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RELED - Essay

The the theme for the essay is: the impact of paulinian education and spirituality in my life. English Filipino or iloco,
the length must be such that it may be delivered in 10-15 minutes.

All essays shall be personal and experiencial

Education is what makes us who we are. Paulinian Education is not the typical Education we always know but it
prioritizes Christian Formation and makes us holistic individuals. I stayed in St. Paul for 14 years; I was guided by the
five Core Values that molded me today.
Audie Anthony Q. Palpal-latoc

Murderer to Preacher

Pagans, Sadducees and followers of Christ beware.

Let those heathens be aware.
Protect the belief of in the nation,
As Saul sought for superiority of his religion.

Persecute people, punish the peasants,

Slaying innocent Christians like little ants.
Civilians crying prevailed over the community,
Cowardly hiding and praying with faith and unity.

Enlightened by falling through a horse.

Flashed by the beam of the sun as its source.
Heard the voice of the Father then started freshly,
Converted himself freely to Paul that became friendly.

Wrote in the bible and was named as epistles.

From being a dissident to becoming an apostle.
Helped spread out the Good news and traveled to places,
Started at his hometown in Tarsus, gathered all races.

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