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EDTL 6310

Name Caleb Bihari Date 1/9/17

Word Processing Skills


Set margins. 1/9
Align (center, right, left, or proportional) text using ruler 1/9
Change fonts and styles of text 1/9
Use page break option to force material to new page 1/9
Create a header and footer 1/9
Use current date & time in header or footer 1/9
Use title page option (not print header or footer on first page) 1/9 1/18
Use automatic page numbering in header or footer 1/9
Turn automatic formatting options off and on 1/9
Use indent markers to create hanging indent format, and indented quote format 1/9
Apply spacing and alignment with ruler options and with formatting palette and 1/9
toolbar options
Set tabs for columns of data 1/9 1/2
Use tab markers and type tabbed columns of data appropriately 1/9 1/2
Use Leader Tabs 1/9 1/2
Use Outline options 1/9 2/1
Create columns then add text; format existing text into columns 1/9
Use column break to force text to a new column 1/9
Use section break to allow part of a page or one part of a document to have a 1/9
different type of formatting from another (as varied number of columns, different
margins, restarted page numbers)
Create Tables using the menu bar and toolbar, with and without pre-selected text 1/9
Use Tables Toolbar and menu to change the size of a table or merge or split cells 1/9
Use convert text to table and table to text, using Table Menu and various text/table 1/9
Save and organize document files and backups 1/9
Use spell checking, thesaurus, and word count 1/9
Use borders and shading around text 1/9
Insert a graphic from clip art or a file 1/9
Use text wrapping options on a graphic 1/9 2/1
Use highlighting (not selection) 1/9
Use Comments 1/9 2/1
Zoom in and out 1/9
Mail Merge with a word-processed document (a table in MS Word), a spreadsheet 1/9 1/2
(in MS Word), or a database 0
Use Track Changes 1/9 1/2

Copy (Paint) text and paragraph formats 1/9 1/23
Advanced: Create and use Styles 1/9 1/2
Total # = 33 0 17 16

Spreadsheet Skills


Enter data in a cell 1/9
Align cell data (center, justify, etc.) 1/9
Format cell data (as number, date, etc.) 1/9
Enter a formula in a cell 1/9
Use relative references to cells in a formula 1/9 2/1
Use absolute references to cells in a formula 1/9 2/1
Use functions (Sum, Average, If, etc.) 1/9
Use Fill Down (Fill Right, etc.) 1/9 2/1
Use Fill Series 1/9 2/1
Create charts from data in cells 1/9
Edit chart components 1/9
Use options for copying and inserting charts into Word documents, so that data 1/9 2/1
can/cannot be changed in the Word document to change the chart 0
Total # = 12 0 11 1

Graphic Skills
Create a drawing using draw tools 1/9
Hide and show Drawing toolbar 1/9
Add pages to document (AppleWorks only) 1/9
Use a variety of the Drawing Tools 1/9
Create layers of objects and move objects to different layers 1/9
Group and ungroup objects 1/9
Change Fill Pattern, Color, and Gradient 1/9
Change Line/Pen Pattern, Color, and Gradient 1/9
Change Line/Pen width 1/9
Wrap text around graphic/make graphic in-line with text 1/9
Create Text Objects for selected text (note: this is different from borders) and 1/9
before text is typed.
Advanced: Link text boxes 1/9
Total # = 12 5 7 0

Slide Presentation Skills

Create slides of different types 1/9

Apply a background design 1/9
Use transitions between slides 1/9
Use build effects and custom animation within a slide 1/9
Add a graphic you created to a slide 1/9
Change bullets on the Slide Master 1/9
Change colors of background 1/9
Add a text object to a slide 1/9
Total # = 8 0 1 7

Database Skills

Search for a specific record 1/9 2/1
Sort records by two fields 1/9 2/1
Edit records 1/9 2/1
Add and delete records 1/9 2/1
Change the layout of the record 1/9 2/2
Add and delete fields 1/9 2/2
Change the format of a field (as increase decimal places in a number field) 2/2
Merge the file with a word processing document 2/2
Total # = 8 2 6 0

Send and receive messages 1/9
Create mailboxes/organizational divisions 1/9
Store addresses and use them to send mail 1/9
Send an attachment 1/9
Receive an attachment 1/9
Open an attachment that doesnt open automatically (if the application is on your 1/9
Edit and spell check your mail 1/9
Total # = 7 0 0 7
Total all Categories # = 80; Count of items by column 7 42 31

Student: _______________________ Instructor ____________________________

Course: _______________________ Semester _____________________________

Yes No At least 80% accomplished at intermediate level

Yes No Self-Report Checklist is congruent with and adequately supported by class



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