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A journey that sticks out in your mind

How can I tell you about the journey that sticks out in my mind? At the time, I thought that I
was living in a film and that I was Rose on the Titanic. Every time that I watch this film, I think
to myself, what wouldn’t I give to be Rose?! But after the experience I had, I quickly changed
my mind. You’ll soon know why!

Everything started on a bright Monday morning. Everything was fine when we set off on our
journey to Greece on a huge ship. My mum received that trip as a present for her fiftieth
birthday. My family and I decided to book the trip to make her feel special as a thank you for
being her. We were excited, as we had been looking forward to that trip for a year. Our plan
were all sorted: we were going to spend four days on a cruise and before arriving in Greece we
were going to stop over in Africa and Italy.

That night I was feeling a little bit sick because the food was so good on the ship that I went
over the top at dinner and stuffed myself. The sea was calm and even the Captain, who was a
humble and sensible man, noticed us that we were probably going to arrive at the harbor
earlier than expected. However, that night was going to change our lives forever. To my horror
I woke suddenly because of the black smoke, I couldn’t breathe properly. At that moment my
heart started to beat faster and my instincts told me there was something wrong, either that
or maybe I had just watched Titanic too many times!. I thought: first of all don´t think too
much and second of all try to get to mum and dad’s room. Everyone was in a panic, shouting
and running around like headless chickens. Fortunately I got to my mum and dad’s room just in

When I found them, they were a little bit dizzy and confused because of the fumes from the
thick smoke. As soon as I could, I carried them outside onto the deck. Unfortunately, the ship
was made of wood, so it didn’t give us much time to escape and the fire was spreading fast.
Luckily, the captain got in contact with the closest ship, which was 30 miles away from our
current position. To our relief we were saved!

So although the journey wasn’t the best, it was definitely adventurous! I think that the
destination was key for our happy ending! We got to spend a lovely time in Greece! It made
me realise, the most important thing is to make your life fun, be happy and enjoy it as much as
you can.


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