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F oooo, I' ,|rnocks I-r*l nitts

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ef)c;i;:om.ilorrz pLafllz


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E Rooos N tnccks N rwoantains @ conf[ertoasponest
JOE DEVLR was born in 1956 at Woodford
Bridgein Essex,England-After l€avingcollegehe
becamea professionalmusicianand worked in
recordingstudiosin Europeand the USA. While
workingin LosAngelesin L977, he discovered a
gamecalled'Dr-rngeons & Dragons'andwassoon
an enthusiasticplayer.Five yean later he won the
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons World
Championshipsin the US, wherehe wasthe only
Britishcompetitor. His award-winning LoneWolf
adventures are the culminationof manv vears
spent creating the myths and legends of
Magnamund.They are publishedin several
languagesard are soldthroughoutthe reorld.
AIso ln Red Fox by Joe Deuer

The tone Wolf Sedes (Gamebooks):

Flight from ihe Dark
Fire on the Water
The Cavernsof Kalte
The Chasmof Doom
Shadowon ihe Sand
The Kingdomsof Terror
The Jungleof Honors

The Dungeonsof Torgar

The Prisonersof Time
The Mastersol Darkness
Joe Dever
The PlagueLords of Ruel
The Capuvesof Kaag Cover & illustrationsby Brian Williams
The Darke Crusade
The Legacyof Vashna
The Deathlordof lxra
Dawn of the Dragons
Wolf s Bane
The Curseof Naar
Voyag€ol the Moonstone
The Buccaneersof Shadaki
Rune War
Trail ol the Wolf
The Fallof Blood Mountain
A Red Fox Book For JulianEgeLstaff
PublEhed by RandoriHoue Childr€n s Baok
20 VauxhallBridqe Road London SW1V 2SA
A dlvislonof RandomHouse UK Ltd
London l4elbourne Svdbev Au.ldand
Johannesburgand aEencieithroirshouithe worrd
Ftrsipubllshedby Red Fox 1998
Texl O Joe Deve. 1998
IlluskahonsO Adan Williams1998
'Lone Woll is a reqisteredtrademark
ow]ed bv Joe D€!€r
135 7 9 tO4 6 4 2
The nghi ot Joe D€@f ed Bna Williafu to be
identified E ihe auihor ed illGFator of ihis @rk
has b€€n ass€rledbv then in accorddce witi tl€
Coplrighl. Desidnsand PatenisAcL 1988
All nshts rese^€d.
This book is sold subjectto the condit'onthat it shall
not, by way of trade or oth€ruise,b€ lent, resold,
hired out, or olherwi* ctculated withoui ihe
publisheir Drior consenth dnv iorm oI brndrnqu,
.over othei rhan thar in whici ir is pub.rsneda,=nd
wilhout a slmllarcondlilonincludinqihis condition
beingimpos€don the subsequent purchaser

Sel in SouvenirLight by
PalimpsestBook ProductionLimit€d,
Panied and bomd in 6r@t Bntain
by Cox & Wyman Ltd, R@dins, Berkh,re
Randoh Hous€ UK Umiied R€. No 954009

lsBN0 09 9642115

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Nbt' D4 d F

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QU rIlrST lt tf,{r DstorD

AiE I tro. .f rdr gtid

one of this new generationof Kai recruits You
wete born in Sommerlundin the year MS 5063,
during the time of the war againstthe Darklords
THE STORYSO FAR- When gou were sevenyears old. you were sent by
your father to lhe Kai Monastery.There, under
ll S lolnS in rhe year MS 5084 and you are a the tutelageof Lone Wolf, you developedyour
UrandMasterol the New Order of lhe Kai, lhe
warrioreliteof Sommerlund. martial skills and honed the specialKai abilities
which lay dormant within you. Your skills were
Thirtyfive yearsago, the FirstOrdero, the Kai nurturedand sharpenedto perfectionby yearsof
shrdy and rigorous training. Your exceptional
talents helped you to master all of the Kai and
MagnakaiDisciplines,and swiftlyyou rbsethrough
the rank of th€ New Order to becomeone of only
Iive who now hold the high rank of Kai Grand
Master.[t is an achievementthat hasbroughtgreat
honour upon you and your famlly.
ln the year MS 5077 gour skill and couragewere
put to the tesl when an attack was launched upon
the Kai MonasteryduringLone Wolf'sabs€nceBy
means o[ a Shadow Crate (an astrdl comdor
between the physical world ol Sommerlund and
the many etherealdomainswhich lie beyond it),
Naar sent forth a host of dragon-cieaturesto
besiege the monastery and lay waste to all
Sommerlund.He had chosenhis time well, y€t his
evil plan was thwarted by the tenaciousdefence
that you and your fellowwarriorsmaintaineduntil
the siegewas raisedby Lone Wolf and the King's
Army of Sommerlund.l
During the seven yea6 since the defeat ol his
minions, Naar has sought vengeanceupon the
Kai He commands many agents of evil upon

Magnamund,and they wail quietjyin the shadows Naaros At first, neither the King nor the Elders
Ior the chanceto servetheir fell master. cor]ldfathom a reasonwh9 the Autarch had done
this, The Doomlandsare one o[ the most inhos
pitable regions in all of Magnamund,a bafien
wastelandof ash and cindeE thai once was ihe
domain of Agarash the Damned. At its centre
stood his mighty fortress-crtyof Naaros. Yet,
followrnghis defeat b9 the Elder Magi, all that
remainsof it now is a titanicchasmof molten Iava
and heat-fusedrock.
Feanng for the securityof his southern border
lands,King Karvass€nt a group of elite Sigenese
Lord Rimoah.speakerior rhe Hiqh Councrlol lhe rangers into the Doomlands to spy on the
Elder Magi. kavelled wirh you to Bor aboard a Autarch's men in the hope of discoveringtheir
wondrous flying ship called Cloud.dancer and, tru€ purpose.When, after srxweeks,nothing was
with his help, gou were able to defeat the heard from the group, the King and his court
Shom'zaa and save your Drodarin allies from assumedthey had perished.Then a lew dayslater,
destruction. Karvas received word unexpectedly from his
missing men They had tracked the squad of the
Autarch's lmperial Guard deep into the
Doomlands,and they had observedthem excavat-
ing an unmarkedburialmound near to the ruinsof
Naaros.And it was here that they were to witness
summoned 9ou to his chamber where, with a chilling discovery, Ior buried beneath the mouno
mounting dread, gou listened to Lord Rimoah's lay the Claw of Naar
account of eventsin Southern Magnamundthat
The Claw of Naar is an ancient wand of power
ihreatento destroythe fragilepeaceof that conti-
that was craftedby the evil God himself,and used
by Agarash the Damned during his conquest of
Magnamund.Legend held that it had been lost
foreverin the molten ruin of Naaros,but now it
had resurfaced,and its return boded trouble for
the peaceablenations bordering upon the autoc-
racy of Bhanar
'zLoneWoU 26: The Foll oJ Blood Mountoin The rangers reported that the Autarch's squad
16 17
,' were retrrrning to Bhanar with the Claw in their
possession.Their chqgen route would take them
through the Southern Dammerdon mountains,
and so the rangerswent aheadto hide themselves
in Sunderer Pass where they intended to await
their arri l. Their plan was to ambush the squad
in the narrow confinesof the passand stealaway
the Claw. However,the ranger leaderwas fearful
that the power of the Claw might overwhelmhis
small group. He requestedof his King ihat help be
sent urgently. Karvas responded to his plea b9
seeking the aid of the Elder Magi, and upon
hearing of the situation, Lord Rimoah readrly
agreedto assist.
'ln turn, Lone Wolf, I havecome this day to ask for
the help of the Kai,' saidRimoah.'We of the Elder
Magi have the power and the means to destroy the
Claw of Naar, but only when we have that
accursedobject in our possession.To securethe
CIaw will require skills and courage that only the
Kai possess.And so, I come here seekingyour aid,
'lt will not be an easy task,'replied Lone Wolf,
thoughtfully, 'but we have the advantage of both
speedand surprise- Sunderer Passis no more than
a day'sjourney away by skyship.'
'Aye,' replied Rimoah, 'but we must depart this
afternoon iI we are to be certain of reaching the
passbefore the aftjval of the Autarch's squad '
Lone Wolf slowly turned to face you. 'l am
tempted to accept this challenge myself, Grand
Master,'he said, as he held you with his unblink
ing gaze. 'But, alas,I must attend a War Council
were returning to Bhanar with the CIaw in their tomorrow at th€ KIng s Court in Holmgard-Will
posession Th€ir chosen route lvould take them vou iournev lo Bhanarin my steadand help Lord
through the Southern Dammerdon mountains, ilmoah to_capturethe Claw ol Naar?
and so the rangerswent aheadto hide thems€lves Lord. lou replied.withouthesitation
in Sunderer Pass where they intended to await For rhe qreatergiory o{ Sommerlundand the Kai
th€ir arrival.Their plan was to ambushthe squad I am proud to acceptthis task
in the narrow conlinesof the passand stealaway
the Claw However the ranger leaderwas fearlr.rl
that the power ol the Claw might overwh€lmhis
smallgroup. He requestedof his King that help be
sent urgently- Karvas respondedto his plea by
se€king the aid of the Elder Magi, and upon
hearing of the srtuation, Lord Rimoah readilg
agreedto assist
'ln turn, Lone Wolf, I havecome thisday to askfor
the help of the IGi,' saidRimoah 'We of the Elder
Magihavethe power and the meansto destroythe
Claw of Naar, but only when we have that
accursedobject in our poss€ssion-To securethe
Claw will requireskillsand couragethat only the
Kai possessAnd so, I come here seekiogyour aid.
'lt will nol be an easy task, replied Lone Wolf,
thoughtfully, br.rtwe have the advantageof both
speedand surprise.SundererPassis no more than
a day s journey away by skyship'
'Aye,' replied Rimoah, 'br.:twe must depart this
alternoon if we are to be ceriain of r€achingthe
passbefore the arrivalof the Autarch'ssquad'
Lone Wolf slowlg turned to lace gou I am
tempted lo accept this challengemyself, Grand
Master,'he said, as he held you'"vith his unblink-
ing gaze But. alas.I must atlend a War Council
t. Chorf (ie, if gour p€ncil fell on ihe number 8 on
the Rondom Number Toble,you would have 38
lf you are wounded in combat you will lose
ENDUMNCE points- ll at any time gour ENDURANCE
points lall to zero,you are deadand the adventure
is over- Lost ENDURANCE pornts can be regained
during lhe cours€ of the adventure, but your
number of ENDURANCE points can not rise above
the numberyou havewhen you startan advenhrre
lf you have successfullycompleted previous ad\,/en
tures in the Lone Wolf New Order series (Book
27-26), gou can cam/ your cuffent scores of
coMBATsKtLLand ENDURANCE Dointsover to this
adsenture.You may also carry over any Special
Items, Kai Weapon, normal weapons and
Backpackltemsgou had in your possession at the
end of your last adventure,and these should be
enteredon your new A clion Chort.
PlaldngTlpr: You may r-rs€a l0 sided di€ instead of
lhe Rondom Number Table if 9ou find it more

It has long been the traditionof your elite warrior
caste to bestow a new name upon each goung
nouce when theg completeth€ir first year'strain-
ing at th€ Kai Monastery.Kai namesar€ chos€n
by seniorKai Masterswilh the aim of refl€ctingthe
indrvidualstrengthsand qualitiesol each novice.

