaller than the parotid gland, about 70% of saliva
in the oral cavity produced by these glands.

glands Sublingua

Sublingua glands are a pair of glands located under the tongue near the
submandibular gland. Approximately 5% of saliva coming out of the oral cavity into
these glands.

Saliva gland Minor

There are more than 600 minor salivary glands located in the oral kacum in the
lamina propria of the oral mucosa. 1-2mm in diameter. This gland is usually the
number of acini in the lobules are connected to small. Minor salivary glands may
have excretory duct along with other minor glands, or may also have its own
channel. Naturally, the main secretion is mukous (except the Von Ebner glands) and
have many functions, such as the oral cavity moistened with saliva. Teething
problems usually associated with minor salivary glands

3.functions of submandibular
Well, after we discuss a few things
about submandibular gland, definitions,anatomy, physiology and the
other, now we will discuss the functions ofsubmandibular glands in
particular. This gland has a very important role in shaping the salivary glands.

4. functions of sublingual

Cells that contain and secrete the enzyme lysozyme, whose main activity is to
hydrolyze the walls of certain bacteria.

5. functions of oral cavity

The main function of the mouth is to talk and eat. In the mouth there are teeth that
serve to destroy the food and serve the tongue to flick back the food that all foods
can be crushed and smoothed evenly. Termasuik mouth piece, mouth, lips, teeth,
gums, and ceilings of hard and soft, the salivary glands and tongue.
6.functions of tonsil

The tonsils serve to trap bacteria and antigens that allow the body to produce

protects the body from harmful germs. Anatomical layout that is in back of the
mouth and nose become the first bulwark against all the air, dust and pollutants are
ingested and inhaled.

7. functons of tongue

5 The main function of the tongue is:

1. For tasting food

2. To store food between the teeth during chewing.

3. To help swallow

4. To help clean teeth.

5. To help speak.

The tongue has two main functions. First, it carries on its surface taste buds that
send information to the brain about the nature of the foods eaten.

Second, the tongue plays an important part in the digestive process. This allows
food to be moved on the mouth and placed in a position where he can be most
effective ground down teeth.

8.functions esophagus

The main function of the esophagus is to transport food, liquids and saliva from the
mouth to the stomach. Hull can then break down food, and continue the process of
chemical digestion and mechanical.

9. functions of pancreas
pancreatic function is to help digestion by secreting pancreatic juice containing
proteases which will perform enzymatic digestion.

10. functions of side

1.Menerima food and work as a placeholder in the short term

2.Memproses and transform the protein into peptone

3.Lemak that enters the body will begin to be digested in the stomach

4.Membekukan milk and casein issued

5. All the food we eat will be thawed and mixed with hydrochloric acid. If the
process has been done, then it will be ready to digest intestinal fluids come in and
processed by the stomach.

11. function of pancreatic duct

Network function the pancreas produces pancreatic juice, which contains

some digestive enzymes which flowed into the duodenum.

12. function of heart

1. Be as producing bile. Hepatic function in the digestive system is to produce


2. Be on duty to process nutrients and toxins. By the time a person eats, the
stomach and small intestine to digest food that humans eat.

3. Be as receiver and also for producing glucose. The liver is an organ that
generate the most and also received glucose.
13. function of gall bladder

The gall bladder has a function as a place to store bile and concentrate bile
that is therein by means of absorbing water and electrolytes. Bile is a liquid
electrolyte that is produced by the liver cells.

but it also functions in human bile itself is a substance that will assist in the
digestion of fats.

14. function of duodenum

to begin the process of breaking food down into components that the body
can use. The structure is located in the upper duodenum of the small
intestine, where belly dump its contents, or chyme.

The duodenum also serves to neutralize the acidity of the chyme coming out
of the stomach, which is half the products in the digestive process. Both
Brunner glands and ducts of the pancreas secrete alkaline liquid to remove
the acidity of the chyme.

15. function of kolon

colonic function is critical to your ability to digest food and remove waste.

but it is also a function of the colon as the elimination of toxic waste material
in the form of feces or feces through the rectum.

16. function of bile duct

-function bile to emulsify the fat, so lemakdapat terfragmen2 into a form that
is smaller and can then be ingested by ezim of the pancreas.

There bilirubin in the bile that gives color to the stool and urine

-sbg antidote

-other than be used by it ntr bile bilirubin and urobilin which will be converted
into urine and feces

17. function of transvers kolon

- The function of the colon to Absorb Water.

- The function of the colon to Absorb Vitamin.

- Reducing the acidity and protect from infection.

- The function of the colon for Antibody Production.

18. function of Ascending colon

a. Absorb water during the digestive process.

b. Places produces vitamin K, and vitamin H (Biotin) as a result of the symbiosis with
the intestinal bacteria

c. Forming a mass fesse

d. Encouraging food waste products of digestion (fases) out of the body.

19. function of kolon descenden

a. Absorb water during the digestive process.

b. Places produces vitamin K, and vitamin H (Biotin) as a result of the symbiosis with
the intestinal bacteria

c. Forming a mass fesse

d. Encouraging food waste products of digestion (fases) out of the body.

20. function of Ileum

ileum serves to absorb substances - food

digested in two parts of the small intestine


21. function of cecum

The main function of the cecum is to absorb fluid and salt remaining after
completion of intestinal digestion and absorption and to mix it with lubricant,
22. function of appendix

1). Immune function.

A study shows that the appendix is a bacterium that plays a role in digestion in the
large intestine.

2). maintaining the essential bacteria in the gut

Although researchers have long accepted that the immune tissue, called gut
lymphoid tissue (which surrounds the appendix and colon elsewhere in performing
the function of anumber of important functions) but there are still lacking
explanation for the peculiarities of the appendix and the importance of the shape of
the appendix.

In addition jga appendix function as: storage of good bacteria that aid digestion of
food. Not only that, the appendix also produces antimicrobial substances that help
fight germs grow!

23. function of vectal/ bowel poros

The main function of the rectum is to act as a temporary storage area for dirt before
being eliminated from the body through the anus.

24. function of anus

The main function of the anus is to control the process of sewage (feces / stool).

and anus is divided into several kinds and memeiliki their respective functions,

1. Anal canal

The function of the anal canal is a link between the rectum and the outside of the
body so that the stool can be issued.

2. rectum

Rectal function is to store feces for a while, telling the brain to immediately
defecate, and help push stool during bowel movements.

3. Internal Anal sphincter

Internal anal sphincter function is to regulate the dispensing of feces during

4. External Anal sphincter

External anal sphincter function is to open and close the anal canal.

5. Pectinate Line

The function of this line is important because the top and bottom line pectinate
have many differences. For example, if the hemorrhoids occur above the pectinate
line, then this type of hemorrhoid is called internal hemorrhoids are not painful.

6. Column Anal

Anal column function is as a barrier walls of the anus.

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