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Samuel Jimenez


The Power of Music

Im nervous. I never thought I would make it this far. Before the spotlight hit me sweat was

already running down my forehead. The audience claps as I step up and a few seconds later there

was nothing, pure silence. I start to feel stiff as if I was entrapped in ice. The I took a deep breath

and the ice shatters, I was ready.

When I was in fourth grade a new opportunity came to me. It was a chance for a new

experience, But honestly back then it was more of an excuse to ditch class and have fun. I was

able to join the orchestra at my school, penn elementary. Without questioning it I picked violin

out instinct, It just seemed like the more fun instrument. A cello would be a pain to carry and a

viola was just strange to me. After one class of my excuse to ditch I was actually enjoying this. It

became something I liked to do at home although I didnt yet have an instrument of my own.

Every Time we would walk into the bungalows behind the school we would all try and find one

of the schools instruments to use for that hour of class. It was a struggle as sometimes people

didn't get an instrument for that day, there wasn't enough. My uncle Julio had heard of what I

was doing and he has always been supportive towards me. So out of his support he got me my

first violin, my very own and unique violin. For those two years I was one of the proud few who

had their instrument at all times. I loved it. We would perform once per semester and all the

parents would come and watch. Although I now realize that most of our songs were actually

different iterations of twinkle twinkle little star. Years later I think back and although it was fun

and a new start we sounded terrible back then. I have no idea how parents sat through that.
Samuel Jimenez

I had now shattered the ice and for the first time in my life I was performing as a soloist, it was a

dream come true, my dream, my goal I strived for, but in reality it was really just a dream. I

wake up back into reality and see the same withered sheet of paper taped to the top bunk of my

bed with goals and how to achieve them. My brother sleeping in the bunk above and I just

staring blankly at this sheet of paper of things I have achieved and things Ive given up. There

was a small crack of sunlight as the day had barely began and the curtains were not fully closed.

The light hit my face but I ignored it as I just stared blankly at this old piece of paper, reading the

list created a few years back. I never checked things as done.

I woke up to the reality of middle school. New campus, new people, starting all over again. As

time progressed I made new friends and adapted but I had left my musical interest behind just as

I did with penn elementary. I was encouraged to continue music by my family but I just ignored

their advice. That part of my life was over... or at least I thought it was. My middle school career

flew by. Besides that two classes we had every year, I had to deal with theatre and engineering

which werent exactly my forte or something I looked forward to, but then there was the third

class. As we learned the elements of art we later began to create our own. The three years flew

by and I was working on my last project as a middle schooler. 8th grade was when it all came

back to me. I looked around me everyday and everyone had their talents. The pianists, singers,

guitarists, and so on, then there was me. Talentless until a special someone came around. I

wanted to show this person what they meant to me but I didnt know how. My arts and crafts are

as good as picassos perfect representation of the average face, my voice as deep and rigid as an
Samuel Jimenez

untuned bass. And the one talent I used to have left behind. Due to my devotion them I started

back up. I went home that day digging the depths of my closet looking for my old instrument.

After much digging I finally noticed the black thread case in the corner of the dark closet. The

flashlight barely defined its shape. I took the case out and slowly opened it not knowing what I

might see after three years of storage. I finally see the familiar red velvet interior just to find a

pair of loose strings snapped from their place. I guess it was a way of the world telling me you

have a long road ahead. I got it fixed in a few days of finally getting up and making the effort.

Finally an old healed instrument back in my hands ready to be played after its long wait. The

first thing I heard as my bow struck the strings was like nails on a chalkboard. Whatever I had in

mind was not happening any time soon. I could barely read music or tell it apart. I refreshed my

memory as much as possible on notes and their places on the strings. I felt like I had come back

to elementary when I barely started, clueless.

After the long attempt at refurbishing my knowledge I knew there was nothing left I could teach

myself so I sought out a mentor. I have to give credit where its due to my 7th grade humanities

teacher Mr.Klein as for an entrepreneurship project we visited a local company by the name of

take lessons. I visited the website and after much research on the many options I had I had found

the one.

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