You mag creategour own Kai name for yourself,
ot you can genetatea Kai name at random using
the name tablesbelow. To generatea Kai name,
pick a number from the Rondom Number Toble
and consultTableA. The namewhich corresponds skillsis given below,
to the numberyou have picked is the firsr pan, or
prefix, of your Kai name. Now pick a second
number from lhe Random Number Table atd
consultTableB. The name which correspondsto
the numberyou havepjckedis the secondpart, or You are proficient with aLl close combat and
suffix, of your Kai name Put the prefix and the missileweapons.You are a master of unarmed
suffix logether and you have your own per\onal combat and suffer no coMBATsKtr loss when
Kainame. You cdn recordyourper<onalKai name fightingbarehanded.
on the book plate which appears on the inside
lront cover of this book
(Kainameprefx) (Kai name suffix) You are able to communicate with most animals
0 = Swift 0 = Blade and have limited control over hostile creabJres.
1 = Su n 1 = Fire You can use woodlandanimalsas guidesand you
2 : True 2 = Hawk are ableto blocka non sentientcreatures senseol
3 = Bold 3 = Heart tasteand smell-
4 = Moon 4 = Friend
5 = Sword 5 = Star
6 = Wise 6 : Dancer
7 = Storm 7 = Helm You are ableto restoreENDUMNCE points lost as a
8 = Rune 8 = Strrder djrect result of combat You may restore I
9 : Brave 9 = Shield ENDURANCE point for every numbered section of
the book you passthrough in which you are not
involvedin further combat.The maximumnumber
of ENDURANCE points that can be restoredin this
DI9CIPIINES way is limited to 10 per adventure.
You also iossessthe abilitgto heal the woundsol
During your distinguishedrise to the rank of the others, and you can neutralize the harmful effects
New Order of Kaj Grand Masters, you have of most poisons,venomsand toxins
. lnvi! p"i*.r""o
You can hide effectivelyin most environmenrs, You possess strong mental delences against
maskany soundsmadeduringmovement.and yoLr hypnosis,supernaturalillusions,charms, hostile
can causeminor dlteralionsol your own physical telepathyand evil spirits You are able to diveri
appearance.Also you ayeable to mask your own
bodg heat and scent. and re channel some hostile psychrc energy to
your own ends

- "'''i.=-'i"=l gi$+];=;+1.-;:=l
-:1 ",,.i-=
-=3-,+*e "
Yoo are an expert hunter of food in the wild. You
possessgreat physicalagility and a keen senseof You can move small items by projectionof your
vision(dayand night)-Yotrr sensesof hearingand mind power. You can withstand exkemes of
smellare esoeciallvacute. temperatureand are able to extinguish fire by
force of your will alone. You have a limited
immunity to flames, toxic gases,and corrosive

You are able to understand most languages,

magicalsyrmbols and hieroglyphics.Youare expert
at reading footprints and tracks. You have an
intuitiveknowledgeof the compasspoints and can Your famous Kai sixth sense can warn vorl of
detect the threat of an enemy ambush up to a imminent danger You can deiect invisible or
distanceof 500 metres.You possessan ability to hiddenenemies,and you are ableto communicate
cross terrain without leaving tracks You can telepathically. You can recognizemagic-using
conversewith sentientcreah.lres
and maskvourself and/or magicalcreatures,deteci psgchicresidues,
from psgchicspellsof detection anCyou havea limitedabilityio leaveyour corpo-
real body ( spirit-walk) for short periods.

You are able to attack enemiesusing the powers
of your mind Also you can set up disruptivevibra-
tions in inanrmateobjectsand causeconfusionin After yearsof martialtrainingand stLrdyat the Kai
the mindsol unsophrsticatedenemies Monasiery,and by the ngorous praclice of the
teachingsof your illustriousmentor Kai Supreme New Order seri€s,meansthat you are skilled in
Mast€rLon€ Wolf - you have achievedthe noble the useol one of the w€aponslistedin ihe EQUIP
rank ol Kai Grand MasterSenior I.4ENT seciion For every adventure thai yorl
Followingin the footstepsof Lone Wolf himself, completesLrccessfully in rhe New Order "eries.yor-r
you have vowed that one day you wrll become will gain profici€ncywith one additionalweapon.
totally proficient in all sixteen of the New Order
Kai Grand lvlasterDisciplines By oorng so 2. Animal Mastery
successtulty you will shdrpwith Lone Woll rhe
responsibility,the honour, and the future glory ol
l€adingthe New Order Kai as a SupremeMaster.
New Order Grand Masters have consrderable
conirol over hoslile,non-s€ntientcreatures Also,
they have the ability to conversewith birds and
fishes,and use them as guides
Disciplineslisted below. It is for you to decide
3. Deliwrance (iMvanc€d Curing)
which lour Disciplinestheseare. As all of the New
Order Grand Master Disciplineswill be of use to
you al some poinl during your mrssion.pick these
lour skills wiLh care. The conecl LAe of a New
Order Grand Master Disciplineat the right time New Order Grand Mastersare able to use their
could saveyour life. When you have chosenyour healingpower to repair seriousbattle wounds lf.
four Disciplines,enter them in the Grand Master while in combat,their coMBATSKILLis reducedto
Disciplinessectionof your Action Chort 8 points or less, theg can draw upon their
mastery to restore 20 ENDURANCE points. This
I. Gnrd W€aponrnastery emergencyability can only be used once every
20 days.

, Asgmilance (AdvancedLwisihh'ry)
This Disciplineenablesa New Order Grand Master
to become supremelgefficient in the use of all
weapons.When you enter combatarmedwith one
of your Grand Master weapons, you may add 5 New Order Grand Mastersare able to effect strik-
points to gour cotltBATsKlLL.The rank of Kai iog changes to their phgsical appearance,and
Grand Master Senior, with which you begin the mainiain thes€ changesover a period of 1 to 3

26 27
days-They have also masteredadvancedcamou ENDURANCE points(Kai surgeand Mindblastcannot
flage technrques which make them viriually be used simultaneously) New Order Grand
undetectablein an open landscape. Masterscannot use Kai surge if tberr ENDURANCE
scorelallsto 6 points or below
5, Grand Hunknastery
8. lGi-screen

New Order Grand Mastersare able to see in total

darknessand they possessgreat naturalspeedand Durrng psychic combai, New Order Grand
agility.They alsohavea superbsenseof toucn and Masters are able to construct mind fortresses
taste- capableof protectingthemselvesand others The
.lrenglhand cdpdcilyof thesefortresses
6. Grand Pathsmanshlp as a New Order Grand Masteradvancesin rank

9. Gmnd Nexus

New Order Grand Masters are able to resisi

entrapment by hostile plants. Also they have a
super-awaren€ssof ambush, or the threat of New Order Grand Mastersare able to withstand
ambush,in woods and denseforests. contactwith harmfulelemenis,suchas flamesand
acids, for upwards of an hour in duration This
7, Kai€urge ability increasesas a New Ord€r Grand Master
advancesin rank

10. Telegnosis(AdvancedDi,lnaflon)
When using their psychic ability to attack an
enemg, New Order Grand Masters may add 8
points to their coN{BmSKILL.For every round in
which Kai surgeis used, they need only deduct 1 This Disciplineenablesa New Order Grand Masterto
ENDURANCE point. Grand Masteishave the ophon spirit-walkfor far greaterlenglhsof time. and with far
of using a weaker form of psychicattack called fewer ill effects Duration of the spirifwalk, and the
Mindblasl.When usingthis lesserattack,u)eymay prolectionaflordedto his inanrmatebody. increase5
add 4 points to their coMBATsKtll without lossof as a New Order Grand Masler advancesin rank

28 29
11. ltlagtsllagic(OH fGngdomMagic) tions increasesas a New Order Grand Master
advancesin rank.

14. Herbmastery
Under the iutelageof Lone Wolf, you have been
able to master the rudimentary skills of Old
Kingdombaltle magic.Thesearcaneskillsinclude
the useof basicmagi-magicspells,suchas Shje/d, Masteryol this New Order Disciplineenablesa
Power Word, and lnuisib/e Flst As you advance Grand Master to identify readrly any subsiance
rn rank, so will your knowledgeand masteryof Old derived from living or growing organic material
Kingdommagic increase. He is awareof any secrelusesto which an organic
materialmay be pui, and he is skilledin effecting
12, Kai-alchemy @rotherhood Maglc) the release of a substances medicinal and,/or

15. Eemenhllsm
Under the tutelage of Lone Wolf and Guildmaster
Banedon (the leader of Sommerlund's guild of
magicians),you havemasteredthe elementaryspells
of the Brottrerhood of the Crystal Stac Ttre;e sperrs This Disciplineenablesa New Order Grand Master
indude Lightning Hond, LeDitotion, arld Mind to manipulatethe four basicelements,Eatth, Ail
Chorm As you advancein [ank, so will gourHnowl- Fire, and Water By drawing upon individual(or
edgeand masteryof Brotherhood magic indease. combinationso0 elementsthat are available,he is
ableto detach,affix, incr€ase,concentrate,inten
13. Asbology sify, remove or acceleratethis matter to fulfil a
specificpurpose, eg, create a wall, hurl a rock,
spraysand,removeair, intensifyfire. The versatil-
iiy of this Discipline increasesas a New Order
The celestialbodieswhich occupgthe sklesabove Grand Masteradvancesin rank,
Magnamund have long been known to affect the
lives of its inhabitants.Mastery of this Discipline 16. Bardsnanslnp
enablesa New Order Grand Masterto predictand
shapethe fuiure by studyingthe relativepositions
of the Sun, the Moon, and the myriad planetsand
stars The number and accuracyof these predic- Through masteryol this Discipline,a Kai Grand
30 31
Masterof the New Order becomesa multi-talented Rondom Number Toble and add 20 to ihe
performer, prolicient in the use of any musical number you have picked The toiai equals the
instrument.He is able to sing or chant, reote or numberof Gold Crownsrnsidethe pouch,and 9ou
composetalesof legend,mimic speechor dialect should now enter this number in the 'Gold
and stimulatea wide range of emotions dmong Crowns' sectionof yo|].rAction Chart.
sentient creatures.The effect and power of his
bardicabilitieswill steadilyincreaseas he advances lf you have sucbess{ullycompletedpreviousNew
throughthe Grand Masterranks Order adventures (Book 21 26), you ma9 add
this sum to the total sum of Crowns you already
If you successfullg
completethe missionas set rn possess.Fifty rs the maximum number of Gold
Book 27 of LheLone Woll (Ne\ Order)< Crownsyou can carry in your pouch ai an9 time
may add a further Grand MasterDisciplineof your You ma9 also selectfive items from the list below,
choice to your Action Chart in Book 28. For only two of which may be Weapons
pvery Grand Nlarrer Disciplinp you possess,in
excessof the original four Disciplinesyou begin
with, you may add 1 point to gour basiccoLlB.AT
SKILLscoreand 2 points to your basicENDURANCE
points score. These bonus points, together with
gour extra Grand Master Discipline(s),
your origi
nal four Grand Master Drsciplines, your Kai
Weapon and any other Special ltems that you Sword (Weapon)
have lound and been able ro keep during your
adventures,may then be carriedover and usedin
the next New Order advenfure,which is called L
The Hunger of Sejonoz -
Quiver(Specialltem)This containssix arrowsi
iecord them on gour WeaponsLisi

Before gou leave the Kai Monasteryand begin

your questto capturethe Claw of Naar,you equip
yourself wrth a map of Bhanar and the Chai Flute(Backpack
Borderlandsand a pouch of gold To find out how
muchgold is in the pouch,pick a numberfrom the

32 33
Dagger(Weapon) Potion of Laumspur(Backpackltem) This potion
restores4 FNDURAN(]Epoints to your tolal when
swallowedalter combat.There rs enoughfor only
one dose

List the five ilems that you have chosen on your

Action Chort under the appropriate headings,
and make a noie of any effect that they ma9 have
lo your ENDUBANCL points and,/or coMBATSKjLL

