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seventeen, Kiara Monroe made the decision to leave home with her boyfriend and never look
back. Two years later, she comes to regret this decision and finds the strength to end the abusive
relationship. Pregnant and alone, Kiara is stuck in rural cattle country Nebraska, living out of a
trailer at the edge of the Cottonwood Ranch. To complicate matters, she finds herself falling for the
older, brooding rancher next door.

After suffering through the death of a child, Rowan Kinsley is unwilling to open his heart to anyone
and definitely not to the obnoxious, rude, and immature pregnant teenager who has taken up
residence inside a rundown trailer next to his ranch. It doesnt matter if Kiara is the one person to
warm his stone cold heart or make him question the promises made to himself in the midst of grief.

Can love bring two lonely hearts together and convince Rowan that a life with Kiara is the one thing
his soul needs?

Loving Kiara


Delilah Hunt



Twisted E-Publishing, LLC


Loving Kiara

Copyright 2016 by Delilah Hunt

Edited by Kellie Gibbons and Marie Medina

First E-book Publication: December 2016

Cover design by K Designs

All cover art and logo copyright 2016, Twisted Erotica Publishing.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without
express written permission.

All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or
dead is strictly coincidental.

All characters engaging in sexual situations are over the age of 18.

Loving Kiara
Chapter One

You think you can get away from me, you goddamned bitch?

Kiara bolted upright. Her body was drenched in sweat despite the cool gust of air billowing across
her face. Something hard and scratchy dug into her skin. Blinking to clear her blurred vision, Kiara caught
sight of the bright full moon hanging in the cloudless sky. Memories of earlier that night flooded her. She
recalled now why her flesh was itchingwhy she drew her legs up to her chest at the sound of mice
scurrying about across the wooden floorboards.

Kiara touched her swollen left eye, flinching at the bout of pain the simple act caused. With her good
eye, she could see the sky outside. The black heavens were still dotted with endless stars. That had to
mean shed only been in there for a couple of hours. Maybe even less. She wasnt sure. What she was
sure of was that she was so damn tired after enduring Nathans threatening yells as hed chased her in the
dusky hours.

Desperate to escape his violent and drunken rage, Kiara raced across the stretch of land bordering the
trailer she shared with Nathan and the ranch belonging to a local hermit, Rowan Kinsley. After scaling a
portion of fencing meant to keep out the local coyotes and critters, her feet pounded their way in the
darkness until the sounds of Nathans shouts faded into the thicket of cottonwood trees scattered at the
edge of the ranch.

Scooting upright on her elbow, Kiara ignored the straw scraping across her bruised legs. She folded
her arms around her middle, shivering from the draft and gasping for breath as her heart continued to
thump with fear. Her gaze cut across the stable to the window shed purposely left cracked open to offset
the musty smell shed feared would bring on a wave of nausea. This was also the same window shed
climbed through, seeking refuge from Nathan Harrison, her now ex-boyfriend. Nathan had been intent on
beating her within an inch of her life, all because shed told him it was over. She was done. Done being
his cash cow, his whipping girl for verbal and physical abuse. Nathan had been the mistake that kept on

At seventeen, shed run off with the then nineteen-year-old Nathan. From the moment shed laid eyes
on him, shed been trapped by his striking blond hair and devilish grin. Nathan had apparently known
from that first moment what an easy mark shed be. Her father had called him a pretty boy and warned her
to steer clearwhich had only pushed her deeper into his arms. In hindsight, it was because of the brutal
teasing and bullying shed suffered at the hands of her classmates at Brookview Academy and the lack of
concern by her parents that had made her vulnerable.

When shed informed Nathan shed no longer be his human wallet and was leaving, hed lashed out.
Maybe it was because hed viewed her as an easy target. Perhaps it was the alcohol, maybe it was just
fear. It didnt matter. She was sick and tired of her hard earned money supporting his liquor and gambling
addictions and had told him the very thing. Nathan had flown into a rage and hit her so hard. Now her eye
was swollen and the rest of her body coiled with pain.

She touched her eye again. The lid felt as if it weighed a ton. Her jaw felt swollen and ached from the
force of his palm when shed tried to push him out of her way to reach the door. On a shaky breath, Kiara
placed her hand to her stomach, below her bellybutton. At least shed been able to move fast enough
before Nathans calculated kick had reached its intended target.

Refusing to attend her last year at Brookview was one thing, but running off with Nathan and believing
he was a decent person was the worst mistake of her entire life, she thought as her gaze shifted to the stars
in the night sky. Right now they were the only semblance of comfort she could find. Kiara sighed. How
she missed stargazing from the comfort of the balcony in front of her bedroom windows. Shed gone from
sleeping inside a warm, cozy bed inside her parents home in Fort Calhoun, overlooking the Missouri
River, to living inside a thirty-year-old trailer, parked beside a dusty road. Worsebecause miraculously
it could and had gotten worseshe now had to make bed on a patch of straw inside a stable. Kiara gave
herself a mental reminder to wake up early and hightail it before Kinsley or one of his ranch hands found
her in the morning.

This is the last time I expect to see you or Harrison on my property. Are we clear?

Kiara grimaced as the grim warning replayed in her head. They were the words of Kinsley, the
bearded, burly owner of the ranch and stable where she lay. Hed said them to her months ago after
catching her on his land attempting to feed Opal, his chestnut-colored American Quarter horse.

She closed her eyes and bit her lip. The metal from the barbell at the corner of her lower lip felt like
ice against her tongue. Kinsley had stared at it that day. Shed expected to see his lips curled in disdain
like her father, or most everyone in town when they looked at her. It was still hard to understand why hed
gotten so angry with her that day. Shed figured it was because of her relationship with Nathan. She
wasnt nave enough to ignore the fact that she was judged because of him, despite longing to distance
herself from the volatile relationship.

That day shed seen the horse all alone in the middle of the clearing. Out of curiosity shed gone to the
pretty animal, jokingly talking to the mare. Afterward, shed tried to feed it an apple shed brought along
with her. The horse had whinnied then and out of the blue, shed seen Kinsley appear. Shed seen him
before when Nathan worked on the ranch. Shed heard his gruff voice many times before and had found
herself oddly reacting to the sound, but hadnt thought much of it. Rowan Kinsley was much older than
she, he kept to himself, and he looked frightening. But he hadnt frightened her that day. Just the opposite.
Hed looked her up and down, surveying her face, and yes, giving her entire body a once over, whether
hed done it with intent or not. Hed spoken to her then. To her surprise, he came closer, gently instructing
her how to feed the horse hed called Opal.

Like this. Shed looked at him with skepticism until he took her hand with the apple in it and brought
it to the horses mouth. His touch had sent tiny sparks of electricity coursing through her skin. Shed
automatically pulled her hand back, and hed done the same.

But shed stayed. And so had he. She hadnt known how long the two of them spent together that
afternoon, but shed soon found herself relaxing with this man whose face she could barely see save for
the thick beard covering half of it. God, shed wanted to touch him so badly. The urge had been so strong.
Shed wanted to touch his wide chest and see if it felt as hard as it looked from beneath his shirt.

But of course she hadnt. Shed have hell to pay if Nathan found out shed talked to another man, much
less Rowan, whom he despised.

Kiara let out a breath and focused on a star that appeared to be glowing. She drew herself up, relaxing
into the straw to get a better view. It wasnt the shooting star shed been hoping for. Figures. She hadnt
seen one in years and probably never would again.

Im insane. She laughed quietly. As if a silly star wouldve been strong enough to grant her the
strength and courage shed needed to withstand all the whispering behind her back and cruel taunts that
had been flung her way.

Oh well. A dull cramp ricocheted throughout her lower belly. Kiara swallowed, once again reminded
of her situation. For all the problems she was now facing, not even a million shooting stars could help her
face them down.

With nothing else to do but sleepsleep and dream of a life far away from cattle country in western
NebraskaKiara hunkered down on the prickly bedding using her hand as a pillow. With a great yawn
she allowed sleep to overtake her.

Abe, if this is some sort of joke

Voices. She heard voices. She stirred in her sleep, trying to work out why there were heavy footsteps
beside her bed and the sound of men. Why was that important? In an instant, her mind clicked. She was on
Kinsleys ranch. The vision in her injured eye wavered for a few seconds before focusing. She was inside
his stable.

Shit. She slapped a hand over her mouth, hoping to mask the sound of her ragged breathing. Maybe
they wouldnt see her. She was after all tucked away in a corner away from the stalls where the horses
were kept for the night. Maybe

She lost her train of thought as her eyes connected with a steel-toed pair of boots.

Kiara scrambled to get up. She was simultaneously met with the harsh features of Rowan Kinsley. His
brown eyes bore into her good eye. Fear clawed at the back of her throat. Gathering her wits, Kiara
swallowed back a measure of her fear. The older man was staring at her with his massive frame tense,
jaws clenched as if he was contemplating violence.

I was just leaving. She hated being scared. She really shouldnt be. Kinsley was much smarter than
Nathan. He wouldnt hit her for something like sneaking onto his ranch. No, hed do worse and make good
on his threat, perhaps have her arrested for trespassing. Maybe hed even view it as doing his town a
favor, since she and Nathan were the newcomers that no one trusted.

How long have you been here?

Kiara flinched under the watchful stares of Rowan and his foreman, Abe. Desperate, she issued Abe a
pleading look, because Abe and his wife were two of the small handful of black people shed seen in the
tiny town of Elkspoint.

I asked you a question.

Kiara stood. She tried not to focus on the cramp in her leg. I dont know, about a week. Ive been
meaning to decorate but havent got around to it, she joked, attempting to lighten the heaviness of the

Rowan, Abe touched Kinsleys shoulder. Maybe we The dark-skinned man never got to finish
his sentence before Rowan interrupted. Get Carlsson over here. Tell him to make it quick.

Kiara gasped. Her legs went shaky as she watched Abe rush from the stable. Kinsley was really going
to have her arrested.

Her heart slammed against her ribcage. Relax. Ive only been here a couple of hours. Someone left
that window open. Thats how I got in. I didnt touch any of your precious horses if thats what youre so
worried about. She gaped at him in disbelief. Youre really going to do this to me?

His gaze roamed her injured face. Harrison did this. His tone made it clear it wasnt a question.

Kiara nodded, feeling somewhat ashamed. Thats why I came here last night. I I knew he wouldnt
look for me here.

Of course, Rowan murmured. He raised his hand, and Kiara flinched. She was taken by surprise as
his fingers lightly grazed the bruise along her swollen cheek. Before she had time to react, he dropped his
hand and moved away from her.

Is Harrison still in the trailer?

I dont know. I hope not.

Im actually counting on him being there. It takes a special kind of coward to beat a woman. I think
Ill pay Harrison a visit.

Kiara gasped. You cant be serious. Will that be before or after you have me thrown in jail? Did you
forget you sent your foreman to get the police?

He stared at her as if shed lost her mind. What are you talking about?

You just sent him to get someone named Carlsson.

Rowan shoved his hand in his thick black hair. I never sent for any police. I told Abe to get Stanley
Carlsson. Hes a doctor who lives a couple houses over. Hes probably waiting at the main house as we

Oh. Her shoulders sagged with relief. In that case Ill just see myself out then. She made it as far as
the door, before Rowan clamped his fist around her arm. Kiaras mouth fell open. Kinsleys grip was
firm, yet shockingly gentle. How was that possible?
I never said you could go yet, he said in a harsh tone. She looked up at him. He slowly released his
strong hold on her forearm, his voice softening. I know youre in a lot of pain. I sent Abe to get the
doctor so hed take a look at you, especially that eye.

What? Hed done that for her? Thats very thoughtful of you, she stuttered, But its not necessary.
Im in pain, yes, but its nothing an aspirin cant take care of.

His dark brows narrowed. Id bet this entire ranch your face wasnt the only part of you that took a

Kiara felt her throat tighten. How right he was. All right. Ill see the doctor. She fell into step beside
him as they exited the stable. Out of the corner of her uninjured eye, Kiara studied Rowan. Hed told her
that day as theyd stood beside each other that he was thirty-four. The beard, however, made him look
much older than he was. Minutes after hed confided his age shed asked him why he was being so nice to
her. Rowan had gritted his teeth and said maybe he was feeling fatherly. Hed suddenly closed up on her
and reverted to his usual standoffish self. It had also been the moment hed issued that stern warning to
stay off his land or risk being cited for trespassing. Afterward, hed swung his long powerful legs across
the horse and rode off.

Despite his age, Rowan looked kind of sort of handsome. In a rugged mountain man rancher type of
way, she supposed. He was so tall, almost like a giant compared to her. She couldnt help but notice the
way his broad shoulders and wide chest filled out his shirt. Shed often wonder if ranch life was that hard
and strenuous to give him such a formidable frame.

Docs over there. Rowans deep voice roughly brought an end to her musing.

The doctors head was covered in grey. He looked as if he was nearing his hundredth birthday. Him,
Kiara hissed. Hes so

Stop being childish, he scolded. Carlsson might be old but hes the best around, unless youd rather
wait a couple of hours in the emergency room at a hospital over a half an hour away.

Fine, Kiara mumbled.


Rowan introduced her to the doctor, who thankfully masked any shock or reproach he might have had
at the sight of her face.

The front doors open. You guys can go in there for privacy, Rowan said to the doctor who was
gripping his medical case.

Kiara reached the door and paused. Will you wait out here?

Rowan raised his brows, but answered with a curt nod. Yeah. Im not going anywhere. You should go
on in so he can take care of you.

She did so, oddly soothed by the fact that Kinsley was just a few feet away and acting like a friend.
Dr. Carlsson was a patient, but opinionated man. She liked him, especially since he didnt look at her
as if she was a stain in his eyesight because of her skin color, facial piercings, and colorful hair.

Unfortunately, youre not the first young woman Ive seen to with such injuries like that. Theres no
need to feel embarrassed or ashamed.

I dont.

He pulled up her chin and held her eyelid open. This might hurt a bit. He hadnt lied. Kiara flinched
as he shone a bright light in her eye, checking for serious damage. She breathed a sigh of relief when he
found none.

Your heartbeat is racing, young lady, Dr. Carlsson said after hed examined the rest of her face. He
placed the stethoscope around his neck, his eyes filled with concern. I would certainly advise you to stay
away from your young man. These kind of relationships never end well.

Were no longer together.

Carlsson nodded. How far along are you? If Im correct in my assumption?

Three months, Kiara replied, waiting to see if he would lecture her. He didnt. Shed already
lectured and cursed herself too many times over. Damn it, shed had no choice that fateful night. For
months shed resisted Nathans advances and used every excuse in the book to keep him from touching her
on the nights he wasnt completely wasted and useless to himself. Despite all that, she hadnt been able to
muster up the strength to fight him off when hed come home drunk and throwing around threats. Hed
ignored her desperate pleas to at least use a condom. Left with no choice, shed given in to his demands,
terrified that he would leave the trailer in his violent mood and commit acts of violence at the ranch.
Thered been nothing else to do. Now, she had to live with the aftermatha pregnancy that never
shouldve happened.

Kiara adjusted her shirt after the doctor told her she was free to go. She trailed behind the elderly
man, somewhat comforted by his assurance that the vision in her swollen eye would return to normal in a
day or so.

Outside, she observed Rowan leaning against a post by the side of the porch. You finished? he
asked, speaking to Dr. Carlsson.

The older man hoisted his medical case. Were through here. Id like for you, however, to make sure
she takes good care of herself.

Kiara opened her mouth to protest and remind the doctor that Rowan Kinsley had absolutely no say in
her life, but closed it as soon as the gray-haired man issued a stern warning. Im serious, young lady. A
woman in your condition doesnt need additional stress. And I sincerely hope youve been seeing an ob-
gyn. This is no game.

Kiara saw red. How dare he? Was there no such thing as patient confidentiality, or did that not count
in backwater Nebraska?

She opened her mouth once again to take the doctor to task, but was again forced to snap it close when
Rowan finally acknowledged her with a glare, biting out, Dont.

Fuming, Kiara ground her teeth and waited until the doctor was seated behind the steering wheel of his
car. She spun on Kinsley, who was standing with a hand in his pocket, watching her.

I did not appreciate you talking to me like that a while ago.

What did Carlsson mean? he asked, pretending like she hadnt spoken.

He meant nothing. Absolutely nothing. Hes

Not an idiot. I can think of only one good reason why Carlsson would suggest for you to see an

She threw a hand in the air. Well there. You have your answer, dont you?

Kinsleys black gaze bore into hers. Are you carrying Harrisons kid?

Ouch. Something about the way he phrased it. Kiara clenched her jaw. Im carrying my child. I no
longer care what Nathan does.

Does he know about the baby?

He knows.

Rowan snorted. Never underestimate a scum like Harrison.

The scum whose kid Im carrying. What was his assessment of her then? She drew in a deep breath.
Whatever Rowan thought of her wouldnt matter in the long run. As soon as shed made sure Nathan
wasnt inside the trailer, Kiara planned on retrieving her money and travelling as far away from Elkspoint
as a Greyhound ticket could take her.

You also shouldnt underestimate me. Im done being holed up in a town where cows outnumber
people. Once I leave here, Im heading east. Maybe New York or Boston. Even Omaha. Anywhere, so
long as its a big city and doesnt begin with the word Elk or animal anything.

Kinsley cocked his head to the side. Youre sure Harrison wont try and stop you from leaving

Kiara flashed him a smug smile. Thats exactly why Im waiting until hes gone.

Sounds like you have it all figured out.

Not everything, just the basics.

I take it this is the last time Ill catch you lurking around on my ranch? he asked, his features
expressionless, making it hard for her to tell if he was joking or serious.

Kiara chuckled, despite the pain in her jaw. Dont tell me youre going to miss me.
He snorted again. No. That I cant say.

Kiara shook her head. Real nice. She dusted imaginary dirt off her thighs then clasped her hands
together. Well, its been nice She paused. I did appreciate you having the doctor take a look at my
eye. It was real fatherly of you.

His jaw visibly clenched. Kiara knew her spiteful words had hit their mark.

My own words, he murmured, shaking his head.

Kiara swallowed. So he did remember answering her after shed quietly asked him why he was out
here spending time with her if he didnt like being around people. It was at that point hed closed up and
snapped that maybe he was in a fatherly mood because she reminded him of a child.

Shed known he was lying, of course. But if Kinsley remembered being rude to her, did he also
recall how shed made him laugh? It had been only one time, but she couldnt forget that deep, rich laugh
that seemed as if it was reluctantly drawn from his soul. Right now, Kiara could tell his lips were drawn
into a tight, harsh line.

Kiara felt her throat tighten as she prepared to leave. Her breath hitched as Kinsley surprisingly made
a step toward her. Her mouth went dry the moment he lifted his hand and touched the collar of her shirt,
causing her traitorous pulse to quicken at the feel of his hand against her skin.

He showed her the strand of hay hed pulled from her shirt before tossing it to the ground. Try and
stay out of trouble, okay? And no more Harrison type losers.

She nodded, feeling all choked up. Life was really unfair sometimes. Take her and Kinsley for
example. Theyd never have a chance to know each other better. Shed leave town with him believing he
knew her. He didnt. How she wouldve loved for him to get to know the real Kiara. Not the person
viewed by everyone as the strange black girlfriend of that bum Nathan Harrison.

Dragging her gaze away from him, Kiara turned and broke into a run. The pain in her ribs made her
yearn to slow down, but she couldnt. It was best to get away. If she remained in Elkspoint nothing
wouldve come of her and the rancher. Kinsley was too old, too serious and downright cold. Kiara
winced as she came to an abrupt stop the moment she knew he could no longer see her. Bent over, she
clutched her chest, panting. She looked up, eyeing the trailer, which was across the clearing, the dirt on
the outside stark in the morning sunlight. Sighing, she picked up her pace and looked over her shoulder
once more toward the ranch.

Chapter Two

Once Kiara was out of sight, Rowan returned to the stable, saddled Opal and grabbed his rifle. He
rode to the edge of the pasture, keeping near the high shrubs and bushes. Hidden from plain sight, Rowan
could see Kiara tiptoeing toward the trailer. Her head moved back and forth as she scoped out the area, to
see if Harrison was lurking nearby. At the thought of his ex-employee, Rowan experienced another rush of
violencethe same violence hed felt that morning when seeing Kiaras battered face.

He flexed his knuckles. His fingers itched to clamp themselves around Harrisons skinny neck and
squeeze the very life out of him. As for Kiara, the little idiot actually thought it was okay to return by
herself, risking Harrisons wrath.

Rowan shifted the rifle on his shoulder and tightened his hold on the leather reins. He could see her
entering the trailer, looking so out of place. Kiara was out of place in that town and with a man-boy like
Harrison. Hed thought so the very first time hed seen her, right after hed hired Harrison on as a ranch
hand. Two weeks in and Rowan had begun to realize what a huge mistake hed made. Harrison showed up
to the ranch late, stank of alcohol, and was lazier than an armadillo in daylight.

On a rare occasion when hed driven by the deserted back road, Rowan had caught sight of a girl with
the darkest brown skin hed seen on a female in a long time. He hated to admit it now, but hed purposely
slowed the engine to get a better a look at her. Her dark skin had taken on a dramatic contrast against the
snowy backdrop of January. He hadnt been able to stop himself from staring. At the time he hadnt been
able to make out all the details of her face, although from his viewpoint, it was plain to see she was pretty
as hell and achingly young. She had a small ring in her nose, silver cuffs lining her earlobes and some sort
of piercing at the bottom of her full lips. Her hair at the time had been a mass of curls dyed in a golden
brown color. Interestingly enough, her unique looks hadnt been what stood out the most. It was her
interaction with his employee. Harrison had come out of the trailer then, arms flailing, appearing to yell at
the girl. Shed jumped at first, startled, until she turned around, appearing to yell right back at him.
Shaking his head, Rowan had written her off at the time as the same kind of trash as Harrison.

Frowning, Rowan pushed the memory from his mind. Shes pregnant. He ran a hand across his face.
God. He was glad she was leaving town. A mild attraction to a girl her age was bad enough, but the
thought of watching her belly grow each month with another mans child shook him as much as the sight of
her bruised face. To have any child around him would be unbearable. Rowan grimaced. The familiar knot
that rose inside his throat whenever he thought about his son, or came into contact with children in
general, felt heavier today than it had in a long time.

He had no idea how his ex-wife Shelby had managed to move on so quickly. After the divorce, shed
moved out of state, remarried, and had even given birth to another little boy of her own. She hadnt told
him, of course, but hed heard in passing from a longtime friend. He wondered if she viewed her new
child as a replacement for their little boy, Gage. The knot in his throat doubled in size the more he thought
about his loss. Why was he unable to move past Gages death? Why was he still able to smell the sweet
yet slightly sweaty scent of the toddlers hair? The way the boys little fingers had curled around his own
so often before a wonderful life was snatched away?
All my fault.

A shrill cry split the air. Rowan blinked. The sound of Kiaras cry jarred him from his memories.
Digging his heels into the horse flank, Rowan was at the trailer in mere seconds. He dismounted, and then
he tried the door, finding it open. He bent low, entering through the narrow doorway. One look to the side
and he found Kiara on the floor, her entire body slumped over. She was surrounded by what appeared to
be newspaper pages cut into rectangular squares.


She raised her head slowly. Her lips were trembling. The sight of her swollen eye made his gut
clench. Nathan left with all my money. She swung her arm backward to indicate the mess of clothes and
items strewn about. Hes gone. He took everything that belonged to him.

Harrisons defection was not bad. But then again that meant

I cant leave, she said low.

Rowan closed his eyes. Shed answered the question on his mind. She stood with her shoulders
hunched and kicked the pieces of paper scattered at her feet. It was clear the cutouts were Harrisons
feeble attempt at counterfeiting her actual money.

Arent you going to tell me I shouldve seen this coming?

I dont like to kick people when theyre down. Thats not my style.

Like Nathan, you mean? she asked, eyeing him in a strange fashion. She shook her head slowly.
You like mentioning what scum he is, dont you? Tell me, Kinsley, are you really that much better than
him? What are you hiding in your closetbehind that thick ass beard you refuse to cut? Why is that I
heard you rarely leave the ranch?

The muscles in his neck twitched. His pulse raced with anger. You think to compare me with him?

Yes, I do, she snapped. Youre both men, arent you? Or maybe not? Her fists were clenched at
her sides. The little hellcat looked him up and down, as if she thought she could take him. You wanna
know something, Kinsley. I dont think youre any better than Nathan. Youve threatened to have me
thrown in jail for coming onto your ranch, when Ive never done anything to you. She was fuming now.
As a matter of fact, I saw you in town back in March. And I know you saw me too. My dumbass actually
tried to be friendly and called out to you. Guess I thought you werent serious that time when you got mad
at me for no reason. There were people around. They heard me trying to talk to you. I know you heard me,
too, even though you walked right by like I wasnt even there. Kinsley, youre a goddamned

Enough, he growled. Damn her, did she have to remind him of that day? If I were you Id stop

Before what? Tell me something, if I keep talking, will you hit me?

Rowan stiffened as she got up in his face, or rather pressed her face so very near to his chest because
of the difference in height.
Hmm, maybe if I tell you how ugly I think you are. That the reason Ive always seen you all by your
damn self is because no woman in her right mind would want to be with you. Her lips curved into a
malicious smile. Tell me, Kinsley, with all that ugliness, does it come with a small package? Oh wait,
Im silly. Youre like a freaking giant. I bet you have the biggest dick this side of the Missouri River but
dont know how to use it. Is that why a man your age doesnt have a wife and family? I thought you
ranching folks started popping them out early.

Any ounce of sympathy hed felt for her flew out the door of her filthy little trailer. Rage blinded his
thoughts and vision. Shed dared mention not having a child. To him. Rowan grabbed her by the wrist and
held firm, ignoring her alarming cry. Listen to me, you little bitch. I might have felt sorry for you before,
but do not fucking think thatll stop me from

From hitting me?

She twisted her wrist from his grasp. Cmon, do it, Kiara shouted, pushing out her bruised face. Go
on, I just mouthed off to you. Give me matching black eyes. Teach me my place, Kinsley. Im sure you can
do it better than Nathan ever could.

Rowan jerked away from her. Kiara rushed after him, clutching his sleeve. Stop acting like you have
self-control. Im ordering you to hit me. Do it. You said I was a bitch, so make me hurt.

He peeled her hand from his body and pushed her away. She stumbled, her legs buckling before she
quickly grabbed on to the back of a chair. Shit. Hed tried to be gentle. Rowan reached out to help her,
stopping as she raised her hand, warding him off.

Dont touch me, she muttered. Her voice cracked as she swiped the back of her hand across her
good eye. Just dont fucking touch me.

Rowan stood, helpless, and out of his element. He searched for something to say, but could think of
nothing that would help the now obvious pain he could tell she was in. The pain he knew extended beyond
Harrisons physical abuse and resulted in her enticing him into anger.

Kiara made her way to sit on the lumpy thing he assumed was her bed. She continued to ignore his
presence, simply staring out across the room, silently wiping away the tears that trickled down her cheek.

Feeling like a beast for not seeing through her distress and ploy, Rowan crossed the area and sat next
to her. I shouldnt have grabbed you like that or called you a bitch, he said quietly.

She looked up at him and sniffled. I shouldnt have called you ugly.

Rowan nodded. He knew she believed hed gotten angry because of her description of him. He had no
illusions about his looks. Although they were average at best, they were also the least of his concern. He
gazed at her before carefully asking, Last night wasnt the first time Harrison hit you, was it?

She shook her head. I threatened to leave the first time it happened. That was before we moved here.
Nathan convinced me I wasnt being fair to him, that it wouldnt happen again. She let out a heavy
breath. It did. I had everything ready to go a couple of months ago, but I ended up staying. Not because I
wanted to, though.
Months ago. Had that been before or after theyd shared that afternoon by the clearing? Was that why
she always snuck onto the ranchto get away from Harrison? While stewing in his own anger, and taking
it out on her with threats, had she been hurting from Harrisons fist?

Why did you stay?

She shrugged. The reasons not so important now. She paused, checking out the rifle hed left on her
table. I never had a chance to ask, what are you doing here? I thought wed said our goodbyes.

I figured you might need help if Harrison caught you in here.

So you came with reinforcement?

First rule of being a cowboy, he said, putting on an extra serious face to make her smile. Never
ride without your rifle.

She snorted, although the faintest hint of a smile tugged at her lips. Is that when you guys were still
taming wild horses on the prairie and riding alongside stagecoaches?

Rowan smiled in spite of himself. The girl was a brat. Kiara, Im older than you, not ancient.

Her lips parted as she threw out her arms then fell back onto the bed. Rowan tried not to notice the
way her shirt rose giving way to a glimpse of her bare stomach. Her belly was still flat, except for the
small bump that began below her navel.

Have you ever tried wishing on a shooting star, Kinsley? she asked, out of the blue.

Rowan frowned. Did people actually do that? I cant say that I have. Why do you ask?

Last night when I was inside the stable I kept hoping Id see one. There were so many stars in the sky,
but I couldnt find one.

What would you have wished for?

She propped herself up on the back of her elbows and grinned. Youre not supposed to tell these
things. I only asked because I wanted to know if you ever did it and your wish came true.

Rowan sighed. This was ridiculous. Kiara, you dont On the verge of scolding her for asking such
a stupid question, Rowan stopped and thought better of it. Kiara was no fool. However, she was young
and perhaps he was being rash. Maybe young people, young women like her, did think about wishes and

Deciding there was no harm indulging her this afternoon, considering this would be the last time he
allowed himself to take such an interest in her; Rowan replied, I did see a shooting star once. Truth. I
cant remember if I made a wish or not. I was in my early twenties at the time if I remember correctly.
Thats also around the time I met the woman who became my wife soon after. I guess I might have
subconsciously wished for something.

She turned to stare at him, her eyes alit with shock andhurt?
You have a wife?

Kiara cared? Ex-wife, he corrected. We divorced two years ago.

She said nothing to that. Rowan rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. Kiara, why dont you call
your parents? Youre still a kid. Im sure if they know what youve been through, theyll want you home as
soon as possible.

Her body stiffened. I know you want me gone, but youre really grasping at straws here. My parents
and I havent spoken since I left home. I was seventeen. Id be surprised if they even remember me. So no,
calling is not an option.

I refuse to believe that, Rowan argued. No parent would be able to sleep well at night if they knew
their child was hurt.

Well mine can and trust me they sleep very well on their plush mattresses. She fell back onto the
bed, rolling to her side. Kinsley, listen. Im going in to work tonight. Ill ask my boss Sam for as many
extra hours as I can cover in addition to my regular schedule. Youll hardly see me around. I get it. Im not
the most popular person around here. Ill always be guilty by association, right?

Was she talking about in general or the fact that Harrison had been caught red handed trying to steal
copper wires from the ranch?

Instead of disagreeing with her, Rowan gave a curt nod, retrieved his rifle and went to the door.
Make sure you lock the door after I leave.

She gave a mock salute. Yes, sir.

Chapter Three

Youre asking the impossible.

Kiara clasped her hands together as she faced Sam, her boss and owner of the Three Corners Bar. I
swear I can work just like normal. Nothings changed.

Kiara, some of the girls told me youre pregnant. You cant tell me nothings changed. He shot her
an accusing look. Cmon, I cant have a pregnant chick working in a place like this. How would that
make me look?

Who cares about looks? Youre being unfair. Sam, you didnt even notice when I was running to the
bathroom some weeks ago, puking out my guts. Everything is good now. Im feeling better than ever. I

His green eyes rounded. You cant be serious. Kiara, you can use as much makeup as you want, but
Im not dumb. Youre not fooling anyone. Look, I have to hurry back and organize the kitchen. Dont take
this personally. Its nothing against you. I mean it. I feel for you, I really do. If I could keep you on I
would. Sam raised his hands then dropped them to his sides. Im really sorry. You can finish out the rest
of the month, if that helps. And try to straighten yourself out with whoever is hurting you. Aint right for a
man to put his hands on you.

Just like that Sam left her alone. She hadnt even had time to further plead her case. Smoothing the
front of her shirt, Kiara glanced around the bar. She wondered if Sam thought shed been begging to keep
her job because she thrived on the fumes of cigarette smoke that wafted through the air or that she relished
being on her feet for hours on end. Even as she stood there, she could feel the onset of a smoke-induced

Hey, miss.

She looked over her shoulder to see a wrinkly faced man with a cigarette sticking out the side of his
mouth. The man was snapping his fingers at her. Whens our food coming?

Forcing a pleasant smile to her face, Kiara called out, Ill get right on that, sir.

She pushed the double doors open. Silently fuming that shed soon be without a job, she inquired
about the customers food and brought it out, only to be thanked by a puff of smoke to her face. The rest of
the night dragged on as she switched between waiting tables and serving up drinks behind the bar.

It wasnt until after five in the morning that Kiara began the walk back to her trailer. As angry as she
was that Nathan had taken all of her money, there was something freeing in it. He was gone. Hed taken
everything she had to give and could never again guilt trip her into feeling anything but distaste for him.
Heck, the trailer might even seem welcoming for a change without him.

She glanced down at her stomach. Just her and the baby growing inside her. Ever since shed started
to feel the tiny movements a week ago, quickening, the tiny being growing inside her had started to seem
so real. She was going to have an actual baby whether she was ready or not. It was becoming almost
impossible to think of herself without thinking of her unborn child. It also made the possibility of being
unemployed that much more terrifying. Kiara scanned the area before carefully entering the trailer. She
was still on the edge after everything that had happened and wasnt nave enough to underestimate Nathan
playing a cruel trick sneaking up on her when she assumed she was safe.

Kiara curled her lips at the thought of her ex. If she hadnt been an idiot for so long, overlooking his
temper, his subtle jibes at her, she wouldnt be stuck in this situation.

