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Tuesday January 28, 1986

I woke up a bit earlier than usual today, but sprang out of bed
anyway. I got ready quickly and exited the dorms. I am going to be the first
teacher in space! I am both excited and nervous at the same time. I was
taken to a room where I ate a breakfast of steak and eggs, the traditional
launch morning breakfast.
Today is finally launch day after 4 delays, including one yesterday. The
technicians had to fix a broken hatch handle before we could liftoff. Not being
able to do so caused the launch to be pushed to today. We had all waited in
the shuttle for 5 hours! This delay and the other launch cancellations before
added to my uneasiness. Before I knew it, we were in the high speed
elevator. Of course by we I mean the crew members.
Commander- Francis Scobee
Pilot- Mike Smith
Mission Specialists- Judith Resnik, Ellison Onizuka,
Ronald McNair
Payload Specialists- Gregory Jarvis and me, Christa
We entered the White Room and then onto the tower. A
technician helped us board the shuttle and told us to watch the ice. Finally, it
was time to enter the shuttle. One of the technician's handed me a beautiful
red apple; I told him to save it for me and took my seat. I dont remember
much after that, its a blur of excitement and anticipation. Before long I felt
the rumble of the engine and we blasted off. Uh Oh, Smith says and his
words couldnt be more accurate; were plummeting towards the ocean as Mike
and Francis try to steer the shuttle and Judith activates emergency air
bottles. I can see the ocean growing closer and closer..

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