Bow (Weapon)

Upon reachingthe ultimaterank ol Kai Supreme
2 Meals(Meals)Each Meal takesup one spacejn Master,Lone Wolf receivedas a reward lrom lhe
your Backpack God Kai many new skills and abilities One of
theseskillswas Kai Weaponcraft Using his nev,
lound mastery,Lone Wolf lorged ten weaponsoI
magicalpower in the armoury fLrrnaces of the Kai
)4onasteryThese magicalweaponsare reserved
for *re elite of the New Order Kai who attain ihe
rank of Grand Master.
Rope (Backpacklrem) In recogniliono[ your rank and achievementyou
may chooseyour own Kai Weaponfrom the table
below or, if you prefer. yolr can generateone at
random To generate a Kai Weapon. pic| a
number lrom lhe Rondom Number Toble and
consultthe lirst column The magicalaxe sword,
34 35
or broadswordwhich correspondsto the number
9ou have picked will be your own personal Kai 3
Weapon. Record thls magical weapon and its
unique propertiesin the Kai Weapon section of
the Specialltems Ljst at the lront of the oooK
Rample :l

Say you choosethe number 1 from the Random

Number Table,your Kai Weaponwill be the axe k
'Alema .
When r,rsrngthis Kai Weapon in normal combat
you may add +5 points to your coMBArsKlLL
Each Kai Weapon has a unique property When
you use your Kai Weapon in combat againstthe J

tgpeof enemythat matchesits uniqueproperty,or f

use ri at the optimum time or location,then you
may add the higher bonusto your coMBATSKILL z
B<ample a-
II gou were to use 'Alema' in combat agaursran ri E
undeadenemy,you couldadd the higherbonusof
+7 to gour coMBATsKrLL.lf gou were to fight a E e-9. y:.€.
hvingenemyusing this weapon then the bonusto
your COMBAT SKILLwould remain at +5 3 3$ 3;$ jjjiE 6
Equtpment - How to use it
The maximum number of weapons that you can
cany is t"vo Weaponsaid you in combat. lf you have n !! r
the Grand Master Discipline of Grand Weapon
---nL.l !l t
masteryand a correct weapon, it adds 5 points to 3
yoLlr.OMBA| >KLLI[ you find a wenponduringyour = { . i€ 6 ; 6 ; & & d
advenfure,you may pick it up and Lrseit-
Bows ond Arrows z
During your adventr.rre
there wilLbe opportLrnlties

L+ to usea bow and arrow If 9ou equip yourselfwith a Backpackltem. Unlessyou are told that it is a
this weapon, and you possessat leastone affow, Specialltem, carry it in your Backpack
you may useit when the te.xtof a particularseclion
Speciol ltems
allowsyou to do so. The bow is a usefulweapon,
lor it enablesyou to hit an enemy at a distance Special ltems are not carried in the Backpack.
However,a bow cannot be used in hand to hand When you discovera Specialhem, you will be told
combat, thereforeit is best to equip yourselfalso how or where to carry it The maximum number
with a clos€-combatweapon, such as a sword or of Specialltemsthat can be carriedon any adven
an axe ture is twelve

In order to use a bo\ you must pos\essa quiver Koi Weopon

and at leastone arrow Eachtime the bow is used, Your Kar Weaponis a Specialltem and it can be
erasean arow from your Acfion Chorf A bow carried and used in addition to two normal
cannot, of course, be used if you arhaust your weapons.If 9ou possessthe Disciplineof Grand
cufrplyof arrows, buL Lhe opportuniry may arise Weaponmasteryfor a weapon type which is the
duringyour missionfor 9ou to replenishyour stock same as your unique Kai Weapon, you mag add
of arrows the Grand Weaponmasterybonus of +5 to your
coMBm sKrLL.This is in addition to the bonus
If you have the Discipljne of Grand gainedwhen you useyour Kai Weaponin combat.
Weaponmasterywith a bow, you rnay add 3 points
to any numt€r you choose from the Rondom F@d
Number Toble,when usiDgthe bow. Food is carried in your Backpack Each Meal
couDtsas one item. You will need to eat regularly
Bockpockltems duringyour advenfure.I[ you do not haveany lood
Thesemust be stored in your Backpack Because when you are instructedto eat a Meal, you will
spaceis limited,you may keep a maximumof ten lose 3 ENDURANCE points However, i[ you have
articles,includingMeals,in gour Backpackat any chosen Grdnd Huntmasteryas one o[ your lour
one time. You may onlg carry one Backpackat a Disciplinesthen you will not needto tick off a Meal
Lime During your lravelsyou will discovervarious when instructedto eat
usefulitems which you may decideto keep You
may exchangeor discardthem at any point when Potionol Laumspur
you are not involvedin combat. This is a healing potion that can restore 4
ENDUMNCE points to your total when swallowed
Ang item that mag be of use, and which can be after combat There is enoughfor one dose only.
pickedup on your adventureand enteredon gour I[ you discoverany other polion duringthe adven
Action Chort, is given either initial capitals(eg, ture, you will be informedol its effect All potions
Silver Mrrror,Gold Key),or is clearlyidentifiedas are Backpack ltems.

I You now subtractthe Wild Dogs' coMBArsKlLI
t'LES from your own, giving a Combat Ratio of +14
T:"; (45 31=+14). +14 is noted on your Act'ion
There will be occasionsduring your ad\,,enhrewhen Chort'as the Combat Ratio.
you will have to fighr an enemy The enerm,r's 3 When you have your Combat Ratio, pick a
coMB,cT SI(LLand ENDUBANCE points are given in the numberfrom the Rondom Number Table.
text. Your aim in the combat is to kill the enemy by
reducinghis ENDURANCE pointsto zero while losing 4. Turn to the coMBAT RESULTS rABLEon the inside
as few ENDUTLANCE points as possibleyourself. back cover of this book Along the top of the
chart are shown the Combat Ratio numbers.
At the start of a combat, enter your own and ihe Find the number that is the same as yoLlr
enemy's ENDUMNCE points in the appropriate Combat Ratio and cross reference it with the
boxes on the Combai Record section of your random nr.rmberthat you have picked (the
Action Chart. random numbers appear on the side of the
The sequencefor combat is as follows: chart)-You now havethe numberof ENDURANcE
points lost by both yourselland your enemy in
1 Add any extra points gained through your this round of combat.(E representspoints lost
Grand Master Disciplinesand SpecialItems to by the enemy; GM representspoints lost by
your current coMBATSKILLtotal yourself- Grand Master)
2. Subtract the coMBATsxlll of lour enemy lrom E<ampl€
this total The result is gour Combat Ratio. The Combat Ratio b€hreen you and the Wild
Enter it on the Acfion Chdrt'. Dogshasbeenestablished as +14 lf the number
Example pickedfrom the Rondom Number Toble is I,
You, Grand Master (cor,4BAT thenthe resultof the first roundof combatis:
sKtLL 32), are
attackedin a forest by a pack of Wild Dogs You (GM) lose 3 ENDURANCE points (plus an
(coMBATSKTLL31), You are taken by surprise additional1 point for usingKai'surge-This loss
and are not given the opportunity of e\ading is rn addihon to the loss sulfered as a result of
their attack. You possessthe Grand Master combat)
Disciplin€of Kai surgeto which the Wild Dogs Wild Dogs lose 9 ENDURANCE points
are not immun€, so yoLradd 8 points to your
CoMBATSKILL. You also possess the Kai 5 On the Aclion Chort. mark Lhechdngesin
Weapon 'Ulnarias',so 9ou add an addiiional5 ENDURANCEpoints to the participantsin the
points to your coN.tBATSKILL.This gives you a comDat
total coMBATsKr[ of 45 6. Unlessotherwis€ inshucted, or unless you have

an option to evade,ihe next round of combat
now starts
Repeatihe sequencefrom Stage3
This process oi combat continues until the
ENDURANCL poinis ot elther your enemy or The followingtablersa guideto the rank and titles
yourselfare reducedto zero. at whrch point the you cdn achievedl each 5ldgeof your journey
one wrth the zero scoreis declareddead If you along the road to Kai Grand l4astership As you
are declareddead, the adventureis over If the completesuccessfully each adventurein the New
enemy is dead, you can proceedbut with your Order series,you will galn an additionalGrand
ENDURANCE porntsreduced MasterDisciplineand progresstou/ardsthe plnna_
cle ol Kai perfection to becomea Kai Supreme
A summaryof Combat Rlrlesappearson the Master
page after the Rondom Number Toble-
No of Grand Crand
Enaslonol combat MasterDisciplines Masier
During gour adventur€9ou may be given the Rank
chance to evade combat- lf you have already
engagedin a round ol combat and decide to 4 Kai Grand MasterSenior
evad€,calculatethe combat for that round in \You begin the Neu Order
the usualmanner All poinis lost by the enemy oduentures ot this leuel
as a resultof that round are ignored, and you ol Koi Grond Mostery)
make your escape Only gou may lose 5 Kai Grand MasterSuperior
ENDURANCE pointsduring that round (suchis the 6 Kai Grand Sentinel
risk ol turning tail and runnng awag dunng 7 Kai Grand Defender
combat)lYou may onlg evadeif the text of the 8 Kai Grand Guardian
particularsectionallowsyou to do so. 9 Sun Knighi
10 Sun Lord
1t Sun Thane
1.2 GrandThane
13 Grand Crown
14 Sun Prince
15 Kai Supr€meMaster

42 13
only one creature in this way An additional
creaiurecan be allected for every level a Grand
Masterrisesabovethe rank of Sun Lord

As you rise throughthe higher levelsof Kai Grand
Mastery yor.rwill find that your Disciplineswill
steadilyimprove lf you are a New Order Kai who
has attainedthe rank ol Sun Lord, gou will now Sr.rnLordswho possessthis skill are able to cause
b€nelitfrom improvementsto the lollowing Grand the outlineof their bodiesto becomeblurredand
MasterDisciplinesl indistinct By so doing, they can greatlgincrease
their chancesof avoiding magical and/or non-
Gnnd Weaponmastery magicalmissilesdirectedat them

Gnrd Huntnastery

Sun Lordswith this Dis€iplineare ableto causethe

metal edge of any non magicalweapon to ignite
and burn liercely When a weapon thus allected Kai Sun t-ordswith this skill are able to s€e, with
is us€d in combat, it inflicts an additional 1 acuteaccurary,light in the infraredsp€ctrum,ie,
LNDURANCT point loss upon an enemy in every they can see the complex patternsgeneratedby
successfulround of combat. This ability cannot b€ heat in near or total darkness They can also see
us€d with a wholly wooden w€apon such as a hght in the ultravioletspectrum.

Sun Lords who possess mastery of this

Sun Lords who possessthis Drsciplineare able to Drsciplineare able to launchd Kai Blasr - a
cause living plants, eg, grasses,br-rshes,
flowers, pulseof intensepsgchrcenergy which is capable
weeds,rushesetc, lo enhrine themselvesaround ol affecting both psychicallyactive and inactive
the limbsof hostile creatures.rherebyhampering enemies. This lorm of psychic attack is very
their free movement.Sun Lords are ableto target effective.more so than a usualKai surge.Psi

surge or Mindblast. It can cause an enemy to energy It also requiresthe acfualtouching of an
lose between2 and 18 ENDURANCE points in one objector enemy to effectthe spell,
altack. However, use of a Kai Blast will reducea
Sun Lord's ENDURANCE POTNTS total by 4. lt Sadsmanship
(annol be used in conjuclionwith aoy other
form of psychicattack.