Her stomach growled. It was the only sound in the trailer, and also a reminder that shed waited too
long to eat since last night. She searched through one of the narrow cabinets above the small freestanding
stove and pulled out a bag of sliced bread. After checking the bread and the expiration date, she made a
simple peanut butter sandwich. She couldnt swallow it down fast enough before her stomach was
twisting and churning as if she hadnt eaten in days instead of mere hours.

After downing the rest with two glasses of water, she climbed into bed. Despite utter exhaustion, the
sleep she desperately craved eluded her. Unfortunately, she also knew the reason why. For starters, her
paranoia that Nathan would reappear refused to go away. She hadnt gotten around to changing the door
lock yet. The other reason was plain and simple; she despised having to call this raggedy trailer home.
Living here for the past seven months had not made it any easier. Just about every other week there was
something that needed to be fixed, which of course, the responsibility had fallen on her shoulders. Her
home was also a far cry from the luxury she was accustomed to, from the house shed been raised in.

Kiara stared at the thinning ceiling. Her lids fluttered shut. She tried to recall minute details about her
bedroom at home. Her real home. Had they taken down the posters of her favorite musicians shed
plastered on her wall? What of her telescope, had they donated it, or sold it along with her other
belongings at a yard sale? Probably given it away. Her haughty parents would never have done something
as common as hold a yard sale. Kiara thought of her awards. In the tenth grade, shed won second place in
a state-wide math tournament. That plaque shed received was on the wall next to her gold medal for
winning a local spelling bee in the sixth grade.

Kiara sucked in a breath. The awards were more than likely safe. If she knew her parents as well as
she thought, theyd stored all of her important milestones such as trophies and awards locked away in
the basement or attic. Apart from academics, everything else was foolishness. Including her affinity for
stargazing. Kiara quirked her lips and crossed her hands behind her head on the pillow. Still, she did so
miss that house and her cozy bedroom. More than that, she actually missed her parents. Maybe I really
should have just hitched up my big girl panties. Suck it up like dad said. She touched her stomach and
spoke out loud, At least youll never have to worry about me forcing you to be somewhere that you feel
uncomfortable and threatened on a daily basis. She waited to see if the baby would react to her voice
and make a small movement. When nothing happened, she blew out a breath. Of course it was too early
for that. Worse, how pathetic was sheconversing in the dark with a fetus. Her baby was the only
companion she would have.

But for how long, wondered Kiara. If she didnt find another job Kiara felt her throat tighten just
contemplating the idea of putting her baby up for adoption. Her choices were limited. To bring a child
into her world of uncertainty? There was no way she could guarantee her child any semblance of financial
security if she didnt get her feet planted on the ground. And yet, in the forefront of her mind, the thought of
giving her child away was unbearable. There was just no way shed be able to take care of a baby if it
was already so hard taking care of herself.


She worried her lips, nervously scraping at the silver barbell with her tongue. Calling her parents was
the only feasible option. Perhaps enough time had passed since their last phone conversation, mere weeks
after shed run away. Could their resolve have softened toward her? If she was being honest, shed
thought about calling them again more than once, but pride and cowardice prevented her from doing so.
This time, maybe if she admitted her mistake, and let them know how badly Nathan had treated her. She
could also inform them of the fact that theyd be grandparents, surely they would commend her for being
mature and admitting defeat. Perhaps even say they were proud of her for leaving an abusive relationship.

She curled her legs and yawned. Shed made a decision. First thing when she awoke was to make that
phone call. As she closed her eyes, a brief image of Rowan popped into her head. Kiara snorted as she
drifted off to sleep. Kinsley will like that. He was going to be over the moon when she left.

Some hours later, Kiara awoke to bright sunlight and the sight of her cellphone beside the bed. It was
almost noon and a Saturday. Right about now, her predictable father was busy readying his golf clubs and
her mother was wandering around searching for her keys.

Butterflies took flight inside her stomach. Her fingers began to tingle. Get a grip. These were her
parents for heavens sake, Kiara reminded herself. Theyd been good to her, up until they were faced with
her problems at the prestigious school theyd diligently chosen for her. They could and would be good to
her again. She inhaled a deep breath before lifting the phone within her shaky hands.

Refusing to allow nerves to get the best of her, Kiara made the call. The telephone rang once. Twice.
Three times. On the fourth ring, she almost hung up until a womans voice answered.


Kiara held the phone closer to her ear, relishing the familiar sound. Hello. Who is this?

She sucked in a breath. Its me, mom. Kiara.


Are you still there?

Yes. I am, her mother answered seconds later. Why are you calling?

I havent seen or heard from you and dad in a long time. I thought maybe

You thought what, Kiara? Her fathers clipped voice cut across the phone. Her mother had put it on
speaker phone. Of course.

Ive barely said a word and already you sound angry.

Dont forget I know you. Theres something you want or need. Your mother and I are already running
late. Why are you calling?
Id like to come home. There, shed said it.

There was another excruciating pause, before her father spoke again. I assumed you had a home with
that Harrison boy.

Were no longer together, Kiara said quietly. Nathan wasnt very nice to me. He actually hit me a
couple of times.

Her father grunted. I warned you about him, didnt I? You thought you knew better than I did. And
like a tramp you disgraced your mother and I by running off with him.

Donald! her mother cried out.

Kiara took a measure of pleasure in the outrage and shock in her mothers tone. Did she now have an
ally? She rushed to plead her case. I know I made a mistake. I was very wrong about Nathan. I shouldve
listened to you.

Now you want to come home because you see Harrison for what he is? Is that the full story?

Not entirely. Kiara chewed her lips.

Oh, oh, now were getting to the crux of it. I would hope theres a lot more to tell than what youve
said so far. Youve been gone for almost two years.

Kiara remained silent, terrified to tell the rest. Where was the affection, the tenderness shed expected
in his voice by now?

Come on, young lady, spit it out.

Sucking in another deep breath, Kiara began, Im in a town called Elkspoint. Its real little, west of
North Platte. Theres not much here except for ranching and everything that has to do with ranching, feed
stores and such. Work is hard to find here, and like I said, Nathan took off. Im pretty much alone and
Im pregnant.

Her father let out an expletive. Kiara cringed. Shed never heard him curse, not even as shed dragged
her suitcase down the stairs and made it clear she was leaving.

You have some nerve. You let that good for nothing boy have his way with you then expect your
mother and I to help you raise that son of a bitchs kid?

Kiara flinched. Well, this has nothing to do with Nathan, she said, biting her lips to keep them
trembling. Its about me and the baby. Your daughter and soon-to-be grandchild. I wasnt asking to come
home tomorrow. I plan on working and saving up enough money so we can get a place of our own. It
would be nice to have someplace, she paused, eyeing the trailer. Decent, to stay after I have the baby. I
do miss you and mom, and it would also be a big help if I could be near the two of you to have some
guidance while I figure all of this out. How to be a parent.

Your reasoning is plain nonsense. Theres nothing to figure out. You either can care for the child or
you cant. Youre nineteen years old. You made those decisions, Kiara. Adult decisions. You cant expect
that your mother and I are going to bail you out. This will not happen. Weve already lost too much on

She ignored the jab at the amount of money theyd spent on her boarding school tuition. I dont need
you to bail me out. All Im asking for is a place to stay for a month or two. I dont think Im asking for too
much. I just want to keep my baby.

Yes, you are, her father shouted. You want us to forgive your selfish behavior. The answer is no.
You havent learned a damn thing since you left here, except how to ruin your life even more than you
already have. You threw away a good education because a few idiots at school hurt your feelings.

Kiara screamed. I had no choice but to leave. You said, and I quote. Young lady. You are still a
minor and under my authority. Either you pack your bag and return to Brookview or leave this house and
dont expect a cent from I or your mother. Those were your exact words, Dad. And why is mom so quiet?
You both knew how horrible being at Brookview was for me. I told you over and over. I didnt just get my
feelings hurt as you put it. I was being harassed. It was awful, sickening. I had no friends. Everyone talked
about me, laughed at me, not just to my back, but to my face. The teachers didnt care. No one cared that
my privacy was violated, that the girls on the swim team took naked pictures of me after practice. Do you
have any idea what that feels like to know everyone is sharing your picture, talking about you, and making
despicable comments about your body? I felt like dying. I swear I did. When I mentioned pressing
charges, you were so quick to defend the school and warn me not to bring further attention to myself. I
hadnt done anything to deserve what they did to me, except that one of them thought her moron boyfriend
who I was tutoring liked me. My entire life had to be ruined because of that? And my own parents think
Im being dramatic?

Kiara felt her entire body tremble as she thought about the naked picture of herself someone had stuck
on the outside of her dorm room door. Theyd manipulated the image to make her bottom look larger than
it was. And some asshole had even taken a black marker and darkened her brown skin for reasons she
didnt even want to analyze. Her parents knew all of it, and still to this day it seemed, they didnt care.

You preferred that I remained silent and not cause problems, as you put it. Instead of being on my
side you were concerned about reputation and friendship with the other parents.

Her father sighed. Your mother and I are late for the golf club. Goodbye, Kiara.

Kiara clutched the phone in disbelief. Hed hung up on her. Bile burned like acid at the base of her
throat. Her heartbeat pounded as the full impact of her situation hit her. Theyd hung up on her. Her. Their
daughter and only child. Why were they blind to her anguish? What shed done wasnt so horrible. She
wasnt horrible. Was she?

She had a temper sometimes, but that meant nothing. She was harmless. She only lashed out when she
felt cornered, scared that shed be mistaken for easy target, again, and again.

Kiara hung her head. Defeated and drained, she curled her arms protectively around her stomach.
Tears burned her lids as she stared at the phone. Why hadnt her mother of all people spoken up for her?
She kept staring, her eyes focused on the phone, willing it to ring. If she waited long enough, maybe her
mom would take the time to talk to her father, calm him and make him see how irrational hed behave.
After twenty minutes of waiting and hoping, she shoved the phone aside. Thered be no phone call. No
one was calling her. Not even a friend whod listen to her feelings.

Rowan. Her mind immediately ran to the cattle rancher. At that, Kiara shook her head. She couldnt
talk to Kinsley. Hed witnessed her at her lowest point yesterday, and she had no desire for him to see
shed sunk even lower. Plus, hed made it loud and clear that he didnt want her around.

Whatever, Kiara mumbled to herself. She still had three weeks left at the Three Corners. Another
job couldnt be that hard to find.

Chapter Four

Your order will only take a few minutes to process, Mr. Kinsley, the woman behind the counter
said. Rowan glanced up from his phone. He shook his head inwardly at the lunch invitation hed just
received from Jennifer Whitcomb, an old acquaintance. Interrupted as he contemplated the best way to
turn her down, he switched his attention to the saleswoman Peggy who was talking to him with a nervous
hitch in her voice. It was always the same. No one knew what to make of him anymore. Most of his old
friends had given up on him being his usual self again and others, like Peggy here whod known him for
years, just flustered around him. He knew his rugged appearance wasnt making it easy on his former
acquaintances who were used to seeing him shaven, lively, and just plain normal. Loving life and his

Instead of standing and making Peggy feel more uncomfortable than she already was, Rowan strode
down the aisles perusing the shelves for items he might have forgotten. He was halfway down an aisle
dedicated to manure and fertilizer when a familiar female figure captured his attention through the plate
glass window ahead.


He hadnt seen her in almost a month and now she was entering the thrift store sponsored by the local
Presbyterian church. She had her back to him, but it didnt make a difference. Rowan wouldve been able
to pick her out in a crowd of a hundred, and it had nothing to do with her skin color. Hed long ago
memorized the sleek shape of her long legs, her elegant posture more befitting a lady in some sort of
English painting than a pierced girl living in a trailer. It was also one of the things that had tipped him off
that Kiara was no common trash Harrison had found.

Hed also memorized the shape of her breasts and was aware, always so damn aware of the pert
roundness of her plump bottom. Naturally, he hadnt gone out of his way to notice these things, he
convinced himself, it was just that Kiara had a way about her that forced people to take notice of her. Or
maybe it was only him.

Hey. Rowan. I was just telling the missus the other day that I havent seen you in here for a while, a
voice broke into his thoughts. Rowan swiveled to see Mr. Ricketts, the elderly owner of Ricketts Feed
and Supply Store.

Rowan held out his hand, greeting the frail man. I was in the area. Thought I might as well start
stocking up. How are you doing these days?

The older man proceeded to read off a list of his health problems. He stopped in mid-sentence while
explaining the latest diagnosis for his bowel problems. Rowan followed Ricketts gaze as the older man
was now shaking his head in disgust. All he could see was Kiara exiting the thrift store.

Makes me sad sometimes, Ricketts said, his voice strained. When I think of what this town used to
be like. Such a tooting shame we have people like that moving here.
Rowan frowned. Are you talking about Kiara?

Ricketts curled his thin lips in scorn. Tween you and me. I couldnt care less what her name is. That
boy, she was with. Always saw them around town. Harrison, was his name. I cant even imagine what his
parents must think, their son getting caught up with a girl like that. I bet she led him down that wrong path.
When youve lived as long as I have, Kinsley, I tell you. There is not a darn thing about those people you
can trust. I tell you what, give it a couple of years and this town will be overrun with nig

Ive heard enough. Rowan felt his blood boil at the old mans racist tiradea tirade directed at
Kiara of all people. I think you need to double check how youre taking all those medications, Ricketts.
Somethings screwing with your head.

The old man chuckled. Now, Kinsley, dont you try and act all righteous with me. I know you got a
couple of them working that ranch of yours. But that dont mean its fine and dandy. That girl especially
Dont think Im the only one who talks about her. Her face looks like a pin cushion with those ridiculous

Anger pumped through his veins. Who else is talking about her? Rowan demanded.

Ricketts lifted a shoulder. Well, you know. Im not one to do much talking or gossiping. All I want is
to run my store in peace without worrying about getting robbed one day.

Rowan shot him a look of full on disgust. You do that. Without my business, however. Tell Peggy to
cancel all of my pending orders. I dont do business with racists. Age is no excuse for ignorance.

Kinsley. Rowan, Im sorry if I offended you. Youre one of my best customers. I didnt realize you
cared about those people.

Shaking his head, Rowan strode out the door without looking back. He felt sickened. All this time hed
been purchasing from Ricketts Feed and Supply, supporting such a hateful person. Damn it, hed even sent
Abe and some of his cowboys who were non-white to do business with Ricketts. It had never occurred to
him that the old man was a racist. Hell. And hed focused his hate on Kiara, whod probably never set
foot inside his store before. Idiot.

Rowan drove his pickup out of the small plaza. He made it a block down the street before he saw her
again. Kiara was walking along the side of the road. A thin plastic bag dangled from her hand as she tried
to stay within the narrow strip of sidewalk. Her stomach protruded slightly through her tight fitting tie-
dyed yellow and green cotton shirt.

He sighed. Today was one of the hotter days in May. The midday sun was at its zenith and beating
down. He should offer her a ride even though the thought of being near her, spending any amount of time
with Kiara, made his throat tighten and set his nerves on edge. He wasnt ready for the feelings she
aroused and was forcing him to confront. He hated that her pregnancy made him think of his ex-wife
Shelbys stomach growing round with Gage.

Rowan held the steering wheel in a death grip. He would speed by her. He was driving a new pickup,
one hed purchased last week. She wouldnt even notice him. He gritted his teeth. Hell, even if she did
recognize him, there was no written rule that said he had to offer her a ride. Mind made up, Rowan hit the
gas pedal. He accelerated but then raised his foot. Damn her. He could ignore Kiara about as easily as
he could stop breathing. If only.

He slowed the car, pulling off to the side of the road, waiting for her to catch up.

Are you planning on walking all the way back? Rowan asked, lowering the passenger side window
as Kiara walked by.

Maybe. Why do you care?

Its hot today, Kiara. Not exactly the best day to go for a stroll in my book.

Are you offering me a ride? she asked, sounding slightly out of breath. Or just making an

His lips twitched in amusement. How could someone who had so little manage to sound so proud?
What a strange girl. Rowan cleared his throat. Im offering you a ride, but you already knew that, didnt

She shrugged. Can never be sure with you, Kinsley.

Rowan leaned over and opened the passenger side door.

She raised her brows. Um, thanks.

He waited until she was buckled in before asking, Dont you trust me?

She looked surprised. Trust doesnt have anything to do with it. I cant always predict what mood
youll be in with me. She shifted her head, staring out the window. Doesnt matter though. I have bigger
things to worry about.

He supposed she was right. He switched his gaze between the road and Kiara. She was still staring
out the window, clutching that plastic bag.

Against his better judgment and out of the sheer need to hear her voice, Rowan asked, You went

She blinked, as if hed drawn her out of a stupor. Shopping? She held up the bag. Oh, this. Yeah.
Sort of. Its a dress. Maternity dress. She tugged at her shirt. This stuff doesnt fit right anymore. I also
needed something that looked nice.

Nice? What was nice to a girl like her? And why did she need something nice all of a sudden? He
looked again at her silly tie-dyed shirt as a horrible thought struck him. Kiara was so pretty. He
swallowed, remembering she was so damn young. With her big doe eyes, smooth skin and plump lips,
begging to be kissed, it was no wonder other menboys her age would find her attractive, pregnant or
not. He bit back his disappointment. Have you met someone?

She stared at him in confusion. Annoyed and feeling like an idiot, Rowan forced himself to sound calm
as he tried again. Did you go shopping to impress your new boyfriend?
He expected some sort of lively reaction from her. Either an explicit yes or revulsion at his
suggestion. Instead she simply shook her head, her eyes lacking their usual spark. No, Kinsley. Its
nothing like that. I have an appointment tomorrow with a lady who helps to arrange adoptions.

His chest hurt at the pain in her eyes. Suddenly he wished shed said it was a boyfriend; at least she
wouldnt have that look of utter sadness on her face. The need to stop the pickup and draw her into his
arms overwhelmed him.


Rowan kept his tone neutral. Are you putting your baby up for adoption?

Im considering it.

But you dont want to.

She lowered her head a notch. I dont. I really dont. Friday night was my last time working at the
bar. Sam, the owner, said he couldnt keep me on anymore. Ive been trying to find other work, but theres
nothing. I dont have any other choice. She raised her head and let out a ragged breath. Been reminding
myself that I cant be selfish and think about my wants. Anyways, itll be better this way.

No, it wouldnt. It was obvious this decision was eating her up inside. Thats why you want to look

Yes. Id hate for my baby to be judged because of how I look. I know my clothes arent the best and
my style is sort of weird.

It doesnt matter what you wear, he said throatily. Youre still Rowan caught himself before
saying the word beautiful.

Im still what, Rowan? she asked, her dark brown eyes piercing into him as he pulled up to her

He stared straight ahead, silently repeating his own name. The way shed said it, in her usual husky
voice made him feel all shaky inside. It doesnt matter what I have to say, he muttered. A man his age
had no right commenting about Kiaras looks.

No, I suppose it doesnt. She gazed at him again. Rowan drew in a deep breath, fighting the
invisible pull toward her. Her scent. Her presence so close to himmade him want nothing more than
to lean over and capture her lips with his own.

Can I ask you something? she said, one leg already out the door.

Please dont ask what I think about you. Yeah. Sure. Go ahead.

You wouldnt happen to have anything that can seal holes properly, do you?

His shoulders relaxed somewhat at the odd question. What kind of a hole are we talking about?
Theres a hole in the ceiling. I tried to close it up a few days ago but after the rain last week, it
reopened. Im not sure what else to use. Do you have something I could borrow?

I might have something thatll work.

She raised her brows. Does that mean youll lend it to me? I can stop by and pick it up or you can
have someone drop it off since Im not really welcomed on your ranch.

His gut clenched at her words. Rowan ignored the low feeling. So, youre going to try and fix it

Of course. Is that a problem?

Rowan glared at her. Yes, that is a problem.

She gaped as he shut off the engine and stepped out, but he didnt care. Kiara had to be out of her mind
if she assumed he was going to let her break her neck trying to repair a hole in the trailers ceiling. Ill
need to see this for myself before theres any lending of anything.

You dont need to, she insisted. I did it once before. I dont know why youre acting like this. Im
not going to waste your stupid paste or whatever it is. I know what Im doing.

Im not concerned about the sealant. Im worried about you.

Her eyes went huge. She stared at him in shock. Rowan cursed himself a thousand times for letting that
slip. It was too late to take it back.

He saw the moment her eyes softened and her shoulders relaxed. Fine, she muttered, her voice
dripping with annoyance. God help him, he wanted to scoop her up and hug her for that typical Kiara
attitude. She wouldnt dig any deeper or make him admit other things he wasnt even ready to admit to

She pulled out her keys and said over her shoulder, Just remember I didnt force you to come in

Did you change the lock?

She nodded. It was one of the first things I did. Doesnt stop me from sleeping with a kitchen knife by
my pillow though. She winked. Just in case.

How casually she said that. Rowan frowned. Are you truly afraid?

She shrugged but said nothing. She was. Rowan clenched his fists. He wished that bastard Harrison
would show his face in town again if nothing but to learn the true meaning of fear.

He followed her into the trailer. The first thing he noticed was that it was significantly cleaner than the
last time hed visited.

Looks almost cozy.

She smiled. Would you like to trade? Your house for this little palace.

He smiled back, realizing for the first time that it was all too easy to relax and let his guard down
when in her presence. No, thanks. Now, how about you show me where the hole is.

She led him toward the area between the kitchen and her bedroom. The ceiling was stained with
watermarks and quite high up, at least for Kiaras height. Frowning, Rowan asked, How did you get up
there to fix it?

She pointed to a chair that looked as if it would crack under the weight of just one of his legs.

What if youd fallen?

She cocked a hand on her hip. There was nothing else to use. Ive gained a few pounds but not that
much to make it crack from beneath me.

Its not about that. You could have lost your footing and slipped. Do you have any idea how
dangerous that is?

It is not. I know how to stand on a chair. Plus, its not like I had much of a choice. What else was I
supposed to do?

Rowan shook his head and moved past her. You couldve asked someone to help you.

Are you blind? I dont have any someone. Who out here is going to help me the crickets or the
raccoons that stop by each night for a visit? Now She pointed to the ceiling. Are you really going to
help me or not?

In spite of her attitude, the desperate plea in her voice wasnt lost on him.

I said I would. I havent changed my mind.

Relief washed across her features. When she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, Rowan blinked,
realizing hed been staring at her for way too long.

You made me forget my manners, she said suddenly. Would you like something to drink? I have
juice and water.

No thanks. Ill have to run over to the ranch anyway to get the stuff. And get the hell away from you.
Ill be back in a few minutes.

She nodded then shuffled one foot before gazing up at him. Listen, RowanI mean KinsleyI
appreciate your help. Not only today. Youre the first person whos treated me proper in a long time. I
guess I just want you to know that sometimes when I say stuff. She sucked in a breath. Sometimes I say
things I dont always mean, or things I do mean but shouldnt say. If I say something bad, feel free to
ignore me, okay? Im kind of messed up right now.

Is that an apology?
Yes. It is.

His gaze roamed over her frame. His chest ached to hold her close and whisper promises that
everything would be better. He didnt. Couldnt. How was he to make things better for anyone when he
couldnt make things better for himself in moving past his own tragedy?

Still Kiara was something else. She was unlike any woman hed dealt with before. Seeing her like
this, the way she was looking at him, Rowan wondered if she knew her stare pleaded with him for
something he couldnt give. Rowan swallowed hard. He wanted to give her so much. Give and take from
his stubborn little brat. He almost groaned aloud when his cock twitched and his balls drew up.

Fuck. He ran a hand over his face and lowered his gaze to her protruding stomach.

Cant do this.

He pushed toward the door, gulping down air. Damn. He briefly wondered if hed told her hed
accepted her apology. He couldnt be sure. The only thing he was sure of right now was the huge mistake
hed made in offering to help. Hed had other things to do, like finish attaching the corral panels and
packing his bag to leave tonight for the Cattle Industry Convention.

He hadnt been looking forward to going to the yearly meeting but now it seemed like exactly what he
needed, a lifesaver. The time away from Kiara would clear his head. He could also stop by Gages grave
on his way to North Platte. Yes. It would be the precise reminder he needed that his heart was no longer
available for anyone. He was breathing and going on with the business of life, but deep down, he knew
his heart had been buried alongside his young son. There was simply no place in his life for a young girl
like Kiara or the child he doubted shed have the strength to place for adoption.

Chapter Five

Kiara watched as Rowan stepped from the small ladder hed brought back with him. She wished she
could read what was going on inside his head. After her apology, hed hurried out and upon his return had
barely said a word to her unless she asked him a specific question.

It didnt escape her reasoning, however, that despite Rowans sour mood, hed still taken the time
away from his busy schedule to assist her. That had to mean something, right?

Kiara clapped her hands together. The ceiling looks a thousand times better than before. I wouldnt
be surprised if that thing held for a couple of years.

Hopefully not.

She grinned, resolving to not pay attention to his grumpy tone. Sometimes she wondered if the rancher
was putting on a show with his snide remarks. Regardless, being around him made her feel lighter,
happier, and she couldnt explain it. It had been that way ever since theyd spoken.

I know. I know, she mumbled, still smiling. Anyways, thank you. She stood on the balls of her feet
and kissed his cheek before stepping away.

When his gaze shifted downward, Kiara tried hard to keep her expression neutral. There was no use
letting Rowan know how much he affected her or that she was becoming aroused from his proximity.
Kiara sighed. She supposed that was shameful on her part, being pregnant and thinking about sex when she
had so many other problems, including being attracted to a man who was not the father of her child.

Youre welcome, he said, gruffly. He jammed a hand inside the pocket of his pants.

She glanced at him with her head cocked to the side, wondering what the faint hint of redness at the
very top of his cheek meant. Unable to resist, she asked. Does my kiss bother you?

He eyed her carefully. Should it?

She shrugged and took a step closer. Perhaps. I was curious. I get the feeling you dont like being
touched. Or maybe you just dont like being touched by me. Or being alone with me. Is that why you
rushed out of here?

He ran a hand over his jaw. I have my reasons. Theyre nothing for you to concern yourself with.

Id like to know if these reasons involve me. Dont you like being near me?

Rowan closed his eyes for a brief moment. She saw his chest rise and fall.

Im standing next to you, arent I?

Thats not what I meant, Kiara whispered. She pressed her hand to his chest, intoxicated by his
nearness. I like being next to you, Rowan. I like the way I feel when Im next to you. All warm and tingly
inside. Like I can barely breathe or think. Do you ever feel that way around me?

Sweet Jesus. Why was she telling him all of this? Kinsley tolerated her. He didnt like her. She knew
all this, yet she was waiting with bated breath for his answer.

Kiara Im thirty-four. You know this. You shouldnt ask me such questions.

She bit her lip, allowing a moan to escape. Your voice. It got all deep, raspy. Remember when I told
you to ignore me when I say some things. You didnt listen. Now you have me feeling all sorts of funny.
Thinking that I need you so much right now.

Their gazes locked. Neither moved as Rowan quietly spoke. I cant give you what you need. Youre
lonely, Kiara, thats why youre saying these things and feeling this way.

She lifted her hand from his chest. You told me youre divorced. Never did say if you have a
girlfriend. Are you taken, Rowan?

His Adams apple bobbed. I thought I was too ugly to have one.

She shook her head. God, she regretted those words. Youre not ugly at all. I spoke in anger. I didnt
mean it. Not at all. She touched his face. A little rough. Rugged. Handsome. Never ugly. I even like the
threads of gray at the front of your hair. Its kinda sexy. Very sexy.

Kiara felt him stiffen as he grasped her hand, holding her back. His features went cold. Youre a
child playing at being a grownup. This isnt something you want to do.

She swallowed. Youre upset because of the difference in our age. I get it, but Im no child. I stopped
being a child a very long time ago. Youre the only person who would call me that and we both know
why. Im not asking to be your girlfriend, I just thought it would be nice if the two of us... She paused and
let out a sigh. Dont you ever get lonely?

Sometimes, he answered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kiara nodded. So do I. You might think I dont have a right to focus on things apart from my
pregnancy and everything else. I cant help it though. I want to be touched, kissed. I want someone wholl
talk to me and listen to what I have to say. She gave him a wistful smile. Ive felt your hands before.
Theyre quite rough. I loved that. I bet theyd feel real good on my skin. Unashamed, Kiara pressed her
hands to her breasts and squeezed. Especially here, so rough against my nipples.

Rowan groaned, the sound harsh and guttural in the trailer. His eyes lowered to her breasts as she
fondled the aching mounds through her shirt.

Are they sensitive? he asked thickly. He was looking at her now, his gaze heated.

Kiara gave a single nod. She bit her lip, trying to steady her breathing. Her clitoris throbbed. Very.
They ache.

Rowan eased toward her, and Kiara held her breath. Please, Rowan.
She heard him draw in a heavy breath then brought his fist to his mouth, his eyes appearing wild and
confused at once. Before she could react, he let out an expletive, capturing the back of her head, crushing
his mouth to hers. His tongue plunged between her willing lips. Kiara felt her knees buckle. She moaned
against him as the kiss deepened. With a muffled curse, he tore himself from her. She blinked, trying to
clear her frazzled mind. That kiss!

Kiara touched her lips. They felt swollen and deliciously bruised. The skin at the edge of her mouth
tingled from the scratch of his rough beard. As her heartbeat slowly returned to normal she became aware
of Rowan, staring back at her, a mixture of horror and utter fascination on his harsh face. His gaze
searched her own as his hand slowly rose to brush against her breast, stroking the swollen nipple. Closing
her eyes, Kiara brought her forehead to his strong chest.

Kiara, he grated, Honey. This isnt rightwhat youre doing to me, making me feel. We cant do
this. I cant do this. Most definitely not with you. He removed his hand from her breast and cupped her
chin, forcing her to meet his solemn gaze. Whatever you want from me, I cant give it to you. Im not
whole. I cant be the person you need me to be.

I only need you to be you. Nothing else. I only wanted you to touch me. For so long, all Ive ever
wanted was to feel your hand against mine again. For that short time, they made me forget that I had to
come back here to Nathan. She grasped his hand. Do you think they could make me forget my problems
again, even for a little while?

He backed away from her. Youre tempting. God help me, you are. Doesnt mean I shouldve touched
you. You mention my hands on you that day in the clearing. How well of an impression did they really
make? You went right back to Harrison and allowed him to put his kid in you. Tell me some other story.

Kiara flinched. To hear him say those words. She bit her lip. Of course shed been waiting on this
very accusation, yet she couldnt give him a proper answer. Telling Rowan the truth wouldnt make a
difference. Regardless of Nathans behavior that night, shed still done the deed and in Rowans eyes that
was betrayal enough. As long as you choose not to see me as a woman, I dont owe you any
explanation. She jutted her chin. Anyways, Kinsley, maybe the reason isnt one youd like to hear or

He ran a hand through his thick head of hair, issuing her a measured stare. Youre right. You dont
owe me an explanation, and I dont owe you a thing at all.

Kiara crossed her arms. I never said you did. Ive made it clear what I wanted from you. Is this your
way of punishing me?

He glanced at her stomach then back to her face. To punish you would mean I cared what you and
Harrison did. I dont. Youre having a baby you cant take care of, that you plan on placing up for
adoption. Harrisons the father. Id say youve already done a hell of a job of punishing yourself.

What a cruel thing to say. Kiara bit her trembling lips. Theres no need to remind me, but I understand
why you would. Kiara doesnt seem ashamed of herself, right? Let me take a shot at her heart and knock
her down a peg or two. Dont ever let her forget that shell have to carry a baby for five more months only
to hand it over to someone else. She curled her lips. You dont have children. Youll never know that
feeling of growing to love someone, even if youve never met them and having them taken away.
He jerked the door open. Thats where youre wrong. What you just saidthat is the exact reason I
wont put my hands on you.

Kiara winced as Rowan stormed out the door. She stared at the door then around at the empty trailer.
She was alone. Again. How could Rowan leave at a pivotal moment like this? What hurt could he
possibly have felt? He had no children. He only had an ex-wife.

He was alone, damn it. Rowan was alone on his big ranch and she was alone in her miniscule trailer.
Why couldnt they be together?

Suddenly, Kiara caught sight of her reflection in a half cracked mirror. She threw a pillow at the glass.
If shed told him the real reason shed slept with Nathan hed call her a liar, or worse, flat out wouldnt

Well damn you, Kinsley, I am ashamed. Ashamed I was dumb enough to open up to you.

* * * *

Rowan contemplated going back inside the trailer. Shaking his head, he slammed the door to his truck,
revved the engine, and drove until the trailer was no longer in sight. His hands on the steering wheel
shook. Kiara had begged for those very hands to touch her.

He let out a harsh groan. Shed wanted his rough, callused hands on her delicate body. Rowan
shuddered, overcome with emotion. If he hadnt been too scared about the difference in their age all those
months ago, he wouldve let Kiara know how attracted he was to her. He wouldve let her know she was
the first woman who affected him so much and made him feel more skittish than a newborn foal whenever
he was around her. He ran a hand over his beard. Not even when he was twenty something and deeply in
love with Shelby had he felt so so helpless against the emotions he was experiencing.

That was a painful truth. One he hated. Although Rowan was certainly no longer in love with his ex-
wife, the fact remained she was Gages mom. He and Shelby had created a perfect little boy. It was
absurd that a hellcat like Kiara thought she could worm her way into his life, replacing and
overshadowing the love he felt for the family hed lost. No fucking way.

He straightened in his seat and stomped out of his truck. His face probably looked mean as hell as
thoughts of Kiara ran through his mind, but he didnt care. It was too late for them to try to build a
relationship. It wasnt just because of his hardened heartno it was because of Kiaras growing belly.
If he allowed himself to fall for her, Rowan knew without a doubt seeing and interacting with Kiaras
child would be a painful reminder of the one hed lost. Contrary to what Kiara thought, he didnt want her
to experience the sorrow of placing her baby for adoption. That was also the reason he found himself
knocking on the door of his foremans house.

