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Interactive Learning Activities

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Interactive Learning
Activity In this game, counting
money, you are given an
amount of money to count
and you have to count out
a certain amount of
amounts correctly to
advance to the next level. This game is called puppy
ml pull and in this game you
are a puppy playing tug of
war and you are given a
written out decimal
number and you have to
select which number
matches what you were
given. In order to win you
have to get the most
amount of numbers right. In the game called
baseball math, you select
which kind of math
problems you want and
you are given the
problems to solve. For
each one answered
correctly you get a run
and each one that is
wrong you get an out.
After 3 outs you lose the
game. In Road Racer you are
given two numbers to
compare and you must
drive to the car that has
the correct sign that
describes the number. For
example, if you are given
4 and 4 you would go to
the car that has a equal
sign because they are
equal numbers. This game is called
chicken stacker. In this
game you select a vowel,
A, E, I, O and U. you are
then given a series of
words and you have to
select the words that
make the sounds of the
letter that you chose and
for each word you pick
correctly, chickens stuck
up on a ladder. This game is designed to
024.html help you learn where the
states are. There are 4
levels. In the first one you
just click on states to find
out the name. In the
second one, you are given
a state name and the
highlighted region that its
in and you have to click
on the correct state. In
the 3rd level you are given
a region and a state and
you have to drag the state
to its correct spot. In the
final region you are given
a state and you have to
drag its to its spot without
being given its region. In this game you help a
.shtml girl open clams by
correctly spelling the word
that she says by clicking
on the letters that make
the sounds of the word.
You get to pick the
difficulty of the game In this game, you are
given the option to
choose a category of
English. Once you select
one you are given a
picture of something and
clouds with words in
them. Your objective is to
arrange the clouds in
order to make a sentence
that describes the picture. In this game, you are
given a type of math
number to find and click
them all. For example, if
you are given mixed
numbers, there are
bubbles of all different
types of numbers flying
on the screen and you
have to splat all of the
mixed numbers and
clicked finished to see if
you got them all. You get
points taken off for hitting
the wrong numbers and
after so many times of
doing it you lose. This game is designed to
help you make graphs and
understand them. In this
game there is a tree filled
with jelly beans and you
have to pick them and
place them on the correct
place on the chart based
on their color and it
creates a bar chart.

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