Kai Sun Lords with this skill are abl€ to direct
their musicalabilities to disrupt the structureof
inanimatebreakableobjects,eg. glass,ceramrcs,
urns, flasks etc, causing them to explode vio-
lently. Any person or creaturein close proximity
to the d€stroyedobject flsks injury from flying
The nature of additionalimprovementsand how
in rank. they affectyour existingGrand MasterDisciplines
will be noted in the lmproved Grand Master
It{ad:maSc Disciplines section of future Lone Woll New
Order books

Grand Masterswho have reachedthe rank of Sun

Lord are able to use the following battle-spellsof
the ElderMagi, Grand are about to embark upon a
vital missionto deny Auiarch Sejanozthe Cloo o/
Penetrate- This increasesthe penetrativeenergy Noor, an ancientyet deadlyartefactof evil. During
ol any arow, or arrow-likemissile,launchedby a your quest to distant Bhanar you will encounter
Sun Lord. many strong and cunning adveEaries,and your
Energy Grosp - This spell enablesa Sun Lord to missionwill be lrawht with dangerat every turnj
dischargea powerful electricalforce into anlhing so remainon your guardat all times
he or she touches lt is similar in effect to the Someof the materialitemstlEt you lind will be of
Brotherhoodspell Lighining Hond. It differs in use to you, but others may be red herringsof no
that it is easierto control and channelthe resulting real valueat all lf you discoveriremsduring your
{. 46
I 47
I mission,be selectivein what you cnooseto keep- 1-1
Pick your rnitialfour GrandMasterDisciplineswith
care for a wise choice will enable angone to I
complete the quest, no mafter how weak their
Within the hour, you find gourself standing beside
initialcoMBAT sKtLLand ENDUMNCE scoresmay be Lord Rimoah at the deck-railof the sleek flying
Completion ol previous Lone Wolf adventures
(Books1-26) may be adudntageous, ship Cloud-doncer,watching the Kai Monastery
but it is not melt away into the distanceas the craft soarsinto
essentralfor the successfulcompletionol ihis New an aare sky. The weatheris fresh and clear,and
Order adventure-
you are bless€dwith a strong tarl w'nd that will
May the gods Kai and lshir guide and protect you assist your long journey south to the land of
during your mission in the sinister realm of Bhanar
Rimoahhas alreadycharteda courselor Sund€rer
For Sommerlundand the Kai! Pass,and as his young Toranesecrew attend to
the runningof the skyship,you settleback into the
plush comfott of the Captain'scabin and discuss
with him the details of your mission After a
delicioussupper,you rehre early and rise late in
order to be bestpreparedfor the task ahead.
Bg noon o[ the next day, you havealreadycrossed
the Tentarias and entered into Southern
Magnamund.You spend much ol the early after-
noon standing at rhe bow rail. Iost in your
thoLrghisas an endlesspanoply o[ rolling hillsand
grasslandspass silently beneath Cloud-doncer's
When the forbidding peaks of the Darkwall
Mounlains are sighted on the horizon, Rimoah
takescharge of th€ helm and steersthe skyshrp
on a south-easterlybearing to avoid them These
mountains mark the northern boundary ol fhe
Doomlandsof Naaros,and Rimoahis anxiousto
avoid this notoriouslg stormy region. Skilfully,
he navigatesa coursearound the easternbound
ary of the Doomlands until, late in the after-
48 noon, you see the snow-capped tips of the
2-2 3-3
Southern DammerdonMountainssoar into view. cuslomeF stop to stare as you ride past; their eyes
Rimoah passesthe helm back to his bo'sun, then drawn by the unusual cut and colour of your
he hurries to ioin you at the bow rail. 'Keep your runrcs.
eyes peeled, Grand Master,' he says. 'Sunderer Cildaspoints to a clothesstallthat is heapedwith
Passis a narrow gorge lt'll be had to spot from simple straw-colouredrobes, much favoured by
here ' Aided by gour abilitgto magnifyyour vision, these Bhanarian plains-dwellers.'Maybe a wise
you are the first one to seethe tiny pass.Rimoah purchase,Sir Kai?' he mutters. 'l fear our tunics
praises yout keen sight and he signals to the may arouseyet more suspicionthe further south
bo'sunto bring Cloud-donceraroundto the south- we venture.'You nod in agreementand halt to ask
ern slopesof the Dammerdons,to a placewhere the trader how much he wants for four of hrs
the passemergesfrom the mountainrange Her€, robes
you notice a pale cross of sun-bleachedboulders 'One htrndredand fifty Ren,' he replies,breezily.
Iaid ou( on the dark. dusty ground h is a sign
Rimoahhas beenhoping for, and excitedlyhe calls The trader's price is the €quivalentto 15 Gold
for the bo'sun to steerthe skycrafttowardsit Crowns The rangersdo not have an9 money, so
Cloud-doncer rs brought to hover directly above if lrou wish to purchas€ thes€ garments you must
pay the full price.
the cross. You leave the rail and accompany
Rimoah Into a boardingcage locatedat the stern, lf you can afford to pay the trader'spnce, turn
and together you are winched to the ground. As to 218
the cage touches down, you push open its iron
gate and step out Your pulse quickens when lf you do not havesufficientGold Crownsto pay
suddenlyyou see four *hadowy figuresemerging for thee robes,turn to 83.
from the strrroundingrocks.
To contlnue, lurn to 225
Your tracking skills tell you thai this hut was
abandonedbg its owner earlier this morning. Its
log stove is still warm, and a plate of food lies
Youmakea widedetouraroundthe encampment
untouchedon the table. You share out the food
beforecontinuingyour ride south.It is mid-after-
noonwhen9ou seea eitlement in the distance, and dry your clothes by the stove Sergeant Paviz
keepswatch at the window in casea patrol should
one of many that can be lound on the fringesol
come by to s€arch the hut.
the Yua Tzhan province. As l|ou are passing
throughthrs raggedplainsvillage,l|ou s€ea busy As midnight approaches, the enemy activity in
market in operation. The traders and their Zuda decreasesGildassuggestsyou shouldleave
' the soldiers
come rushing
towards yotl
To continue,turn to 86.

Upon your safereturn, you tell pavizand yalin of
what you observedat lhe copse
'Theyre unaware!|eve
caughlup wilh them,.

The rangers appro!€ of your plan and they are

eager to put it into action. Gihas and his men

5-6 7-8

copseand halt within sight ol the camplire Oniy SomeXanon havenddenin a wide arc aroundthe
on€ o[ the ImperialGuardsmenis siill awake,and rlrinsand havecome up behindvolrr position.You
althoughhe has been postedto siand L{'atch.yolr hear therr ieadersnofting gruffly as he leaps into
see lhal hp i. hdvingditliculrykeepinghis e!es the ruined hall. and qurcklyyou spin around to
oppn Thp \quddlpdderi\ tossingdnd lurningrn face him Shoulderingyour bow, you unsheathe
his sleep,as il he is having a bad dream, and as your Kai Weapon and leap toreard to block him
yoLr inch closer to him you fear that he could before he can launch a surpriseatiack upon the
awakenat any moment backsof your three companions
If gou possessKai-alchem9,and wish to use it, To continue,turn to 270.
turn to 158.
II yor.rdo not, turn to 116 7
Skilfullyyou landgour blow upon the centreof the
5 fallingrock and it explodesinto a harmlesscloud
of dust
Quickly you retrieve the potion lrom your
backpack,flip open the stopper.and doL{Tllt all in To continue.turn to 339
one gulp
Instantly,the nauseasubsidesand gou feel a wave 8
ol strengthcoursingthrough your veins:restore4 You are halfwayaroundthe perimeterol the hall
ENDUMNCEPOINTS when suddenlyyou are seenby the soldiersat ihe
table-Somegrab their weaponsand come rushing
To coniinue.turn to lE
at you, while others leave the hall to raise the
alarm. You fight well and slay those who aitack
6 yoLr,but the hall is soon awash with reinlorce
Beforeyou releaseyour bowstring,you recite the mentsand gou are forcedto sltrrender
wordsof the Old KingdomspellF/omeshoftand a
The rangersare also captured.and together 9ou
magicalblue flame engulfsyour arrow's tip Then
you send your fiery missilearcing towardsa pool are taken before the Sergeantof the Guard He
Cenouncesyou as would be thi€ves out to steal
of oil on the ground in front of the chargrng
:rovisions and he ordersthat your weaponsand
Xanon It plungesinto the blackpuddleand ignites
with a terrificWhoomph!. explodlnga searingball equipmenibe confiscatedbeforeyou ar€ led away
. n.l rhr^,rm inf^ th,.1,,..,^n.
of flameand blacksmokeinto ihe air The heat ol
the frreballforcesthe Xanonto retreat butasthey As the heaw door to your cell slamsshut. you
pull back,you becomeawareof a new threat 'nmediately
lookfor a wayout of fhisgrjm prison
9-r0 t1-11

chamber You try to pick the lock, but yor]r power of your healing Disciplineinto the op€n
aftempt is thwarted when the Sergeant and hrs wound- Wthin s€conds the wound is sealed,
guards return With them is the squadleader ol the leaving no trace oI its existence
lmperial Guard, the same man from whom you
took the Claw of Naar.He is carryingthe accursed To continue,furn to 76.
artefact,and when the iron door is opened, he
points it at you and triggersa fearsomeblast of
raw energg. In the cramped confinesof ihe cell u
there is no hope of escaping from its terrible Beyondthe door you discov€ran empty chamber
power In the blink of an eye, you and your brave with a flight of spiral steps. You check gour
companionsare engulfedand consumedby a terri- compassand then you lead the rangersup these
fying ball of white hot fire. iron stairsto a wide corridoron the floor above

Tragically,your life and your missionend here in You instructGildasand his men to wait at the top
the barracksdungeonof Yua Tzhan of the staircasewhile you make sure the way
aheadis clear Tallarchedwindowsmarch paston
either side as you approacha door at the end of
9 the passageway.You detect the aroma of roasting
As the nauea subsides,you see the Autarch come meat and hear the sounds of feasting, and when
stalking forwards, slashing and scything at you you peep through the door's keyhole, you see a
with his needle-clawsHe is like an angry tiger.As soldier'smesshall begond.
gou duck below one sweepingattack, he catches
gou in the back with a lightning-fastfollowing Carefully you twist ils spherical handle and push
strike.His needleclawsbecomeembeddedin your open the heavy oak door just a few inches.
backpack,and it is wrenchedfrom gour backwhen Peering around the door, you see a dozen
he sends you crashing headlong against the Bhanarian soldiers siiting at a large table set
chamberwall: lose 2 ellDUMNcEpoints (Youmust beforea blazinglog fire. A side of beef is roasting
now eraseeveMhing in your Backpack) on a spit above this fire, and the soldier'splates
are heapedhigh with meat and vegetablesStands
To continue,turn to 94 ol antiquearmour are positionedaroundthe walls
of the hall, and rts panelledceiling is decorated
10 with the portraitsof famousBhanariangeneralsof
You call upon your Grand Mastery of the Kai old.
healingskillsto deadenthe pain of the old man's Some of the soldiers dining here are Imperial

wound before you dmw out the arrow. Then you
lay your right handupon his chestand transmitthe
Guards from lhe squad that you encountered in
SundererPass You scrutinisetheir faces,yet you
1l-11 t2-73
cannot see their leader among them Your
compassIndrcatesthat the Claw of Naar is nearby,
ils needlers pointing to a door on the far side of
the mess hall You sensethat the CIaw is in the
room beyondthis door, and 9ou r€solveto find a
way of reachingit without beingseen.
If you possessGrand Nexus,and wish to use it,
turn lo 222.
If you possessAssimilance,and wish to use il,
turn to 98.
lf gou possessElementalism,and wish to use it,
i turn to 178
If you possessnone of these skills, or if you
choose not to use an9 of them, furn to

The dial emits a loud C/ickl and the hea,,Vdoor
swingsinwardswithout a sound.Quickly you step
inside,then beckon the rangersto follow: 'This

When all three are salely inside, you push the

heaw door closed and slide its drawbolt across,
lockingit securely.
To continue,turn to 136.

