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Daily Prayers of Protection

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command a hedge of protection to be around
my home and property today and I ask that warrior angels sent by the one true God
would be placed to stand guard at any holes that might be in that hedge. *Holes in
the hedge can be caused by yet to be dealt with sin, trauma or wounding in the
lives of the people who dwell in the home.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command any free, unbound, or wandering
spirits to get out beyond that hedge of protection now.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I ask that warrior angels be placed at the doorways and
access points to my home and property today that would keep out any free,
unbound or wandering spirits that would try to access my home and property today.
Jesus, send warrior angels that would bind and separate from their functions any
demons attached to any individuals entering my home and property today. *( An
access point could be cable TV, internet, telephone or other communication devices
in the home, power hookup, water supply or heat source.)

Father God, I ask for a spiritual umbrella of protection over me and a spiritual hedge
of protection around me. I place the full armour of God on me, and I ask that the
light of the Lord Jesus shine through me this day.

Note: I strongly recommend praying Ephesians 6 daily over yourself and meditating
on the scripture often.

Eph 6: 13-17 Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil
comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything,
to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the
breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness
that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of
faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the
helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

If you are plagued by nightmares, restless nights sleeping and a sense of

uneasiness in your bedroom, pray this before going to bed each night.

Father God, I ask that you would send warrior angels at the bedposts of my bed.
(Alternatively, the corners of your bed if you don't have a bedpost) and I declare
that YOU are the Lord of my nights.

Praying for Children/spouse

Daily pray:

1. Father God, please place a barrier of protection around each one of my family
members right now and Lord Jesus, I ask that you would come today, at any time
necessary, to deal with any and all spirit beings which might attempt to harass my

2. Pray Ephesians 6 over your children and spouse.

Another Prayer for Daily Protection for Christians

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray this prayer in the power of the Holy Spirit

In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind, rebuke and bring to no effect, all division,
discord, disunity, strife, anger, wrath, murder, criticism, condemnation, pride, envy,
jealousy, gossip, slander, evil speaking, complaining, lying, false teaching, false
gifts, false manifestations, lying signs and wonders, poverty, fear of lack, fear
spirits, murmuring spirits, hindering spirits, retaliatory spirits, deceiving spirits,
religious spirits, occult spirits, witchcraft spirits (including Jezebel, Delilah and
Apollyon) and spirits of antichrist

I bind all curses that have been spoken against me. I bless those who curse me, and
pray blessings on those who despiteful use me.

I bind all spoken judgment made against me and judgments I have made against
I bind the power of negative words from others, and I bind and render useless all
prayers not inspired by the Holy Spirit; whether psychic, soul force, witchcraft or
counterfeit tongues that have been prayed against me.

I am God's child. I resist the devil. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. I put
on the whole armor of God. I take authority over this day, in Jesus' name. Let it be
prosperous for me, let me walk in your love, Lord. The Holy Spirit leads and guides
me today, I discern between the righteous and the wicked.

I take authority over Satan and all his demons, and those people who are influenced
by them. I declare Satan is under my feet and remain there all day. I am the
righteous of God in Christ Jesus.

I am God's property. Satan you are bound from my family, my mind, my body, my
home and my finances.

I confess that I am healed and whole. I flourish, I am long lived, stable, durable,
incorruptible, fruitful, virtuous, full of peace, patience and love. Whatsoever I set my
hand to do shall prosper, for God supplies all my needs. I have all authority over
Satan, all demons, and beasts of the field. God, I pray for the ministry that you have
for me. Anoint me, God, for all you have called me to do for you.

I call forth divine appointments, open doors of opportunity, God ordained
encounters and ministry positions. I claim a hedge of protection around myself,
spouse and children throughout this day and night.

I ask you God, in the name of Jesus to dispatch angels to surround me, my spouse
and my children today, and to put them throughout my house and around our cars,
souls and bodies. I ask angels to protect my house from any intrusion and to protect
me and my family from any harmful demonic or other physical or mental attacks.

I ask this prayer in the name of Jesus AMEN.

A Spiritual Warfare Prayer.

Father we love you, Father we give you glory and honor, we lift our hands and praise
you Father, we adore you for you are our great I AM.
Father we lift this child to you in Jesus name, Father we ask that you place good
godly people around them that can help them to walk in the deliverance you are
giving XXXXX in Jesus name.

