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Present simple, present continuous and adverbial phrases of

1- Complete the sentences with the correct present simple or present
continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I ______________(live) in a large house in Liverpool.
2 I _________________(want) to be a teacher when I finish university.
3 She _________________(not have) a boyfriend.
4 I _________________(read) a really interesting book at the moment.
5 My sister _________________(wear) her new jeans. They look really
6 What you ________________(do) this evening?
7 How often you ___________________ (go) to a restaurant?
8 They ___________________ (not study) French this year.
3- Each sentence has one mistake. Write the correct sentences.
1 My dad like watching football on TV.
2 How do you feeling today?
3 I once a month work as a volunteer in the local hospital.
4 She is looking not for a boyfriend at the moment.
5 We are going to school every day at 7.30am.
6 What are she wearing to school today?
7 Do you read often science-fiction stories?
8 I spend next week in Italy on holiday.
Past simple and past continuous
1- Complete the sentences with the correct past simple or past continuous
form of the verbs in brackets.
1 She __________(surf) when the shark__________ (attack) her.
2 He __________ (dance) at a party when he __________ (meet) his
3 I __________ (have) a picnic when I __________ (see) my sister.
4 When they __________ (see) the shark they__________ (swim) in the
5 Susan __________ (arrive) while I __________ (have) dinner.
6 He __________ (play) football, when he __________ (break) his leg.
7 I __________ (wait) for my friend when the bus __________ (arrive).
8 When I __________ (get back) my mum __________ (cook) dinner.

2- Choose the correct word.

dave Hi, Jenny, what (1) did you do / are you doing last weekend?
jenny I (2) was going / went to a party.
dave (3) Did / Do you have a good time?
jenny Yes, I really (4) am enjoying / enjoyed it. I (5) met / was meeting this
really nice guy.
His names Danny.
dave Oh, yes?
jenny I (6) was talking / talked to my friend Paula, when
Danny (7) asked / was asking me to dance.
dave Wheres he from?
jenny Liverpool, but he (8) lives / lived in London at the moment.
dave How (9) does he know / is he knowing Paula?
jenny They (10) are going / go to swimming club together.
dave So, (11) are / were you seeing him again?
jenny Yes, we (12) go / are going to the cinema tonight.
dave Great. Have a good time.
3- Each sentence has one mistake. Write the correct sentences.
1 She was seeing the shark while she was surfing.
2 What was you doing last night at 8.00pm?
3 I was reading a book when my brother was getting back.
4 He didnt liked the film very much.
5 What did he see while he swam?
6 You can turn off the TV, I not was watching it.
7 I was talking to Stephen while the phone rang.
8 I went to the cinema last night but I wasnt liking the film.
Present perfect with just, already, yet, ever and never
1 Choose the correct word.
1 Have you ever / never been camping with friends?
2 No, I havent been camping with my friends already / yet.
3 Yes, Ive already / yet been camping with my friends.
4 Have you finished the book ever / yet?
5 Yes, Ive just / yet finished it.
6 Have you ever / yet been to London?
7 No, Ive ever / never been to London.
2- Complete the conversation with just, already, yet, ever and never.
julie Hi, mum! Ive __________ (1) arrived in Santiago.
mum Santiago? Wheres that?
julie Its the capital of Chile.
mum Have you been to Argentina __________ (2) ?
julie No, not __________ (3) , but weve __________ (4) visited Ecuador and
mum Youre so lucky.
julie Why?
mum Well, Ive __________ (5) been to Peru or Chile.
julie Have you __________ (6) been to Argentina?
mum No dear, you know Ive __________ (7) been to South America.
julie You should come with me. Ive __________ (8) decided Im coming back
next year.
mum I dont know, dear. Its a long way to travel.
3- Write sentences and questions using the prompts.
you / ever / be / to / the USA
Have you ever been to the USA?
1 you / ever / be / skiing
2 you / finish / your homework / yet
3 she / just / visit / her friends
4 I / already / meet / a famous person
5 you / ever / write / a poem
6 I / never / be / bungee-jumping
Present perfect with for and since
Present perfect or past simple?
1a Complete the sentences with for or since.
1 Ive been here __________yesterday.
2 Shes been living in London __________ 2002.
3 Ive been learning English __________ three years.
4 Hes been swimming every day __________he was ten.
5 Hes been a professional coach __________ten years.
6 Ive lived in the same town __________a long time.
7 Ive admired her __________we first met.
3- Each sentence has one mistake. Write the correct sentences.
1 She has won her first race five years ago.
2 She has been running for she was 12.
3 When have you start your new job?
4 She has broke lots of records.
5 Ive dreamt of winning a medal since a long time.
6 I been skiing last year.
7 I started learning English for a long time ago
used to + infinitive
1-Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
didnt use to, use to, used to
1 What did you throw away?
2 We throw things away.
3 We keep things for longer.
2- Choose the correct words.
200 years ago
1 people used to / didnt use to make their own clothes.
2 people used to / didnt use to have mobile phones.
3 people used to / didnt use to read books.
4 people used to / didnt use to watch TV.
5 people used to / didnt use to drive cars.
6 people used to / didnt use to walk everywhere.
4-Complete these sentences with used to or didnt use to.
1 I __________play the guitar, but I do now.
2 I__________ ride a bike, but I dont anymore.
3 I __________collect stamps, but I dont anymore.
4 I __________enjoy getting up early, but I do now.
5 I__________ be worried about the environment, but I am now.
6 I __________ be afraid of flying, but Im not anymore.
7 I __________ know how to use a computer, but I do now.
First conditional
1-Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
If you (listen) carefully, I (tell) you what to do.
If you listen carefully, I will tell you what to do.
1 If you __________ (study) hard, you __________ (pass) all your exams.
2 You __________ (have) an accident if you __________ (not be) careful.
3 If you __________ (miss) the bus, you __________ (be) late.
4 Your teacher __________ (be) angry if you __________ (be) late.
5 If you __________ (go) to bed late, you__________ (feel) tired in the
6 If you __________ (invite) me to your party, I __________ (help) you with
your homework.
2- Write sentences using the prompts.
wake up late / miss bus
If I wake up late, Ill miss the bus.
1 miss bus / lose job
2 lose job / have no money
3 have no money / stay at home
4 stay at home / sleep a lot
3 -Are these sentences correct () or incorrect ()? Rewrite the incorrect
1 If we hurry, we be on time.
2 If you work hard, you will do well.
3 What will you do if you dont have any homework tonight?
4 Ill help you, you ask me.
5 If you look carefully, you will found it.
Second conditional
1-Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 What would you do if you __________ (win) lots of money?
2 If I were you Id __________ (stay) at home tonight.
3 If I __________ (see) a crime happening, I would phone the police.
4 What would you do if you __________ (forget) something very
5 If I __________ (pass) all my exams, I would be so happy.
6 What would your mother __________ (think) if you didnt go home
2- Write sentences using the prompts.
win 1 million / go on holiday
If I won 1 million, I would go on holiday.
1 go on holiday / meet a beautiful woman or a handsome man
2 meet a beautiful woman or a handsome man /get married
3 get married / buy a house
4 buy a house / need more money
5 need more money / get a job
6 get a job / buy a lottery ticket
7 buy a lottery ticket / win 1 million
3- Are these sentences correct () or incorrect ()? Rewrite the incorrect
1 What would you do if you were lost?
2 If you didnt have any money, what will you do?
3 If I meet a famous person I would ask them for their autograph.
4 If I were you, Id take a map.
5 What would you do if you bitten by a snake?
6 If I broken my leg, Id go to hospital.

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