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Trabalho de Ingls

1- Escolham a opo mais adequada utilizando "in front

of, under, behind, next to".

a) He is sitting _________ Ane

b) Fabio is ____________ the table

c) Rafael is ___________ Ana

d) Europe is ___________ Asia and Africa.

2- Resolve the hunting words

3- Complete with Can and Cant

a) He __________ swimming

b) Rafael __________ climb the tree

c) The Baby ____________ walk

d) The boy ___________ drive

4 Complete with am, are or is.

a) I _______ play video game.
b) You _______ drive a car.
c) He ________ drove the car.
d) She ___________ loves chocolate
e) We ____________ study very
f) They_____________ swimming well

5- Put the sentences into interrogative form?

a) I am drink water.

b) You are my best friend.

c) I am reading a book.

d) I am drinking orange juice.

6- Put the meaning of there is and there are

There is:
There are:

7- Using do or does for answer questions

Follow the Example: Do you like popcorn?

Yes, I do.

a) Do you like orange juice?

b) Do you like video game?

c) Does your best friends play soccer?

8- Use that or this.

______________ is a cell phone.

__________________ is a river.

________________ is a dumb.

9- Relate to the columns

Father Me
Grandfather Tia
Aunt Pai
Uncle Av
Grandmother Tio
Mother Filho
Son Filha
Daughter Av


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