'Wait here, Captain,
9ou sayto Gildas,'l must go

Peeringroundthe door, you seea dozen
Bhanarian soldiersfeastingat a longtable
io lhe ravine lwill rehrrn soon. I promise.'
And with thesewords you leavethe rangersand
13_13 74-14
make your way to the steep gully wherc Cloud- Suddenly Ranger Yalin shouts a warning: the
.lancer la9 concealedbefore ii was aflacked.As flying creafuresare returning.Hurriedlyyou raxe
you approachthe ravine. gour Kai tracking skjlls cover among the rock and watch as theg circle
orrect you towardsa small metallicfube that lies above the pass Your Kai instincts tell lrou that
hidden among the boulders. these beasts cannot suwt\re for long beyond the
mountain borders of the Doomlands.and soon
your suspicionsare confirmedwhen you seethem
returning north to Naaros When the last o, the
creatureshas disappeared,you beckon Gildas and
his men to follow you down on to the mountatn
hail Here you discoverthe bodiesof two Imperial
Guards who were caught by the rocklide amousn
and crushedto death.
'ff.Lhis should prcDe impossible,you
toke it to the citg ol Pensei.There you should If you wish to searchtheir pockets and back-
moke contact with Lord Ghodro, the Desston pack, turn to 80
enuog,ond he will see to its destruction.He If you chooseto ignore their bodies,you may
urill olso h.e.lp you to return home to leavethe passby turning to 291.

Havingmemorisedits contents,you tear tne scrap 14

ol papyrusinto sma.llpiecesand swallowthem to The street is filled with pnrked
ensure that Rimoahs messag€ will never be

noops, and irate delivery ddvers who have been
orsco\€red b!, the enemy. Then l'ou return lo the barred entrance to the barrack. An alarm bell
mountarn pass to r€join Captain Gildas and his continu€sto toll as you wend your wag through
men the cror.vds,and your sixth sens€ tells you that the
Claw has now been disco\€red missing.
I You turn a corner and ride along an unobstructed
avenuethat takesyou to a far quieter quarter of
I .be city Guided by your pathsmanship and track-
I ng skrlls,you lead the rangersto the South Gate
of Yua Tzhan. Here you are able to depart the city
messagethal Rlmoahlefl behtnddnd, despitetheir along a road that passesthrough outlytng settle,
sa{ness,they each vow to help you capture the nents before climbing gently into the Honah
Claw of Naar Hills
15-77 l8-19

Pick a numberfrom the RandomNumberTable 18

The deathof their leaderforcesthe other winged
If the mrmber you have prckedis 0-4, turn to horrors to breakoff their attack.They swoop out
202 of the passand veerawayto the east,towardsthe
If it is 5 9, turn to 194 ravinewhere Cloud dancer is hidden There ihey
mustertheir numbersand, with a hellFhchorusof
cacklingshrreks,they launch an attack upon ihe
15 groundedskgshipand its crew
You nod in agreementto Gildas'suggestion,th€n
you push back your chair and stand up. The You casta glancedown into the passand see that
fortuneteller protestsand demandsthat gou pay the squadof ImperialGuardshas now halted on
him for the card reading the narrow mountaintrail. You sensethat they are
waiting for their winged escortsto return belore
If you wish to give the man 1 Gold Crown, rurn
thegdare to venturea step further
to 316.
If gou wish to hurry back to Cloud-dancerand
If you refuseto give him anything,h.rrnto 283
help Lord Rimoah repel the aerial assault,
turn to 345.
You do not recognizethe tree like shrub and you lf you chooseto stay with Captain Gildas and
are wary oi any propertiesits leavesor bark may the rangers,turn to 302.
possessRaiherthan risk testingit in caseit should
prove to be poisonous,you adviseYalin to step
awayfrom ihe strangelooking plant. 19
Unfortunately,gour ploy fails The squadleader
To continue,turn to 240 cverhearsgou and he raisesthe alarm- Suddenly
ihe door to the antechamberis kickedopen and a
jozen soldiers burst in, armed and eager to
You call Lrpon gour improved Kai mastery to rrotect their esteemedcommander.
projecta norsebeneaththe first arch of the bridge. \bu fight bravely and slay most of those who
Amplified by the water, and the arch itself, this 3ttack you, bui the antechamberis soon awash
suddenrumblingnoise stafilesthe soldierson the ,rith reinforcements
and you are forcedto surren
river bank. Fearingthat a monsteris set to rise up jer During the molee, the rangers are also
and consumethe bridgeat any moment, they turn iptured, and together you are taken before the
tail and flee in panic from the water'sedge S€rgeantof the Guard. He denouncesgou as
Fr Turn to 127 ,ould be thieves,out to steal provisions,and he
20-20 2l-22

otders that !'our weaponsand equipmentb€ To continue,turn to 303.

conriscatedbefore you are led away and thrown
into the dungeons. 2l
fu the heavydoor to your cell slamsshut, you Whenyou crestthe ridge,you rein in your hors€
immediately look for a wayout of thisgrim prison and stop to look back at the trap gou have set
chamber.You try to pick the lock, but your After severalminutes,you s€€your enemyenter
attemptls thwartedwhen the Sergeantand his the ualleyandgallopalongthe lrail Youmagnily
guardsreturn- Wlth $em is the squadlead€r, your vision in order to obs€rvethem as they
lreshlybathedand sportinga fine new uniform. approach the pillars, but as they pass by the
He is carryingthe Claw of Naar,and when the obstruction,lrou detect no suddenreleaseof
iron door is opened,he points it at you and POwer.
trlggersa f€arsomeblastof raw energy.In the
cramp€dconfinesof the cell thereis no hopeof The enemy have lailed to higger lrour trap and
escapingfrom its terribleF|owerln the blink of an now you hate lost a pr€ciousadvantage.Cursing
your lll lrrck,you lllge lrour slallion to the gallop
eye,youandyor.rrbravecompanions areengulfed
and consumedby a terifying ball of white,hot and speedaway from the ritlge with your rang€r
tre. companionsfollowing closely on ggur horses
Tragically,your life and your mi$sionend here
in the barrack dungeonof YuaTzhan. Turnto 3()9.

m 2.
Youwarn the olhers that a storm is irnminent,and Youreachthe end of the roof and climbdown the
that youwill needto find shelterbeforeit breaks. aunk of the tr€e. Gildasand his men follow your
L€ss than a mib further on, lou discoveran lead,andwhenallof youaresafelyon theground,
abandonedcottagethat overlook the hill road A you pausefor a few momentsto assessthe situa-
dirt track ascendsto its door, and when gou reach !on. Frombeneaththe leafyboughsol the young
it, you dlscoverthat there is sufficientroom inside oak, you look out acrossthe paradeground and
to shelteryou and your hors€s.Barelyminutes <an the buildings thatborderrjponit. Bhanarian
after arrlving h€re, the storm breaks and the soldiersare nmning ever!&fiere,seeminglyin
sunoundingcountrysideis slrept by torrentialrain. confusion,Then 9ou realizethat they all have a
purpose:theyare rushingto secureeveryenkance
Whileyou are shelteringfrom the storm,unless
you possessthe Dscipline oI GrandHuntmastery, andexit from the barrack.
you musteat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points Gildaspointsto a buildingon the west sideof the
paiade ground lts doors are open and
unguarded.You magnify yor.lrvision and see that
it is paft of the barracl$stables.Its well-litint€rior
is busy with troopers who are preparing their
mounts for tomorrow's ceremonial parade
through the city. Beyond its rows of stalls is an
archway that opens on to one of the city's streets
You inform the rangersof what you have seen
and 9ou decidethat the stablesoffer gou your best
hope for an escapefrom the barrack. Using the
perimeter ftees for cover, you skiri around the
parade ground and make gour approach to the
stables.You are lessthan 20 metresfrom its open
doorswhen you are suddenlgcalledupon to halt.
Three Bhanarian guards come weaving thror]gh
the line of trees iowardsyou, their spearsh€ld at
the ready- 'Stay where you are,' bark the tallest
of these soldiers, 'and all of you raise yoLtr
If you possessHerbmastery,and have attained
the rank of Sun Lord, hrrn to 229
I[ you possessKai-surge,and have attainedthe
rank of Kai Grand Guardian,turn to 111.
I{ you possessneither of these skills,or if goll
have yet to attain t}le requrred level of Kai
Mastery, hirn to 274

You snatchan arrow from yolrr quiverand placeit
lo your bow- As the leading creature comes
swooping dov.Jntowards your hiding place, you

I pull back gour bowstring and take dm at the

beast'sopen jaw.
Three Bhanaiianguardscome nrshingtowards
9ou, their spearsheld at the ready
24-25 26-27
lf you possessMagi-magic,and have attained
the Kai rankof SunLord,turn to 284
If youdo not possess thisskjll,or if youhaveyet
to attainthis leveloI Kai Mastery,turn to

24 lf you possessKai-alchemy, and wish ro use tt.

Youdrawyour Kai Weaponand Gildasunsheathes lurn to 55
hls sword,and togetheryou attackthe Autarch. lf you possessMagi magic, and wish ro use rr,
Your heaviestblows fail to mark his armour ano turnto 263.
you are forcd to retreat for feai of striking your
companions. lf you possessneitherof thes€skills,or if you
choosenot to use them, lurn to 324.
The Autarchswivelshis helm towardsyou. .Give
me the he demands,his voice ooomlng
aroundthe chamberrGiw me the Clawand I shall
spareall your woahlessliues!'
You inform Gildasand the others of yrourdiscovery.
If youchooseto obeyhlscommand,turn to gS. and tell them to rest awhile beneaih the woooen

lf you chooseto refus€his command,turn to


The woman launchesa boh of psychicenergy
tnat piercesyour mind and engulfsyour head
wlth a tiery. agonisingpain: los€ 4 ENDLRANCE
Pornts You allow them to drink at the stream for several
Slowlyyour innatementaldefencesknit together
to repairthe damageyou havesnstainedfro; this
opportunisticanack, and graduallythe parn rn
sallion. They are all expert horsemen,and lhey
To continue,turn io 96. ::e able to make bridles and saddlecloths from
28-29 3(L30

ropesand blanketsthat they carry in their packs. 30

Within the hour, all four of gou are readyto leav€ As the dust s€ttles,you see that the avalancheol
the bridgeand ride southin pursuitof the Imperial rockshas blockedthe mountain pass.Two of the
Guards enemywarriorshavebeen crushedby the deluge,
dnd rhree olhers can be seen qlaggeringaway
Before you set off, unless you possess the
wounded Most of the squad appear to have
Disciplineof Grand Huntmastery,you must eat a
survivedthe rockfall and goLr cannot help but
Med or lose 3 tNpunaNcEpoints.
begrudgingly admire the swiltness oi iheir
To continue,turn to 130 reactions.At first you cannotseetheir leader,then
you notice him crawling along a channel which
runs alongsidethe mountaintrail. He jumped into
I You placeyour mouth close to the door and use
this shallowgullg to avoid the tumblingrocks and
now he is climbingback towardsthe track-
I your MagnakaiDisciplinesof Pathsmanshipand
Divination to help you mimic the sound ol the
You commandCaptain Gildasand his rangersto
cover you as you leavegour hiding place and go
squad leader's voice. 'Go away!' 9ou say, tersely after this squad leader He is clutching the Claw ol
'l've no wish to be disturM-'
Naar in his right hand ard you are determined to
Pick a numberlrom the Random Number Table. seize the chance to capfure il befor€ he can rally
If you possessGrand Pathsmanship,add I to the his scattered men Swiftly llou traverse the mound
number you have picked. Il you possess of rocksthat now block the pass,and as you leap
Telegnosis,add 2 into the gully behind the squadleader,you draw
your Kai Weapon in readinessto strike. Your
If your iotal scoreis now 3 or lower, turn to 19. adversaryhears the slick swish of your weapon
lf it is 4 or higher,turn to 162