Noreen, Abes wife, answered the door. She was exactly the person hed wanted to see.

I need you to do me a favor.

Rowan proceeded to tell Noreen exactly what he expected of her.

Rowan, boss. No disrespect but have you lost your ever-loving mind? The forty-three-year-old
woman shouted.

Yes, Noreen. I have. He raised his brows. Youre questioning my decisions?

She grunted in annoyance. Yes. I am. I remember how it went down with that lazy Harrison boy
working here and now you want to have his other half working here too? Shes probably a better thief.

Kiaras no thief. Shes nothing like him.

Noreen frowned. Rowan raised one brow, daring her to question him. She didnt. Sighing, she said,
So, do you want her to work full-time or part-time?

You can discuss that with Kiara, if she agrees, that is. Whatever you say, dont let her know that this
was my idea.

I wont. Im not following though. Wouldnt it be better if she knew?

Rowan clenched his jaw. No. Id rather she didnt. Id also appreciate if you let her know she should
keep strictly to your offices and not go wandering around the ranch at will.

I thought you trusted her.

Not with everything.

Noreen shrugged. Well, all right. But just so you know, I cant hogtie the girl and keep her solely
inside the office.

Simply remind her. She can start on Monday. Ill be out of town until next Wednesday, but you dont
have to wait until I get back.

Rowan squared his shoulders as he left his bookkeepers house. He was doing the right thing. As long
as Kiara stayed away from him, hed be fine. Shed be able to save money, keep her baby and most
important leave Elkspoint.

Chapter Six

Kiara gaped at the older woman standing outside her door. Had she heard correctly? Someone was
offering her a job. This was almost too good to be true. Almost.

Why me? she asked, planting one hand against the doorframe.

Noreen chuckled. Why not you? Its a small town. Word spreads. Everyone knows youre no longer
working at that bar. I need help and soon. I figured you of all people might be free to help out with the
books and accounting.

Of course people knew. Shed gone to work, went out and about with her swollen eye and bruised
face last month. All the while choking on her embarrassment. She forced herself not to care or worry that
everyone knew her business. What the townspeople thought of her was irrelevant. The only thing that
mattered was right here and now. Noreen was offering her a wonderful opportunity. She was thrown a
lifeline, and for whatever the reason, she would grab onto it.

Im free, she said, trying not to sound overly enthusiastic.

In saying this, I assume you can do basic math, right?

Can you? Kiara asked hotly.

Noreens eyes rounded. She bristled. Kiara cringed, immediately giving herself a mental kick.
Shouldnt have said that.

Now listen, miss thing, I didnt come here to argue with you. Can you or can you not do math? If
youre going to give me smart answers we can stop right here.

I apologize, Kiara said, quietly. Yes, Im good at math. I was in my high schools math club. I can
handle the work.

Noreen raised an eyebrow. Okay. Ill trust you. Will you be able to start on Monday?

Definitely. If I didnt have an appointment today, Id start right now.

Noreen looked her up and down. Oh, you do? The older woman pursed her lips as she perused
Kiaras outfit.

Kiara groaned inside her head. I look silly, dont I? She didnt have a chance to try on the dress in
the thrift store and coupled with a waistline that was way too big; she might as well have been wearing a
potato sack.

Noreen gave her a look of sympathy. Its not awful. I wont lie, however, and say it looks good.

I knew it, Kiara grumbled. She was going to show up at the adoption agency and embarrass herself
and her unborn child.

Wheres your mother, Kiara? Noreen asked after a few painful seconds. How did a girl like
yourself end up in Elkspoint with a guy like Nathan Harrison?

Kiara chewed her lip. Its a long unfortunate story. As for my mother She shrugged. Shes an
orthopedic surgeon. Both of my parents are surgeons. Theyre quite busy with their lives and Im an adult
so it doesnt really matter where they are.

Noreen appeared unconvinced. What time is that appointment of yours anyway?

At four oclock, why?

Noreen peeked at her watch. Then we have enough time. How about you come over to the ranch with
me. I can show you where the office is. I just made my famous honey chicken with potato salad. I
remember when I was pregnant with my daughter, the little thing went just about crazy whenever I ate it.

Kiara smiled in spite of herself. Your chicken is that good?

Sure is. Plus, we can see about finding something pretty for you to wear, since its so important you
got yourself all gussied up like that.

Kiara was about to answer Noreen when a thought struck her. The ranch. Now she knew why it was
almost too good to be true.

The office and your house are on the ranch?

Noreen gave her the side-eye. They are. Where else would you expect them to be?

Kiara sighed. Maybe if she was honest with the older woman, Noreen would be able to smooth it over
with Rowan. I really want the job. Theres a slight problem though. RowMr. Kinsley is your boss. The
thing is, he doesnt really want me on the ranch. Id hate for you to get in trouble because of me.

Noreen patted her hand. Let me worry about Rowan. He knows how much I need the help. As long as
you go from the office and back, Im sure he wont mind your presence on the ranch. In any case, he left
for North Platte last night. Youre safe.

Safe, from Rowan. Not in this lifetime, Noreen. Rowan, testy as he was, was always on her mind. As
Noreens words sank in, Kiara frowned. Rowan was gone? Why hadnt he told her he was leaving? Even
his bookkeeper knew more about him than she did. Kiara swallowed hard. That did not sit well.

You okay? Noreen asked, You look a little sad.

Kiara shook her head. Im fine. Hungry, I guess. Can I really have some of that honey chicken you

Noreen smiled. Of course. Come on. Itll be nice having another female around the ranch for a
change. Long overdue.
For a second Kiara was tempted to ask Noreen about Rowans ex-wife. Surely she had lived there
with him. However, the last vestiges of her self-control took hold, preventing her from doing so. Not only
that, she wasnt about to do or say anything to cross Rowan and risk getting fired.

Some minutes later they were inside Noreens home. It was a split-level dwelling, very typical of the
area and located on the far west border of the ranch. Her mind unwittingly flashed to Rowan, wondering
what the rest of his house looked like. It was a silly thought, Kiara knew, seeing as how she would never
see any more of it than she had that day with Doc Carlsson.

Trailing behind Noreen, she entered the kitchen, on the other side of the living room. She helped
Noreen set the table and bring out the food. Is your husband eating with us?

Not today. Hell eat later on with the cowboys. Theyre busy extending and painting the corral before
Rowan gets back.

Kiara pretended to fix her napkin. Oh and hes off doing what?

He went to purchase some longhorns and meet up with some other ranchers, Noreen finished. Is
there anything else you want to ask me about Rowan?

Shed been found out. Kiara shrugged. So what if Noreen suspected her interest in Kinsley? Maybe
later, she said, nonchalant, lifting her fork.

Noreen made a sound in her throat. If you were wise, that answer would be no.

Kiara stopped in mid-action of putting food in her mouth. Is there something you want to tell me,

Noreen sighed. If you have your sight set on Rowan, Id advise you to get over it fast. I wont get into
his personal life, and I dont want you to take offense because Im just being truthful. I have nothing
against you, Kiara, but youre the last person hed enter into a relationship with.

Thanks for the confirmation, Kiara muttered silently. She cleared her throat, pushing down her
disappointment. He doesnt date black women, or is it because of my age? It had to be one of those two
things, right? If not, then that meant Kinsley didnt want her because she was pregnant. That couldnt be
his reason. It wasnt as if shed told him she wanted to be his girlfriend. All shed done was ask for his
touch. Which he denied to me.

Those arent the reasons. Well maybe on a certain level. I cant say for sure. Anyway, thats not what
I was referring to.

Kiara waited for Noreen to elaborate. When she didnt, Kiara prompted her for a better answer.

Thats for Rowan to tell you. He has issues he needs to work out.

Over and over Kiara mulled the pieces of information Noreen had dangled in front of her then cruelly
withheld as she bit into her food. Food, which was absolutely delicious and made it hard for Kiara to
remain angry at the woman. Within minutes she had gobbled up every morsel Noreen placed on her dish.
I take it you liked it?

Kiara wiped her mouth on a napkin. I think Im in love with you, Noreen.

Noreen laughed. Maybe one day Ill show you how to make it. I mean, after you have the baby and

Kiara pushed away the slice of chocolate cake Noreen offered her for dessert. Can you show me
sooner? I wont be here after I have the baby. Im actually grateful you offered me the job because I
needed to save up enough money to move. I want to have a fresh start and get my life back on track.

Thats a good plan. Itll be hard taking care of a baby. Will you have your family around to help?

Kiara bit the inside of her cheek. My plan sounds fine in theory. To be honest, I dont know if Ill
have the baby with me. Id love to keep him or her more than anything else, but I know realistically it
might not be the best thing. I made this appointment from some weeks ago. I figured it was best to keep it.
Its at an adoption agency. Im not setting anything in stone yet, but Id like to hear what options I have if
God forbid I end up in any more scrapes.

Scrapes? Meaning Nathan coming back or

Or losing this job before I give birth. I dont want my baby to suffer. Kiara drew in a breath and
leaned back in the chair. Sometimes its hard managing by myself. Im trying to be levelheaded. I made
mistakes of my own. I dont want to do the same to an innocent child, even if itll hurt real bad.

Noreen studied her. Youre not what I was expecting. Perhaps I mightve misjudged you. You seem to
have a good head on your shoulders. I like that. The older woman placed her elbows on the table, her
gaze filled with concern. Youve had a rough time here, havent you?

Kiara shrugged. Everything Ive been through was my own doing, Noreen. I She paused. I
wanted to show people I didnt care what they think, but I went overboard being rude sometimes and
Nathans reputation didnt help.

Noreen gave her a curious grin. I wonder if Im the only one who can see past your act.

She raised her brows. Noreens grin faded as she quickly changed the topic. So, about that dress you
have on

Kiara groaned. Yes, her hideous dress. Youll still help me fix it up?

Noreen stood. I sure will. I wont have enough time to take in the waist for you. I do, however, have
something else you can wear.

She glanced at Noreen with skepticism. The woman was at least fifty pounds heavier than her. You

Noreen laughed. Yes, missy, I do. I have a daughter whos around your age. Shes away at college.
We should be able to find something in her closet that can fit you.
Kiara balked. I cant wear your daughters clothes. What if she finds out?

Noreen flicked a hand in the air. She wont miss one outfit. Its fine.

Kiara relented and allowed Noreen to guide her into her daughter Nicoles closet. She was ecstatic
when they found a blue maxi dress that fit. Not wanting to miss her appointment, Kiara thanked Noreen
and headed out. She hadnt forgotten that country as Elkspoint was, there was virtually no bus service,
save for a van that came around once a week to transport the elderly and handicapped. Larry, the driver,
had been a regular at the Three Corners and thankfully after running into him a few days ago, shed been
able to sweet talk him into giving her a ride along with his regular passengers. The entire time she was
seated in the van, Kiara couldnt stop cursing Nathan for taking off with their car. If it hadnt been
registered in his damn name, she wouldve had the cops on his tail so fast. Logically, of course, she was
glad hed left her, but still, it was depressing having to bum rides around town and rely on the mercy of
someone to help her out.

Bastard, she mumbled, as she stepped into the agency. The cold blast of air from the air
conditioning made her dress stick to the beads of sweat on her skin. Another wave of anger at Nathan
assailed her as a redheaded woman walked out of a hallway. Kiara quickly plastered a friendly look on
her face. The woman extended her hand. You must be Kiara, am I correct?

Kiara nodded.

The lady introduced herself and gave her a warm smile. I recognized your voice from the phone.

Kiara nodded again, finding it hard to form her words. She wanted nothing more than to run straight
for the door. Nevertheless, she followed the woman, Catherine, into an office, while bracing herself for
an onslaught of tactics meant to encourage her to give up her child. These people were running a business,

This decision. I mean, regardless if you feel ready to commit, is it something the father is also in
agreement with?

Sperm donor, Kiara wanted to say. She bit back the words. Instead, she cleared her throat and
explained the situation involving Nathan.

Catherine seemed satisfied with her answer. Not long after, Kiara found herself filling out sheets of
paper. With every word she wrote, her fingers shook. Her gaze at one point drifted to the wall. Pictures of
babies and young children, smiling with couples, lined the wall. Some of them looked alike, others a
distinct blend of multiracial families. If she gave up her baby, would his or her picture hang on that very
wall? She could see it nowa tiny plump face with a cherubic smile, the babe cradled in the arms of
someone else. Her fingers trembled even more as she continued to fill out the paperwork.

Are you all right? Catherine inquired, her voice infused with patience. Kiara nodded. She attempted
to continue writing. It was no use. She got as far as filling out the type of potential parents she would like,
when her hands began to feel as if they were made of lead. She placed the pen next to the paper and shook
her head. Im sorry. I cant fill out the rest. Its just too

Her throat burned. Extremely.

Catherine nodded and gathered the paperwork. Well put it here in a file. As I told you, filling it out
doesnt mean you were ready to make a decision. It was just to help us get to know you better.

I know, Kiara croaked. I think it was a mistake coming here. I know you might think Im selfish
after everything Ive told you, but I dont want to give the baby up for adoption. I She took a deep
breath. Im willing to do whatever it takes to raise my baby alone.

Catherine nodded again. All that matters is that youre at peace with your decision. Wed never try to
encourage you either way. Its your decision.

Thanks, Kiara said quietly.

After leaving the agency, she was relieved to see that Larry had returned and actually waited for her.
When he dropped her off home, Kiara handed him a couple of dollars for helping her out of a tight spot.
Inside the trailer she forced herself to down some food. Being hungry without actually being in the mood
to eat was starting to make eating feel like a chore. She took another morsel into her mouth and sighed.

Ill probably end up spending all my money on food before I get a chance to leave town.

Kiara frowned as she stared out the window of the trailer, taking in the peaceful scenery. To be honest
if she had a car and a steady job, living herewell, inside an apartment and not the trailerwouldnt be
quite awful. Elkspoint wasnt bustling with activity and culture, but she also wasnt as isolated as shed
rather believe. The next town over had nice schools, a hospital, and lots of small businesses. By car it
was all less than an hour away.

With Nathan gone, maybe people would be able to see the real her, that she wasnt a bad person,
despite her outward appearance. Noreen seemed to like her, and Kiara hoped theyd become good

Unlike him.

She thought back to Noreens words. If her age wasnt the big issue, then what was it? Did Rowan
truly feel nothing for her? She refused to believe that. He did, or at least he had. Kiara recalled the way
hed gazed into her eyes in that awkward moment when theyd both realize it was getting dark, unsure
how long theyd been outside together. His vision had even lowered to her lips at one point. And what
about the way hed kissed her yesterday? Shed never experienced anything like that before. His lips had
moved against hers, raw with passion.

Kiara groaned. She hadnt imagined it. She hadnt! And she hadnt slept with Nathan to protect a man
who was indifferent to her. It wasnt the case. It couldnt be.

Kiara sucked in her breath. This was utter madness. Perhaps she was the one who really didnt feel
any attraction. Maybe she was fixated on Kinsley because hed been nice to her. He was so different from
Nathan, and it was totally normal for young girls to have crushes on older men, especially when they
seemed unattainable. Kinsley was very unattainable with his bitterness. It could very well be that he
represented a challenge to her. Rowan was in her thoughts simply because she had too much free time on
her hands and needed a pet project to distract her from, well, life.

Just have to keep myself in check from now on, Kiara whispered aloud. Being on the ranch all day
meant she was bound to run into him at some point. When that happened, sooner or later shed come to
realize there was nothing about Rowan to like. Nothing at all. Not his deep gravelly voice, the way his
brown eyes darkened when he was getting himself all worked up for no reason, or the way hed helped
her despite his grumblings. No, she didnt like him at all, Kiara insisted to herself with a yawn as her
eyelids became heavy.

Chapter Seven

Kiara was watching him. Or rather she was shooting daggers with her eyes at Jennifer Whitcomb, his
date. Rowan shifted his gaze from the young girl to focus on the woman beside him. Although he despised
dating, hed broken down and gone against his resolve.

Of course, it was all because of her. Rowan glanced backward to see Kiara heading in the other
direction. He gritted his teeth, half disgusted with himself for allowing the little brat to wear him down
enough that hed ended up calling Jennifer, a local doctor and divorcee, and accepting her invitation from
last week to lunch.

Rowan invited Jennifer to the ranch, knowing she would enjoy seeing the calf born a few days ago.
The thirty-five-year old was age wise more to his liking, and like himself, she had no interest in a
romantic relationship. He could rid himself of all sexual frustration brought on by either a lack of sex or
thinking too much about a certain female he couldnt wait to be rid of.

Fortunately Jennifer was always decent company. She was levelheaded and serious, unlike someone
else he knew, who just happened to be standing across the yard pretending to talk with Noreen while
sneaking glances at him and Jennifer.

Come on, lets go, he said, placing an arm beneath Jennifers elbow as they headed toward his
truck. Seconds later, he looked back, for God knows what reason, and saw that Noreen had left. Kiara
was standing there alone, her stare pinned on him as he held Jennifer in the near intimate gesture. Rowan
clenched his jaw, feeling an irrational wave of hatred for Kiara as she stared at him with a sad look on
her face as if As if Im cheating on her.

Damn her. Rowan tore his gaze from Kiaras and focused on the woman who did deserve it. Jennifer
cocked her head, giving him a strange look. Youre affectionate today.

Rowan immediately lowered his hand. Im making a fool out of myself because of Kiara. Hadnt he
even gone so far as inviting Jennifer out here under the pretense of her love of animals in hopes Kiara
would see them together and know once and for all that he had no interest in her?

Not really, he answered dryly. Im eager to get away from here for a while. Thats all.

She looked at him oddly again and blinked. I thought you recently came back from North Platte? She
shrugged before giving him a chance to answer. Hmm, I shouldnt act surprised come to think of it. I did
see you last month in town. Thats saying a lot for you.

Rowan opened the car door for her. He couldnt recall having seen her during any of his rare trips into
town. When was that?

She buckled her seatbelt. Oh, right. I saw you twice, actually. Once really stood out to me. I recall
thinking it was weird because you told me you didnt drink. I saw you going into that barThree Corners.
I thought I was mistaken, but it was you.
Rowan grimaced. Ah yes, how could he have forgotten why hed set foot inside a bar, a place he
hadnt visited in years, since deciding the luxury of alcohol wasnt for him. Drinking meant being numb. It
would be a way of blocking out the pain and forgetting precious memories. Even if it was just for a
minutes or hours, it would still be too much for him. Rowan never wanted to forgetnot even a second of
the time hed spent with his son.

Yet hed done it. Not for the first time since meeting Kiara, hed gone ahead and done something hed
promised himself never to do. With her around, it was getting harder and harder to stay alone and wallow
in his misery. As he was used to. As he wanted to be. No. In fact, hed actually been so worried because
shed kept to her word and stayed away from his ranch. Old fool that he was, hed gone into the Three
Corners bar hoping to get a glimpse of her. All hed wanted was to be able to sleep better at night
knowing she was at least safe. He hadnt found her.

That was a mistake, Rowan finally replied to Jennifer. It hadnt occurred to him at the time that hed
had no reservations about going into town, where he chanced encountering families. Happy, healthy
families, with young children whose faces would taunt him with everything hed lost.

Forty minutes into the date, Rowan knew it was a disaster. Throughout the meal at the quiet restaurant
he could barely manage to make or keep up conversation with Jennifer. Instead of focusing on the woman
across from him, his mind alternated between images of Kiara sitting across from him, her full lips curved
into a playful grin and picturing himself waving good riddance to her.

That silly girl was the biggest threat hed encountered sincewell, ever. She was threatening to take
away the person he was, who hed become. The person he needed to be to honor his sons memory. Kiara
wanted him to break all the promises hed made to himself as hed watched his sons tiny coffin being
placed in the ground.

Fuck if he was going to let some smart mouth kid take everything away from him. Everything he had

We should call it a day, shouldnt we? Jennifer asked, disappointment evident in her expression.

Rowan nodded, feeling like a jerk. Jennifer hadnt deserved such a horrible time. He let out a heavy
breath after theyd returned to the ranch for Jennifer to retrieve her car. If anyone was to blame, he
reasoned, it was Kiara. Not him.

Shoulders tensed, Rowan pored himself back into work, aiming to do nothing more than burn off the
irrational anger steaming through his blood. He rolled back his sleeves and began hammering the last of
the nails into the corral his men had begun work on.

Well damn, dont pound a hole through it.

Rowan didnt move a muscle as the husky voice echoed in his ear, sending his senses on alert. Her.
Jaws clenched, he pounded harder into the nail. If Kiara had a lick of sense, shed take a hint and stay
away from him.

She didnt.
I thought you had a hot date earlier. How come youre back so quick? She laughed out loud. Dont
tell me you wore her out so soon? She couldnt handle you, Kinsley?

Frustration blinded his thoughts. Rowan threw the hammer to the ground. He stood, bearing down on
her. Why the fuck are you still here?

Her deep brown eyes widened into orbs. She took a step backward. I-I just finished up with work.

He ground his teeth, annoyed that he didnt know how to read her as she stared at him. Her eyes were
dimmed, hazy with fear, yet her stubborn little chin rose as high as royalty. Rowan squinted his eyes,
glaring at her. Noreen had told him the other day that Kiara was faster at computing figures than the older
woman was at reaching for her calculator. Hed found that hard to believe. It made no sense at all that the
girl glaring at him in return was smart about anything, if she didnt know how to stay away from him.

You were slacking off then, he accused. On my time. Is that why youre just finishing up?

No, She crossed her arms. If you must know I helped Noreen get up to date with all the records.
Even the recent sales of the Hereford bulls.

Stop lying. Noreen was doing fine without your help.

Obviously not. There was too much back paperwork. Why else would she have hired me?

Rowan seethed. So, she wanted to act smug. His mind immediately took him back to last night. Hed
been so desperate for release to the point where hed resorted to thinking about Kiara, just to relieve the
unbelievable ache in his shaft. He hadnt wanted to, but the moment hed allowed his mind to recall the
soft touch of her lips against his own, the need for release became all-consuming. His cock had gone
harder than he could have ever imagined as he recalled the feel of his hand closing over her supple breast.
His mind wandered, playing out fantasies inside his head of his cock pumping deep between her brown
thighs. His hand kneading her soft flesh as she clung to him, crying out his name in throes of ecstasy. Hed
come so damn hard, ejaculating all over his fist. And in the afterglow, hed been left feeling empty. Empty
and ashamed of the level hed sunk to.

Anger, with a degree unlike anything hed experienced toward a female, raged through him like a
thunderstorm. Rowan could imagine that same smug look on her face. Could hear that husky laugh,
intertwined with desire and glee if she knew how much seed hed spilled for her last night.

Ill tell you exactly why Noreen hired you, he growled. She hired you, unqualified as you are,
because I felt sorry for you. A goddamned mistake if there ever was one.

What do you mean? she demanded.

Rowan ignored the look of horror on her face. He refused to feel bad. I mean, I was the one who sent
her to ask if you wanted the job. Look at yourself. Youve got a baby in your belly, which doesnt have a
father. You have no home to speak of and not a cent to your name. You hang around here and dared to look
at Jennifer, a grown woman, as if she stole something from you.

She opened her mouth to protest.

Dont deny it, he said in a terse whisper. I saw you glaring at her.

She continued to gape as if hed lost his mind, and maybe he had. Hed lost it the first time hed made
the mistake of touching her hand and feeling a connection unlike any hed ever felt for Shelby, the woman
hed loved enough to marry and have a child with. Edging closer, Rowan grated, Well listen to me, and
you listen good, you little hellcat. Everything I despise in a womanis what you are. Youre obnoxious,
rude, and you think life is one big joke. Youre not even a woman. Youre a kid spreading her legs,
pretending to be a woman. Id advise you to go find yourself another Harrison. Theres bound to be more
of them lying in wait for girls like you.

Everything you despise in a woman, she repeated in a quiet tone, her stare burning into his. She
gaped at him with hurt. So much hurt, he almost doubled over with it. Girls like myself. Trash, you mean.
You think I only deserve to be with men who would beat me? She gazed at him, as if she expected an

Damn her. She wouldnt get one. He could barely breathe from the tightness in his chest, much less

Kiara nodded. All right then, Kinsley. Thanks for letting me know how you really feel. You be sure to
tell Noreen I wont be back on Monday. She walked away then looked over her shoulder. You can also
feel free to stop throwing Nathan in my face. Youre no better than him, as much as youd like to think you
are. Youre both bullies, and Ive had enough of that in my life. So for what its worth, take your job and
go to hell. I quit.

Rowan opened his mouth to speak but felt nothing save for the dryness in his mouth. Hed really run
her off this time. Rowan closed his eyes. Be happy, be happy. As he watched her retreating form, focusing
on the slight curve to her back, reminding himself, he hadnt just verbally abused a woman, but a pregnant
woman at that. Couldnt get any lower. He closed his eyes, and squeezed the bridge of his nose, trying to
block out the image of shock on her face. The same face hed seen battered and bruised a month ago. Bile
rose in his throat. He was sick in the goddamn head to have said that to her.

Worse, hed finally kicked her when she was down. Im sorry, brat. You didnt deserve my verbal

Sighing, he gathered up the hammer and tools hed been using. Left alone, as hed wanted to be, or
thought he did, Rowan mounted Quicksand, a quarter horse hed recently purchased and slung his rifle
across his shoulder. Tonight he would work his fingertips to the bone, wear himself out until his mind
could no longer focus on Kiara or his harsh treatment of her. He looked out across the pasture. It was
going to be a long night.

* * * *

Kiara almost ripped the door to her trailer open. Of all the things shed expected to hear Rowan say to
her, those vicious words never wouldve crossed her mind. Shed been teased, was made the butt of jokes
among her peers. Shed felt the backhand of a man shed trusted, but this Kinsleys treatment of her was
on a whole other level. He hated her. Despised was the word hed used. At the most, she was only
supposed to be annoying to those who never took the time to get to know her. Rowan, sort of knew her.
Shed thought he did.
Im not that bad, she said aloud. Or was she?

She closed her eyes and leaned back against the wall. Okay, so she was a bit rough around the edges.
Maybe she shouldnt have spoken to him so familiar, he was her boss after all. She hadnt meant for him
to take her remark about his date to heart. Joking was what she did to focus attention off her true feelings.
What else was she supposed to say to him?

Hey, Kinsley. You know you really hurt my feelings by having that gorgeous, educated woman by
your side. Despite our little disagreements, I kinda thought deep down you wanted me as much as I
want you. By the way, whyd you choose her over me? Because shes white? Prettier? Not pregnant? Is
a doctor? People like her?

Kiara shook her head. Yeah, he wouldve loved that. The man was impossible. Everything she did
was wrong. Kiara glared. Fucking Kinsley. He still had no idea shed allow Nathan to have his way with
her because her dumbass thought she was protecting him and taking one for their imaginary team.

Asshole. He doesnt deserve my attention. No one had ever spoken to her in such a demeaning way,
not even Nathan. Whenever Nathan chose to unleash venom on her, he was usually shitfaced into his
liquor. Not much of an excuse, but it was what it was. Kinsley didnt have an excuse. No, Rowan had
gone straight for the jugular, striking her directly where he knew it would hurt.

Probably doesnt think I have any feelings, she muttered, pacing around the trailer. The more Kiara
thought about his words, the more she wanted to scream. Spreading my legs. She had only ever slept with
one person and that was because, once again, shed been a fool believing Nathan loved and cared about
her. Shed been so desperate at the time for someone to champion her when her parents wouldnt.

She was wiser now. There was no one to champion her. She didnt need anyone to do so. Shed found
the courage to walk away from everything back home, that same courage had helped her to leave an
abusive relationship. One way or another she would use her strength to tell Kinsley exactly where he
could shove all of his assumptions and misgivings about her.

Fuming, Kiara clenched her fist as another surge of power and anger shot through her. Damn him.
Worse, because Kinsley had pushed her to the limit, she was now jobless. Again. Shed have no means of
taking care of herself. Kiara almost choked on her anger. If she couldnt take care of herself then she
wouldnt be able to take care of her baby. Her breath came in rapid spurts, making it hard to breathe.

She couldnt return to the adoption agency. Kiara placed a protective hand over her stomach. She bit
her lip so hard she tasted blood. Why oh why had she told Rowan that she quit? Sure it had felt good
yelling the words at him; however, good and logical were two separate entities. Now she was stuck. Her
throat clogged and her eyes burned with tears.

Shed have to find a way around quitting prematurely. My pride is gonna take another hit.
Swallowing what was left of said pride, Kiara rushed out of the trailer. Over and over she rehearsed what
she would say to him in her head. Shed craft her words carefully, make it seem as if she was sorry about
what shed said to him, all the while making sure Rowan understood the wrongness of what hed said to
her. She wanted the job, but he wasnt going to get away with disrespecting her.

Kiara trudged her way down the graveled road, past the wooded area shed pounded through over a
month ago. She came to the tree stump shed sat down on the day Rowan found her attempting to feed
Opal. Shed sat there with Rowan so close. Hed smiled down at her moments before his broad chest
erupted into laughter as she did an impression of him.

Quickening her pace, she hurried across the area and crossed her fingers shed find Kinsley where she
last saw him near the corral.

The evening was coming to an end as Kiara noted the beginning of the sunset. A low hum of cicadas
quieting for the evening resonated in the air. The loud bellow of a bull echoed not too far away. This was
her new normal after living next to the ranch for all these months, the ability to distinguish the sound of an
angry bull from a cow, she thought wryly.

As she edged deeper onto the ranch the first thing she noticed was Rowan seated atop a horse that
wasnt Opal. New truck, new horse, Rowan had to be Kiaras brain went off center in the span of a
second as the horse whinnied, kicking its hind legs high in the air.

What on earth? The horse was bucking now, so hard in fact, Kiara saw the rifle Rowan reached for
across his shoulder, go flying behind a bush. Confused and concerned, she stood, brows drawn as Rowan
desperately tried to regain control of the panicked horse and maintain his balance and hold on to the reins.

What the hells happening? The loud bellowing shed heard a minute ago sounded louder than ever.
Kiara whipped her head to the side. A massive, aggressive, longhorn was clearing a path across the

Her heart stopped. Oh sweet Jesus. Kiara stifled a scream. Her mind turned to mush. She didnt even
think an animal of that proportion could move so fast.

Kiara looked back to Rowan who was still struggling with the horse. He was helpless. Her gaze
flashed toward the bush where the rifle had landed and sucked in a breath. Have to help him. Have to.

She jumped into action, pumping her legs as fast as they could go while ignoring the discomfort in her
back and waist. She could make out the sound of Rowans voice, shouting at her to go back. Too late,
Kinsley. Her heart slammed against her chest. The ground vibrated beneath her and the loud bellow of the
bull sounded closer than ever. In her rush, Kiara tripped on a stone before scrambling on her knees
toward the bush.

The butt of the rifle stuck out beside the greenery. Rowan was shouting a bunch of expletives and
ordering her to forget the rifle and run away. Kiara grabbed the weapon and turned quickly, hoping to
hand it off to Rowan.

Too late. The bull drew closer and was steamrolling a path toward her. Time stood still as she stared
into the hostile creatures eyes. Hands trembling, she tossed the rifle to Rowan, unsure if hed even caught
it because somehow the bull was now mere feet away from her. Her body froze. Im going to die. There
was nowhere to run without risking being bulldozed and mauled by the bull. Crouched into a ball, she
shielded her face with her hands.

Kiara screamed as an earsplitting shot rang out. She covered her ears, screaming even louder as the
sound of another bullet cracked the air. Something wet and warm splashed against her face. She screamed
again. This time her body began shaking uncontrollably. Her teeth chattered as she gulped air into her
lungs. She could feel. She was thinking. Drawing in air. She wasnt dead. Kiara moved the hand from
her face, almost terrified to see what was happening. A few feet ahead of her, the longhorn lay on its side,
blood gushing from its neck. Oh my God. She gasped for air as her body continued to shake from the rush
of adrenaline.

Kiara. Someone was calling out to her. She clutched her head. Kinsleys voice. He was calling out
to her. He placed the rifle on the ground and knelt before her. She closed her eyes, wishing the goddamn
shaking would stop. Now hed have another reason to say something nasty to her.

Jesus Christ, she heard him whisper beside her. He touched her shoulder, gently shaking her. Kiara,
look at me. She kept her eyes closed and shook her head, vaguely aware that she was crying.

She heard Rowans loud intake of breath. His fingers grasped her chin, drawing her face up. Cmon,
brat. Look at me. Please, he pleaded in a tender voice hed never used with her before. It was her
undoing. Kiara opened her eyes.

Youre shaking like a leaf.

I thought I was going to die.

Rowan groaned. His hands on her shoulders tightened, pulling her closer until she was up against his
chest. I almost had a heart attack watching you run across the pasture. I knew immediately what you were
doing. After everything I said to you, how I treated you, you didnt hesitate to help. To save my life.

He let out another harsh breath and buried his face in her hair, his rough beard brushing against her

I saw him coming at you and Kiara shivered again. Rowan kissed her hair, brushing his lips
against her face.

You shouldnt have put yourself in danger for me. He held her tighter, murmuring against her ear.
Im forever grateful though. No matter how I yelled at you to go back, you didnt listen.

He lowered his gaze, staring into her face. Ever so slowly, Kiara watched as they lowered, landing on
her stomach. When he looked at her again, his eyes were filled with concern. You were running so fast.
Your stomach, is it, your

Kiara blinked in surprise. Rowan barely acknowledged her pregnancy before, except to be rude.
Aside from the shaking and her heart still pounding, she felt fine, save for soreness. The babys fine. Im
fine. She touched a spot on her face and made a sound. Except for being covered in bulls blood, that

Well get that cleaned up, he said, helping her stand. She glanced over at the animal and felt a
measure of sadness. I didnt think they could be so aggressive.