Father give XXXXXX a hunger and thirst for you in Jesus name. Father cast out
idolatry in Jesus name, Father cast out depression in Jesus, name Father cast out
rejection in Jesus name, Father cast out grief in Jesus name, Father cast out unholy
soul ties in Jesus name, Father cast out fear and torment in Jesus, name Father cast
out insecurity in Jesus name, Father cast out fantasy lust in Jesus name, Father cast
out fear of rejection in Jesus name, Father cast out self accusation and self hate in
Jesus name, Father cast out compulsive confession in Jesus name, Father cast out
suspicion and distrust in Jesus name, Father cast out rebellion and accusation
toward others in Jesus name, Father cast out selfishness in Jesus name, Father cast
out self deception, self delusion and self seduction in Jesus name, Father cast out
pride in Jesus name, Father cast out control in Jesus , Father cast out unforgiveness,
resentment, violence, anger, bitterness, hopelessness, suicide, guilt, shame,
frustration, vanity, perfection, unfairness, shyness, loneliness, sensitiveness,
nervousness, tension and all kinds of fear in Jesus name, Father cast out paranoid in
Jesus name.

Father heal me from the top of their head to the heels of their feet in Jesus name,
Father you said in your word that you would give us a right mind, Father give me a
right mind, one that is stayed on you, Father line up their emotions with your word
in Jesus name, Father you said that you lead the captive free, Father you said that
you came that we might have life and that more abundantly, Father make XXXXX
free through Christ Jesus in Jesus name, Father even the man that had the legions of
demons in him, once he was set free from the demons went and became an
evangelist for you Lord even to the leading of a whole city to you Father.

Father we loose this prayer in Heaven in the promise given by you, that we can do
this in and through the authority and power given to all Christians by our your word.
[Mark 16:17a. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they

cast out devils;...{KJ}] [Matthew 16. 19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the
kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in
heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven...{KJ}]

Send your Holy Spirit upon my body mind soul and spirit in Jesus name, Father you
do what others cannot do, Father give me the deliverance that only you can do,
Father you are our I AM and we look to you in Jesus name. in Jesus name amen.

Foundational Prayer.

Dear Abba, Grant this my prayer.

Every foundational curse in my life, break, in the name of Jesus.
Every foundational covenant in my life, break, in the name of Jesus.
Every foundational bondage in my life, break, in the name of Jesus.
Thou power of deliverance, fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus.
Every foundational arrester, be arrested, in the name of Jesus.
Every darkness planted in my foundation, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
Every Goliath and Pharaoh witchcraft, die, in the name of Jesus.
Every serpent in my foundation, die, in the name of Jesus.
Every scorpion in my foundation, die, in the name of Jesus.
O axe of God, work in my foundation, in the name of Jesus.
Let God arise and let all foundational witchcraft scatter, in the name of Jesus.
Every seed of witchcraft in my foundation, die, in the name of Jesus.
Every foundational confusion, die, in the name of Jesus.
Blood of Jesus, purge my foundation.
Holy Spirit, shake down every foundational stronghold, in the name of Jesus.
Every foundational familiar spirit, I bind you and cast you out, in the name of Jesus.
Every foundational marine power, bow, in the name of Jesus.
Every spirit that entered me through curses, go now, in the name of Jesus.
Every seed of poverty in my foundation, die, in the name of Jesus.
Every foundational padlock, break, in the name of Jesus.
Every problem attached to my family name, be neutralized, in the name of Jesus.
Every problem that stands as Pharaoh, my rod shall swallow you, in the name of
Legal right of satanic harassment, break, in the name of Jesus.
Every power searching the oracle to know my progress, die, in the name of Jesus.
Family idols, receive the consuming fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
Every dream poison, come out of my life, in the name of Jesus.
According to the mystery of Elisha, as I smite the ground,
the enemies shall bow, in the name of Jesus.
I release myself from any bondage present in my family line, in the name of Jesus.
Any evil pattern laid by my ancestors, break, in the name of Jesus.
No enchantment shall hold me captive, in the name of Jesus.
I break the pattern of darkness that locked me up, in the name of Jesus.
I release my life from the yoke of my village, in the name of Jesus.
I shall walk and live in liberty, in the name of Jesus.
Every curse that came to me through the sins of my ancestors, break by the blood
of Jesus.
Every ancestral transmission of affliction, break and die, in the name of Jesus.
Lord, I recognize only You as the Sovereign Lord and ruler of my life, I thank You for

answers to my prayers, and do stand in faith waiting for your signs and miracles to
be evident in my life.