Your arrow caLsesthe cannon'spressurecylindet
to erupt like a geyset and it spraysthe Bhanarians
with deadlgpiecesof jaggediron shrapnel Those
who are not felled instantly b9 the torce of ihe
explosionare blindedand blisteredby jets of scald-
lng steam
Turn to 47
3l-31 32-32

leavingrts scabbardand instantlyhe spins on hrs ordeal that two ol them die of exhaustion,and a
heel Shock blancheshis sallow, moustachioed third becomes too lame io conhnue. YoLl are
laceand his almondeyeswiden with alarm, but he forced to abandon them and continue your
quicklyrecovershis composure journeyon foot. You headeast,and take shelterin
a wooded hillsidewhile you walt for the rarns to
He raisesthe mace like Claw of Naar defensively abate
and, with a terse laugh,he levelsits talonedtip at
your chest. There rs a crackling hum of power and While you are resting, unless you possessthe
a bolt of blackfire leapsfrom this evil artefact.You Disciplineol Grand Huntmastery,you must now
act on reflexand dive to the bottom of the kench points
eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE
as ihe supernaturalbolt of dark flame comes To continue,turn to 59
streakingthrough the dustyair towardsyou
Pick a nr-rmberfrom the Eondom Number Table
I[ gou possessGrand Huntmastery,add 1 to the 32
number9ou have picked You detect that the woman is attempting to
ensnareyou with a powerful mind charm You
If your total score is now 1 or lower, turn to Craw upon your psychic defencesto block the
308. elfectsof her spell,and 9ou are able to resisther
If ii is 2 6, turn to 278 :nesmeric command Unfortunately, your
.ompanions do not possess your formidable
II it is 7 or higher,turn to 147 mental defencesand they coniinue io ride along
ihe track, drawn by her hypnotic voice You call
trut to them to halt bui they are obliviousto your
31 lresence You must act quicklylf you wish to save
Only the swiftnessof your reactionssavesyou and iem from her sinisterspell
your companionsfrom a watery death. You race
backalongthe hill road, ihrough the blindingrain, If gou possessa Bow, and wish lo use it, turn to
with a surgingtorrent of mud and debrischasing 3!2
you all the way. Trees are uprooted and loose If you possessKai alchemg,and wish to use it,
boulders are sent hurtling into the air by the turnro r5l
destructiveforce of this mercilessflow- You are
struck by piecesof debris and you suffer cuts to lf gou possessMagi-magrc,and wish to Lrseit,
your head and back: Iose2 ENDURANCE points iurn to 53.
You succeedin out-running the mudslidebut at II you possessElementalism,and wrshto use it,
some cost Your horses are so drained oy rn€ turn to 124.
33_34 35-37

II you possessKai surge,and wish to useit, turn

to 281 lbu tug the Claw from your pack and lossit on to
II you possessnone of these skills, or il you :re floor.
choose not to use them, or a Bow, turn \ol He'll not have itl' screamsGildas, and he
insteadto 1@. eapsforward to kick the artefactaway lt skitters
rcrossthe floor,and its clawedtip embedsitsell in
:re baseol the log fire. The Capiains actionshave
ae .ngeredthe Autarch He stormsforwardand deals
Your spell fails to split the rron skin of the -.:ma crushrngblow with his armoured forearm.
cannons pressurecylinder Alerted now to your him crashrngagainsta bookcas€on the
presence,a handfulof Bhanariansleavethe fight 'trr
side of the chamber His head drops limply to
at the archwag and come running towards the -:s chestand he slithersto the floor
antechamberwlth their swordsand axesraisedto Turn to 344
strike. You offer up a short prayer to lshir to
protect you as you draw your Kai Weapon ready
to meet their determinedattack With your battle
cry upon your lips,you pull open the door and flail : rur killing blow seversthe creatures head from
at the first Bhanananwho comes within striking .s bodg For a few moments its dismemberecl
distanceof gour deadlyblade. .:rso standserect, then slowly it keelsover back
.ards and fumblesinto the mountainpass
40 To continue,turn to 18
lf you win this combat,turn to 144
1e moment you step outside the tavern, you
v :rd your companionsare set upon by the one-
As the fearsomeXanon charg€stowardsthe rurns, =-ed man and his brutish cohorts They are
you suddenlyrealizethat the stickybrown blackoil ::med with knrvesand clubs.and they are deter-
that coatsits hide is highly inflammable -ined to show you no mercy You must fight
If you possessKaialchemy, and wish to use it,
turn to 221 BhanarianRoughriders:
If gou do not possessthis skill, or if you choose
not to use it, turn to 253 ':: may add +2 to your col"tBATsKtLLlor the
38-39 4040
duration of this fight, for Gildasand his men are and fall into ihe long grass: lose 1 ENDURANCE
helpinggoLrto frght off theseenemies POlnt-
If you win the combatin five roundsor less,turn To continue, turn to 85
to 256
If you win the combatand it takessix roundsor N
more, turn to 105 You catchup with the lleeing rangersat a clearing
in the forest. The swiftnessof gour flight has
38 outpaced the fearsome shape-changer.yet no
You call out to the rangers to follow your lead, sooner have you recoveredyour composlrreand
then you urge your horse to the gallop and race rallied yoL[ companions,than you find yourself
him towardsthe barrier.The guardsscatteras you confrontedby a new threat.
bear down on them, but their cor?oral is made of At the far side of the clearingis a large mound o[
stemer stuff and he refusesto move He snatches packed earth, with a cave-likeentrance that is
up his spearand gets readgto lunge as you come adornedwith bones and skulls.From out of the
thunderingtowardshim mouth of this cave there emerges a hulking form
Pick a number from l\e Random Number Iis bodg resemblesa great grey egg supportedby
Table. II gou possessAnimal Control. add a cluster of pale, spindlg legs Two bloodshot
2 to the numberyou hav€ picked- eyeballswobbleatop stalk that protrudefrom its
swollenhead, and a vile-smellinggreen bile dnps
lf your total scoreis now 0-1, turn to 142. unceasinglg from its gap-toothedmaw
lf it is 2-4, turn to 198. Gildasraiseshis bow and drawsan arrow in readi
If it is 6 or higher,turn to 44 re'r to fire at the advancingbea<t You ldise your
Kai Weapon, but suddenly9ou sense that this
abominationis surroundedby a benign, magical
39 aura YourKai sixth sensetellsyou that, despiteits
The Autarch's men react swiftlg to their squad Eruesomeappearance,this creaturePosesno real
leader'scall, and soon they are following closely _ireatio yoLrand your companions,and hurriedly
-on your heels as you race through the copse ',ou command Gildas to hold his fire Pick a
When you break from the cover of ihe trees, the ::umberfrom the Rondom Number Toble.
nearestenemy warrior hr,rrlshis dagger at gour
fleeingback Your Kai sixth sensealertsgou to the lf the number you have picked is 3 or lower,
Ilying missileand gou dodge aside,but the tip ol turn to 213.
!, th€ knile grazesyour srdeand makesyou stumble lf it ls 4 or higher,turn to 176
You hurry away from the treesand enter the busy
stables.Dozens of troopers are grooming their
mounts in stallswhich are set facing each other
They form a long corridoi that runs all the wag
to a pair of open green doors at the far end ol
ihe building. Through this open doorway you
glimpsethe enticingsight of a city street,and you
and gour companions have to struggle to
overcome an almost overwhelmingurge lo run
Mosl ol the horsesthat are standingin the stalls
are saddled-upin preparation for tomorrow's
ceremony.The troopersare part of the mounted
guard detailedto escortihe Autarch through the
city You whisper to the others to look for some
unattended horses, but as you approach the
stalls,you are challengedby a suspicioustrooper
Roughlgyou barge him aside and l€ap into the
saddleof a chestnut mare. The rangers are all
closebehind 9ou when you dig in your heelsand
urge your mount to gallop alongthe centralcorri'
dor that leads to the exit The troopers wave
their fists as you speedpast them, and hurriedly
two of them attempt to shut the green doors
before gou can make good your escapeinto the
If you possessKal-alchemg,and wish ro use rr,
turnto 319.
If you possessMagi-magic,and wish to use it,
turn to 214.

t A strange,htrlkingform emergesfrom the mouth

of th€ cave.
If you possessElementalism,and wish to use it,
turn to 180.
4243 4446
If you possessnone of these skills, or if you 4
choosenot to us€anv of them. turn to 71 As you makethe jump, the corporal'snervebreaks
and he throws himsell to the ground.Your horse
sailsacrossihe baffi€r,and the rangersfollowwith
42 consummateease The angrycriesof the corporal
As you make the jump, your horse strikes his quicldy fade inlo the distanceas you leave the
torelegson the barrier and you are jolted out of
bridge and follow the road into the hills beyond
the saddle.You twist as you fall and strike the back
of gour skull when you hit the groundr lose 5 Turn to 272.
If yousurvrve
thrsheavyfall,turn to 108 45
The old man frowns He does noi want to lose a
sale,at any price.Afler somethought,he saysthat
43 he will accept I Weapon,3 Gold Croums,and 1
The squad leader advancesalong the trench with Backpackltem in exchangefor th€ robes
the Claw of Naar poisedto fire a secondblast,yet
a timely volley of aftows lrom the rangers forces You agre€to the man s offer and you hand over
him to abandon his attack and dirrefor cover When the items he requests(rememberto adjust gour
he scrambles to his feel, he commands his Action Chort accordrngly)Then you and gour
s(attered squad to rally to his cry. They come companionseach take one of the loosefitting
nrnning forward and he scramblasout of the trench robesand shp them on over gour tunics.The thin,
to me€t them. Then an anow skew€rsthe slee'Jeof hooded garments ar€ large enough to conceat
his tunic. and he spins around and loosesoff th€ your backpack and weapons,and yoLlare pleased
second flame-bolt in reply lt explodes among the to discover that they do not hamper your
rocks aboveand 9ou hear Sergeant Pavizcry out in movement
pain, The crackling hum of the Claw rises to an
Havingconcludedyour busrness, you thank the old
almost deafening pitch when the leader allows the man and bid him farewell.Then you leavehis tent
supernafuralweapon to recharge lo maximum and go to collectyour horses
power Turning towards the rocks lhat block the
mountain pass, he points the Claw at the baseand Turn lo 118.
lets loos€ a third blast of dark flame which blows a
big hole in the heapeddebris.With a wild cheer, .6
the Bhanariansrace through the smoulderinggap There is a blinding flashof scarleilignr upon
and make good their escapealong the trail beyond.
I Turn to 22O.
the insiant that your blade strikesthe shaft of
the CIaw, and a searingwave of energy sends
4747 4849
you crashing backwards to the ground, lose 2 48
Dazedand gaspingfor breath,you drag gourselfto
your feet and approach the stone block which is
now wr€athedwith trailsof grey smoke. To gour
dismay,you discoverthat the Claw is still intact
Despitethe hr-rgeburst of energy that your blow
rel€ased,you discoverno mark or blemishupon its
The blade ol your lGi Weapon, however. is you cGshing headlongagainstthe chamber wall:
notched and discolouredat the point where it los€ 2 ENDUMNCE points. (You must now erase
struckthe shaft of the Claw. flhe damageto gor.:r everythrngin your Backpack.)
Kal Weaponhas causeda permanentreductionof
To continue,turn to 91.
2 polnts to its coMBATsKrLLbonus. You shoulil
now adjust the bonus on your Special ltems list )
To continue, turn lo 23 49
You ptrllopen the door to the antechamber and
sprint acrossthe bodgstrewn hall towardsthe
distant archway.Your MagnakaiDisciplineof
I Huntmastery enables you to seethroughthe dissi-
patingcloudsof steam,but your rang€ralliesare
not so giftei As gou pass through the archway
and rush into the corridor,they mistakeyou for a
t-_. Bhanarianattackerand they let loosea volleyof
spikes,and lheir slifted eyes emit a cold, bilious
arrowsat yourfleetingform
t ugnr,
Picka numbertrom the RondomNumberToble.
Ylu warn th€ rangeGof their presenceand swittly
ll thenumberyouhavepickedis 9, tum to 163. lhey lake cover among the boulders. hiding

If it is 4+, turn to 209.
If it is 0 3, turn to 77
themselveslrom above. Your swiit action saves
lou lrom beingdetecredby the wingedbeasrs,but
as lhe lasl ol their number passesoverhead,you

50-52 53-54
witnesssomethingthat makesyour heart skip a Youmustnow eras€the seconditem that you have
beat. recordedon your list of Backpackltems.
Turn to 296. To continue,turn to 287.