They can be. Longhorns shouldnt be messed with, but this one was particularly aggressive. He is
usually kept separate from the heifers for just that reason. Rowans features hardened. Theres going to
be hell to pay when I find who was responsible for not making sure he was enclosed.

She sighed. I almost feel sorry for the poor cowboy. I know firsthand what it feels like to be on your
shitlist, Kinsley. She pursed her lips. Not good.

Theres no such list. If there was, your name would certainly not be on it.

I dont believe that. She brushed the dust off her arms.

His stare grew somber. No, I dont suppose you would. I havent given you much reason to believe

She nodded. Its cool. Anyway, I just want to go home and get myself cleaned up and try to wipe my
brain of this.

He shoved a hand through his hair. Im sorry. I shouldve had a better grip on my rifle. He let out a
low breath. Just one more nightmare to add to the rest.

Nightmares. Kiara raised her eyes to his. You get nightmares, Kinsley?

He gazed at her without pretense. All the time. Some things just never go away. Keep reliving certain
moments over and over, until you think it might drive you insane. This is one of themwatching that bull
charge at you, seeing you cower like that.

Would my death mean something to you?

Yes, he answered on a ragged breath. It would. Its also not something Id like to think about.

She nodded, unsure of what else to say with Kinsley too close and making her feel funny inside again.
She kept her focus on him, not wanting to look at the dead animal lying not too far away.

I came to see you because I wanted to talk about my job, but now all I really want to do is go home
and clean myself up. She exhaled and gazed up at the sky then back at him. Anyways since Im here. I
might as well say it. The truth is I really do need the work. Without it, my hands are tied and I wont be
able to take care of my baby, or myself for that matter. Can we call a truce after what happened here? I
wont look at any of your dates and Ill restrain myself from talking to you.

I never fired you. The job is still yours.

Mighty generous of you, she murmured, hoping to sound like her normal self. I guess Ill see or
wont see you around the ranch. She eased forward, gasping as his arm shot out to hold her hand. Just
like that day when hed stopped her from leaving the stable before seeing the doctor.

There wont be any more dates. With Jennifer or anyone else.

Her eyes searched his. Why are you telling me this?

Because I need you to forget what I said to you this afternoon. I never meant those words. I was angry
because of everything you do to me. Everything you make me feel.

Everything I make you feel? You still sound angry. What am I supposed to think now?

I am angry. Not at you. Im upset with myself because of some promises I made a long time ago to
myself. Promises I had no problem keeping until you came into town. Until one afternoon spent being
around you for a few precious minutes, made me start to imagine what life would be like if I allowed
someone in. If I allowed a woman like you in my life.

A woman? she asked, swatting at the blood on her cheek. I thought you said I was just a kid.

He let out a harsh groan, his eyes filled with anguish. Look at me, Kiara. What do you think people
would believe if they saw us together? Im no greenhorn. Im almost twice your age.

I dont care what anyone thinks, she cried, throwing her hands in the air. Im the last person you
should say that to. Look at me, I get judged because of a few piercings I have and that I like to change up
my hair color. I get judged because of an abusive ex-boyfriend. I dont care anymore. And I dont know
why it matters to you that were not the same age.

It matters because I dont want to take advantage of you. Because girls your age, no matter if youve
been hurt or not, are still hoping for that relationship that will lead to marriage and happily ever after. Im
in my thirties. Ive been married before. I had a family. I had something precious, and it was taken away
from me. I dont need any replacements. I dont ever want anything permanent. I cant. His gaze pleaded
with her. I wish things were different, sweetheart, but I just cant do it again.

Her heart beat wildly against her chest. Sweetheart. Kinsley had called her sweetheart. Kiara sighed.
Rowan, I dont need any promises from you. I dont want a single thing youre not willing to give. I
never did. She gestured to herself. Im no prize here. Im not nave. Yes, Im pregnant, but that doesnt
mean Im dead inside. I wish I could be like some other woman and take my pleasure where I see fit.
Sadly, I cant. I dont want to be with just anyone. For reasons beyond me, I took a liking to you. To you
alone. No matter how hard I tried its not going away anytime soon. Especially not if you keep looking at
me like that.

Like what?

She swallowed hard, finding it hard to breathe. Like youre seeing the real me and cant get enough
of what you see.

His Adams apple bobbed. When he spoke, his voice sounded hoarse. Come over to the house with
me, Kiara. I know youre still affected by what just happened. You dont want to be alone right now, do

Im used to it, Kinsley. Like I said, its fine.

He held her close. Youre not answering me. I didnt ask if you were fine. I asked if you wanted to be
alone. You told me once you were lonely; well Im lonely, too. So tell me the truth. Do you wish to be
alone right now?

I hate being alone. She bit her lip then shook her head. I dont.
He nodded. Me neither.

Kiara gulped as he led her to the horse. You want me to get on your horse?

His dark brows rose and his lips twitched. Youve never ridden before?

No. I was sort of hoping it would stay that way.

He let out an exasperated breath. Kiara, you work on a ranch. It was bound to happen. He swung
himself up then reached, hoisting her up into the saddle behind him This is Quicksilver. Shes calm now.
You dont have to worry, shell go slow.

Kiara placed her arms around his waist, not so much because she wanted to touch him, but because
she had no intention of falling off the horse.

Rowan grunted. Kiara?


He glanced over his shoulder. I cant breathe.

Her cheeks heated. She loosened her grip around his waist as the horse broke into a steady trot. As
promised, they arrived slowly and safely to the stable, where she watched Rowan hand over the horse to
one of his men who was getting ready to close up the area.

Sorry to hear what happened, boss, the cowboy said.

Before theyd ridden away, Rowan had made a phone call, informing Abe of the incident and the
carcass that needed to be removed. After hed announced to the ranch hands that there was to be a
discussion about procedures and safety the next morning, Kiara followed Rowan inside his house.

She was in the living room when Rowan appeared with a washcloth damp with soap. Kiara reached
for it, pausing as he shook his head. Its my fault this happened to you. Let me. He held her chin,
drawing the soft cloth across her face, wiping away all traces of blood. When the cloth traveled down her
neck, she forced herself to remain calm, despite her pulse going crazy. Slowly, Kiara watched as he
placed the cloth on the coffee table, then turned to her.

Thanks, she muttered, suddenly feeling shy. She had the insane urge to lean over and press her lips
to his. She wouldnt do it, though. Clearing her throat she scoured her mind for something funny or witty to
say. She came up blank. All Kiara could see was Rowan, his deep brown eyes and broad shoulders
blocking everything and every single thought inside her head.

He lifted a hand, and his fingertips caressed her cheek. You know Id never hurt you, right? I might
get angry sometimes and say things, because the truth of it is, sometimes we all say things we dont mean,
however, its extremely important that you know and understand that Id never put my hands on you in any
way that would hurt you.

I know, she whispered.

He brushed his thumb across her lips, his expression pained. Id haul you away myself if I ever saw
you with another man like Harrison, or any man that I thought would harm you.

She gave him a small smile as her heart melted into a puddle. Kinsley was saying all the right things
she needed to hear. Is that the only reason youd haul me away from another man?

His nostrils flared. His stare lowered, taking in her entire body. Kiara bit back a groan as her pussy
tightened the moment he returned his darkened gaze to her face. Id go insane knowing another man was
touching you. He glared at her, despite his heated looks. Are you happy you got me to admit how much I
want you?

She leaned over and pressed her lips to his. Rowan grasped the back of her neck, crushing his lips to
hers, deepening the kiss. When they came up for air, Kiara grazed his earlobe with her teeth. Im so
fucking happy.

He groaned again and placed his hand beneath her ass, kneading it. You dare use that word around
me, knowing the state Im in?

Kiara moaned as she felt exactly what state he was instiff and steel hard. She lowered her hand
between them, grazing the back of her fingertips against his erection. She almost gasped at his erection. I

Unable to resist, she lowered her lashes, taking in the proof of her effect on him. Is that all for me?
she asked, daubing her tongue across her lips.

His hand closed over hers. It is. Ive wanted you for a long time, Kiara. I stupidly thought I could
hold it in forever.

But you couldnt. No more than I could pretend my heartbeat doesnt race whenever I see you.

Like right now, he murmured, his hand capturing her breast.

Kiara tilted her head back, arching into his sensuous touch. Yes, she whispered on a breathy moan.
Im aching so much for you, Kinsley. If you only knew.

Chapter Eight

All semblance of logic flew out the window the moment hed felt her soft lips against his own. With
her gorgeous lips slightly parted, Rowan teased and fondled her heavy breasts. He felt a moment of fear
as she brought her head forward, her dark eyes shining with lust and so much more.

What do you want from me tonight? he asked in a hoarse whisper, knowing exactly what they both

She touched his face. You. I want to know what it feels like to have a real man moving inside me. I
want to feel your skin so close to mine. Just you and me, enjoying what the other has to give.

His cock jerked inside his pants. She wanted the same thing he didto be snug and so damn deep
between her thighs. Kiara, he breathed, burying his face against hers. What am I supposed to do with
you now?

She had no time to answer. Rowan lowered his head, brushing his lips against hers. She melted into
him, cupping her hands to his face as their tongues met.

Groaning, he loosened his hold, praying for strength as Kiara ground against him. His erection pressed
into her core, his blood surging. I should let her go. Let her go before Oh hell. He couldnt. She was
lifting her gorgeous face again. Lips, full and plump, teased him, begging for more kisses.

Rowan closed his eyes inhaling the sweet feminine scent of her. Having Kiara inside his home, inside
his arms, felt almost surreal. This shouldnt happen, he grated beside her ear. But God help me, I cant
stop wanting you. Ive tried so hard not to think of you like this. Couldnt let myself go there thinking of us
together like this, of ever having the chance to bury myself so deep inside you.

Her lids lowered. A tiny moan escaped her full lips. The sound sliced through him. His cock pulsed,
throbbing with need. He cupped her face again for another scorching kiss. His lips traveled below her
throat, adrenaline pumping in his veins as she pressed herself against his swollen shaft, grinding her hips.

His girl was hot. So hot for him.

Rowan drew in a breath while attempting to ignore the mounting need to hike up her skirt and plunge
into her to the hilt. Instead, he pressed his mouth to her neck, lifting her shirt. She raised her arms, and his
heart hammered inside his chest.

So eager for my touch. He unhooked her bra, tracing the length of her back with his fingertips.

Are your breasts still sensitive? he asked, maneuvering his hands to close over the soft flesh.

Yes, she moaned, as he rubbed his thumb along a dusky tip. He dipped his head and closed his
mouth over the swollen bud, sucking lightly, then drawing deep as Kiara whimpered. She clutched his
head to her. OhDont ever stop.
Moving to her other breast, Rowan licked and suckled, until he felt her body begin to tremble. Kiara
stared at him, her eyes heated. Standing before him with her breasts bared, she tugged the skirt past her
hips. He almost shouted his need. Kiara was a vision of perfection, pregnant stomach and all. Her lace
panties gave him the briefest glimpse to her sex.

Dropping to his knees, he peeled down her underwear then brought his lips to her thighs, working his
way up to her bare pussy.

Please, Kiara moaned, parting her thighs.

Rowan looked up. Is this what my girl wanted? He delved his finger between her folds, letting out a
ragged breath when his fingers came back sopping wet. She must be dripping for him. His entire body
shook as he guided her to the bed and motioned for her to spread her legs wider.

Kiara sat on the bed. Hesitantly, she leaned back on her elbows. My stomach, Rowan

What about it?

She bit her lip. It might not look attractive when I lay back. Maybe you wont want to make love to

No chance of that. Youre perfect. Shed broken him, made him crave for the very things he didnt
want or deserve. He wanted Kiara more than air, regardless if her belly was swollen from Harrisons
seed. Rowan stood between her legs and grasped her ankles. Let me see your pussy, Kiara. Please,
sweetheart. Let me see how wet you are, if you really want me as much as you say you do.

Rowan, she said his name on a breathy whisper then slipped two fingers between her legs, opening
herself to him. I want all of you. I can barely breathe from it.

Air rushed out of his lungs as he viewed her sex. Her juicy bud glistened as she rolled it between her

Let me see you, she panted. Please. I cant take it anymore. I want you inside me. He moved away
from her to open his pants, watching as she alternated between fondling her cunt and squeezing her legs
shut while undulating her hips. He let out an expletive, fumbling to open his pants. He had to fuck her now.
Without bothering to remove his pants, Rowan whipped out his cock and held it within his hands.

He heard her loud intake of breath followed by a whimper.

Kiara, Rowan whispered. He pushed between her thighs, rubbing the meaty shaft against her slit. Is
this what youve been aching for? Last chance to change your mind before I lose control.

In answer, she licked her lips and raised her hips toward him. Just not too hard at first. A shy smile
played across her lips. Youre so big and well Her voice trailed off as she added, It hurts down
there sometimes and the running I did earlier.

He stroked her cheek. I wont hurt you. His gaze on her face, Rowan pressed forward, savoring the
moment he slid inside her warmth. Her lips parted on a gasp as he pushed deeper and held himself still,
all the while willing his breath to even as her tight walls clenched around him. God she was tight. He
could feel her struggling to accommodate his girth.

Rowan closed his eyes, withdrew then plunged deeper. In and out, he gave her enough time to adjust
then heightened his pace when her legs locked around his waist, rubbing against his hips. You want it


He pulled all the way out, then grabbed her hips to prevent her from moving as he thrust into her,
harder with each cry wrung from her throat. At the sight of Kiaras breasts bouncing against her chest from
the force of his cock pounding into her, Rowan almost swallowed his tongue.

So deep inside my girl. He drank her in, his gaze leveling to her swollen belly. She raised up on her
elbows just enough to brush her fingertips across his jaw. Im yours. Only yours. I promise.

She was. At least she would be tonight. Rowan thrust into her wetness, crying out her name. He was
losing his mind. Not since the day hed lost his virginity had he ever felt such an overwhelming need to

Beneath him, Kiara cried out her orgasm, screaming his name while locking her legs tight around his
waist. Groaning, he felt his own orgasm rock him to the core as he gave her exactly what hed promised
and more.

Chapter Nine

Have you always loved being on the ranch? Kiara asked Rowan as she brushed Opals mane.

He looked up at her from the glowing hot horseshoe he was hammering. Its the only life I know. My
parents were country folks. We moved here from Tennessee when I was fourteen, after my father got sick.
He worked in the copper mines. My mom got a job as a cook on a ranch, and I started up soon after as a
ranch hand.

So you grew up poor?

He gave her a hard look. Yeah, I did. Dont expect me to feel ashamed.

She rolled her eyes. Relax, Kinsley. Im just surprised thats all. I thought you inherited this place
from your father or some rich relative.

His bunched shoulders dropped a notch. Why all the questions?

Kiara sighed inwardly. As skilled as he was in the bedroom, Rowan was obtuse when it came to
communication. We slept together last night. I would like to know more about you than just the size of

I get it, he answered, cutting her off. He gave her a measured look. And you still need to work on
that mouth of yours.

Kiara chuckled. No, Papa, I dont.

He stopped what he was doing and turned to her, his features hard and closed up. Dont ever call me

She flinched. It was a joke, Kinsley.

He said nothing as he continued working at the horses shoe, ignoring her now. Seconds later Kiara
flinched again when he threw the tool hed been using against the wall.

Before she could read his intention, he stomped out of the barn, leaving her staring after him in shock
and confusion. She thought back to what shed said. Had calling him papa pissed him off that much? Shed
said that before to lots of people who tried to tell her what to do. A thought struck her then. Surely Rowan
didnt think she was setting him up for some sort of role in her pregnancy or childs life.

But for that simple word to have set him off so much. Kiara swallowed hard. Something about this
didnt add up. Shed given Rowan no sign that she wanted anything from him. Hell, shed even forced
herself to leave at the crack of dawn before he awoke. Okay, so shed done it out of fear hed wake up
with regret etched on his face for making love to her. That would have been too hard to see. Thankfully
shed been wrong. Less than an hour after shed left the house, Rowan had been at her door, demanding to
know why she didnt have the courtesy to leave after hed awoken. His outrage had made her heart soar
as she threw her arms around his neck and returned to the ranch with him, where shed been helping out
ever since, the two of them working side by side.

Up until now. Kiara shook her head. Kinsley was really making her work for a place in his life.
Concerned, she headed outside the barn, catching sight of him right away. He was seated on a log
fashioned into a bench, his head lowered between his hands. Unsure, Kiara watched him for a few
seconds, positive the source of his troubles had nothing to do with her earlier assumption.

She joined him on the bench. Did what I said have anything to do with those nightmares you
mentioned? she asked softly.

His shoulders shifted before he slowly raised his head. What nightmares?

The ones you mentioned last night after our run in with the bull.

He appeared lost. Sighing he said, I did tell you that, didnt I? He scrubbed a hand along the side of
his beard then let out a heavy breath. I had a son, Kiara. Rowan paused. His name was Gage. Gage
Rowan Kinsley. He was three years old. He died two and a half years ago.

Oh. She glanced down at her hands, hoping her words would respect his loss. Im very sorry,
Rowan. I had no idea. If I did, I never wouldve joked like that with you.

He let out a heavy breath and rose. I shouldnt have behaved like that.

You had every right to express your anger, grief.

He stared at her as his Adams apple bobbed. When he spoke, his voice sounded choked. I loved him
so much, more than my own life. It kills me every single day not having him here with me. You understand
that, dont you?

Kiara nodded, yet somehow she had the feeling Rowan was trying to convey some sort of message to
her. She moved to stand beside him, uncertain more than ever what exactly Rowan expected of her now.
Should I leave? I wont mind if you want to be alone.

He snorted. Youd think Id want my space, right. Peace and quiet?

She nodded. Rowan shook his head, scratching a spot above his brow. I dont want you to go. I dont
know what youre doing to me, Kiara, all I know is I want you here with me.

She gave a firm nod. Rowan would not appreciate her being overly emotional at a time like this. She
needed to be strong for him.

Later on Kiara made herself scarce while Rowan went out to meet with the workers, as promised
from yesterday. From where she stood, Kiara could hear Rowan and the men discussing the incident and
trying to find out what went wrong. It wasnt long before the cowboys began placing blame at each others
feet, a mass of voices each attempting to drown the other out. She heard the distinct sound of Rowans
voice boom above the others as the men quieted.

She waited until the cowboys scattered to their duties before leaving her listening spot.

Of course. You didnt think I was going to miss out on this. That goddamned bull couldve killed

He sighed and, to her surprise, brushed away a stray lock of hair from her face. Youre hopeless. Id
bet a hundred heads of cattle your parents didnt raise you to talk like that.

No. They actually didnt. My upbringing is irrelevant now because Ive already disappointed them so
much, my language is a moot point.

He looked up from what he was doing. Did they disapprove of your relationship with Harrison? Is
that how you ended up here? A girl your age, all the way out here in cattle country by herself.

Kiara frowned. If you say a girl my age one more time, Rowan, I swear Im going to kick you or
something. Ill be twenty soon.

How soon?

She shifted her leg. In a couple of months. At least soon enough that I wont be a teenage mother.

He gave her the side eye then continued. Answer my question. Howd you end up with that bum?

Kiara knew he wouldnt let her off without an explanation. Sighing, she hunched down on a bale of
hay and told him the entire story of her time at Brookview Academy, to dating Nathan when she was at her
lowest, and eventually leaving town with him.

At the end, she glanced up, gauging his reaction. He studied her carefully, his expression unreadable.
Shrugging, Kiara stood and said, So, there you have it. Semi good girl gone bad.

Thats not funny. He inched forward, so close their shoes touched. Your parents made a mistake not
listening to your feelings. Harrison made it worse by taking advantage of you. He narrowed his eyes.
When was the last time you tried contacting them? I bet if they knew what happened to you theyd

Forget it, Kiara told him. I called them last month. I told my parents everything including how
badly Nathan treated me. Kinsley, I even let go of my stubbornness and pride and asked, no, practically
begged if I could come home after I give birth. Know what I got? A dial tone in my ear. They hung up on
me. Thats how much they care. If my own parents can give up so easily on me, that pretty much says a lot
about me, doesnt it?

It says nothing about you. Parents make mistakes just like anyone else. Thats what yours are doing in
this case. It doesnt mean they dont love you. He brushed his thumb across her cheek. At least now I
understand where all this mouth and bravado comes from.

What do you meanbravado?

He cast her a measured look. Theres a lot more to you than youve allowed anyone to see. It was
obvious to me for quite a while. I wonder why no one else noticed. Except Noreen that is, she seems to
have taken a liking to you.
You really want to try and figure me out? she asked, placing a hand on her thickening hips.

His eyes twinkled in contrast against his serious expression. Maybe I do.

This would include spending time with me, Kiara warned. Lots of time. Maybe even being seen in
public with me. There was still a chance Rowan wouldnt want to risk his reputation in the ranching
community by being seen with her.

The same goes for you. Im not exactly easy on the eyes. Are you sure you wont mind being seen
with me? There will be talk. He eyed her carefully. Were very different. Lots of factors between us to
give people something to talk about. Are you prepared for that?

Kiara jerked her head, heart halfway up her throat. Rowan appeared more worried than she felt. If she
had him by her side, people could say she was the devils spawn for all she cared and it wouldnt make a
difference to her. Being with Kinsley was everything.

Well let them talk.

His chest rose on a ragged breath. Youre like a drug to me, Kiara, he said, circling his arms around
her waist. I shouldnt want you, yet every time I think of you, see you, its a struggle to control myself.
He kissed her lips then gently cupped her face. What have you done to me?

She pressed her forehead to his. I made you open your eyes and see that we dont have to deny
ourselves. We can make each other happy, even if for a short time.

He gave a firm nod. Her heart soared for a fraction a second until the sting of disappointment pushed
through. Kinsley didnt seem to mind her plans to leave. Why else would he have readily agreed although
she said for a short time?

I have to go into Mooresville today. Do you want to come?

On the verge of answering yes, Kiara hesitated. She twirled a few strands of hair at her nape. I have
a full day planned. Lots of stuff to do. Maybe another time.

Youre not working today.

Work isnt the only thing I have.

He cocked his brow and crossed his arms. Then what do you have planned?

Nothing. She crossed her arms in return. I dont have to tell you. Anyway, its girl stuff you wouldnt
care to hear about.

He frowned. Youre lying to me.

Excuse me.

I said youre lying and Id like to know why.

She let out a small laugh. Youre crazy. Why is it so hard to believe Im busy today?

Because theres not much to do here. Noreen and I are your only friends. Noreens out of town, and
theres only so much cleaning you can occupy yourself with inside that trailer.

She raised her brow. Wow. If I didnt know and like you, Id be scared.

He let out a harsh sound. Kiara. I dont like liars. For however long well be together I wont lie to
you and Ill expect the same from you.

Kiara sighed. All right, fine. If I go with you, Im keeping this on. She stared at him. Now do you
understand why I dont want to go with you?

She watched as his gaze traveled down her body. He was looking at her clothesthe T-shirt clinging
snug to her stomach and the ripped red jeans, which she was forced to leave the top button undone to
make room for her bump. Thankfully, the T-shirt covered the opening to save her a measure of

Are your clothes the only reason?

Yeah, she said quietly, suddenly feeling out of her element beneath his tender gaze.

I thought we agreed it wouldnt matter what people said or thought when were out together.

I know we agree but She sucked in a breath. Never mind. It doesnt matter. Ill go with you.

He narrowed his eyes, touching her arm. Did someone make a rude comment about your clothes?

No one has to say anything. Im not blind to the stares.

Did you ever think those people staring at you were jealous, at least on a subconscious level? You
wear what you want and you say pretty much whatever comes to your mind. There arent a lot of people,
at least people around here, who are brave enough to do that.

She raised a brow. So you dont mind the clothes I wear? You dont think its too out there?

He glanced down at her jeans with the patches shed cut out. Would you stop dressing like that if I
asked you to?


His lips twitched. Then it doesnt matter what I think. He glanced at his watch. The store is closing
in two hours, Kiara. At this point, you could be wearing a burlap sack and it wouldnt make a difference
to me.

She had no idea what that was, but got the message. A short while later they were on their way into the
bigger town.

Chapter Ten

It had been a couple of months since Rowan had visited the neighboring city of Mooresville. Hed
passed through it on his trip to the Cattle Industry Convention in North Platte and had stopped just on the
outskirts of it at the cemetery where Gage was buried, to lay flowers.

The city itself, however, had been a favorite of Shelbys. Just about every other week, she would take
their son and hit the mall, raiding the childrens store. It was also here, theyd both decided to donate all
but a few of his clothes right before the divorce became final. Mooresville was not a place he wanted to
be, but after seeing old man Ricketts true colors, he was left without options.

We came all the way to go into a feed and supply store? she asked, eyes widening as they exited the

What else did you think Id need here?

She looked at him then shook her head and laughed softly. I shouldnt be surprised. I thought you
always shopped in the local store, though? Loyal customer and all.

Ah, yes. That reminded Rowan he needed to have a talk with her. I dont do business there anymore.
And under no circumstances should you set foot inside that place and give Ricketts a cent of your money.

Why not? Its not like I was looking for new spurs for my boots or anything.

He doesnt like you.

She shrugged. Lots of people dont like me. Thats nothing new.

Rowan rubbed his forehead, hating what hed have to tell her. He doesnt like you, okay? Or people
who look like you.

Her dark eyes widened as comprehension settled in. Hes racist, Rowan told her. I no longer send
any of my men into his store, and I dont want you ever going in there.

Hurt marred her pretty face, hitting him in the gut. He hadnt been able to protect her from Harrison,
and now he had to be the one to let her know there were still disgusting people around her.

So you choose to drive almost an hour away instead of shopping there, where youve shopped for
yearsbecause you discovered all this?

Yes. There was no other choice.

She rose up on her toes, kissed him, and then hooked her arm beneath his without saying a word. She
didnt need to. Her eyes said enough. Wide and brimming with Rowan swallowed hard. It was plain as
day. Kiara was staring at him with love. His chest expanded with pride, happiness, and guilt.
Rowan tried not think on this new revelation as they entered the store and perused the aisle. The items
themselves were easy enough to find. Where he usually viewed shopping for the ranch as a routine
necessity, he had to admit it felt good doing so with Kiara along. She was actually interested in knowing
about the products he was buying and what their uses were.

Some time later they stopped for lunch at a newly opened Argentinian steakhouse. Seated across from
Kiara, it was hard to miss the curious glances from the older couple at the table behind them, a man and a
woman, who appeared to be in their sixties. The older woman made no effort to hide her contempt as she
brought the food to her rouged lips, shaking her head while muttering something to her male companion.
The man coughed and turned his head attempting to appear inconspicuous while sneaking a peek at Rowan
and Kiara.

Kiara was too busy shoveling pieces of baked potatoes into her mouth while wailing that she was
going to look like a balloon soon and pleading with him to not allow her to eat dessert.

Whats wrong? she asked, in between bites.

Nothing. We should leave soon. Theres something else I want to do.

Her frown deepened as she slowly turned her head to look at the couple. Were they staring at us or
something? Youre glaring at them.

Something, he muttered. He knew his beard made him look much older than he actually was. And
Kiara, damn her, despite her obvious pregnancy, she still looked as if she belonged tucked away
somewhere in a princess bedroom with her daddy making sure boys or even men like him, didnt look at
her too hard.

He was glad when they finally left, reminding himself that he hadnt missed out on anything by
secluding himself on the ranch.

Why are we going in here? Kiara asked when he placed his hand on her back, guiding her toward a
boutique maternity store a few doors down from the restaurant hed noticed as theyd pulled in.

You need new clothes, dont you?

She looked at him as if hed gone insane. Yeah, but that doesnt mean Im going to buy any now. If I
was, Im talking about hitting up a discount store. She pointed to a shirt on a rack, lifting the price tag to
show him. Thats too rich for my blood. Cmon, Kinsley lets go home.

He held her firm by the arm, guiding her back to the clothing racks. This is on me. Im doing this for
you, you little hellcat. You can calm down.

She gaped at him. Rowan I cant let you do this. Im good really. You saw those prices. I was
planning another trip back to thrift store. Noreen even said shed teach me how to alter dresses and stuff.
Its all good. Seriously. Plus you know me. I couldnt care less what anyone says about me. She tugged
on his hand. Its getting late. We should go home.

Rowan held firm, placing his hand around her waist to keep her from going. First off, its not getting
late and Ive seen Noreens handiwork when it comes to sewing. She made Abe a shirt once and it was
twisted inside out. Dont ask me how because no one can explain what she did. Im also not a hundred
percent convinced youre immune to what people say about you. Were staying.

She eyed him with suspicion. This wouldnt have anything to do with that couple staring at us, would
it? Did I embarrass you? Is that why you want to buy clothes for me?

I want you to buy things that match your style. I like how you dress, but I dont see how you can be
comfortable when you cant even button your pants.

Her lips parted. You noticed?

He nodded. Its nothing to be embarrassed about. Hell, hed been forced to wear some of his
fathers old pants that were two sizes too big and held up with a belt girted at the waist when he was a
teen. Ive been there, remember?

She nodded. Was it bad, growing up poor? She sounded scared. He wondered if she was
contemplating the future ahead of her and the baby.

He lifted a shoulder, not wishing to sugar coat it but also to not make it seem more horrible than it
was. I didnt like it. That doesnt mean I held my parents responsible for poverty. They were hard
workers and tried their best.

She bit her lip and nodded. I guess youre right. Sighing, she tilted her lips into a smile while
heading toward a multicolored Breton striped tunic dress. Who am I to turn down a shopping spree?

Rowan was surprised at how quickly it took her to find everything she needed. After the saleswoman
rang up the purchases and he paid, they left the store with two large bags filled with clothes. Before
leaving, Kiara had chosen to change into one of the dresses shed picked out; a floral halter neck dress
that clung to her figure and accentuated the roundness of her ass and growing stomach. He tried not to
stare or focus on the way his cock jerked and hardened from her mere presence.

Her slender body was becoming more voluptuous by the week, no doubt because of how much she ate,
but stillit was so damn sexy. Her breasts were rounder, fuller. His breath caught in his throat as he
drank her in, his gaze on her breasts once again. Theyd fit gloriously inside his hands last night. Stifling a
groan, Rowan imagined how theyd spill from his hands in the months to come. He swallowed hard,
glancing down at Kiara. She had her hand tucked beneath his again, walking so close to him as if they
were a normal couple.

This is the best day Ive ever had, she said, smiling up at him.

Because of the food or the shopping? he asked, jokingly.

All of thatand the whole spending time with you. Thats what I truly enjoyed.

His heart hammered inside his chest. I know what you meant, brat. I feel the same way, too.

She stopped in mid-stride, her full lips pursed. She squinted one eye at him. What will it take to get
you to not call me that?
The impossible.

What does that mean? she asked softly. Suspiciously.

It means Im not going to stop calling you brat. Get over it. He took her hand and led them to the
truck. One more stop and then well head home.

Kiara sank into the seat and sighed. Kinsley, I like you so much. At this point you could drive me
halfway to the moon and I wouldnt utter a peep.

* * * *

Kiara felt her cheeks heat from Rowan heated stare. She hadnt meant to say it, but damn it, the man
was wreaking havoc on her brain. When they finally arrived at the door of his friends housea friend,
which hed just admitted he hadnt seen in a yearKiara stood back as a thin blond-haired man opened
the door. He had a big grin on his face. Its about time you The man stopped as soon as he became
aware of Kiaras presence. His expression shifted to one of curiosity and shock. Sorry. I didnt realize
youd be bringing a friend with you. He held the door wide. Come on in, you two.

Rowan placed his hand on her back, ushering her in front of him. Hows the wrist? he asked,
gesturing to the bandage around his friends hand.

It was Dawns idea to go rock climbing in Arizona last week. You know me, I wasnt into that stuff.

Kiara swore she could see Rowans body tense. Dawn?

She stood back, observing the exchange between the two men. The man averted his gaze from Rowan.
We started seeing each other a few months ago. He ran a hand over his closed shaved head. Dawns
not a bad person. She just doesnt know when to give it a rest sometimes.

He looked between Rowan and Kiara until she noticed his vision coming to rest on her stomach.
Rowans friend tilted his head to the side. Look, you didnt even introduce me to this lovely girl.

Rowans jaw tightened. Kiara used this as her cue to take over. Something about this Dawn woman
was obviously bothering Rowan. She extended her hand. Kiara Monroe.

The man whistled, introduced himself as Ben and grinned at Rowan. Well hells bells. Wonders
never cease. Looks like Im not the only one whos been tight-lipped. Congratulations are in order?

No, theyre not. Kiara is just a friend.

Kiara felt her stomach drop. Rowan didnt even look at her while speaking. That hurt, Kinsley. That
really hurt.

Ben blushed with embarrassment. My mistake. Sorry.

Kiara squashed the hurt and flashed Ben a saucy grin she hoped would annoy Rowan. Dont be.
Rowan and I really good friends. She winked. Our friendship got started a few months too late. Were
doing pretty good at playing catch-up.
Rowan glared at her out of the corner of his eye. Kiara waited to see if he would scold her in front of
his friend. He didnt. Instead his attention drifted toward a short, dark-haired woman entering the room.

Kiaras first reaction was, this must be Dawn. Recalling Rowans reaction to hearing the womans
name, she made sure to observe his every movement.

Oh, the woman said. I didnt realize you had guests.

Ben went to greet her, placing a kiss on her cheek. I told you Rowan was coming over. You must have

The woman glanced at Rowan, her lips curling to the side. Hmm, I wouldnt have forgotten that.

Rowan was silent as Dawn brushed past him. Im Dawn, Bens girlfriend, and you are

Reluctantly, Kiara answered her. Kiara. She was unsure how to proceed with a woman who
obviously brought discomfort to Rowan.