A Prayer of Protection.

Precious Father, I lift up my eyes to you seeking you today. I pray that you will move
mightily in this situation. Shine your awesome power into my life today, Lord.
Envelope me in your presence and surround me with your protection. Pour out over
me and my situation your Shekinah Glory.
I plead the Blood of Jesus upon my body, their home, their family, and my needs
right now.
I ask you, Father, to assign your Warrior Angels with swords of light, to surround me
everywhere i go and protect, defend, and preserve me from the enemy.
Heal and protect your child, Father, from sickness and disease and infirmity.
In Jesus' name, I command every curse to be broken from my life! Father, please
place a hedge of protection around your child and place in front of me the Shield of
Faith and the Sword of the Spirit. Be my front and rear guard, Lord.
In faith, I place upon them the whole Armour of God. Helmet of Salvation,
Breastplate of Righteousness, Feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of
Peace, Shield of Faith and Sword of the Spirit, that they may stand strong in the evil
I pray that your banner over them this day will read Peace, Love, and Joy.
I thank-you that You, Father, are a very present help. You never leave us or forsake
us and you are our Deliverer! I thank-you for victory, complete and total in this
situation, for your Glory, Honor, and Praise.
I pray that all the Fruits of the Spirit shall be evident in this your child's life. Bless
them today, Father, in a mighty way. Bless their coming and their going. Bless them
in the field and in the store. Pour out such blessing that they hardly have room to
contain it!
I thank you and praise you for all that you have done, are doing, and will do on this
your child's behalf and petition!
Thank-you, Abba, Father.
In Jesus' Mighty, most Holy and Powerful name we pray, AMEN!

Spiritual Prayer

Father in the Name of Jesus,

We superimpose your prophetic purposes concerning my life over and against all

demonic and satanic activities. We destroy any manifestation, operation,
manipulation, resistance, limitation, exploitation, set-back, disappointment, fear,
spell, unscriptural prayer and desire, every demonic and satanic demand and claim
upon my life. Furthermore I uproot and destroy any assignment of the enemy
whatsoever to hinder Gods prophetic purposes for me in the Name of Jesus.

We superimpose the prophetic purposes of God over the fear of the unknown; over
the walls of opposition and resistance, and over satanic and demonic predictions
and projections in the name of Jesus. We plead the Blood of Jesus against persons
without bodies assigned to frustrate, hinder and to disorganize me in any shape or
form in the Name of Jesus. We plead the Blood of Jesus against them, and by the
blood, we nullify, we overrule, we cancel, we revoke and reverse any death wish,
and all of their decisions against them. By the Blood of Jesus, we halt any accusing
fingers; we silence the voice of the accuser in the Name of Jesus, the Son of the
living God. AMEN.

A Prayer for a season of intense favor.

Father, I thank You. Father in the Name of Jesus I proclaim this season of intense
favour of the Lord upon my life.
I pray that You will take every ounce of weariness out of my physical, emotional,
mental, spiritual state. I pray that You will bring me to a place of laughter, love and
fresh intimacy in the Name of Jesus. Father I pray that I will come to such a place of
joy and delight, That I will be transformed into a different person.
And I ask Lord that your intentionality in this matter will be transmitted into my
heart fully day after day after day. Youll teach me how to rest. how to worship. That
I will have that season of learning how to live in that fragrant presence of God. I ask
that all You want to say to me, and be to me and do for me, will come to me without
hindrance or lack.
That You will come down into my heart with your goodness and transform me.
Transform my thinking, my praying and my very being before You.
That I will become a forerunner of a bold and intimate people who are confident in
the very nature of God. That I will become a pioneer of a new way of praying in the
That Father You would teach me to come before You like a much-loved bride. That I
would pray with joy, and delight and laughter. That Lord my yoke will be easy, my
burden will be light because Ive learnt how to love the KING in a deeper way. I pray
this in Jesus Name. Amen.

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