50 53
A blindlngwhite light obliteratesyour vision.Then You intone the words of the Old Kingdom spell
a terrifylng numbnessspreadsrapidly from your InulsibleRst and holdout the palmof yourright
neckto the solesof lrour feet,and you feelyourself hand,directingit towardsthe Hy of the sinist€r
tumblinglorwardsInto a fathomlessabyss youngwgman.You feel a surgeo[ tingling pow€r
One of the steamjun proiectileshas piercedthe leap from your palm and shoot towardsher, but
back of your skull and penetratedyour brain this pou€r is deflectedawag when suddmlg a
Mercifully,gour deathis s\rriftand painless translucentwall of energyappearsbeforeher.
Sadly,yourlife and yourmission€nd here,at the Fearingthat 9ou may be facinga powerfulsorcer'
CrimsonTowerof Zuda. €ss,you abandonyour attackand ky to lhink oI a
more effecti!€weaponto us€agalnd her
lf you possessKai-alchemy,and wish to use it,
5l turn to 151.
Youdraw uponyour masteryof Elementalism to
causea suddengust of air to strike the falling lf you possessKai-zurge,and wish to useit, turn
rocK. lo 7.
Pick a numberfrom the Rondom Number Toble ll you possessneither oI these skills, or iI you
For every level o, lGi rank lorl haw achiewd, choos€not to use them, furn instead to
abovethe rank of Kai GrandMasterSuperior,add ta
an additionalL
If your total scoreis now 0-5, turn to 259.
For a few anfous moments your target is
lf it is 6 or higher,tun ro 216. obscuredby the Bhanariangunnels,and you bite
your lip as you wait for lhem to move out of the
52 line of fire. The insta rhey do, you releas€your
The tat€rn-keeper's blast of buckshot peppers strainingbowstringand send lrour afiow atcing
aqoss the messhall towardsils mark.
lrour shoulder (los€ 2 ENDURANCE points) and
damagesone of the ltemsin your backpack, Picka numbertrom the RondomNumberToble.
55-56 57-58
I1 possessGrand Weaponmasterywith Bow, number you have picked. For everv level of Kai
add 3 to the numberyou have picked rank that you have atiained above Kai Grand
If your total score is now 4 or lower, tum to Sentinel.add 1. lf your currentENDURANCE
lower than 16, deduct2-
If it is 5 or higher,turn to 29, l[ your totalscoreis now 5 or less,turn to 161.
If it is 6 or hlgher,tLrrnto 210
Through one of the tall wlndows that line this
cofiidor, you see the llat tarred roof of the

If you possess-Kaialchemy,and wish to use it,

turn to 182.
lf !,ou po6sessKai-surge, and wish to us€ lt, turn
to 235.
lf you possess
neitherof thes€skills.or if you windows ledge.
choosenot to usethem.turn to 141.
You are running across the roof towards a tree
thal_stands near to the kitchens, when you
!$ suddenly_hear the loud preelingoI an alarm bell
YoucalluponyourMagnakaiDiscipline of Animal echoinglrom a tou/eron the north€rn side of the
Lontloi^lg commandthe deadlyConda nol to oaracks.
arrackUildas.and instantlyit ot€ys your sllenl
I ofder
Pick a numberfrom the Random Nunber Toble.
f.- If the number you have picked is G4, lurn ro
; 22.
lf it is 5-9, turnto 1!)6

Picka numb€rlrom the RondomNumber-lbble.
ll you possess
add 1 to the
Theold manis disappoinred
by gourrefusalro
uade and he shakeshis head wearily. l,&nenyou
59-59 6M2
ask if any Bhanarian soldiers and Xanon have upon this untamedland, goLlstop to set up camp
passedthis way, he looks at you quizzicay Ior the night on the fringe of a cold marsh-The
Why yesl he says. Thev rode by during rhe nighr night sky is clear, and before you setile down to
lhey didnl want to lradeerther' sleep,you take time to observethe stars
i You.thank the old man dnd bid him good health. If you possessAstrology,lurn lo 'l
I Outbeloreyou can continueyour ride, he stepsln lf you do not, turn to 155.
I lront ol vour horse and in<tqtsthat you dnd your
companionsrest for a short while. He oflers lo
sharesome breadand wine with you. @
Quicklg gou pull the bolt and, as 9ou mov€ away
If gou wish to acceptthe old man's hospitaljty, from the door, you hear the squadleadercalling
turn to 258 out in responseto the knockr 'Enterl'
II you choose to decline his offer of refresh- The door shr-:ddersand the handle turns as an
ments,turn to 343. attemptis made to enter the antechamber
If you possessKai-alchemg, turn to 24?
59 If you do not, turn to 28
You manage to sleep lor a few hours while the
rains(ontinue unabated.Cildaswakesyou shortly
alter da\rn. and you are relievedto discoverthat 6l
th€ rain has stopped. The impact of your spell splits the cannon's
,Dressure cylinderand it eruptslike a geyser,sprag
:ng the Bhanarianswith deadly piecesof jagged
hrapnel Thosewho are not felledinstantlyby the
:.rce of the explosionare blindedand blisteredb9
ets o[ scaldingsteam
eating, 9ou resolveto attempt to cross the Rrver
Heng and enter the friendly realm of Chai You
will then make gour way to the city of Pensei,and
try to contactthe Dessianenvoy Lord Ghadra
Despite difficult terrain you make very good \bur mind is set upon the task of finding and
progress.You leavethe Honah Hills and enter th€ -etrieving the Claw of Naar before Autarch
dark pines of the Angfeng Forest, covering 30 lejanoz arrives,and impatientlyyou dismissthe
milesbg sunset.As darknesscastsits blackshroud :rrtune-tellerwith a waveof your hand.Gildasand
6L63 64-64

his men follow as gou hurry out of the inn and lf you possessAnimal Mastery, add 1 to the
sthde acrossthe main square.In the light of a number you have picked. II gour current
str€etlantern you consultgour Siyenesecompass ENDURANCE scoreis 20 or higher,add 1 If it is l0
once more before settingoff in the directionthat or lower,deduct1
it indicates It leads you towards the military lf your total score is now 2 or lower, turn to
quart€rlocatedon the eastside of the square.You 160.
follow a broad a\.fenuelined with closed shop
dootways and soon arrive at a busy barracl,s The lf it is 3-7. turn to 31
compass,and your Kai sixth sense,both tell you lf it is 8 or higher,h-rrnto 322.
that the Claw of Naar is locatedsomewhereinside
this troop infestedbr-rilding
If you wish to tr9 to find a way to enter the &
barrack undetected,turn to 81. For over three hours you ride south acrossthe
rolling grasslands,guided on your way by your
If you decideto obsewe this building from the trackingskillsand the light of a waxingmoon It rs
cover of an unlit doorway, turn lo 242 not until you see ihe outline of a derelictlemple
silhouettedon the crest of a ridge that you slow
63 your pace and point gour tired horse towards it
You havetravelledlessthan a mile when it begins Upon reaching the ruined temple you discover
to rain At first it is just a few drops that spot the that it stands besidea well brim full with fresh
shouldersof your robe, but within minutesit has rvater You let the horsesdrink their fill, and as
becomea deluge that soaks you through to the theyrecovertheir strength,gou and yor,rrcompan-
skin The land bordering this road is steep and ions explorethe ruin
impossibleto climb on horseback,and throughthe The temple is empty and overgrown lts only
sheetingrain you can see little of the way ahead. featureof note is an altar stone engravedwith
The thunder grows steadilg louder When this ancient designs It is illuminated bg a solitarg
rumblingbecomesalmostdeafening,you suddenly stream of moonlight that filters down through a
realizethat it is not thunderat all: it is a terrifying hole in the shatteredslateroof. While the horses
soundof a mudslide Franticallyyou signal to the dre rake rhe opportunity to examine
rangersto iurn back As the torrent of earth and ihe Claw and, as you unfold its coveringblanket
watercomescrashingdown ihe hillsides,you urge on the altar,9ou find yourselfboth fascinatedand
your horses to a blind gallop in a desperate :epulsedb9 the intricaciesof its evil design.Th€
: altempt to out-runthis mercilessriver of mud. iead of the Claw resemblesa petrified vulfures
) :oot, cast in a black metal that is flecked wrth
Pick a number from the Random Number Toble

shimmeringscarletspecks lts shafl is

a lengthof gnarledroot, and it is perforatedalong
its lengthwith pea-sizedhollows
A palpableaura of evil radiatesfrom this dread
art€fact.and you feel an overwhelmingcom-
pulsionto destroyit YoLlwarn the rangersto
stand clear,and then you unsheatheyour Kai
Weapon and deal the shalt of the Claw a
Pick a numberfrom the Rondom Number Toble
lf the numberyou have pickedis even (ie, 0, 2,
4, 6, or 8), turn to 323.
If it is odd (ie,1, 3,5, 7, or 9). turn to 248.