Dawn smiled. Kiara couldnt tell if it was genuine or not. Theyre ranchers. Im sure theyll do cattle
talk and the likes. Utterly boring. How about we go outside?

Um, I like cattle.

So do I, sweetie, but that doesnt mean I want to hear about it day in and day out. Dawn turned to
Rowan, acknowledging him for the first time. Plus, Im sure Rowan here wouldnt want to feel
responsible for you dying of boredom, now would he?

Chapter Eleven

You and Dawn? Rowan asked his friend after his former sister-in-law managed to convince Kiara
to leave the room with her. Id ask how this even happened, but I cant bring myself to care.

Ben scrubbed a hand over his head. Damn it, Rowan. Everyone grieves in their own way. You know
Dawn loved your little boy to pieces. Deep down she knows youre not responsible for his death. I dont
know why shes

Save it, Rowan said flatly. I came here to pick up the roping chute.

So, were not going to discuss this?

No, were not. Shelby and I havent spoken in over a year. She blames me, too. Her family didnt
like it that she married me in the first place. Whatever Dawn thinks or has to say about me, is the furthest
thing from my mind. Nothing will bring my son back, not my guilt, not any accusations. So no, we are not
discussing your girlfriend.

And no, he didnt care in the least that Dawn had cornered Kiara and was probably feeding her all
sort of lies about him. Might turn her away from me.

All right. So what about that girl youve got outside with Dawn? Got some problems on your hands,

Rowan snorted. You really think Id knock up some


Rowans clenched his jaw. Hed been on the verge of saying that exact word. He thought better of it.
Kiaras almost twenty, he said, fully realizing he was repeating her words. I explained before, were

Right, right, Ben said, disbelief dripping from his voice. Im not judging. I just dont want to see
you get hurt. On the other hand, I cant say that Im not glad youre finally getting back on the old horse.
Maybe this will be good for you. Especially being around a child again.

Rowan raised his brows. It wont. Kiara and I have an understanding. Neither of us is interested in a
binding relationship.

Ben held up his hand, eyes narrowed. Well, all right, chief. Sure sounds like you know what youre
doing. Far be it from me to play therapist.


Lets go round up that machine, since I can tell youre itching to get back to your friend outside.
Rowan ignored Bens sarcasm as they exited the house. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Kiara and
Dawn beside a fenced enclosure of llamas. The animals were apparently his friends new pet project,
what he deemed as the future of ranching.

Rowan sighed as he tried to keep his focus on business. If he hadnt had such a good time with Kiara
earlier, he wouldve regretted bringing her here. Interestingly enough, not even the worry of Dawn
poisoning her against him could make him regret the time he was spending with her today.

* * * *

Kiara was trying hard not to lose her temper with Dawn. The moment theyd left the house, the first
question out of her mouth was, How on earth did the two of you meet?

Kiara laughed quietly, unsure what to make of Dawns question. We live in the same town. At some
point you cant help but keep running into the same people.

Dawn smiled. Ive been to Elkspoint before. She pinned her gaze on Kiara as the smile died from
her lips. You know exactly what I meant. Rowan isnt exactly the poster boy for looks and charm, now is
he? Add being the king of Hicksville to that and it does leave one to wonder.

Kiara raised her brows. For a second she thought about pointing out that huge ass mole Dawns
boyfriend had at the side of his forehead, but decided to bite her tongue instead. She shrugged. I think
hes hot.

Hmm, Dawn murmured, looking annoyed as they strolled toward a fenced in enclosure with grazing
llamas. There are lots of words Id use to describe a man like Rowan Kinsley. I can assure you, hot
would not make the cut.

Kiara drew in a deep breath and turned to the woman next to her. "Whats really going on, Dawn? I
dislike drama and vague references. Why dont you tell me the real reason you were so insistent on
bringing me out here. I dont believe you cared about my boredom at all.

Dawn sucked in a breath. I dont know what you mean. Im sure it wouldve been dreadful for you
following around Rowan and Ben.

No, it wouldnt. I love spending as much time with Rowan as I can. If Im not mistaken, though, I
have a feeling you dont like him very much. Id bet money you cornered me to let me know just that.

Dawn smirked. Well, I guess you got me, huh, Kiara. Ill be honest with you. Rowan was married to
my sister Shelby.

Kiara almost choked. This was Kinsleys sister-in-law! Or rather ex-sister-in-law. That meant she
was Gages aunt. A bad feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. Now she knew the reason shed felt
uncomfortable when Dawn had made the statement to Rowan about allowing her to die of boredom. The
inflection shed put on the word, dying hadnt gone beyond her notice.

Kiara mustered her best poker face and said, Its a bit unusual for a sister-in-law to hold a grudge.
Are you angry they divorced?
You have to be joking. We were all praying for the divorce. That man was the worst thing to happen
to my sister. Her face darkened. No, I despise him because if it wasnt for him my nephew would still
be alive.

You blame Rowan?

Of course. Everyone does. Even Shelby. I dont know how she managed to move on, but she has.
Thank God. Rowan is the one who should be sorry. All he ever cared about was that ranch of his. He
forced my sister to have a baby she wasnt ready for and when she left Rowan alone to take care of their
sweet little boy, Shelby came home to find her child dead.

Kiara almost forgot to breathe. You think he killed his son?

Dawn shrugged and allowed her gaze to travel to Kiaras stomach. Hes not fit to be anyones father.
You should be thanking me for telling you this.

Kiara gaped. Her heart ached for the woman who obviously had loved Rowans son, but her
accusations didnt add up. The way shed seen Rowan slumped over with grief when shed made the
mistake of calling him papathat had been the look of a man whod lost the love of his life. Not a
murderer, or whatever Dawn was suggesting.

Im very sorry for the loss of your nephew, Dawn, but I dont think Im the right person you should be
telling this to. Rowan is my friend. More than a friend. Rowan loved his son, and I know hes devastated.
Please dont try and tell me hes responsible. Its a horrible thing to say.

Dawns eyes widened. Youre an idiot. Rowan Kinsley is nothing but backwater hillbilly trash
playing fancy rancher. Her lips thinned with disdain. Perhaps you and Rowan deserve each other. Pity
for your child because that man does not deserve another chance to be a father.

Kiara bit her tongue to keep from telling her Rowan wasnt the father of her baby. He deserves it
more than you think. Now if youll excuse me, Im going to find Rowan.

Despite feeling sorry for Dawn, she hurried away. In the midst of processing everything the woman
revealed, she nearly jumped out her skin when she collided with a solid frame. A pair of arms steadied


Everything about this man felt familiar. Oh so right, as if she belonged with him for the rest of her life.

Kiara clutched her chest. For Gods sakes, Kinsley, you almost gave me a heart attack. She craned
her neck, searching for his friend. Are you finished?

I am, he said, his voice sounding unusually hoarse. He was staring at her strangely. Kiara sighed.
Leave it to him to still be annoyed with her for suggesting to his friend they were dating.

Listen, Im sorry for what I said to Ben. I know were supposed to be friends with benefits. I was
angry because She frowned, suddenly realizing why shed been upset. Rowan was all too okay with
their status. And she wasnt. She wanted to be his one and only.
Its okay, he said, gently.

She pressed the back of her hand to his forehead. Are you sick?

He took her hand. Im fine. Its time to go home.

As they entered the pickup, Kiara asked, Dawn is interesting, isnt she?

Rowan stiffened. Yes. She is.

Kiara waited for him to question her about what she meant. He remained silent as they drove down a
bumpy unpaved road. Along the path was a broken down fence and a large plot of land that looked as if it
hadnt been taken care of in years.

Where are we? I thought we were headed to the highway.

Soon. I wanted to show you something first, he said as they pulled up to the rustic remains of a
ranch. Rowan killed the engine and turned to her. Dawn spoke with you about Shelby and Gage?

Kiara nodded. A little. She just, um, sort of pointed out how much she hates you.

Rowan rubbed the top of his brow. The entire family hates me. Its nothing new.

Dawn said some awful things about you, but I set her straight. You have your flaws, but I wasnt
buying what she was trying to say about you. The person she described sounded nothing like the person I

I heard you.

You did?

He nodded, his gaze centered on her. I heard most of it. I He paused before reaching over to press
his lips against hers. Thank you for trusting me.

Her stomach knotted. She didnt need Rowan to know the kind of effect he was having on her right
now. Clearing her throat, Kiara asked, So what is this place? You planning on buying another ranch?

No. This is where I used to work. I started working here when I was younger than you. It looks like
crap now and to be honest back then it wasnt much better, but the job paid and it was how I met Shelby.
Her family specialized in training horses. Our boss bought a couple of Appaloosas, and I met her when
we went to collect them. He pointed toward a couple of houses with the roofs almost caved in. Those
were the houses reserved for the ranch hands. Thats where I lived when Shelby and I met. Not much
bigger than your trailer.

Was she rich?

Yes. Her family tried to talk her out of marrying me. She didnt listen to them. We went ahead and got
married. At that time Id already saved up some money and bought the Cottonwood Ranch. It took a while,
but we started doing well. Shelby became pregnant soon after. She didnt dislike children, but it was
never her dream to become a mother.

Dawn mentioned that.

Yes. Of course. As Dawn probably mentioned to you, I did convince Shelby that having a baby
would be a good thing. And it was. She took to motherhood slowly and we were happy. Gage was a good
baby. Dawn even came over pretty often. She loved being around himplaying and helping Shelby take
care of him. Dawn cant have children of her own, so I suppose she viewed Gage in a way as her own. I
was fine with it, but of course, he was our son. When Shelby left one weekend to go visit one of her best
friends that she hadnt seen in years, Dawn insisted she leave the baby with her. I disagreed. I wish I
hadnt. I regret that decision every day of my life.

What happened?

He spoke low, and Kiara had to strain to hear him. He became ill. He was coughing a lot and not
eating much for a few days. Wed taken him to the doctor and he said it was just a cold, nothing to worry
about. It would work itself out. Shelby was reluctant to leave, but ended up going because of the
pediatricians reassurance. After she left Gages symptoms became worse. I took him back to the doctor
and they gave him some medication. I made sure he had his medicine, but I missed a dose one afternoon
when he fell asleep earlier than usual. He glanced at her, his eyes red. I gave it to him as soon as I
realized my mistake. He didnt seem that bad. I slept in the room with him. At one point I woke up in the
night to check on him. He drew in a deep breath, his voice breaking. He wasnt breathing right. I rushed
him to the hospital and Hed had pneumonia. He lowered his head, unable to continue.

Kiara wiped the moisture from her eyes and placed her arm around him. I get it. Im so sorry.

He raised his head after a minute and nodded. I cant stand Dawn, but shes right. If Id listened to
her, let her take him that weekend. If I hadnt missed that dose of medicine, hed probably still be alive.
Do you have any idea the way that type of guilt eats away at you?

She shook her head. Its not fair to blame yourself. You dont know what wouldve happened if hed
stayed with Dawn. She wasnt used to having a child around. Just because shes a woman doesnt mean
she wouldve done a better job than you. She touched his face, forcing him to look at her. My parents
are both surgeons. Ive seen my mother come home in tears because she lost a patient. Sometimes no
matter what you do, even if you do everything by the book, it can all go wrong. You have to know, even
deep down that missing one dose of medicineespecially since you gave it to him as soon as you
remembered, that it wouldnt cause death. Tell me, you know this on some level.

I do, he answered, softly. It still doesnt make life any easier or take away the pain.

I know. They sat in silence until Kiara asked, Why did you decide to tell me all of this?

Because youre the one person I felt would understand and tell me the truth whether I liked it or not.

Chapter Twelve

Something had changed. They both knew it. On the ride back to the ranch, Kiara knew without a doubt
there was no way she would or could leave Rowan for a lonely night inside her trailer. He needed her as
much as she needed him.

Shortly before they exited into town, the grey puffs of cloud burst open, unleashing a torrent of heavy
rain. Kiara cast her gaze to Rowans. His brows were furrowed in frustration. Damn, she heard him
mutter beneath his breath. Less than a minute later, his cellphone rang. Kiara listened in as he spoke with
Abe, who sounded even more frustrated.

When the call ended, he turned to her. The rains not supposed to let up for a couple of days.

I heard. You have to go out with the cowboys, dont you?

Rowan tightened his grip on the wheel as they came into a curve. We have to move the cattle or else
the entire stretch of pasture might get flooded. The ground is too low.

Her eyes widened. But you have a couple hundred heads of cattle there.

A loud clap of thunder boomed. He rubbed a hand against his jaw. Dont you think I know that?

She sighed. You wont be alone, will you?

Abe is rustling up some of the other hands to come down and help. Its going be a long night, brat.

She glanced out the window, suddenly feeling silly and almost like that stupid nickname he kept
calling her. Shed obviously seen firsthand how much work it took to run a successful cattle ranch, but she
never imagined even in the middle of a downpour that Rowan and his workers would have to go out.

Not wanting to seem childish or show her disappointment in not spending the rest of the evening with
him, she asked, Can you call me when you get back?

Why, are you worried about me?


He issued her a thin smile. Its been a long time since Ive had anyone worrying about me.

Does it bother you?

No. He stroked her cheek. Ive missed having a woman concerned about me. But rest assured, Ive
been through worse on the ranch. This is nothing major. Just a pain in the neck.

When they arrived back at the ranch, Kiara gave him a curious look because instead of driving down
the road to her trailer they were outside his house. Are you going to drop me off at the trailer or do I
have to walk all the way from here?

She waited for him to turn the engine back on. He didnt. What if I dont want to call you after Im

She furrowed her brows, confused at his change of heart. She wanted to reply but never had a chance
as Rowan spoke. Instead of hearing your voice on the phone, Id much rather come back to you safe and
sound inside my house rather than that pile of tin youre so fond of.

How dare he! Pile of tin. Kiara opened her mouth in outrage then clamped it shut as he turned to her
and drew her into his arms. I cant go out there if Im worrying about you and how the trailer will stand
up to the rain and wind if it gets worse a lot sooner than anyone can predict.

Kiara felt her anger deflate, especially when he removed a key from his set and handed it to her. This
was another one of Rowans way of showing he cared about her, without actually saying it. She took the
key and held it tight within her fist. Dont make me have to wait too long for you, Kinsley.

I wont.

Kiara climbed out of the truck and waved as he drove off. She went inside, taking her time to look
around, get a feel for Rowans house. Last night, shed been so shaken, utterly focused on Rowan and all
the feelings he incited within her, the house couldve been on fire and she probably wouldnt have noticed
anything beside the man her heart was set on. She moved across the living room, which was sparsely
decorated. The walls were bare, save for two paintings she admired, but didnt recognize the artist.
Kinsley has taste, she thought, smiling.

As she stared at the painting, Kiara felt a faint fluttering in her stomach. Dropping a hand to her navel,
she pressed hard trying to feel the tiny movement from within.

Maybe someday well have a place like this, she murmured. As if in answer, her stomach rumbled.
Groaning, Kiara headed to the fridge and made herself a sandwich. After eating, she perused the
bookshelf, hoping to use this time to learn more about Rowan. The books were a mixture of animal
husbandry and various ranching techniques. Kind of boring. She shifted her head as something sticking out
from the pages of a thick book caught her attention. Kiara opened the book, flipped the pages, stopping at
the picture tucked in between the pages.

Staring back at her was Rowan and a smiling red-haired woman holding a plump little brown-haired
baby in her arms. Mesmerized by the beauty of Rowans familythe family he no longer hadKiara
tightened her grip on the picture. Her lips widened into a smile as she traced her fingertips over his face,
much younger, happier and bereft of his beard. God he was handsome. Of course she knew that, but
without that beard the man was seriously good looking with a strong jaw and chin. She wondered now if
hed used his beard as a way to keep people at a distance. How sad.

Id called him ugly.

She carefully placed the picture back inside the book with a heavy heart. Feeling almost guilty for
stumbling across a part of his life he hadnt chosen to share, she went to the bedroom and climbed into
bed. Despite her attempts to hold sleep at bay, she eventually gave in when the sound of the heavy rain
pounding outside along with the sheer fatigue from pregnancy lulled her into slumber.

What felt like hours later, Kiara awoke, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She glanced at her phone on
the bedside table. It was after eleven. Shed been asleep for almost three hours. A bolt of lightning flashed
in the night, illuminating the outline of the trees. Suddenly the sound of a door opening and closing
vibrated through the house. She quickly jumped out of the bed. Rowan was back. Reaching the doorway,
Kiara found him standing there, his dark hair matted to his head and soaking wet.

She smoothed the hair from his forehead. Oh no. Youre freezing. His skin was cold to the touch. As
she brought her hand down, he grabbed it, holding firm, before slowly letting go. Is everyone okay? Did
you guys move all the cattle safely?

He nodded then lifted the drenched shirt over his head. The guys went home. We lost two calves, but
the rest are safe.

As Rowan reached for the buckle on his belt, Kiara brushed his hand away. He glanced at her, his
eyes questioning. Let me, she whispered, knowing his hands more than likely ached from the bone
chilling coldness.

You dont have to help me.

I know. She opened the buckle, keeping her eyes on him. I want to.

Kiara lowered her gaze, forcing herself to focus on the task at hand and not to the corded muscles on
his firm stomach, or the masculine dip that led to his groin as she opened the button. When her hand
moved to free the zipper, she peered up to find him watching her, his gaze rapt. He held her wrist,
preventing her from continuing in her task. Pushing her hand away, Rowan shook his head and worked the
pants off his body.

Ill get the shower started, she murmured.

Inside the bathroom, Kiara looked over her shoulder to find Rowan standing in the spot shed left him,
his heated gaze trained directly on her. Her heart raced inside her chest as she slid the shower glass open
and allowed the water to run.

Showers read The words died on her lips as she turned to see hed already entered the
bathroom. Rowan stood naked before her, a large red gash against his thigh.

What happened? she asked, taking note that he was obviously comfortable enough with her to be
naked around her without the guise of sex. Progress? She hoped so.

His lips twitched. There was a stubborn bull. Kind of reminded me of you. I had to chase after him
and got my leg snagged against a branch jutting out. Its just a surface scratch.

Kiara slanted her lips. You just compared me to one of your bulls. And yet Im not cursing up a
storm. How wrong you judge me, she said teasingly.

I went after the horrible creature, didnt I? Got injured in the process, he said, his stare fixed on her.
She laughed and pressed her hand against his bare chest. Im flattered, Kinsley. I think.

He held her fingers against his chest. The sound of the running water resonated in the background.
Kiara pulled back. Regardless of the tension between them and the definite need rising within her, Kinsley
needed to get in the shower and warm up. She stepped away, realizing he could see the way her nipples
jutted out from excitement above her swollen tummy. She cleared her throat, feeling shy and wishing shed
kept at least her bra on if not a shirt.

Ill wait for you in the room. Kiara dodged under his arm to head for the bedroom.

Minutes later Rowan re-entered the bedroom, draped in nothing but a towel around his waist. It was
so easy to lie back on the bed, pretending they were a real couple. She closed her eyes, allowing herself
to imagine if only for a second that the baby she had inside her was Rowans.

Too good. Too perfect. Kiara opened her eyes back to her reality.

Did you wait up for me? He stood at the foot of the bed. Kiara wondered if he was deciding if he
wanted to join her.

I wanted to wait up for you, but I fell asleep, she said honestly. Guess I felt a bit too cozy inside
your house, Kinsley. She forced herself to smile, despite the uneasy feeling in her stomach. Does it
bother you seeing me on your bed?

He shook his head. I kept pushing myself to finish up because all I could think about was you lying in
my bed, wrapped up in the sheets we made love in last night.

Oh God. He thought about last night too. All feelings of shyness and the tinge of insecurity shed felt
about her appearance vanished as his gaze washed over her body. Rowan wanted her, that much was
evident. Physically she could see the proof, but emotionally, she knew he was still feeling guilty about
craving something that might bring him a measure of happiness.

Ever since shed found out about everything hed lost, the child and a wife whod refused to forgive
and had turned her back on him, her own issues seemed much smaller in comparison. She no longer felt
like the coward her father accused her of being. She wasnt weak, as Nathan had taunted while hitting her.
Standing before her was the biggest challenge of her lifegetting Rowan to see they belonged together,
that he needed her. She wasnt running away from this, wasnt running away from the hurt she knew would
inevitably come if Rowan failed to acknowledge that they were better off together, helping each other
heal, than being apart. She was strong, strong enough for both of them.

Kiara knelt on the bed and extended her hand to him. You want me here, but you also dont. She
shook her head when he opened his mouth to speak. Let me finish, Kinsley, Kiara said, closing her hand
over his. I know you care about me. I definitely see that now. I also see that you dont want to want me.
The fact is, Im here and Im not going anywhere, at least not for tonight. So whatever guilt you have for
not allowing yourself to feel miserable, Im here to tell you, you need to stop.

He tried to remove his hand from hers, she held firm. I wont lie and tell you I know how it feels to
lose someone you love so much. All I can say is when I thought about my baby and putting it up for
adoption, that hurt like hell. How I felt, not even knowing my child I cant even fathom the anguish you
and Shelby must have felt, still feel at having held and loved your precious little boy.

He was the cutest kid, Rowan said, his tone filled with emotion.

I bet he was. She didnt want to tell him shed seen the picture, in case he thought she was snooping.
The thing is, children hate seeing their parents unhappy. I wont say Ive been the perfect child, but I
never did anything on purpose to make my parents unhappy, even if they believe I did. Kids love and try
hard to make their parents joyful, and Im sure your little boy wouldnt want you to be sad all the time.
From what youve told me, it doesnt sound as if there was anything you couldve done to prevent She
allowed her voice to trail off. You didnt cause your sons death. Youre not a horrible person or father.
Shelby and her family needed someone to blame, and Im sorry they chose you, because they are wrong.

Rowan remained silent after she finished. In a quiet tone, he asked, Do you believe in heaven? I mean

Kiara gave a firm nod. I do. With all my heart. Do you?

He raised a strong shoulder, sighed then nodded. I have to.

She pulled him alongside her on the bed. Youll see your little boy again one day, but in the
meantime, youll do as any good father and keep him right here, where he belongs. She placed his hand
above his heart. Exactly where all parents keep their children.

He rested his head on her breast and stared at her. Since when did you get so smart?

She wrinkled her nose, leaning down for a kiss. Always have been. I swear it.

Kiara listened to the low rumble of Rowans laughter. You dont believe me? she asked, stifling a

He scooted upward, closing his arm around her waist. I believe you.

Kiara smiled at the feel of Rowans lips against her ear. You should, she muttered, feeling sleepy
again. You really should, Kinsley. Her lids grew heavier, fluttering closed as it suddenly dawned on her
she was naked and falling asleep in his arms simply because it felt good. Felt right even without sex. She
sighed and curled into him even more. In truth, nothing had ever felt more right than this moment with
Rowan, nestled so close together.

Chapter Thirteen

Something was happening to him. Although most people in the town knew about Gages death, Kiara
was the first person hed actually confided in. It was so natural talking to her. With Kiara he never felt as
if she was listening to him out of politeness or paying lip service to his feelings. Everything shed said
last night, hed believed, so much hed begun to feel the weight on his soul lessen as shed ordered him to
stop punishing himself.

Naturally, the pain was still there, but somehow it was no longer debilitating. No longer soul crushing.
He had her to thank for itthe slip of a girl who had barreled into his life. This morning when hed
awoken at the crack of dawn, hed looked over seeing Kiara curled up beside him. The gravity of their
situation had hit him. Apart from Shelby, Kiara was the first woman hed spent an entire night with,
without sex being involved. Scarier, it hadnt even mattered. The simple act of having her close had been
enough, had soothed him even, more so than any sexual contact hed had over the past two years with
other women.

Now, as Rowan stood in the kitchen preparing breakfast, his gaze drifted to Kiara rounding the corner.
Her metallic blue streaked hair was damp from showering and curlier than it had been yesterday.

Your shower is a dream. Id almost forgotten what a hot shower felt like. She patted her hair with a

What do you mean?

She poured herself a glass of water, and Rowan watched in amazement at how quickly she downed the
full glass. She shook her head and stuck out her tongue, pretending to pant. The thirst is unbelievable.

He nodded. Of course. He remembered that. Shelby always carried a bottle of water with her
wherever she went during her pregnancy. He remembered the doctor even reminding her that it was
extremely important to stay hydrated. He allowed himself a moment to take in her entire frame. She was
wearing a new outfit, a pair of short overalls that looked unusually sexy for being overalls. His gaze
landed on her stomach, protruding through the material. His thoughts sobered. He was glad for the sight of
it, that it was obvious these days and too big to hide. That baby in her stomach was a stark reminder their
relationship would go no farther than the few months left in her pregnancy.

She placed the glass on the counter. Oh yeah. I dont have any hot water. I tried fixing it once. It
didnt go over too well. Its not so bad. Ive gotten used to it, but a hot shower once in a while would be
nice, though.

He stared at her. When winter comes, you wont be able to continue like that. Does the trailer even
have a heater?

She laughed. The sound was hoarse and hollow. Youre forgetting that by the time deep winter comes
I wont be here.

How could he forget? As she sat down, Rowan said, Have you thought about where youre heading?

Kiara shook her head. Well Ive always wanted to see up north. So maybe somewhere in that region.
Ive been looking at Vermont. My parents and I went there once, and it was gorgeous. If you dont fire me
anytime soon, Ill have enough money saved up to rent an apartment. From what Ive seen, the rent isnt
that expensive. Ill only need one bedroom until the baby gets older. I figure if it takes me a while to find a
steady job, I could hire myself out as a music teacher. Im pretty good at playing the piano. Maybe I can
give private lessons to little kids.

He didnt like the direction the conversation was heading, didnt like the uncertainty of her future. A
future she was planning without him. Exactly as hed wanted. Dont you want to go back to school? I
know you left before you graduated.
She shrugged while reaching for the scrambled eggs. Well, Kinsley, we both know want and needs
are two very different things. I like to tackle my challenges one at a time.

Whats on your list of wants?

She looked up from her food, her dark eyes narrowing with suspicion. What do you mean?

Last night we talked about happiness. Now I would like to know what would make Kiara happy.

You dont want to know, she said, looking back at her food.

I wouldnt ask if I didnt.

She laughed then fidgeted with the hair at the back of her neck. All right. Id be happy to move far
away from here and start completely over. There you have it. No big secret.

She was lying. Tell me the truth.

Her eyes widened. I just did. Ive wanted to leave for a long time. I wouldve if Nathan hadnt taken
my money. I wouldve been far away.

Far away from me.

Kiara nodded. Yeah. And I will be, you know. Its all I want. A new start, where Im not known as
the black trailer trash girl who got knocked up and beaten by her psycho boyfriend.

Ex-boyfriend, he reminded her tightly. Rowan forced himself to forget Harrison before another
wave of violence rose. I noticed something about you a while back. Whenever youre being dishonest
with me, you always mess with the little curls on your nape. You did the same thing when you lied and
told me you didnt want to accompany me to Mooresville.

I dont do that.

Yes, you do. You did it a while ago. Im not blind.

She stiffened. What are you trying to say?

I want you to be honest with me.

What good will that do either of us? She shook her head and stood. Rowan pushed out of his chair
and went to her. All I want is to hear you say what youre really thinking. I need to know Im not crazy.
He cupped the back of her head. Please, Kiara, just say it. Tell me Im not the only one whos had these

She gave him a pained expression then whispered so low he could barely hear. Fine. The truth is Id
be happy if the baby I was carrying was yours. Id be happy if you and I could be together and I didnt
have to leave town.

Rowan groaned and drew her to him, burying his face in her neck. He felt like scum for making her say
it, but man, did it ever feel good to hear. Kiara wanted him as much as he wanted her. She needed him as
much as he needed her. So why didnt he just tell her? He opened his mouth to do so but clamped it. He

He wasnt ready to love another child. Loving Kiara was one thing, but to open his heart to the baby
she was carryingand now determinedto keep. That was too much. Loving and taking care of a child
that had no biological connection to himself was surely a deep betrayal to the son hed failed. As much as
he wanted to be with Kiara, she was a package dealone he mentally could not afford.

His gut clinched when she flicked a hand across her moist eyes. Dont worry. After what you told
me, I know what I said wontcant happen. Thats why I wont stick around. It would be a risk
hanging out here in case Nathan comes back and wants to hurt me. And of course, I dont want to hurt you
by having the baby around or near the ranch. I understand now how painful that would be.

His heart ached. Didnt she think hed protect her from Harrison? He looked at her again and felt an
insurmountable amount of shame well up. Kiara was being so considerate of him, putting his feelings
above her own and he was too shattered to do the same for her.

Kiara He pressed his lips to her temple. I wish I was a better person for you, sweetheart. I wish
I could make you so happy, but I

She pressed her fingertip to his lips then closed her mouth over his. Lets just enjoy each other until
that time comes. No regrets, okay?

He swallowed hard and drew her to him. His cock hardened at the feel of her soft body crushed
against his. Can I make love to you again? he asked, overwhelmed with the need to sink inside her
moist heat. You cant imagine how good it felt for me the last time we had sex. He almost shook from
the memory of it. Shed been so damn hot and wet, clenching tight around his shaft until he could no longer

Kiara moaned against his lips and circled her arms around him. Im always ready for you.

He couldnt wait. It felt like his cock would burst out of the seams of his pants when Kiara stroked the
back of her hand along his groin. Ah, baby. You must be wanting it real bad today.

She nodded and kissed him again. Rowan lifted her and brought her into the bedroom. He pinned her
against the wall, riveted to the sight of her lovely body, aroused just for him. Her skin was so smooth and
silken. He wondered what it would feel like to lick her all over it. Hell, he also wanted to spread her
thighs and lick her pussy until she came all over his mouth. His cock jerked. Right now though He tore
off her clothes, and saw that she wasnt wearing underwear. He almost wept with joy.

He kissed her neck and whispered in her ear as his hand stroked and tweaked her nipples. How wet
am I going to find you when I touch your cunt?

She trembled against him. Sopping.

His heart jumped. Yes, this was his girl. And when I push my cock inside you, Kiara, how badly do
you want me to come inside you?
* * * *

Kiara felt moisture trickle from between her legs at Rowans question. Oh God, Rowan. Please do
it. She reached around to touch his cock. He groaned, brushed her hand away and placed the tip of his
cock against her entrance as she held on to the edge of the bed.

Her heart pounded with anticipation. She was going to feel him inside her again. Rowan was the only
man she wanted. He penetrated her slowly, pushing the head between her labia. Kiara squirmed, raising
her hips to bring him deeper. He moved his hand to rest on her stomach. She closed her eyes, enjoying the
exquisite feel of his hand on the one spot she figured hed avoid. It felt almost forbiddenRowans cock
so breathtakingly deep inside her pussy making love to her; with one hand on her belly swollen with
another mans child. Turning to him to figure out what he was thinking, she felt him lean toward her, his
lips beside her ear.

From now on, Im the only man wholl touch you like this. Until you and I end this thing between us,
you belong completely to me. She shut her eyes, reveling in his words as he thrust long and hard between
her splayed thighs.

With those words he drove home. Her lips parted on a luxurious sigh. Rowans cock felt like heaven,
driving her utterly insane with each delicious stroke. Making love to him was unlike anything shed ever
felt before or could even imagine. Kiara pushed back against him, determined to make him as crazy as he
was making her. Grinding against him, she heard his loud intake of breath. His hand twisted in her hair.
She could feel his lips against her skin, trailing hot kisses along the column of her neck. Her body
quivered under the tender onslaught of pleasure. As her heartbeat quieted in the aftermath of climax, she
became vaguely aware of his languid motion.

Cant do this again, she heard him whisper against her as his penis jerked and swelled inside her. I
cant, Kiara. Please dont make me lose my mind. Please dont make me break my promises.

Kiara craned her neck to look back at him, her hand coming to rest against his face. His features grew
taut, and his lips parted as he gave one final thrust. Hot seed poured into her as she continued to stroke his
face. I wont make it you lose it, she promised. Ill leave, Rowan. I swear Ill do it, if thats what you

He nodded, lowering his forehead to rest on her back. Seconds later he drew her to face him, holding
her close with his lips against hers. Ill still be good to you, he said. Ill be really good to you.

Kiara nodded, fighting back tears. She knew what Rowan meant. Hed be good to her until the time
came when he expected her to keep her promise and leave him in peace or rather the misery he wanted
every day of his life. She forced a thin smile. Ill be good to you too, Kinsley. Really good.

Chapter Fourteen

The next morning, Kiara returned to the office she shared with Noreen. As she eyed the quiet space,
she had no choice but to be honest with herself. She liked it here, working with Noreen and simply being
on the ranch. Shed gotten so used to the sight of dust being kicked up beneath the horses as she gazed out
the window while crunching numbers alongside Noreen and the scent of leather and hay that greeted her
each morning when she arrived on the ranch. Obviously life on a ranch could also be harsh and
unyielding, as shed witnessed last night with Rowan and his men going out in the heavy rain. However, it
was a life she wouldve embraced, adapt to. It would be a life with the man she loved.

I heard you had a busy evening on Friday, Noreen remarked as Kiara pulled out a chair.

She issued Noreen a deadpan stare. Busy? I thought I was about to be ripped apart by a raging bull.
That menace came up out of nowhere.

What were you doing over there anyway? Last you told me, you were tired and wanted to put your
feet up for the evening.

Kiara turned on her computer and shrugged. Shed used fatigue as an excuse so she could lick her
wounds after knowing Rowan had gone out with the older brunette. I dont even know, she mumbled.


What hmm-mmph? Kiara asked, arching a brow.

Noreen smiled. Sweetie, youre not fooling anyone. Least of all me. Its plain as daylight that youve
got it bad for Rowan.

Kiara groaned. She was unable to hide her feelings from her only female friend. Am I that obvious?

Kind of. Noreen laughed. Dont worry. I dont think what you feel is one way either. She gave
Kiara a conspiratorial look. I might have caught boss looking at you a time or two. Much longer than

Noreen, if you only knew. Trying to sound as nonchalant as possible, Kiara made a show of
straightening her desk. So um, I guess you and Abe were around here during Rowans marriage, huh?

Noreens smile faded. Wed both started working here right before it happened. She sighed. Its not
exactly the kind of thing I want to talk about. Too sad.

Kiara nodded. Im sorry. Youre right. I shouldnt have asked.

I understand. Did Rowan tell you about his son?

He did.
Noreens features were etched with concern. I like you a lot, Kiara. I hope youre careful and know
what youre doing. Im saying this because having a crush on Rowan is one thing, but I know him pretty
well after all these years and Ill be honest with you. I was raised by a single mother. I know its not easy,
however if youre eyeing Rowan as a father for your child, Im gonna tell you, youre wasting your

Kiara flinched. Thats quite an assumption. Ill tell you this, however. Youre right. Rowan and I do
have something. Its not a full relationship, but its there. As for me looking for a father for my kid, I know
you didnt mean it as harsh as it sounded, but youre wrong. This is something Ill face on my own. I dont
need Rowan or any other man to help me raise my child.

Im glad you understood my intention. I didnt want to seem mean, just honest. I wanted you to know
what youre in for. Thats all. Like I said, Ive lived it. There are decent men out there who wont give a
lick that its not their child and will love that child like its their own, but Rowan. She tapped her head.
I dont know if hes mentally ready to take that on, or if he even wants to.

I know. Like I said, Id never ask him, or anyone else, to help me raise my child. Kiara rested her
head on the back of her chair. None of this wouldve ever happenedme being pregnant, falling in love
and about to have my heart broken soon, if Id left town months ago. Before I allowed that asshole to
touch me again.

Noreen paused in her typing. Were talking about you and Harrison?

Yes, him, she hissed, before catching herself. I had it all planned out, Noreen. I was biding my time
until I could leave him without ending up homeless on the streets. It got pretty hard sometimes staying
away from the trailer just to avoid him, not knowing what sort of mood hed be in after drinking. I started
to hang out on that little section of the ranch, where all those apple trees grow wild near the woods.
Nathan hated the ranch, so I knew I was always safe from him there. Id stay out there for hours
sometimes, just me and the trees. Sometimes re-reading books Id brought along with me from home.
Thats where I first got to know Rowan. She turned to Noreen with a big smile on her face. I felt a
connection right away. Its hard to explain. For myself it felt like electricity was in the air between us.
Especially when our hands touched. I know it sounds corny, but I swear to God its true. It wasnt love at
first sight or anything. I dont even really know what it was. All I know is that I was sad we couldnt meet
every day. I wouldve met him every single day if hed asked.

Did Nathan force you to sleep with him? Is that how you got pregnant after you started having
feelings for Rowan?

Kiara nodded. She told Noreen all about Nathans threats and intentions to go on the ranch and cause
havoc. Hed been annoying me for a while trying to touch me and carrying on like it was before I
realized what a horrible person he was. I didnt want his hands or any part of him on me or near me. I
truly didnt and he knew it, too. He didnt care. He knew I was scared of him and he forced me into
having sex that night. She drew in a breath. I suppose I couldve fought him more, but after a point I
thought maybe the best thing was to give in to him and play along. It was the only way I could reach him to
get him to calm down and not make everyones life worse. If hed come over here, Rowan might have
gotten hurt, or maybe the idiot Nathan might have gotten himself killed. I did what I thought was best to
prevent something worse from happening. Im not even sure Id do anything different if I could go back in
time. If youd seen the look on his face when he talked about Rowan, how he blamed him for not having
money because word had spread that he tried to steal from the ranch. She crossed her arms around her
middle. It scared the hell out of me. The next morning Nathan woke up in a better mood, almost as if hed
been in some sort of stupor when hed done his ranting the night before. I told him I had to go to work.
What I really did was make sure to take his gun. I dropped it off at the sheriffs office anonymously. Id
never forgive myself if Id allowed a person like him to keep access to a weapon.

That was very brave of you. Wasnt Nathan angry when he realized it was missing?

I told him I had no idea where it was.

He couldnt have believed you.

He didnt. He also couldnt force me to talk. He roughed me up. I had to remind him people would
start asking questions when I go to work with bruises again. That held him off for a bit. I told him I might
even get fired if I turned up looking like a mess. Nathan loves money so that was enough to keep him at

Does Rowan know all thiswhat Nathan wanted to do?

Kiara shook her head. Id never tell him. It was my choice not to put up more of a fight and I
wouldnt want to add guilt to what he already feels. Anyway, Rowans already disgusted that I was with
Nathan and hello this here She pointed to her stomach. If he found out how batshit crazy Nathan
actually is, hed probably push me away for sure.

Kiara, I think Rowan already knows. We all saw those bruises on your face. Its clear Nathan
Harrison was an animal. Thats not a reflection on you.

Isnt it? I chose him. I was too stupid to see who he really was until it was too late. Im smart, but I
wasnt smart enough to know better.

We all make mistakes. That doesnt mean we deserve to suffer for them or be looked down on for the
rest of our lives. Youre so young. Nathan wont define you unless you let him.

Kiara sighed. Noreen was right, and it was the same thing shed assured Rowan.

At the end of the workday, Kiara went in search of Rowan. Shed seen him during her lunch break.
Hed been in a hurry because one of the horses had gotten too close to a milksnake and had a nasty bite on
its nose.

As she rounded the corner, it didnt take long to find him. Rowan was talking with Dr. Townsend, the
local veterinarian, while gently stroking the injured horses mane. Not wishing to interrupt, Kiara resumed
walking, heading in the opposite direction to the trailer.

* * * *

Rowan tried so damn hard to focus on the instructions Dr. Townsend was giving to him as he watched
the sensuous sway of Kiaras hips out of the corner of his eye. He breathed a sigh of relief the moment she
was no longer in his line of vision. Now he could concentrate on hurrying along the conversation without
his brain feeling like mush. Once the doctor left and he was assured the tetanus shot would stave off any
infection that might arise from the bite wound, Rowan made quick work of seeking out his woman.

His woman. The thought made his steps quicken.

By the time he caught up to Kiara, she was nearing the edge of woods on the outskirts of the ranch. He
watched her movements slow until she came to an abrupt stop, almost as if she could feel his eyes on her.
She turned to look at him. She was now standing beneath the shade of the apple tree. How fitting. They
were standing in the same spot hed found her all those months ago.

Rowan rubbed his jaw. He hated the thought of her walking the rest of the way, only to be alone inside
the trailer. Within seconds, he covered the small distance, standing in front of her.

He nodded toward the tree. Months ago, would you have believed wed be here together?

She shrugged. I wouldnt have, no matter how much I couldnt get you out of my mind.

He raised his brows. You thought about me all the time, even though you were with Harrison?

She nodded and shifted her leg. I wasnt happy. I hadnt been for a long time. I knew it was weird
being with Nathan and liking you, especially after I found out I was pregnant. I really tried to stop, but I

He touched her cheek. Im forever grateful you couldnt. As for Harrison, you can be sure if he ever
comes back hell never lay a hand on you again.

Kiara grimaced. Im holding on to hope hell just fall off the face of the earth.

Rowan wanted just the opposite, for Harrison to show his face around town again so he could get a
taste of his own medicine. The stirrings of anger resonated in his body at the memory of Harrisons abuse
of Kiara. He lowered his head, pressing his lips to hers in a heated kiss. She twined her arms about his

Drawing back, he saw the disappointment in her eyes as she spoke. You have to go now, dont you?

I wont stay too long tonight, he told her. I only need an hour to finish up. Can I see you again later,
or will you be too tired?

No. I wont be too tired. The exhaustion has actually gotten better. I can stay up past my bedtime

Rowan grinned. Good girl. Do you want me to pick you up when Im done?

She shook her head. I have a better idea. How about you come over here. Ill cook.

He raised a dark brow. Brat, can you even cook?

Kiara feigned outraged. Noreen taught me a few things. For example, have you ever tasted her honey
I have.

So you definitely know how delicious and tangy that dish is?

Rowan nodded. It was his favorite dish from Noreen. Was she trying to tell him she could cook that

Yeah. Im glad you like it because mine wont taste as good.

He shook his head. He shouldve known better, he chided himself, capturing her by the waist. It
suddenly occurred to him that he was no longer bothered by the feel of her stomach between them.
Somehow it no longer seemed like the barrier hed once considered it. Thanks for the warning.

She leaned up, her soft lips kissing him hard. Dont be late. I do have to go to bed at some point. I
have an appointment early tomorrow morning. Noreen already knows. I told her Id make up the hours in
the evening. Ill miss about two hours of work when I go into town for the ultrasound.

Rowan frowned. Worry for Kiara and the baby knifed into him. Is something wrong?

Nothings wrong, its a routine visit. The doctor said its to check the anatomy to make sure
everythings developing as it should. Her eyes beamed with excitement. Maybe Ill even find out if
its She stopped, allowing her voice to trail, as if shed caught herself doing something wrong.
Anyway, Kinsley, dont come over too late.

Shame and guilt weighed heavy on his shoulders, causing him to loosen his hold on her. Kiara had
curtailed her excitement at the possibility of finding out her babys sex, because of him. Thoughtful as it
was of her, it made him feel like a beast. It wasnt right, and she shouldnt have had to do it.

He stuck a hand in his pocket. I wont be late. Just dont eat all the food before I get there, he said,
attempting to make her smile.

Hurrying to finish his tasks, Rowan couldnt recall the last time hed had something apart from sheer
exhaustion driving him to finish his work. Kiara was making him look forward to things that had nothing
to do with the daily grind of ranching. And as promised, Rowan arrived at the trailer an hour later where
he was met by the aromatic smell of Kiaras cooking.

Whatever she was in there attempting to cook up couldnt be that bad, he reasoned. Hand raised,
Rowan never had the chance to knock, as the door was abruptly drawn wide open. Kiara stood there, one
hand fastened on the handle. He almost forgot to breathe. She had changed clothes and was wearing a v-
neck tunic dress that dipped low, revealing the right amount of cleavage to make him want to bury his face
between them and suckle on her nipples for hours. The silken material clung to her ripened body, stopping
at mid-thigh. Rowan groaned, as visions of himself driving into her all night long assailed him, making his
knees grow week.

Swallowing, he raised his gaze to her face, although it didnt do a damn thing to temper his swelling
erection. He forced himself to appear stern, not having forgotten how quickly shed opened the door a
while ago. I sincerely hope you dont make a habit of opening this door without first seeing who it is.

She closed the door behind him. I knew it was you. I wouldnt have opened it otherwise. Anyways,
its not like I get any visitors as you already know. She smiled at him. Remember, Im obnoxious and
make it hard for people to like me.

Hmm, funny, he murmured, fascinated with the cute little dimple in her left cheek that deepened
every time she smiled or laughed. So wheres this food I was promised?

He pivoted, almost colliding with the small table shed set for the two of them. The scratched table
was laid out with dishes and utensils, reminding him of an elegant restaurant setting. Shed even folded
the paper napkins into a triangle reminiscent of a boats sail.

He shook his head, once again stunned at the contradiction that was Kiara. He studied her as she
turned to the small refrigerator, pulling out two bottles. Rowan felt his chest tighten. It wasnt the first
time hed felt bad for her, having to adjust to the life shed chosen by running off with Harrison. From
everything shed told him, of her life at home with her parents and having attended boarding school, he
felt a certain amount of admiration for her.

Although hed grown up poor, hed worked hard enough to gain a substantial amount of wealth, enough
to afford him a comfortable life even if the ranch was to go under today. Truth of it was, if his wealth was
taken away, it would be one hell of a struggle adjusting to life without a cent to his name. He didnt envy
Kiara. If anything, he wanted to make it all better. He wanted to take care of her and Rowan frowned.
He halted that impossible train of thought.

Perhaps he should try again and encourage Kiara to reconcile with her parents after she had the baby.
They had to see reason. Simply looking at her, knowing her, Rowan had no idea how the people who
claimed to love her could ever have allowed her to walk away and not spend every day searching for

Exactly what I plan on doing. Letting her go.

Arent you hungry?

Rowan blinked to find Kiara staring at him. She was already seated. Ignoring the traitorous thoughts
inside his head, he sat across from her, preparing to eat every single bite of the food shed prepared
regardless of the taste.

Kiara had lied. Rowan sank his teeth into bite after bite. He made sure to let her know exactly how
delicious the food was. After the meal ended, they sat together on her bed. Drawing her onto his lap,
Rowan pressed his face against her temple, inhaling her delicious scent.

What are you doing? she asked huskily.

Nothing. Nothing at all, he said. She shifted on his lap, rubbing her bottom against his aching shaft.
Were not doing that tonight, honey. You need to rest. I just want to hold you. Thats all. He kissed her
neck, pausing as a sliver of metal caught his attention. It was the knife shed mentioned before. It stuck out
beneath the pillow next to hers.

Rowan set her on the bed and edged toward the knife, withdrawing it from beneath the pillow. He
fingered the sharpened blade. Id hoped you were joking.
Put it back, Rowan.

Her stare pleaded with him to understand why she had to keep it there. Sighing, Rowan returned the
knife to its hiding spot. Anger coursed through him. Anger at Harrison for hurting her so much that she
feared for her life and sickened at his own inaction in keeping her and making her feel safe.

Kiara, you shouldnt be here all by yourself. Not only because youre afraid. What if something else
happenedwith your pregnancy for instance? Theres no one to watch out for you or give you immediate

She waved a hand in the air. Im not the first pregnant woman to live alone. Its fine. If something
happens I can call you, right?

Damn it, she shouldnt have to ask. Rowan nodded. Of course you can. You can call me at any hour.
Thats not my point. He ran a hand through his hair. Listen, what if you stayed with me in the house? We
shared a bed last night. We could again tonight and every other night.

Every other night until Im gone? she asked, staring at him with huge eyes.

For every single night for the rest of my life, his mind screamed. Rowan tensed, however, refusing to
acknowledge her question. I hate having you here. You hate being here. You deserve better than this. You
deserve better than me.

She shook her head hard. Thats out of the question. Im not moving in with you.

Why not? Do you think Ill end up mistreating you?

No. I was treated like crap because I no longer had anything of value Nathan could milk from me. I
know you like me for me. Thats not what this is about. Im tired of moving around. I know this trailer is
far, really far, from ideal, but its stability for me. Not to mention I went completely broke buying this with
money my grandma gave me before her death. Kiara grimaced. Money I suppose she thought Id put
towards the use of bettering myself. Anyway, Kinsley, my point is, I need my own space. I need to
continue being sufficient by myself, regardless if Im scared or not. Theres no other way Ill be able to
make it on my own if I dont start now, even if Im uncomfortable.

How can I protect you then?

You dont. Its as simple as that. I told you from the very beginning, I didnt expect anything from you.
All I wanted was for us to be together and enjoy each others company. Nothing more. She climbed back
on to his lap. Now, I believe you were about to kiss me before putting me to bed.

This isnt some kind of a joke, Kiara. I saw what that bastard did to you. That image of you, in the
stable, with your face bruised is something I can never get out of my head. How do you think Id live with
myself if he came back one night and hurt you and the

Me and the baby?

Yes. You and your baby.

She bit her lip, worrying the silver barbell. I know how dangerous he is. Trust me, I do. But I also
know youre uncomfortable when I talk about the baby Im having. Im going to get bigger soon. Maybe by
that time youll realize youre no longer attracted to me. So, moving in with you is definitely not a good

I wont care how big you get. Ill always be attracted to you. I He stopped. Maybe Kiara was
right and it was better he didnt make it worse on both of them by filling her head with promises he
couldnt keep.

Releasing a ragged breath, Rowan reached for the single key hed laid on her table and handed it to
her. Im going to leave and let you get some sleep. If anything happens, if you hear a sound you dont
like, anything at all, I want you to call me. In the meantime, youll take this.

Her brows furrowed in confusion. This is the key for your truck.

I want you to keep it. You can park the truck here and use it whenever you want. You wont have to
hitch rides anymore.

Your truck is brand new. You just bought it. I know you love it. She shook her head, handing the key
back to him. If youre really willing to lend me a vehicle, I could use the old green pickup. I saw it in the

The green pickup that hed used as a workhorse around the ranch? She was out of her mind. He wasnt
even sure if the airbags functioned properly or if the seatbelt would stretch comfortably around her
stomach in the coming months.

Thats out of the question, he told her. Youll use the F-250. Its a lot safer.

Youre really letting me use your truck? She gaped in astonishment.

I am. Rowan thumbed her chin. I have to go now, honey. Youre not the only one who has to get up
early tomorrow.

She fingered the key. Ill drive you back to the ranch.

He shook his head. No, you wont. I can walk just fine. Just remember what I said to you. You call
me if anything happens. I dont care what time it is.

I will, she said, her gaze holding him captive. Rowan clasped her to him, kissing and holding her
one last time before saying goodnight.

Chapter Fifteen

Kiara leaned up on her elbows after wiping the slippery liquid from her stomach.

Youre set to go, the technician informed her. Give me a second and Ill print out these pictures for

In no time at all, Kiara was stepping down the hallway, shakily making her way to the truck. Seated
behind the wheel of Rowans pickup, she ran her fingers over the ultrasound picture with an arrow
pointing to three distinct lines. She was having a healthy little girl and wanted so badly to share the news
with Rowan.

She couldnt.

Rowan had no interest in her child. Rightly so, she supposed. There was simply no way she could
blast her happiness in his face, her joy at meeting her own child, knowing he was hurting still from the
loss of his son.

Sighing, Kiara placed a hand on her stomach. I guess I really have to start thinking about a name for
you, she said out loud on the drive to work. Once shed made it back to the ranch and before heading to
work, the first place she visited was Rowans office. The office was located inside the house with wide
French doors leading to the outside. They were left ajar. Kiara pushed the door open. Rowan glanced up,
scooting a folder to the side of his desk as she entered the room.

How did your appointment go?

It went fine, she said, wondering what else she could say to his feigned interest.

Just fine?

Do you really want to know, or are you asking to be polite?

I honestly want to know. He let out a loud breath. Your eyes have a sparkle to them this morning. I
want to know what put it there. Tell me.

Lord help him. Rowan was trying. He really was. Kiara sat on top of his desk and withdrew the
ultrasound pictures. Rowan took the picture between his fingers, lowering his gaze to study the images.
He glanced up, his eyes solemn. Youre having a daughter?

Kiara bit her lip and gave a slow nod. Yes. Shes healthy, measuring ahead too.

He stared at the pictures for a while then slowly returned them to her. Congratulations.

Something in his voice made her breath catch. Do you think I made the right decision by not going
back to the adoption agency? She pursed her lips. After today it all seems so real. Much more than
Rowan clasped her hands to his. Youre a smart girl. A lot smarter than anyone else I know.
Everyone wonders the same thingnot about adoption, but if theyre ready to take on the responsibility.
As long as you love and provide the basics for your baby itll be fine, Kiara. Thats really all that matters.
Trust me.

Kiara chewed the inside of her lip. She had to believe him. He had been through parenting after all, if
for a short time.

I dont suppose youll help me come up with a name for her? she asked, half- jokingly.

He gave her a slow grin. Childrens names arent my forte. Youre on your own there. Now if you
need help naming a horse, Ive got a few in mind.

She wrinkled her nose then kissed him. No, thank you. If you wont help me, the least you can do is
make it up to me by letting me see you again tonight.

His lips twitched. I already have something planned for you. All you have to do is meet me tonight
behind the tack room.

* * * *

The nights sky shone bright and clear with a million stars. Rowan leaned against the wall of the room
he used for storage. As he waited for Kiara to show up, it suddenly occurred to him that the pounding of
his heart wasnt just due to his anticipation of seeing Kiara. No, it had everything to do with his worry she
might not show up at all. It would be too easy to take her interest in him for granted. Rowan knew better.
So he stood there, straining his eyes in the dark, hoping to get a glimpse of her approaching form and
feeling as nervous as a pimple faced teen about to ask out his first girl.

His gaze shifted to the equipment hed recently purchased. Ever since the high performing telescopes
arrival, hed been scouring the internet, searching for information predicting the best time to view the
night sky. Hed gotten lucky tonight as unusually clear skies were predicted for the first time in days.

Have you ever wished on a shooting star, Kinsley?

Last night I kept hoping to see one.

He hadnt forgotten those words shed uttered as she lay on her bed after Harrisons attack. He also
hadnt forgotten her affinity for stargazing, something shed told him she would do quite often at home.
Rowan smiled as he tried to imagine his Kiara in familiar surroundings, before everything had gone sour
with her at school. She must have been a hand full, despite all that sweetness shed tried to hide.

His smile widened as he thought back to the very first time hed seen her standing outside her trailer.
If only hed known back then what an important person shed become in his life. She was the most honest
person, well except when embarrassment made her lie, and of course she was loyal to boot. His chest
swelled with pride at the way shed stood up for him to his ex-sister in law. No one had defended him
like that before. As much as Shelby had loved him and gone against her family to marry him, shed never
really stuck up for him to her family. In the end, shed agreed with them and told him marrying him was
her biggest mistake.
Kiara, though She was unlike any female hed ever known or been with it. She was so damn loving
yet stubborn to a fault. A wonderful fault he respected. Hed bet anything her daughter would take after
her in almost every way. Rowan groaned inwardly. God help him, living with two females with that
stubborn streak would surely be the end of him.

It wasnt until a second later when he saw Kiara approaching, that the directions of his thought hit him.
Still, his shoulders sagged with relief as she drew nearer. In the dim moonlight, her features appeared
ethereal. Absolutely gorgeous. Her high cheekbones, luminous dark eyes, and that cute little dimple in her
left cheek, making its appearance again as she smiled and waved to him. His beautiful, beautiful girl.

Here I am, Kiara said, holding out her hands. Whatre we doing tonight, Kinsley? She cocked her
hand on her hip and grinned. Hopefully it involves tongues and lots of touching.

Naughty. Rowan cleared his throat. Well save that for later.

She made a sound in her throat and looked around. Her vision landed on the telescope. Rowan
watched, his chest tightening as she turned to him, stunned. Her mouth fell open, her dark eyes wider than
ever. She switched her gaze between him and the telescope.

The way to her heart.

This is a triplet apochromatic refractor telescope!

He burst out laughing. If I didnt know any better Id say you were a geek.

Brat, hellcat, geek. I dont care what you call me. All I care about is getting my hands and eyes on
that piece right there. She stared at him in awe once again. Where did you find this particular brand?
Theyre hard to locate.

Tell me about it. I bought it from a dealer in Lincoln.

Her eyes widened. You mean you own this? She walked up to him and touched his chest. Kinsley,
she said in a soft voice. Im actually wet for you because of this.

He groaned and clasped her to him, crushing his mouth to hers in a scorching kiss. You will make this
up to me tonight.

Her breasts rose and fell inside her shirt as she gazed at him with fevered eyes. Im going to give you
the best head of your entire life. Just you wait.

Oh hell. His cock hardened. How long did she intend to stare at those fucking stars tonight?

She moved from him, turning her complete attention to the telescope, adjusting it with expertise.
Come look. She beckoned to him. Obligingly, Rowan took a look into the lens, suddenly feeling
ignorant. While he didnt consider himself an idiot by any means, he had no idea what to do with the damn

Kiara, honey, all Im seeing is a bunch of stars. I dont even know what Im supposed to be looking at
or looking for.
Her hand grazed alongside his, as she took over. Theres a lot to see. For instance, these three stars,
going in a downward pattern. If you look above it to the right, thats actually the planet Saturn you can

Rowan trained his eye on what she described. She was right, as usual. The view of space was
fascinating, but still He raised his head from the lens. There were no amount of stars or planetary
bodies that could compare to the woman standing beside him. Kiara had him on the edge. She made it
hard for him to see anything but her. It was hard to be away from her, despite seeing her on the ranch
every day. Those moments were not enough.

He had a sinking feeling nothing would ever be enough when it came to her. This young woman who
made him want to enjoy life again, who continued to amaze him each and every day with everything she

Bravery like no other. How shed risked her life to save him. His body shook as he gazed at her and
saw that horrible image of the bull switching direction, charging at Kiara. Shed clung so hard to him

We need each other so much.

Later as they sat on the grass, Kiara pointed out that if they wanted to watch for shooting stars it was
better to do so with the naked eye. They could see all of the visible sky instead of one spot with the
telescope. Naturally, hed indulged her.

She turned to him now, her charcoal eyes soft. Her skin blended in with darkness of the night, as she
spoke quietly. Can I stay with you tonight?

His heart slammed against his chest. Rowan cupped her face. Only if you let me hold you all night

She stared into his face before bringing her head to rest on his shoulder. We havent seen any
shooting stars tonight and in a way Im glad. Maybe theyre hiding or just on their way across the sky to
some other girl out there who needs a wish more than I do. Because the truth is I dont need any wishes.
All I need is for one person to know how I feel and use that to make up their own mind, no wishes
involved. She heaved a sigh. So the thing is, Kinsley, theres something I want to tell you. I dont want
to scare you or make you think I expect anything from you right now.

His heartbeat stopped. Something was wrong with Kiara. Damn her, she must have kept information
from him earlier when shed mentioned her ultrasound exam. Rowan opened his mouth to demand to know
what was wrong. He paused when Kiara raised her head to look at him.

She sank her white teeth into her bottom lip. Im falling hard for you. She looked up at him through
hooded lids. Like really hard. Might even involve me loving you a little, or a whole lot, and it scares the
hell out of me, because I dont want to feel like this.

Rowan gulped. His throat knotted, making it hard to breathe. The words he wanted to say were on the
tip of his tongue, yet he couldnt bring himself to utter them. He forced the words that could undo him back
and simply captured her lips to his, showing her what he couldnt say.
His lips trailed a hot path along her neck. Her soft moan whispered against his ear brought him back to
reality. Rowan drew himself back before taking her right then and there in the open. He took a deep breath
and stood, carefully helping Kiara to her feet.

His heart pounded and his cock throbbed with such intensity. Kiara loved him. It didnt matter how
much. She loved him in spite of his roughness, and knowing hed failed his only child and being so much
older than herself.

He glanced at Kiara walking beside him. His balls suddenly felt heavy, aching for the release he could
find only in her.

They made it inside the house, barely, both undressing with urgency. As Rowan drank in the erotic
sight of Kiaras naked body, he was glad there was no shyness between them.

Sucking in his breath, Rowan grated, About that telescope

Her eyes darkened as she simply nodded. Im a girl of my word, Kinsley. She climbed onto the bed,
knees bent, back arched, facing the edge. His mouth went dry at the sight she presented. He moved in front
of her, standing at the foot of the bed, his cock poised before her lips.

In thrall, he watched her dart out her pink tongue, unable to stifle a groan as she gave a single lick to
the engorged shaft. Her eyes rose to meet his before she lowered her lashes, and gave the heated tip a
long, decadent lick, swirling her tongue around him. Pausing, she tilted her head back, moaning soft as a
single drop of pre-cum spilled from the tip then darted out her tongue to lap it up before rubbing the shaft
along her cheek. Eyes shut, Kiara mewled against him, the wicked sound, making his cock swell even

Just when he thought she would leave him to suffer, Kiara drew back, leaned her head in and curled
her fingers into the sheets. Rowan shouted at the feel of her mouth pulling him so deep inside. She began
sucking, rocking her body back and forth, thrusting her mouth over and over on his penis. Her mouth felt
like paradise, warm, wet, drawing on his shaft as if it were her last meal. When she reared back,
flickering her tongue along the underside of his balls Rowan nearly lost it. Kiara was killing him.

Grunting, he curled his fist around hair and yanked gently on her head. He slid his cock out only to
thrust right back in. Her eyes went wide then softened as he fucked her mouth over and over again. As the
semen rolled up his cock, Rowan tightened his hold around her curls, urging her to remain in position. Not
missing a beat, Kiara continued her assault, circling her hand around his waist. She drew deep, taking him
all the way to the back of her throat and milked his cum. Shouting his orgasm, Rowan stood still until the
roaring in his heart stopped and his penis softened.

He looked down. Kiara gazed up at him. Their eyes locked. His throat went dry, his heartbeat
hammered once more at the sight of Kiara with her mouth on him. Slowly he withdrew from between her
lips then gently guided her backwards, until her legs were draped over his shoulders as he kneeled at the
foot of his bed.

Chapter Sixteen

Oh my God.

Rowans full intentions suddenly dawned on Kiara. Watching her, he delved his fingers between her
thighs, spreading her folds wide. She rolled her hips, tossing her head at the feel of his callused fingers on
her wet flesh.

Kiara glanced down to see Rowan openly admiring her exposed sex. Her breath caught in her throat.
A muffled moan escaped her lips. Rowan was now playing with her pussy and pinching her clit.

In a hoarse whisper, he said, Look how wet you are for me, Kiara. Your little cunt looks so enticing, I
cant decide what I want to do more, lick you until morning comes or shove my cock so deep inside that
youll know without a doubt how much I

Her heart leapt. She caught his stare, her gaze questioning, hoping he would finish his sentence. He
didnt. Instead, she was treated to his tongue laving her folds. Kiara threw her head back, all thoughts
forgotten as Rowan ate her pussy.

Her knees buckled. She screamed her joy. Rowan held her, one hand gently stroking her hip, holding
her as she rode out that storm. Afterward, she looked down at him only to see his head resting against her
leg. Stunned at the show of vulnerability, so unlike his normal self, Kiara reached out and stroked his hair.
When he glanced at her, he said to her in voice so thick she strained to hear the words, I love you. I love
you so damn much.

Had she heard right? Kiara searched his eyes. They were shiny, laid bare and solemn. She palmed his
jaw, suddenly finding it hard to speak. Does this mean She didnt get to finish her sentence. Rowan
shook his head, his eyes now appearing lost. Dont ask it, Kiara. Dont ask me things I cant promise
you. Not tonight, love. He brushed his lips across her breasts, drawing a nipple inside his mouth.

Rowan. We need to Her thoughts jumbled as he suckled deep. She tried to clear her mind,
wanting to question him, beg him to accept what she couldnt change. Reaching between them, he slid two
fingers into her and began pumping while continuing to lavish her nipple with attention.

Kiara gave up. She rolled her hips for more. Rowan raised his head, coming to a stand before her. His
cock looked almost menacing. Steel hard, thick and long. Exactly how she liked it.

How do you want it tonight? he asked, his voice edged with concern. She could tell he was afraid of
hurting her.

Kiara tucked her feet beneath her and pushed back on her palms until her hips jutted forward and her
legs were parted enough for him to see her pussy drenched with need.

Hard. She knew Rowan would make love to her with the right amount of gentleness to keep from
hurting her. Right now she wanted every inch of him between her thighs.
He squeezed the tip of his cock and clenched his jaw. When I come inside you, I wont let up. Please,
sweetheart, think again and tell me how you really want it.

I want it real good. If you wont do it because youre too scared of hurting me She shoved her
own fingers inside her pussy and began pumping. In a split second she found herself gasping, as Rowan
leaned over and plucked her fingers from her sex.

Youre going to make me come too soon, playing with your little cunt before I get a chance to fuck

He guided her to the edge of the bed. Kiara wrapped her legs against his waist, stifling a scream as
Rowan thrust into her in one long ardent stroke as hed promised. She tossed her head to the side, dazed at
the sound of Rowans cock slapping inside her and the feel of her pussy clenching to welcome his
powerful strokes.

She wriggled against him. Rowan held firm. Is this what you asked for?

Yes, she cried.

His fingers dug into her hips. Yes, he repeated as if in astonishment that she could take him so hard.
Youre going to take all of me, everything I have to give, youll take it.

Kiara moaned. Her entire body shuddered around him. Rowan was her everything. She met him stroke
for stroke, scraping her hand along his back and mewling when his movements became almost too rough.

Dont want to hurt you, he muttered in between a harsh thrust. Cant. Wont stop though. Feel too
good. Love you so much.

I love you too, she whimpered. Ill always love you.

Say it again.

I love you, Rowan. I love everything about you. I wish I could be your girl forever.

He pumped into her one final time as Kiara felt her orgasm shatter her senses at the same time Rowan
let out a guttural cry, pouring his seed into her.

Kiara pressed her face to his hard chest. She didnt even attempt to stop the tears that pooled at her
lids. As sweet as their lovemaking was and as much as she believed Rowan loved her, deep down she
knew it changed nothing. Thered be no happily ever after for them. Shed never be Rowans forever girl.

Kiara, she heard him whisper while gently nudging her head from his chest. When he looked at her,
his face was pale and drawn, his eyes wide with concern.

Ah damn, I was too rough. I shouldve

You didnt hurt me, Kiara said, cutting him off. She wiped away a tear. She wanted so bad to tell
him that while he hadnt physically hurt her he was slowly shattering her heart. I was just crying because
Im happy.

His brows rose with skepticism, to which she replied with a thin smile. Silly hormones. Thats all.

He wiped the tear from her eye and guided her to lie curled up beside him.

Chapter Seventeen

As the summer months cooled and July quickly tumbled into September, Rowan found himself growing
uneasy. Although Kiara was now spending more of her nights beside him on the ranch, his uneasiness had
little to do with his constant worry whenever she was alone in her trailer and moving much slower than
before. Kiara was entering her thirty-fourth week of pregnancy, a pregnancy which was the two-ton bull in
the room with them every single day and especially those nights when they tried out new positions and
ways of making love.

The issue between them, or rather his own, was his reluctance to give Kiara the commitment she
deserved. This was a tremendous unwanted weight on his mind. Now, as he stood inside the empty room
that was once painted a subtle shade of blue in the Wild West theme he and Shelby had decided on,
Rowan could feel the clock ticking.

He pulled the treasured picture from a pocket inside his wallet. As of lately, hed taken to looking at
the image every single day. He felt guilty, but hed needed to do this. Hed needed a daily reminder as to
why he couldnt build a life with Kiara and her child. Hed needed to try and feel the pain of his loss over
and over, because the truth was, the pain was no longer there.

Oh, he still missed Gage and loved him like never before, but everything was different now. Time or
the happiness hed found with Kiara had dulled the ache. Even Shelby, the woman hed thought was the
love of his life, her abandonment no longer caused him anger or hurt.

Children always want their parents to be happy. Kiara had said those soothing words to him. Now
they were coming back with stark clarity. Hed heard her, of course, but hadnt wanted to fully accept it.
That wouldve been too easy and hed needed to cling to his pain like a shield, to protect his heart from
caring for another child. But looking at Gages picture, Rowan swallowed hard. The innocence of a baby
was unlike anything else in this world. And Kiaras baby would be just as innocent, completely in need of
someone or two someones. Surely hed be forgiven for opening his heart to an innocent childfor
loving Kiaras baby as he loved his own son.

Rowan ran his hand over his face, his heart feeling heavy as he traced his thumb across Gages plump
lips before placing the picture back inside his wallet. His son was safe from this world, but Kiara was
not. She and her unborn baby needed him and God help him, he needed them too.

Rowan, dont you have anything to say? Noreen said I might be perfect for the job. Id even have
time to settle down in Basin Creek before I start working.

Kiara, the true love of his life was planning on leaving him. No. He was forcing her to leave, holding
her to her promise. Rowan groaned when he thought about his reaction to her this morning.

Terrified jerk that he was, hed brushed her off, telling her theyd discuss it later because he was
running late. Hed made it seem as if the cattle were more important than her. Rowan closed his eyes and
ran his hand alongside his beard. He was tired of being a coward and tired of hiding from the world and
keeping out the one person he wanted more than anyone else.
He stared once again at the empty room that now held so many promises for them. It wasnt too late,
Rowan thought as he grabbed his keys and drove into town.

* * * *

Slacking off during work time with Noreen shouldve been a blast, but it wasnt. The two women had
gone into town to pick up a few items for the office. Although the task itself hadnt taken long, by the time
theyd left the store, it was already lunchtime and theyd both reasoned why waste a perfect opportunity to
dine out.

So what did the boss say after you told him? Noreen asked Kiara as she bit into her food.

Kiara shrugged. Nothing much, to be honest. It wouldnt matter anyway. You can tell your friend Im
willing to come up there next week and do the interview.

Are you sure? I know you wanted to head east, someplace livelier. Basin Creek isnt that much
different from here. It wont be big city life.

I dont care. I just need to get away, as soon as possible.

She relaxed into her chair, feigning nonchalance at Rowans dismissal of her this morning. Im getting
fatter and fatter and fighting a no-win battle with my boyfriend.

What about your folks, have you tried calling them again? Maybe if you just had a temporary break
from Rowan, it might open his eyes, make him realize what hell miss out on.

Kiara laughed out loud. Ah, Noreen, youre funny. No. Thats not gonna happen. Trust me. Anyway,
you did warn me about all this a long time ago, so I shouldnt be complaining.

Noreen said nothing to that, and Kiara was grateful. Noreen, dear as she was, just didnt get it. Kiara
didnt doubt for a minute that Rowan loved her as he proclaimed to. Shed have to be pretty nave to think
differently. Ever since that night when hed confessed his love, hed treated her like nothing less than a
queen. He became her best friend. The soul mate, shed only dreamed about as she gazed at the stars as a
silly teen without a care in the world.

On evenings when Rowan had to work late, shed join him outside, working alongside him, not
because he needed her help, but because she reveled in his company and loved the ranch. Whenever the
sky was clear, theyd go behind the tack room, their personal observatory, and gaze at the stars, talking
and even making love out there in the coolness of the night long after the ranch hands were gone.

The one subject Rowan refused to discuss with her was their future. On that topic he held her at arms
length. And by his refusal, she knew there was absolutely nothing she could do to change his mind. Rowan
was unwilling to let go of his grief, to the point that he was ready to destroy the love theyd found with
each other. She had to accept it. There was no alternative. Her only saving grace was that she didnt have
to stick around and suffer.

Halfway into the meal, Kiara excused herself to the bathroom, which was nothing new. The baby was
placing a lot of pressure on her bladder these days. She made it halfway through the restaurant when
unexpected wetness seeped into her underwear. Hurrying to the bathroom, Kiara pushed the stall open and
felt the breath leaving her body. Her underwear was stained with mucus-tinged blood. And not just a
droplet, it was wet with it.

Im bleeding.

Panicked, she felt a moments assurance when the baby kicked. The painful movement, now a blessed
relief. Drawing in one breath after the other, she forced her nerves to calm, even managing to do so as she
returned to the table.

We have to go, Noreen.


I think I just lost my mucus plug. Im not even full term yet. From everything Ive read, this shouldnt
happen so early.

Oh my God, are you sure? Noreen asked, her eyes rounding out.

Trust me. Im sure. I havent had this happen throughout the entire pregnancy. Somethings wrong.
Suddenly all of her worries emerged in full force. Kiara palmed her forehead. She could barely think.
Should she call her doctor? Head to the hospital? She hadnt even finished packing a bag for the hospital.
Worse, shed planned on starting her baby shopping next week. Her mind went into overload as a terrible
pain curled into her abdomen. Her lower back now felt as if someone had suddenly taken a hammer to it.
She grasped the edge of her chair, holding on for dear life as the pain slowly subsided. Noreen was
questioning her, but she could only grit her teeth, riding out the wave of pain.

She heard Noreen call out to the waiter for their check and telling him to hurry about it because her
friend needed to get to a hospital. Beads of perspiration dampened her skin. She was in labor despite
having another month and a half until her due date.

Its too soon, she said when the pain left. Maybe

Maybe nothing, Noreen interrupted. Come. Im taking you to the hospital.

The nearest hospital was in Mooresville. Everything went by in a blur as Noreen ushered her into the
car. By the time they arrived at Springtree Hospital, the cramps were coming strong and no longer at a
sporadic interval. The pain was just like her doctor had described, which scared Kiara even more. It was
all too soon. She wasnt ready.

Noreen stayed at her bedside while the doctor did an ultrasound to see how the baby was faring and
how well developed the tiny organs were for a preterm birth. Afterward a nurse came in to check how far
dilated she was. When the nurse left, Noreen quietly tried to reassure her. I dont want you to be afraid.
Remember youre not the first person to give birth. The staff knows what theyre doing here. I want you to
try and relax while I call Rowan. You know I dont mind being here with you, but we both know it should
be boss who stays with you at a time like this.

Was Noreen out of her fucking mind? Did she not understand anything theyd spoken about these past
few months? Panicked, Kiara grabbed her friends hand. There was no way in hell she was going to let
Noreen call Rowan and suffer the humiliation and hurt when he refused to come. Fighting back tears from
the contractions, the realization came that her relationship with Rowan was at an end.

Kiara pleaded to her friend, You cant call him, Noreen. Please Im begging you do not call Rowan.
Kiara shook her head when the older woman stared at her as if shed gone insane. He wont come, she
managed to choke out. I know he wont. She wiped away a stupid tear that escaped her lid.

It was all over.

Noreen patted her hand. I dont think you know what youre saying, Kiara. Rowan loves you. Why on
earth wouldnt he want to be here with you when you need him the most?

Annoyed with the pain in her stomach and her anger at Rowan, she gave Noreen a deadpan stare and
lashed out. Why, Noreen? Why wouldnt he want to come and see his girlfriend give birth to another
mans child when hes still grieving his own child?

Noreens mouth hung open in realization. Oh no. I thought he was past that.

Kiara tried to breathe through another contraction. When the pain ebbed, she answered her friend. He
wont allow himself to take part in another childs life.

Kiara, I still dont think hed abandon you.

On this he would. He made it clear. Please let it go, Noreen. Like you said, they know what theyre
doing here. I appreciate you staying with me this long, but you can go, too. Ill call you later and then you
can tell Rowan where I am.

Noreen sighed and Kiara was glad to see the argument go out of her. She picked up the empty water
pitcher from beside the table. All right. But Im not leaving you just yet. Sit tight while I refill this.

Kiara nodded. What else was she supposed to do but lie back, waiting for the next phase of her life to

Chapter Eighteen

Rowan had just finished loading the bed of his old truck when the phone rang. It was Noreen. He felt
the hairs raise on the back of his neck when the first thing she said was, First off, I dont want you to
panic. Im calling from Springtree Hospital.

Kiara. She was supposed to be out with Noreen today. Hed thought they were back at the ranch a
long time ago. Where is Kiara? he shouted into the phone.

There was a pause, then came Noreens hushed voice. Shes in labor.

Impossible. His gut clenched. That cant be. Its too early.

It is, but not by that much. Noreen let out a loud breath. Come on, Rowan. You knew this could
happen. Anyways, shes lying in bed. Theyre monitoring her progress, but it looks like shell give birth
pretty soon. Shes also very scared.

The knife twisted inside his gut. He wanted to lash out at something, someone. Kiara, the love of his
life, was scared and without him. He hadnt realized that hed yelled into the phone again, until Noreen
begged him to calm down. Theres something else you need to know. Kiara didnt want me to call you.
Shes convinced you wont go to her. She thinks your relationship is over.

What? he barked.

Theyre not my words, Noreen said quickly. She truly believes that. Anyway, she doesnt know I
called you. I told her I was going to fill her water pitcher. I have to go now, but you need to hurry up and
get here.

Rowan stared at the phone. He wanted nothing more than to yell his frustration in the parking lot. Hed
been callous enough to let her think hed no longer want her the moment she went into labor. He shoved
the phone into his pocket and slammed the tailgate closed.

He was no better than Harrison. He hadnt physically hit Kiara, but mentally, all these months of
silence when she spoken of leaving, hed done nothing but remind her that as much as he loved her, he
didnt love her enough to find a permanent place for her inside his heart and his life. And worse, that he
didnt want her child.

Ive hurt her more than Harrison ever did, he said to himself. Swamped with shame and an intense
need to be by her side, Rowan made another phone call to Abe, letting his foreman know hed be out for
the rest of the day.

The forty-five-minute drive to the hospital took forever. After verifying who he was, Rowan was
allowed onto the labor and delivery ward to her room. He cautiously opened the door, unsure of the scene
that would greet him. Kiara was lying on the bed talking to Noreen. Both pair of heads turned toward him.
He barely registered Noreens presence because all he could see was Kiaras eyes, red and swollen
around the rim. Shed been crying. From pain or because of him? Both? He wanted to die.
Noreen rose from her chair and left after assuring Kiara shed visit again.

Rowan edged farther into the room until he stood beside her bed. His throat felt almost too tight to
speak. Even with her red eyes and her face slightly puffy, she was the most beautiful sight hed ever laid
eyes on.

I was willing to let her go.

Noreen called you, she said flatly, turning her head to the side.

Yes, and Im glad she did. Rowan took the seat beside her bed. She refused to look at him. He
deserved it. Did the doctors say if everything would be okay, since youre a month early?

No answer. He wasnt surprised. Sighing, Rowan said, It doesnt matter how long you keep silent.
Im not leaving. Im staying with you until the end.

She swiveled her head, her eyes narrowed. On the verge of speaking, Rowan watched as she gasped
and scrunched up her face before opening her mouth to cry out in pain. Her cries. For a second, the long
agonizing whimper brought him back to the night he and Shelby had left in a rush for the hospital. But this
wasnt his ex-wife. This was Kiara, the person who had forced him out of his darkness and absolutely
melted his glacial heart.

He leaned over and offered his hand. Surprisingly, she grabbed it, squeezing hard with a steely grip.
He kept silent, allowing her to ride out her pain and knowing better than to open his mouth at this moment.

Seconds later, she released his hand, which were red and imprinted with the shape of her fingertips.
Thanks, she muttered.

Kiara, you dont have to thank me.

Yes, I do, she bit out. You did me a favor just then, didnt you? You have no reason to be here.
Theres no reward for you in helping me with this stupid pain. I dont even know why you came. I wish
Noreen had listened to me. I dont want you here.

You dont mean that.

I do. I mean it as much as you mean for me to stay away from you after I leave the hospital with my
baby. Its the truth.

Rowan hung his head and peered at the floor. It was harsh hearing her put it like that. Swallowing
hard, he forced himself to speak. His voice sounded strange to his own ears. Then you must not mean it
at all. He took her hand, holding firm against her attempt to jerk it away. Ive disrespected you because
I was so focused on my grief, I wasnt able to see that I was hurting you, how much this was affecting you
also. Or maybe I did, but thought it wasnt important because my loss was more significant than whatever
hurt you and I would feel at the end of our relationship.

Kiara squared her gaze to him as her eyes softened. She nodded slowly as he delivered his words.
That single nod shattered his heart because it meant hed hit the nail on its head and knew without a doubt
how much hed hurt her.
I felt selfish every time I tried to get you to talk to me about us. I know I promise Id leave, but I
wouldnt have minded staying with you. If youd wanted me like I want you.

You shouldnt have felt selfish. It was wrong of me to put my feelings before yours. Im also sorry I
brushed you off this morning.

She issued him a thin smile. That was very hurtful and yes, you really should be.

Rowan smiled in return. At least she was kind of back to her old self. He kissed her knuckles. I hope
you know I cant be without you. I was an idiot for thinking I could let you walk away without any
consequences. I dont want to go back to how things were before you came along. I thought I was content
by myself, all alone with my memories. I cant live like that. I dont want to. The only life I want to live is
one with you. I want us to be a family. You, me and the babyMari. It was the first time hed spoken the
name Kiara had picked out for her baby.

A tear slipped from the side of her eye. She swiped it away with her thumb. Youre only saying that
to make me feel good.

I mean it with all of my heart. I love you more than anything else in this world and Ill love your
daughter tooour daughter if youll let me be a father to her.

She wiped at her eyes again and narrowed her gaze. Kinsley, if this is a dream, Im going to be really
pissed when I wake up. I Her words were trailed as another cry tore from her throat. Kiara grabbed
his hand, squeezing harder than ever. Soon her features relaxed as she released her hold on him.

Not long after, Rowan let out a sigh of relief when the anesthesiologist came in and administered the
epidural shed begun to plea for. Wimpy as it was, he shifted his head, unable to watch the elongated
needle inject between her spinal column.

When the nurse returned, Rowan threw all his questions at the red-haired woman, asking what they
needed to expect with a six-week pre-term baby. They were comforted to hear the older womans
assurance that shed dealt with this many times and did not anticipate any major issues with the baby
seeing as how the ultrasound had shown that the babys organs were developed enough to not need much

Rowan lost track of the time as he stayed by Kiaras side, talking and making sure she stayed hydrated.
When her contractions came closer together, everything seemed to happen in a blur. The nurse was there
one minute checking her, next she was rushing out, returning seconds later with the obstetrician and
instructing Kiara on how to breathe and push.

Mari, Kiaras little girltheir little girlwas born twenty minutes later, letting out a high-pitched cry
as she was placed on Kiaras stomach for skin to skin time. That lasted all but a few minutes before she
was whisked away for testing.

Rowan turned to focus on Kiara, whose teeth were chattering. C-cold, she whispered as her body
trembled from exertion and exhaustion. He tugged the sheet all the way up to her neck, ignoring the
burning dampness in his eyes as she asked, Will they bring her back to us?
Us. Shed accepted him as the father to her precious daughter. He nodded slowly, finding it hard to
speak. They will. Well see her soon, honey.

* * * *

Kiara was discharged from the hospital the next day. As much as she wanted to go home, it was
heartbreaking to leave without Mari, who had to remain in the nursery to have her breathing monitored.

Earlier in the day when Rowan returned to the hospital to bring her home, shed almost had a heart
attack and had to do a double take. Hed cut off his beard, standing beside her with thin dark stubble along
his jaw.

It was long overdue, hed said, giving her a shy smile. Shed understood, of course, and made a big
deal out of telling him how handsome he looked. Which was the honest truth.

At the ranch, Kiara stepped inside the house. She sucked in her breath. The living room had baby
gear. Lots of it. Near the sofa was a colorful bouncer and beside one of the windows was a swing with
small rainforest animals hanging from the top. She turned to Rowan, unable to contain her excitement and
stared at him in awe. He was the most wonderful person in world and he was all hers.

Mari and I are the luckiest girls ever.

He grinned, closing his arms around her. This is true. Come on, theres more to see. He led her up
the stairs and around the corner to the bedroom beside his. Their bedroom, Kiara corrected herself. She
bit her lip as it dawned on her where they now were. She was about to enter that room. Shed known all
along that it belonged to Gage and for that reason had assumed it was off limits to her so shed never

Rowan held the door open. Standing next to her, he gestured for Kiara to enter the bedroom.

Kiara gasped, her breath stolen at the sight that greeted her. Rowan had transformed his beloved sons
room into a nursery for Mari. The room was painted in cool mint green. On the wall, the babys name was
hung with large block letters. The two windows in the room were covered with light brown drapes and in
the corner stood a wooden rocking chair and ottoman. Kiara strode to the crib, which was close to a
dresser and changing table.

Look up, Rowan said, coming to join her. She did. Tiny silver stars dotted the white ceiling.

This is amazing. They light up at night, dont they?

He nodded. Now she can stargaze like her mommy.

Kiara smiled. I suppose thats the safest trait she can take after me. Sighing, she wrapped her arms
around him, all her worries forgotten.

It feels really good to be home.

Rowan rested his chin on top of her head. The ranch was much too quiet without you.
Kiara laughed. Did you hear Mari cry when the nurse tried to bathe her? I think youre going to regret
saying it was too quiet around here.

I heard her. I also saw how beautiful she is. She looks like you.

Thankfully? Kiara asked, wondering if those words were missing from his sentence.

He gazed at her then. It was an observation. Nothing more. I wouldnt care if she looked like
Harrison. You know the issue was never about who her biological father was.

I know. Im sorry I asked. Im just incredibly happy that we can be a family, Im almost scared

Are you afraid Ill change my mind?

She studied her hands. Yes. I couldnt bear losing you now that weve decided to be a family.

He kissed her lips before clearing his throat. Kiara, I know youre still very young, but if you have
nothing against being tied to a boring cattleman for the rest of your life, Id be the happiest man if youd
do me the honor of becoming my wife.

Im dreaming. This absolutely had to be a dream. When Rowan had mentioned being a family, wild,
fantastic ideas flitted about at the outskirts of her mind. The two of them being married, running the ranch
together and perhaps even raising more children. The marriage part, however, was something she hadnt
allowed herself to focus on, never thinking it would happen so soon for them. But this If she wasnt
feeling a bit of pain, shed jump all over him.

Id have nothing against this, she answered, feigning a calmness she didnt feel. I absolutely want
to be your wife.

He leaned over and captured her lips to his, then broke it off with a groan. I was so happy to hold
you that I completely forgot to show you the ring before proposing. See what youve done to me. I can
barely think when Im around you.

She took a step back, eager to see her ring. Rowan left and returned shortly, carefully opening the
sleek dark box.

I got you the white gold because I thought you didnt like yellow gold since you always wear silver
in your piercings. A plain silver one wouldve been

Its gorgeous, she breathed. I absolutely love it. You didnt have to get me an engagement ring. We
could go to the courthouse without making a big event of it.

I know. I wanted to. Everything I do for you and our daughter is not because I believe I have to. Its
because I want to. I know what I have with you. Ive lost the most valuable people to me once, and for
whatever reason Ive been given a second chance to have a wife I adore and a child. I plan on cherishing
both of you.

I feel the same way. Id like to try and reach out to my parents again before we get married. Maybe
theyll finally forgive me and see that Ive grown up.
Im sure they will.

Chapter Nineteen

In the weeks that followed Maris arrival home, Rowan was stunned at how well both he and Kiara
adjusted to their new routines and life with a baby in general. It wasnt that hed anticipated trouble per se
and he had been prepared to love the baby as hed promised Kiara, but nothing couldve prepared him for
falling wholly and utterly in love with the little girl.

From the first moment hed placed his hand inside the incubator at Kiaras gentle prompting and felt
Maris miniscule hand curl around his finger, hed been a goner. He hadnt realized how the innocent feel
of a babys soft touch could awaken the deepest part of his heart reserved for Gage alone. That morning
after theyd left the hospital, his heart felt bigger, completely filled. It was the same feeling he imagined
parents had once they realized their hearts had enough space to love a second child as much as the first.

Today however was a cool midday in October. Kiara had taken the baby out for a stroll, showing her
the horses while Rowan repaired an irrigation pipe. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Kiara bring
Maris hand to Opals thick mane.

This is daddys favorite horse, so no pulling on its tail.

Rowan shook his head. Now I know why the rest of my horses get riled up when you come too

Kiara shot him a sardonic look. Funny, Kinsley. Ill have you know animals love me, especially
yours. Who was it that got that mare to calm down enough for you to inspect?

You, maam, he answered with a grin. Kiara was right, however. There were many days in the week
in which shed brought the baby to sleep outside in the bassinet stroller, while she worked beside him,
helping with the animals. Hed insisted to her that it wasnt necessary, but she was determined, insisting
right back that she was doing it because she wanted to.

Stubborn. And he loved her all the more for it.

After repairing the crack in the PVC pipe Rowan reached over to the sink, washed his hands and then
took the baby. He kissed her soft cheek and glanced down to the outfit she had on. Her partially opened
yellow cardigan revealed a onesie underneath with a picture of a lasso around a pair of boots with the
words Cowgirl in Training. Rowan chuckled.

Well youre the one who bought it, Kiara said, narrowing her eyes at him. You took all the fun out
of shopping. She hasnt even gone through half the clothes you bought while I was in the hospital.


No. I still have your truck, remember.

He bit back a smile. Are you going into town?

Not today. Were just going for a walk. The weathers nice today. Probably just walk toward the
trailer and back.

That fucking trailer. Now that no one was living there, he and Kiara had decided to donate it to a
womens charity, where it would be refurnished and auctioned off. All right. Make sure you have your
phone with you. And call me if anything

I know. I know, she said, kissing him after hed placed Mari in the bassinet stroller.

* * * *

Kiara looked down at her baby. Mari had fallen asleep halfway into the walk and would soon awake
and need to be fed. The feedings itself wasnt a problem for her. Before she left the house to see Rowan,
shed downed a cup of the fennel and anise tea Rowan had bought in bulk because he claimed an old lady
in a store told him shed sworn by it to help with breastfeeding. No, the problem was, if she didnt hurry
back, Mari would start wailing because Kiara didnt fancy sitting on the hard ground to feed her for what
could be up to twenty minutes.

All right kiddo, its time to head home. Kiara bent over and adjusted the blanket Mari had kicked off
her tiny frame.

Wouldnt be leaving on account of me, now would you?

Her eyes flew open. Chill ran down her spine at that slick, callous voice. Nathan. Kiara forced herself
to remain calm, despite her first instinct screaming at her to grab Mari and run. Drawing in a deep breath,
she raised her head and looked him up and down, with feigned bravado.

Did you finally decide to return my car and all the money you stole from me?

He gave her a crooked grin. Two years ago that same grin would have had her feeling all kinds of
funny inside, now she wished she had a baseball bat to wipe it off his damn face.

Why would I? Looks to me like we had a pretty good tradeoff, he said, eyeing the stroller. He took a
step closer. Kiara quickly moved, blocking his view of the baby.

Youre not gonna let me see my son He paused looking over her shoulder. Or daughter, from the
looks of that pink blanket.

Youre right. Im not letting you.

He gave a slow nod. Thats fine. I guess youre still mad about me leaving you.

Kiara gaped. You leaving town was the best thing ever. Too bad you had to return.

He clenched his jaw and folded his arms. Thats cool, Kee-a-ra, Nathan said, emphasizing the
syllables in her name and twisting his head in a stereotypical way, the way he always did when he wanted
to mock her. I noticed you changed the lock on the trailer.

Oh you did. Hey, Im sorry. Did I hurt your feelings, or were you expecting me to sit around with the
door open waiting for you to beat the shit out of me again, she shouted.

You recovered well enough, didnt you? He looked her up and down. Maybe a bit too well. Who
are you dressing to impress these days, in that getup? he asked, pointing to the pair of normal blue jeans
she wore, cuffed at the bottom with a pair of flat sneakers. He eyed her again with even more suspicion.
That stroller looks mighty fancy too. Guessing you didnt pick that up on sale at Kmart.

What do you want? she asked between her teeth. Just spit it out, Nathan, because I highly doubt you
returned to see what became of me and my daughter.

He snorted. Figures youd have a girl.

Always happy to disappoint you. Kiara jammed her hand into the pocket of her sweater, fingering
her cellphone and the other hand a firm grip on the stroller. She was done talking to Nathan. She turned
from him, unsure why she was even wasting her time talking to him. Kiara gasped as Nathan grabbed her
by the elbow, jerking her back.

What the hell are you doing? She spun around to his snarling face. The strong scent of alcohol
assailed her nostrils.

I wasnt done talking to you, Kiara.

Well I was. Now get your fucking hands off me.

He hesitated for a second, then to her surprise loosened his grip. Arent you wondering where I was
all this time? Werent you worried about me?


Once again, his gaze flickered over her, almost as if he was in disbelief she wasnt covered in dirt
with bones poking out. Yeah, I guess not. I can see youre doing pretty well for yourself. Whats up? You
got yourself another man? He gave her a sly grin. Who you been fucking? Were you giving it up to some
dude while you had my baby in your belly, you nasty little tramp?

White-hot fury sizzled behind her eyelids. Kiara raised her hand to slap him then slowly lowered it,
remembering just what he was capable of. Thats none of your business. She turned again to try and

He reached for her again, this time, simply touching her hand. Cmon. Wait. Hold up. Ill let you
leave soon. Just hear me out. In fact, you might wanna listen up real good to what I have to say.

What could you possibly have to say thats of any interest to me?

Not say. I do have something you might want to see though.

Kiara raised her brows. Her skin tingled with trepidation as Nathan held out his phone to her. Against
her better judgment, she focused on the screen, confused at the voices she heard before the picture came
into focus. One of the voices speaking was her own. She was telling Nathan that she was sorry for biting
his hand. Bewildered, she glanced up to see a slow smile spreading across his lips. You wanted me real
bad afterward, didnt you?

Kiara tried to block out the sound, the images on the phone, but couldnt. She refused to watch. She
already recalled with perfect clarity everything that happened that fateful night. With every word she
listened to herself say, she knew exactly what shed done in that moment. At one point she gasped for air,
knowing theyd reached the part in the recording where Nathan had stopped his ranting and joined her on
the bed. She was already naked.

Kiara struggled to speak. You recorded us? You recorded me?

He shrugged, pocketing his phone. Dont act surprised.

How could you? Why would you do that? You knew the kids at Brookview did that to me. I was good
to you, and you still chose to do something so despicable. I dont understand. Why are you even showing
this to me?

Nathan stood firm. Its nothing personal. If anything, that little incident back at your snobby high
school gave me the idea. Its your own fault.

Her stomach clenched. I gave you the idea because I trusted you enough to confide what happened to
me. Do you not understand how trust works? She shook her head. Youre sick.

Maybe. But how do you think your new boyfriend will feel when I send this to him?

Kiara stumbled. Wait, he wanted to send his filthy recording to Rowan. She wanted to vomit. The only
good thing was Nathan had no idea she was engaged to Rowan.

Youre out of luck. Theres no one who gives a damn about your little sex tape. Im single and not
looking. Youve wasted your time.

Nice try. Im not as simple as you take me, Kiara. Everyone in this goddamn town knows youre
shacking up with Kinsley. I was just fucking with you a while ago. Before she could protest, his lips
curled into a cruel smile. So when I email this video to your old man, you gonna sit down and watch it
with him?

Sit down and watch it with him. Her heartbeat stopped for a second. Dear God, if Rowan ever saw
her like thatnaked and intimate with Nathan. Hell dump me so fast. Kiara squeezed her eyes shut. She
loved Rowan so much. There was no way she could let Nathan do this.

What do you want?


She swallowed. Of course. Nathan always wanted money from her. I dont have a lot. You know Im
not rich.

Give me ten grand and the video is gone.

Are you out of your mind? I dont have ten thousand dollars to give you. She placed a hand on her
hip. And what would you have done if I wasnt with Rowan? Dont tell me you came back here just to
threaten me with this crap.

I did. I need money. If I didnt find out about you and that asshole, I wouldve sent the recording to
your parents. He laughed. They wouldve loved that.

Disgust, like nothing shed ever felt before, took hold as Nathan held out his hand. Do we have a deal
or not?

Kiara tightened her grip around the stroller, thankful Mari was in a deep sleep. Dont you care that I
need the money I earned from working to take care of your child? I should be asking you for money. Wait
no, you should be giving me money without me having to ask; what any decent man would do for his

His jaw tautened. Shut up. I never forced you to keep the kid. Either you give me that money or else
Kinsley gets a view of me shoving my

You are disgusting, she shouted, on the brink of tears. After everything youve done to me. You beat
me, for Gods sake, you took every cent I had, and now you want to take away the one person who truly
loves me and means the world to me. What did I ever do to deserve this?

He glanced at her hand, his gaze resting on her hand. Kiara realized she wasnt going to get an answer
from him. Not that he couldve given her a reasonable explanation for continuing to treat her like crap.
Her eyes narrowed when she noticed exactly what had captured his attention. It was her engagement ring.
She quickly placed her hand at her side. I would never hand this over to you. That you can forget.

He studied her, one hand rubbing his chin. Whatever. Youll see me again soon.

Chapter Twenty

Kiara was on the edge despite returning home and feeding Mari. Of all the ways this day could have
ended, this had to be the worst. Had it been too much to ask, that Nathan stayed away forever? Obviously
yes, because now he was back to ruin her life for the second time.

Just when she was about to live out her happily ever after.

Kiara gave a quick glance at the baby relaxing and rocking in her swing. What was she going to do?
Pacing from the living room to the kitchen, she asked herself that very question over and over.

How did Nathan expect her to come up with so much money? Sure, she had some saved up from the
months shed worked alongside Noreen but why was she even contemplating paying his blackmail?

Because if I dont give him what I have, hell send the video to Rowan. Kiara braced her palms on
the kitchen counter, forcing herself to remain calm. Maybe she should just tell Rowan. Blurt out the truth,
including why shed been forced to sleep with Nathan that night.

Kiara groaned and rubbed her hand over her face as Mari gurgled and cooed. Her daughter was a
constant reminder of her relationship with Nathan. Rowan accepted it and loved her, but for him to know
there was a, a She hated even thinking the word. Visual proof of her touching, allowing Nathan to touch
her. In his disgust, he might think she was lying when she told him her reason. Her vision clouded with
anger and frustration. Kiara let out a groan and slammed her hand against the counter. A glass near the
edge fell and shattered.

Hands shaking, she dropped to the ground, hurrying to pick up the pieces. A splinter pierced her
thumb. Kiara hissed in pain before staring at her thumb. Deep breath. Calm down. She was doing nothing
but hurting herself and allowing Nathan to get her riled up. She needed to focus and stop acting insane.

After cleaning up the mess, Kiara clasped her hands together. If she gave Nathan the money, maybe
hed go away without causing any further damage. Rowan and she would be able to have the small winter
wedding theyd planned and go on with their lives as before.


Kiara nearly jumped out of her skin. It took a good second before she relaxed, realizing it was Rowan
whod entered the house.

What happened?

What do you mean?

Rowan raised his brows, pointing to her bandaged thumb. Your finger. What happened to it?

Relief washed over her. A glass fell out of my hand. I wasnt careful picking up the splinters.
Throughout dinner Kiara forced herself to act as if everything was fine, which was difficult as Rowan
seemed tenser than when shed seen him earlier today. Maybe he, too, had encountered Nathan. After
theyd finished eating and Mari was sound asleep in her crib, Kiara found the strength to ask Rowan about
his tense mood.

His shoulders bunched. Theres something I shouldve told you earlier. I didnt want to worry you if I
was wrong.

What is it? She had the sinking feeling this had to do with Nathan.

Harrison might be headed back here. Sometime soon.

Kiara almost choked on her shock. Now was her chance to let Rowan know the truth. Tell him, tell
him. She blinked and studied her fingernail. Why do you say that?

He explained to her that because of their intended plans of him adopting Mari, hed asked an old
friend to run a trace on Nathan. He hadnt wanted any surprises or anything to get in the way of their

The more Rowan spoke, however, the worse Kiara felt. Of course, shed known he was serious about
being a father to Mari, but the fact that hed gone out of his way to put things into motion dumbfounded and
humbled her. How he must love her. Her and Mari. Somehow, she had to work up the courage to tell
Rowan what happened today. There was no other way around it. I owe it to him. To our relationship.

Where was he? Kiara asked, before catching herself. I mean when your friend last tracked him.

He was in the county jail in Las Vegas. No surprise to anyone. Seems Harrison got himself thrown in
for starting a fight at a Native American casino.

What a pity they couldnt have kept him locked up longer. She sighed and knew Rowan took it for
worry at Nathans possible reappearance. Rowan held her close, cradling her on his lap. I dont want
you to be afraid. He cant hurt you anymore, remember that.

I know. Kiara buried her face in the crook of his neck. She looked up and pressed her lips to his.
The kiss grew deeper. Rowan broke it off on a ragged breath, holding her at arms length.

Make love to me, she whispered.

I want to. I want to so much, but the doctor said

I dont care what she said. I know how I feel, and Im aching for you so much. I love touching and
tasting you. Its been way too long since Ive felt you inside me.

He pressed his forehead to hers. I dont want to hurt you.

You wont. Please, Rowan. I love you so much.

He rose with Kiaras legs locked around his waist. She leaned down going in for another kiss as
Rowan clamped his hand over her ass as he made his way into the bedroom.
After making quick work of their clothes, Kiara stood. Her entire body tingled at the feel of Rowans
eyes on her. There was no shyness or self-consciousness as shed felt in the first weeks after giving birth.

Youre so beautiful, he said, bending down to kiss her stomach. He brushed his lips across her hips
and down her thighs. He lifted her onto the bed, positioning himself between her legs. His weight on top
of her felt wonderful. God, how shed missed this.

Rowan entered her slowly, their gazes locked. Kiara moaned as the heated tip slid deeper inside her
soaking channel. She raked her fingertips along his back as he picked up tempo, thrusting in and out. She
raised her hips to meet him, thrust for thrust. As her orgasm careened into her, Kiara felt Rowan
withdraw. His body stiffened, his jaw slackened as he brought his shaft to her stomach, spilling hot wet
seed onto her skin.

I didnt want to risk getting you pregnant again so soon, he said, huskily while eyeing her stomach,
wet with ejaculate.

So soon?

He gave her a smile that melted her heart. Yes, so soon. You still need time to recover. But when the
time is right, I want to see your belly swell over and over with my children. I want us to give our little
girl lots of brothers and sisters. I want the ranch to be lively with the sound of laughter and children
running around.

Oh, Rowan. I want that too.

He kissed her lips before leaving for the bathroom only to return seconds later with a damp
washcloth, wiping her stomach clean. He lay next to her and Kiara rested her head against his broad
shoulder. Tomorrow she would tell him everything. After tomorrow Nathan would have no hold over or
reason to keep her feeling trapped liked before. Rowan loved her, and he would understand.

He has to.

* * * *

Kiara was up to something. Last night shed clung to him after making love for the second time as if
she feared he would slip away from her. At one point Rowan meant to ask her if she was okay, but the
tears seeping from her eyes onto his skin had given him an answer. Kiara had been crying but refused to
let him know why, despite his attempts to soothe and cajole an answer from her. Shed simply shaken her
head and clung to him even more.

Knowing of no other way to help her in that moment, hed flipped her onto her back and mounted her
in one long heated stroke, riding her until she was sobbing for a whole different reason and clawing his
back as she cried out her orgasm.

Sometime after the sun rose, Rowan sat at the table with Kiara across from him, her head lowered and
her teeth chewed at her bottom lip. I have something to tell you.

Is it that bad?
Her tongue flickered nervously across the silver barbell in her bottom lip. It could be. But I think

The doorbell rang. Once, then immediately again. Annoyed, Rowan crossed the room intent on telling
whomever it was to go away unless it was an emergency. He swung the door back. At once, red-hot anger
blazed through his vision. It was Harrison. In all his bleached-blond, tight-pants, pretty-boy glory.

He should have known. He glanced over his shoulder to see Kiaras eyes wide with a stricken
expression on her face as she edged toward the door.

To what do I owe this displeasure?

Yeah fuck you, too. Nathans gaze swept past him to Kiara. Didnt think to see me so soon after our
chat yesterday, did you?

Chat yesterday? What the hell did Harrison mean? Rowan pinned his gaze on Kiara who flinched,
guilt written across her face. She had lied to him Lied by omission. But why? Did it also explain all the
tears last night?

What visit? Rowan asked in a clipped tone.

I was going to tell you, she whispered.

Nathan chuckled. Dont worry, old man, we didnt do anything nasty. He looked over at Kiara, the
grin completely melting from his face. Speaking of. Our chat from yesterday is no longer relevant. I have
my eyes on something bigger.

Nathan, you really should leave us alone, Kiara interrupted, her tone pleading. For the sake of
Mari if nothing else.

As if on cue, the baby started crying. Kiaras features took on a note of panic as if she were afraid to
leave them alone. The baby wailed again before she let out a ragged breath, then took off toward the

So how do you like taking care of my kid? Cant say Im surprised Kiara suckered you into the job. I,
for one, dont miss her nagging, but that pus

Shut your goddamned mouth, Harrison. Stop wasting my time and say what it is you came for.

Hmm, if youre that much of a prude, cant take the p word, I guess you wouldnt have been
interested in that video of me and Kiara fucking anyway.

What video? Rowan asked, barely able to contain himself from doing violence.

Nathan chuckled again. Just a little keepsake I was planning to send you of the night Kiara and I made
little Mia.

Her name is Mari, you asshole. Rowan kept quiet however, needing to know exactly what the idiot in
front of him was going on about. Its funny though, Kinsley, because if it wasnt for you, I doubt Id be so
lucky to call myself Papa. Harrison grinned and puffed out his skinny chest.

You might have other kids out there, Harrison, but this little girl here, dont even think of calling
yourself her father.

Harrisons grin grew wider. Exactly what I wanted to hear. But well get to that soon. Ah yes. Where
was I? Oh yeah. So the funny thing is Kiara didnt want me touching her for the longest time, not sure why
to be honest though. Anyway, one night I came home and hell if she didnt change her tune when I got to
touching her. Yeah, she was trying to act like she didnt want it, slapping and biting me at first. Then for
some reason, she started playing along real nice and good.

Harrison snorted and shook his head. The strange thing is, I wouldnt have thought anything about that
night until I heard you two were together. You must have made one heck of an impression on her to have
her spread those legs to distract me from going after you that night. Because I swear to God, Kinsley, I
was getting ready to teach your ass a thing or two about accusing a man of theft and firing people for no
reason. Thanks to you the little bitch even stole my gun then got all cold on me again after that night.

Rowans heart hammered inside his chest as Harrisons word slowly sank in. His fists clenched and
unclenched with murderous rage. The bastard had tried to force himself on Kiara and shed allowed the
assault to happen out of some misguided bid to protect him. How could that be? And wait, Harrison had
planned to come on to his ranch to cause trouble? The need to launch himself at Harrison and pound the
living daylight out of him tore at Rowans inside. Focus. Focus. He ground his teeth, summoning a
calmness that was barely there. It was all too much to tackle at once.

Thats what your chat from yesterday was about? he asked, trying hard to block out the sound of his
heartbeat throbbing in his ears as his blood pressure rose. Did you threaten Kiara with the video?

Harrison shrugged. I wanted ten thousand dollars from her. Thats childs play now. Like I said I got
my eyes on bigger things. I saw that engagement ring on her finger and said to myself, Self, I bet those
two really hate me. Bet theyll even want me out of the picture to raise Maria.

Mari, Rowan corrected, slowly regaining composure at the simple act of saying his daughters
name. For her and Kiaras sake he needed to have control of his hatred for Harrison. Her name is Mari
Joelle Monroe.

Unimportant. The question is, how badly do you want me gone, Kinsley? I know men like you. Rich,
have people bowing and scraping to you. Youll want to have Kiara and her daughter all to yourself.

Rowan tautened his jaw. If youre asking if I wish to adopt her, then yes.

Yeah, I figured you would. But listen up, if you and Kiara want my signature, itll cost you. Twenty-
five grand and Ill disappear or you can expect to see me every other weekend when I come to pick up my
little girl.

You disgust me.

Yeah, Kiara said the same thing. Dont give a shit. Heres my number. Well be in touch one way or
the other. He winked. Be sure to give Mari a kiss from me.

Chapter Twenty-One

Rowan slammed the door in Harrisons face. It was all he could do to not slip his hands around that
scrawny neck and squeeze until his fingers became numb. Jaw clenched, his entire body felt wrought with


He looked up to see Kiara peering at him. Her usually bright eyes were dim with worry and fear.
Always fear when that no good Harrison was involved.

Why didnt you tell me yesterday? he asked, harsher than hed intended.

I was embarrassed. Really embarrassed that he was here once again, reminding me of the mistakes I
made. I was also ashamed and scared of what you were going to say when I told you about the video.
She paused and twisted the ring on her finger. Did Nathan mention it? He recorded me when Iwhen

I know what he did.

She gave a small nod. Did he show it to you? Are you mad at me?

Mad at her? After what shed done, believing she was protecting him. God in heaven. If hed only
known shed felt such a strong connection to him, even then. I did know. Suspected it, but still I treated
her so harsh. Rowan swallowed back the lump in his throat. Shed cared about him all the while she was
being subjected to Harrisons mental and physical abuse.

He could only shake his head. There was no changing of the past. I could never be angry at you about
that. First of all, Id have no right to be and two. He paused to catch his breath. I know why you did it. I
wont say you shouldnt have done it, because I dont want to diminish your sacrifice. But as of this
moment, I dont ever want you to think you have to protect me. Ive dealt with men like him before. I knew
Harrison held a grudge against my men and me. He wouldve been taken down the minute he came too far
onto the ranch. The only reason he reached the house today is because I wanted him to. I told the hands to
let him by if he came. We need to hash things out with him for Maris sake.

What did he want from you?

Rowan told her about the money Harrison demanded before he agreed to sign away his parental rights.

On hearing that, Kiara sank into the sofa, lowering her face to her hand. Oh my God. He is insane.
What am I going to do? Its one thing to have him around her when one of us is there to supervise, but its
out of the question, Nathan being left alone with Mari. Did you smell the alcohol on him? He reeked of it
yesterday, too.

Rowan raised her chin with his thumb. This isnt a matter of what youre going to do. When I told
you that I wanted to be with you forever, it was also a promise that Id take care of you and Mari. While I
loathe the idea of giving money to Harrison, the logical part of me knows it might be the only way to
ensure he wont ever play a role in her life.

Kiara searched his eyes. Rowan, its so much money. Even with the money I have saved up, youd
still put in a lot of your own. I cant let you do that. There has to be some other way.

Shed slept with that asshole because of him. How it must have killed her to allow Harrison to touch
her so intimately, and yet shed done it. For him. For however long he lived, Rowan knew it was
impossible to forget what shed done. Whatever amount of money he had to pay Harrison was paltry
compared to the price Kiara had paid in staying so long with the bastard.

Rowan frowned. Hopefully it would also be money Harrison would never get the chance to spend.
After reassuring Kiara that everything would be fine, he left to make a few phone calls.

* * * *

Kiara waited outside on the patio for Rowan to return from his office. She placed the baby monitor on
the ground as she stared ahead, trying not to let her frustration prevent her from seeing the bigger picture.
A chance for her daughter to grow up in a loving home, unaware of the horrible person her biological
father was. Oh, she would tell Mari the truth in time, but to spare her actually being around that monster
was the most important thing.

Kiara raised her head at the sound of Rowans footsteps across the wooden floorboard.

Are we really going to pay him off?

We are, he said, moving beside her. Theres no other way around it. Harrisons drinking alone isnt
enough to guarantee his rights will be taken away if you take him to court. Whos to say he wont sober up
to make himself seem like a fit parent, talk about his regret in hitting you. Pretty much, if Harrison wants
he can clean himself up enough to still get visitation.

But he hasnt been around. You said it yourself, he was in jail. For Gods sakes, hes threatening us
for money instead of giving me child support.

Kiara, I know. But we need to remember he can always deny the blackmail. According to my
attorney, not paying child support isnt a legal reason to keep him from seeing her. We should have all the
paperwork soon for Harrison to sign.

She leaned her head against a post. Kinsley, you have no idea how much I wish Id never met him. I
wish Id been strong enough to stay in school and just sucked it up and took the bullying like my father

As much as I despise Harrison, I cant say I wish youd never met him. Good things come out of the
worst situations. I know that for a fact. We are who we are because of what weve been through, and it
led us down a path of finding each other. If it werent for you, Id be here day in, day out working this
ranch and myself to the bone with nothing of real value to show for it. Id have no legacy, no one to leave
this place to in the years to come. If its the money youre concerned about, Im telling you to not waste
another second on it. You and our little girl are all that matters to me.
Kiara sighed as she leaned her head against Rowans shoulder. It just burns me up thinking of him
gambling and burning through the money buying alcohol or God only knows what else hes on.

He wont have the chance.

Kiara raised her head. Why not?

Rowans lips thinned into a faint smile. Harrison isnt as smart as he thinks he is.

Sure hes an asshole but hes no moron. She planted a hand on her hip and narrowed her eyes. You
have to tell me more.

Rowan chuckled. The brat I know and love.

I thought you werent going to call me that anymore since Ive done the impossible and made you
change your mind about having a family.

Ill slip up now and then. He brushed his fingers across her lips. Pouting and getting angry,
however, isnt going to make me give in to your demands. I think Ill just let you wait until tomorrow to
find out.

Theres nothing I can do? she asked, kissing the tip of his finger before drawing it between her lips.

He let out a ragged groan. Pleased with herself, Kiara drew harder on his finger until he pulled it out.

That trick wont work. Especially since I havent forgotten about yesterday. I believe we need to get
that settled between us.

She bit her lip. Im very sorry I didnt tell you the truth as soon as I came home.

I know you are, love. He cupped her face with his strong hands. Thats why youre going to use
those pretty lips and show me how sorry you are.

Out here? she asked, looking around to see if any of the ranch hands were strolling about.

Cant think of a better place right now.

What if one of the workers passes by?

No one will come. But if one of my men do, hell have the good sense to keep going. But you wont
move, is that understood?

Kiara nodded as moisture pooled between her thighs. In the first weeks after giving birth, she and
Rowan had explored their pleasure in oral sex Kiara moaned in the back of her throat, anticipating the
feel of his hard cock using her mouth in place of her sex.

She went to her knees, opening his pants just enough to release his cock.

Kiara licked the tip, grinning up at him. Rowan wrapped his hand in her hair.
Are you looking forward to pleasing your future husband?

She nodded eagerly. I love everything we do togethermaking love to you in every way possible.

He looked at her then, his eyes glossy. Open up for me, sweetheart.

Kiara parted her lips. Her lower belly cinched as Rowan held her firm and pushed his penis inside
her mouth, withdrawing then thrusting deep until the broad tip hit the back of her throat.

Taking shallow breaths through her nostril, she regarded him in awe. He pulled out, allowing her
another intake of air before surging forward. In and out.

So good, he grunted above her. Kiara remained still, allowing him this pleasure.

His movements came to an abrupt stop as he quickly withdrew from her mouth, his voice harsh from
exertion. Pushing the pulsating head between her lips, he murmured, Suck it. I need to feel your lips
pulling at my cum.

Kiara closed her lips around him and held the shaft inside her fist, drawing hard at the slippery crown
until shot after shot of ejaculate lashed the inside of her mouth.

Kiara, she heard him groan. I will never get tired of you.

She glanced up at him, slowly opening her lips. Im holding you to that for at least sixty years,

Rowan righted his pants and pulled her to him, kissing her temple. I figure itll take me that much
time forgiving myself for not having the guts to let you know I was starting to care for you after the time
we spent talking. Id see you afterward, pretending I wasnt tearing up inside knowing you werent mine
to touch. I also cant forget how I got so angry with you that day you saw Jennifer and me. I didnt realize
how much it mustve hurt, especially after what you did to protect me.

Theres nothing to forgive. But Jennifer does know youre no longer available for flings or
whatever you were doing together, right?

She knows. Everyone knows that Im yours.

Kiara sighed against his chest. In a strange way she was actually looking forward to tomorrow.

Chapter Twenty-Two

The next day, Rowan opened the front door to an anxious-looking Harrison.

Im here for my money, Harrison said, using one hand to prop himself up against the outside wall.

Rowan glowered. Are your fingers in working condition?

Wont know until I see the money.

Gritting his teeth, Rowan allowed the man inside. Kiara immediately reached for the paperwork.

Knock yourself out, Harrison. Heres the one thing you truly value. Rowan held open the shoebox
filled with cash.

Harrison rubbed his hands together. Just so were clear here. After I sign these papers, when you
kick Kiara and her kid to the curb, Im not gonna get any cops showing up at my door wanting to arrest me
for back child support payments, right?

No. There will be no police officers at your door for that reason.

Harrison switched his gaze between them. He snatched up the pen Kiara had set out for him and began
scribbling his signature throughout the sheets of paper.

Afterward, Rowan took the papers, scouring each and every page.

Theres a signature missing here. In the spot I clearly marked with an x.

Harrisons lips twitched. My mistake.

Youre not getting an extra cent from us. Nice try, though.

Whatever. I held my part of the deal, now give me my money.

Rowan handed him the box, to which the younger man raised his hand in a mock salute. Nice doing
business with you, Kinsley, he said, closing the door behind him.

Rowan felt Kiara move beside him, her brown eyes questioning. What happens now?

Harrison goes back to his car. Im guessing hell get as far as down the road before he gets stopped
by an officer from our local sheriffs department.

Kiaras eyes bulged. Why? What did he do now?

I told you before that I had someone trail him right before he left Nevada.

Yes. He got into some sort of fight, but that doesnt explain much.
The fight was all a part of Harrisons desperation. Apparently he took offense once again at being
accused of stealing. They had him and a few of his buddies on security footage trying to rig some of the
slot machines. Thats a federal crime. I found this out the evening after he returned. Hes looking at a
couple of years well, if convicted.

There are cops waiting for him? she asked, her tone strange.

Rowan nodded as she slumped into the sofa. She looked stricken. Rowan frowned. Surely she
didnt harbor sympathy for the bastard.

Are you concerned for him?

She shook her head. Not in the way youre thinking. Its just She lifted a shoulder and sighed. I
never wanted to be that girl with the biological father of her child a criminal. In prison. She gave him a
pained look. You cant imagine the stigma. What if Mari asks about him one day? How will that reflect
on me? How can I teach her about making the right choices and choosing a decent man to fall in love with,
when all I can tell her about Nathan is that he wasnt just a woman beating drunk, but also went to prison
or might still be in prison? Dont you think shell lose any respect she has for me? Wont it make me look
like trash in her little eyes? How do I keep her from not feeling tainted?

His heart ached for her. Rowan pulled her to his side, praying shed take to heart what he had to say.
Kiara, youre not in control of what another person does. Stigma or not, I dare anyone to disparage you
within an earshot of me. You were never a part of his misdeeds. Youve done nothing wrong. There is not
a single reason for you to take this burden onto yourself. Well raise Mari to be non-judgmental of people.
First and foremost you. She will love you so much, not because youre her mother, but because shell see
the person I also see when I look at you. Whatll happen is, Mari will respect you even more for loving
yourself and her so much that you left Harrison once and for all.

She gazed at him with her heart in her eyes. You truly believe that, Kinsley?

I do.

With the issue of Harrison cleared up for now and hopefully forever, Rowan left Kiara and went
outside. Abe was already waiting for him to start administering vaccines to the heifers. With winter just a
few months away the ranch hands were busy making sure all the calves were weaned.

Rowan cut across the stretch of land, stopping in his tracks as he took notice of a dark skinned man
and woman eyeing their surroundings. The woman was wearing a hat and cream-colored pant suit. From
this distance Rowan could make out a slight frown on her face as the man beside her approached one of
the cowboys.

It took him less than a few seconds to work out who they were. They were Kiaras parents. Of that he
was sure. The woman had the same slim, yet curvy frame as Kiara. They even stood the same, perfect
posture. Curious, he heard the man, her father, say, Excuse me, young man. My wife and I are looking for
our daughter. Kiara Monroe. Someone in a nearby store told us we might find her on this ranch. Does she
work here?

Rowan groaned as Newman scratched his sweaty forehead, glancing up from the wood he was
chopping. Kiara who? The twenty-something had just started working on the ranch a week ago and was
still learning his way around.

Shaking his head, Rowan quickened his steps toward the couple, watching as the woman retrieved a
picture from her purse to show Newman. This is Kiara. Have you seen her?

Newman frowned, then wiped his forehead. Oh. Yeah. Ive seen her. Bosss missus, youre talking

The woman appeared taken aback. Missus? Who exactly might I ask is your boss?

Mr. Kinsley, hes usually around here. I

Im right here, Rowan cut in. He extended his hand in his greeting. Rowan Kinsley. And you are?

The older man reluctantly outstretched his hand. Donald Monroe. This is my wife, Tamara. Wed like
information regarding our daughter, Kiara. An elderly gentleman a few miles down the road told us a
young man called Nathan Harrison

At the sound of Harrisons name, Rowan grated, I fired him a long time ago. As for Kiaras
whereabouts, youve come to the right place.

Is she here? Can we see her? That young man over there seemed to imply that Kiara was your
missusmistress. What does that mean? Donald asked, his voice dripping with disapproval.

Donald, please. Hes taking us to see her.

Kiara is not my mistress. Were getting married in a few months. And be warned, Im not going to
spring your visit on her like this. She has to decide if she wants to see you both.

I can understand that, Tamara said. Our last conversation didnt go too well.

Kiaras father snorted. If that girl knows whats good for her, shell

Shell do what makes her happy, Rowan interjected. He folded his arms across his chest. Mr.
Monroe, if you came here expecting to talk down to Kiara or treat her like a child, Im going to suggest
you head right back to your car. She doesnt need or deserve this.

Hey listen now, Kinsley. I dont know who you think you are, but you have a lot of nerve talking to
me like that, when youve just admitted to having a relationship with my teenaged daughter.

Shes twenty. Kiara and I celebrated her birthday while she was pregnant.

Donald Monroe tightened his lips. The woman, Tamara, sighed. Of course. Her birthday was in

Angered, Rowan walked off and entered the house. Kiara was in the kitchen, rinsing off a pacifier.

Whats wrong? Did you forget something?

No. Come here.

Why do you look like that?

Your parents are outside.

My what? Her mouth opened and closed. Why? I dont understand.

I made it clear I wouldnt let them in the house until Id spoken with you first. I know you want to
reconcile with them, but I didnt want you to be caught off guard.

That was very considerate. Did they say why they wanted to see me? Maybe one of them is ill

I think they want to see you because they know theyve made a mistake in shutting you out for so long.
At least I get that impression from your mother. Your father on the other hand is


I suppose that word works too.

She gave him a small smile, stopped then began smoothing her hands to her beautiful hair. How do I
look? Can you keep them out there while I fix myself up?

Youre perfect. If they dont see what I do looking at you, then I dont believe they have a right to be
in your life.

She bit her lip and sucked in a breath. All right then, Kinsley. You can send them in.

Chapter Twenty-Three

The moment Rowan left the three of them alone, Kiara saw her father shake his head as he switched
his gaze from the door to her.

Im not sure I like that man Kinsleys attitude. He seems domineering. Exactly how old is he,

His age doesnt matter, dad, and Rowans the furthest thing from domineering. You wouldnt

Her mother sighed. We didnt come here to argue with you. She clasped her hands together. We
came to talk, Kiara. Perhaps we were too rash the last time we spoke.

Too rash? I begged you. She turned to her father. Both of you to let me come home and you refused.
You hung up on me. I didnt deserve that.

Donald tilted his head to the side. Well, thats not a hundred percent true, is it? You did leave against
our wishes.

I didnt feel as if I had any other choice, Kiara cried. Whats your reason for coming here apart
from telling me how wrong I am?

Her father shoved a hand into the pocket of his slacks. He let out a heavy sigh then raised his head,
studying the place. So, this Kinsley, he said, ignoring her question. Does he own this entire ranch?

Yes, he does, as a matter of fact. Rowan worked really hard to make the Cottonwood Ranch what it
is. I also help with the bookkeeping.

It seems like you have it all together then, her mother said, giving her a tender smile. Im very
proud of you.

How interesting, Kiara thought. Words that were meant to bring comfort, instead felt like a slap in the
face. Not once since shed entered her teens, had they ever told her they were proud of her. Yet theyre
proud of me now for being with a person who owns a successful cattle ranch.

Rowan, who hadnt known her for that long, was proud of her in a way that meant something. He
thought she was brave for leaving an abusive relationship, he was proud of her for knowing her limits
when she refused to head back to the school where her bullies incessantly tormented her. He was proud of
her for standing up for herself, and most important, for simply being herselfkind, funny, weird and smart
as hed told her so often. He never cared about her outward appearance and judged her for it, unlike the
two people standing in front of her.

Donald let out a loud breath. Well hes a whole lot better than that Harrison boy, thats for sure. His
eyes roved the room until his gaze landed on the babys bouncer close to his feet. Speaking of, when are
we going to see our grandchild?
Shes sleeping, Kiara said flatly.

She? Tamara asked, her expression softening. You have a daughter? Kiara, thats wonderful.
Whats her name? Her mother suddenly frowned. I was under the impression Nathan Harrison was the
childs father, am I wrong?

Sperm donor, mom. Thats all he is. Rowan is Maris father. Hes going to adopt her after we get

Her parents blinked in shock. Donald shuffled his leg. I suppose we came here for no reason since
you have it all figured out.

Did you come here hoping to find me on the streets, desperate for any scrap you were willing to
offer? Im not sorry to disappoint you this time because the truth is Im happier than Ive ever been.

We came here to invite you to return home with us.

Kiara closed her eyes. Those were the words shed wanted so desperately to hear all those months
ago. Why did you change your mind?

Her mother looked at her father. There have been other reports from Brookview. A girl almost killed
herself because of the bullying. The director has been fired.

Is the student okay?

She survived, thankfully. We I should have listened to you and been on your side. Instead I was
concerned about not wanting to start controversy. Weve always known how special you are, so smart.
Thats why we sent you there. You have to understand, you were one of a few minority children there. In
hoping to have you fit right in we neglected your needs and feelings in order to not be that one family that
starts problems. We failed you. Im very sorry.

Your mother is right, Donald joined in. He rested a hand on her shoulder. We were at fault. You
shouldnt have had to try and change who you are to please us.

If youre willing to give us a second chance, wed like for you and the baby to come home with us.
Well make arrangements for someone to help you take care of her so you can finish school.

Before Kiara could react, her mother continued. I know you say youre happy here with Mr. Kinsley,
but Kiara, youre still very young. Despite having a baby you have your whole life ahead of you. You can
go to college and become whatever you want.

Kiara drew in a breath as her anger melted. In their own way, they did care about and love her. She
hoped theyd understand the person she was now. Sometime ago I wouldve jumped at your offer. I never
wanted to leave you guys in the first place. But I did and I need you to know that Im okay. More than
okay. If youre under the impression that Im here because I have no other choice, its the furthest thing
from the truth. Im here because this is where I want to be, where I want to raise my daughter. Rowan isnt
a tyrant. Im free here. I havent given up on my dreams. I just have new dreams, better ones. I do plan on
continuing my education, but I also enjoy my life and work here on the ranch. If you tell me youre proud
of me, say it because you see value in me, strength in me. Not because Im living in this house and have a
cattle rancher fianc.

Tamara appeared contrite. You have grown up.

Donald chuckled. I suppose that baby takes after your temperament. Cant say I grudge your Kinsley
fellow, being out here with the both of you.

Kiara grinned. He does have it hard. Her grin widened when her parents placed their arms on either
side of her. Can you forgive us? her mother asked, kissing her temple.

I can. I do.

* * * *

Later that evening after Kiaras parents had met and played with Mari before leaving, her, Rowan and
the baby were settling in for a quiet evening. Kiara watched as Rowan glanced up from his spot on the
floor beside their daughter, who was flat on her stomach trying with all her might to raise her little head.

Thats it for visitors today, I assume, Rowan said.

Kiara picked up a picture book lying beside him and nudged it to the side. With her legs folded she sat
beside him as he drew Mari up onto his lap.

Until two weeks from now, when you and my father made arrangements for them to come by again.

Rowan shrugged. I was just being polite for your sakes.

She gave him a mischievous smile. Whatever. Youre almost his age anyway. I see how you two
would get along well.

Ill remember that comment for later.

She grinned. Im counting on it. Her expressions became serious. I have to tell you. My parents
wanted me to go home with them.

He glanced up, one dark brow raised. What did you tell them?

Was that a hint of worry in his voice? She looked back at him. There was only one thing I could say. I
am home. Everything I need is right here beside me. Before I left their house, my parents were my world.
They were the two people I loved the most, and I couldnt fathom how it wouldve been possible to feel
otherwise. I grew up though, got a wicked serving of life and discovered love beyond my wildest dreams.
Theres nothing or anyone that could tempt me into leaving you and the life were meant to build here.

Why did they think youd go with them?

She shrugged. They got me a spot at their alma mater. My godfather recently became the president of
the university. All Id have to do is finish the final credits I need for my high school diploma. Id already
taken the SATs and gotten a near perfect score.
Youd give all of that up to stay here with me? he asked softly.

She kissed him. Im not giving up anything. They want me to fulfill the plans they had for me. I want
to fulfill my own plans and dreams, but I can do it all right here. Everythings possible, right?

He nodded, gazing down at Mari on his lap. Youre right, sweetheart, everything is possible. Im
going to make sure you never have a single reason to regret spending the rest of your life with me.

She leaned her head against his shoulder. And Ill do the same, Kinsley. Just wait and see.


Three years later

Kiara logged off her computer and breathed a sigh of relief after completing the last of her final exams
in her online universitys accounting program. Shed studied hard the past week and since math was never
a challenge for her, shed breezed through the test.

Speaking of breezing through She rounded the corner to the living room, wondering how Rowan
himself had fared being left alone with Mari. Normally she wouldnt have second thoughts about the two
of them being alone, but today their daughter had given her daddy the puppy eyes, pleading with him to put
on her favorite Disney movie and sit down to watch it with her. The whole way through.

Kiara almost laughed as she recalled the reaction on Rowans face. Hed looked almost panicked as if
hed rather be outside knee deep in muck, cleaning after the horses rather than sit down for what had to be
the fifteenth time and watch the princess movie.

Kiara entered the living room and found the two of them sprawled on the sofa. Mari had her legs
outstretched, her dark brown curly head resting on a pillow across Rowans lap. Kiara could tell she was
drifting off to sleep as her lids fluttered close. Standing quietly at the edge of the living room, she watched
Rowan gently run his fingers in little circles in Maris hair. It was a trick. Whenever the toddler was tired
and had trouble falling asleep, at the first touch of someones hands in her hair, it was only a matter of
time before she was in dreamland.

Kiara raised one brow, entering the living room. Did you rub her hair on purpose so you wouldnt
have to watch the entire film?

I plead the fifth, Rowan said, removing his hand from their daughters hair.

Kiara shook her head, smiling. Youre horrible, Kinsley. You know that? She joined them on the
sofa, watching as Rowans eyes came to rest on her pregnant stomach. Maybe youll be off the hook soon
when she forces her little brother to watch those movies with her.

In the beginning, when theyd first found out her second pregnancy had resulted in a boy, Rowan had
been overjoyed but Kiara had known and suspected that deep inside hed also been terrified at the
prospect of subconsciously treating his new son as a replacement for the one hed loss. After many late
night talks, hed come to admit that he was at peace with his Gages death, knowing his little boy was
with the people he loved, including his parents and grandparents. Their son would be a whole different
person. They would tell him all about his older brother in heaven, but never in a way to compare the two.

These days, however, Rowan mostly talked of his excitement at meeting his son, and wondering what
sort of features and personality a person like him and Kiara could create. Then of course, when they did
ask Mari what she thought her little brother would look like, her answer would always be, Opal,
Still Rowan chuckled at Kiaras suggestion. I dont know. Id hate for her to stop asking me as
much as those movies annoy me. He then bent to kiss Maris cheek and Kiara felt her heart completely
melt. Rowan was the best husband ever, her soul mate and he was also Maris daddy in every single way
and the little girl loved him so much.

Although Nathan was serving a ten-year prison sentence, Kiara was no longer worried about the future
or the questions her daughter would ask. Their lives were filled with too much love for Mari Joelle
Kinsley to ever question or doubt her place in this world. And when her brother arrived in another two
months, Kiara knew Rowan would continue to love their daughter as much as he would their son.

She leaned her head on Rowans shoulder. Yeah, but if Mari has someone else to sit down with, that
frees up time for us. Kiara raised her head and flashed her husband a teasing grin. Then again, if youd
rather sit down and watch Disney instead of playing with your wife, Ill be forced to take matters in my
own hands.

He let out a ragged breath. The next thing she knew he was lifting Mari and hurrying up the stairs,
putting their daughter to sleep in her little bed.

Kinsley she breathed, amazed at how fast he did all that.

Rowan crossed the hallway and hooked his finger beneath her chin. You little brat. You knew exactly
what you were doing to me downstairs. He looked her up and down, his gaze heated. Perhaps I will let
you play with yourself for a while.

Her pulse raced. You will?

He closed his hand over one breast. I will. Now that I think about it, its been a long time since Ive
sat back and watched you play with your sweet little clit. He shifted his hand from her breast to slide
beneath her dress, stroking her pussy.

Kiara moaned as he slipped his fingers inside her underwear. Rowan

What, love?

She pressed her forehead to his as her knees trembled. Do you think well always want each other as
much as we do now, even when were both really old?

His fingers paused on her slickened flesh. Kiara swallowed as he stared at her, his gaze tender.
Kiara, I swear to you, when we both get to that stage, it will be the very end because the way I love you,
Im going to keep loving you so much long after I take my last breath, and even on that very day you can
bet Ill still want you with the same urgency I do now.

She closed her eyes, allowing his words to sink in. She pressed her lips across his and whispered.
My own rancher and mind reader. What you just said, Kinsley, is exactly how I feel, what I was thinking.
Ill love you until the end of time and want you just as much. She raised her head and smiled. Now if
only youd agree to also doing a little playing of your own

Rowan groaned and drew her to him. Only if you get in the bedroom at the count of five.
Kiara laughed and took off down the hallway.

One. Two. Three. Four. She made it to the room, with a second to catch her breath and allow a wide
smile to spread across her face at the sight of her one and only entering their bedroom. Life was amazing
in Elkspoint, Nebraska. Absolutely amazing!

Also by Delilah Hunt

Someone to Call My Own



Delilah Hunt is a daydreamer who resides in Germany with her husband and three children. She adores
long walks along the countryside, shopping and laughing. Always a believer in romance and the
astounding power of love, Delilah hopes to take her readers on a journey of raw emotions, joy and
perhaps a teardrop or two along the way.

Twisted E-Publishing, LLC

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