You recite the words of the Brotherhood spell
Lightning Hand and point the index finger of
your right hand at the keyhole A tinglings€nsa-
tion runsthe lengthof your arm, and then a crack
ling bolt of blue energgleaps from your fingertip
and tears open the iron lockplate The doors to
the stablesshudderand then fly open amid a cloud
of smoke.
Turn to 152

You leap from the wagon to land upon the
ilagstonedground. Gildassignalsto you from the
shadowsof a doorway and quickly you scurry
rowardshim and his men-
You are repulsedand yet fascinatedby the €ul
Claw of Naar The doorwayis blockedby a stout iron portal, bui
67-6a 69-7r
when you try its handle, you discoverthat rt is 69
Linlocked.Ylu slip insideand beckon the rangers You recite the words of the Brotherhood spell
to follow.Whenall ol you are satelyin. you close Lightning Hond and (aiseyour right hand, poinl
the healv door and draw its boit. ing your outstretchedfingers towards the distant
To continue,turn to 11 steam-cannonA bolt of radiantenergyleapsfrom
your fingertipsand speedsacrossthe mess hall,
striking its iron cylinder wrth a blinding flash of
bluewhite spark
Pick a numberfrom the Rondom Number Toble
For every level of Kai rank you have attained
aboveKai Grand Sentrnel,add 1 to the number
you havepicked
QLricklyyou retrievethe st€elfube and tuck it into
gour belt. Then you climb back to the top of the lf your total score is now is 4 or lowet furn to 33
ravine before you examine what the tub€ If it is 5 or higher,turn to 6l
Turn to 1rlo.
Yor-rdraw upon gour Kai mastery to command the
snaketo hold its attack.The Condahesitates,and
Cildasreachesfor hrs sword. With one swift and
68 deadlyswipe, his blade decapitatesthe serpent
You grab the chariots guiderail as you rhmst your and s€ndsits fanged head spinning through the
right hand lorwardson the glitteringsphere.The air, trailinga streamof greenishyellowvenom.
sky-chariotsurgesforwards,and as Vou leaverne
coufiyard and tower, you hear Autarch Sejanoz Breathinga sigh of relief. Gildaswipes his blade
screama vow that he will take vengeanceupon cn the grubbysleeveof his tunrcbeforeslippingit
you for the defeatyou havedealt h;m th;sday. .rlentlginto his scabbard.
You steerthe skg-chariotaway to the eastand flee Iurn to 335
towardsthe friendlier skresof Chai As the wind
whipsyour face,you feel the sweetexhilarationof
lrctory. Yet il is temperedby the memory ol the 77
bravemen vou had to leavebehind. As you gallop through the stabl€s,Gildas draws
€velwrth yoLr speedinghorse.Simultaneously gou
Turnto 150. rnsheatheyour weapons,and as you approachthe
72-72 73-75
closingdoors,9ou lashout at the trooperswho are 73
attempting to bar your way. They are forced to dive You pullopen the door and quicklgstandaside A
aslde to save themselves from your deadly blades, Bhanarianguardstridesinto the antechamber, and
and gou are able to passthrough the narrowed exlt when he looksat your face, his eyesgo wide with
and make good a speedyescapeinto the street shock.You lashout and fetch him an uppercutio
beyond.As you gallop from the open doorway, the jaw, knockinghim unconscious. Beforehe hits
you steer your horses to t}e right and then race the floor, you move forward and grab him to
away along a dark, cobblestonedstreet. prevent his body lrom making a sound You are
Turn to 14. placing him down gently when the squad leader
shoutsout: 'Who s there?'
You push the door shut and bolt it. Then you
72 unsheatheyour Kai Weapon and enter the main
Qr-ricklyyou remove gour pack and, to gour chamber to confront the squad leader in his bath.
dismay,you discoverthat it has been torn open by
the blow you receivedjusl prior to yoLrrescape Turn to 260
lrom the ruins.
(ln addition to the Claw of Naar, you ha\realso lost 74
3 Backpackltems. You mr:stnow eraselrom your Suddenlyyou hear a startling shnek lrom the
Backpackltems List the Claw of Naar, plus any blanketof dark cloudthat has envelopedthe pass
three Backpackltems of gor.rrchoosing.)
Pick a numberfrom the Random Number Table.
Cursing your bad fortune, you see the Xanon leave
If the numberyou have picked is 0-2, turn to
the ruins and join with the Autarch's Imperial
Guardswho havebeen observingyour batile from
lhe sdlety of a nearby ridge. You cee a Xanon If it is 3-9, turn to 167.
deliver the Claw to the squadleader.and it galls gorl
to s€ehim raisingii defiantly Wrtha whoopingcry.
the Bhanariansand their Xanon allies leave the
ridgeand ride south acrossthe open grasslands. Quicldy you speak the words of the Brotherhood
spellLightning Hond artdraiseyour right arm. You
Pick a numberfrom the Rondom Number Toble. point your ouhtretchedfingers at the Autarch's
If the number you have picked is 4 or lower, helm and a cracklingbolt of blue fire leaps from
turn to 327. your fingertips It shikes his helm, and the force of
the impact makeshim shudder H€ releaseshis grip
It rt is 5 or higher,turn to 128. and the rangerslal) limply to the floor.
76-75 77-78
Then he turns to faceyou. 'Give me the Clawl' he Youoffer to carrytheold nun awayfrom the for6t
demands,his voice boomtngaround the cnamoer. but he refusesro leave.'My daysare numberedI
'Giw me the Claw and I shallspareall vour wonn- shallon\r be a burdento you. You must rca\reme
lesslivesl' and go. Do not delay . the shape-changer is
lf 9ou chooseto obey his command,turn to 35. approaching I...canfeel .. heranger.'
ll you choos€to refusehis comrnand, h-.lrnto 338. Your lGi sixth s€nseconfirmsthat the old man is
correct.The shape-changer is approachingthe
clearing, andgoumustleaveimmediately if youare
76 to avoil anotherdeadlyconfrontatonwith her.
Relucantlyyou bid farewellto this braveoro man,
and th€n you crossthe clearinghurriedlgand
remountyour hors€.Gildasbeckonsyou to follow
as he and his rangersmake good a hastyescnp€
'lam . ... Juanphor,'hesays,stn€gtng to speakhis into the trees
name. I am a Chai herbalist. . . trom Zuda lcame
to the Vanchoua year ago in searchof rar€ neros (lf you chooseto keepthe Poghramand the Red
and I fell underthe curs€of the shaperhanger.' Key,recordthemon yourAction Chorf as Back-
To continue,h-lrnto 346.

You dive to the ground as the rangers' leathered
shalts come sheaking along the conidor. The
sruiftnessof lour reflexes saves5ou from being hit,
and the arrows flash past to skltter harmlesslg
along the floor of the messhall begond.
To continue,hlrn to 269.

You cross the ,ralleyair{ as you crest a distant
ridge, yorj see the first rays of dawn sunlight
brightening lhe easternhorizon,Youcontinueto
79-79 80-ar
ride at a swilt pace for 9ou are anxious to put bridge by the sfong current Lookouts on the
distanceb€tweenyour company and the Imperial bridgespot his My and they password io thos€
Guards-But as the sun ris€sinto a cloudlesssky. along the riverbank As the dy is sweptbeneath
you note a denseforeststretchinglike a dark wall lhe bridge, they leave their canleensand their
along the southernhorizon. washing and go running along the bank in the
hope of recoveringhis body downstr€am.
'That's the Vanchou,' calls out Grldas.'They say
it's haunted' To continue,turn to 127.
The trailcontinuesdue south towardsthe centreof
this forbiddingtimberland As you draw steadily 80
closer,you feel an unnaturalchill iadiatingfrom its Your search of the guards' pockets and packs
tangleof sickly-coloured pines.You are inclinedto uncovers the following weapons, money and
disbelievethat it is haunted,yet you do not relish Backpackltems:
the thought of riding through it Then a sudden Dagger
sense of unease makes gou glance over gour Sword
shoulder,and gour heart skipsa b€atwhen you s€e Spear
a columnof duston the track lessthan three miles 50 Ren (equivalentto 5 C'oldCrowns)
distant You magnifg your vision and your worst Mirror
Iears are conlirmedi the Imp€rial Guards have Rope
caughtup and are fast gainingground. Food (enoughfor 2 Meals)
If you wish to leavethe trail and ride easracross Comb
grasslands, turn io 250 You also discover a gleaming talisrnan that is
If 9ou chooseto stay on the trail and enter the engravedwith the tiger'sheademblemof Autarch
VanchouForest,turn to lzli| Sejanoz lt is strung upon a braided cord (lf you
wish to keepthis Gold Talisman,recordit on gour
Action Chort as a Specialltem You may wear it
79 aroundgour neck.)
.You are trying to think of a way to draw the To continue,turn to 291
soldiers awag from the water's edge, when
CaptainGildascomesup with a crudeyet effective
solutionto the problem.He drawsan arrow to his 81
bow and pick off a lone Bhanariansoldierwho is There is a great deal of activity going on at the
washing his tunic upstream.The lucldesssoldier main enkance to the barracl5 Columns of
topples into the river and is carried towards the Bhanarian spearmen, clad in black quilted
a2-42 83J4

uniforms with wide silk leggings, go marching healing skills alone. (The huded use ol your
through its gate everyfew minutesuJithan almost healingskillscosh you I ENDURANCEpoint.)
clockwork regularity.You suspect that they are
mustering in preparation for the arrival of the To continue,furn to 290.
Autarch,althoughthey seemtoo heavilyarmed to
be gathering for ceremonial parade dLrties.You 83
also catch sight of some Xanons, and you sense The trader frowns. He is loathe to lose a sale,at
that thesecreatureswere among thosewhom goLl ang price-After somethought,he saysthat he will
fought at the ruins earliertoday accept 1 Weapon, 4 Gold Crowns, and 1
Backpackltem in exchangefor the robes.
You signal to Gildas and his men to follow as you
skirt around the barrack and approach one of You agreeto the man's price and gou hand over the
severalsmaller entrances that puncfuate its north items he requests(rememberto adjust your Action
ern flank wall. A line of wagonsare parked here, Chorr accordingly)Thpn llou and your companions
awaiting their turn to enter. While they wait, the each take one of the loos€fitting robes and slip
drivers and their civilian helpers busy themselvesbg them on over your hnics. The thin, hooded
checkingthe food and provisions they are deliveing garments are large enough io conceal gour
to the banack' kitchens One driver is strugglingto backpack and weapons,and you are pleasedto
recoverthe contents of a crate that has fallen from discoverthat they do not hamper your movement
ihe tailgate of his wagon and broken open Having concluded goLrr busin€ss,yoLr thank the
If you wish to offer to help the driver recoverhis trader and bid him farewell. Then you leave this
spilledload, turn to 227. villageand continueyour ride south acrossthe plain.
Jf you wish to attempt to hrdein the rear of one Turn to 118.
of the wagonsthat is queuingto enter the
barracks,turn to 301. u
When the last o{ the bridge guardshas fallen to
your blows, or thrown down his spear and fled
82 from the fighi, you circlearoundand then charge
Captain Gildaslets out a shrill cry of pain as the your horsetowardsthe barrier
musketball strikeshis right thigh- He clutchesai
the wound and gou see blood oozing through his He sails across the bar and, one by one, the
fingers Fortunately, the lead ball has passed rangersfollow your lead Without looking back,
cleanlgthroughhis limb without stiiking bone,and you canter acrossthe bridge and along the road
you are abie to staunch the flow of blood and seal Lhatwinds into the hillsbegond
his puncturedskin by the use of your Magnakai Turn to 272.
to your leet and push yourself on
towardsthe waiting rangers Gildas and his men
are readyto take off the moment you reachthem,
and, as you haul yor.rrselfon to your mount, you
hear the anguishedscreamsof the squad leader
echoing acrossthe plain With a cr9 of triumph
on gour lips, 9ou dig in your heels and gallop
away from the copse as fast as your steed can
carry you
Pick a numberfrom the Rondom Number Toble.
If the number 9ou have picked is 0-4, turn to
If it is 5 9, turnto 64.

The soldierschaseyou through the backsireetsoi
Zuda until you are cornered in the courtgard of a
tall crimsoo-coloured tower Desperatelyyou scan
the walls of the courtyard but there is no way out,
except by way of the narrow passagewaythai led
you here
Marchingalong this passagecome a squadof the
Autarch's lmperial Guard. They are carrying
what appear to be hollow stubby spears,
connectedby metallic piping to calindricalback-
packs. One of the advancrngsoldiers raises his
spear and a puff of bubblingsteam gushesfrom
the tip ln the next instant, a solid projectile
smashesinro the wall behind you. spraying you An advancingsoldrerlires ar you wiLhhis
with sliversof stone terrilyingsteam€un
87-€9 90-91

If youpossess
a RedKey,turn to 166, bath tub to see what he was reachingfor Lging
amongthe soapsudsyoLrdiscovera Bor pisiol, its
If you do not have this Specialltem, turn to flint and firing powder now waterloggeo ano
226. useless.
Your Kai sensestell you that you are very close io
87 the Claw of Naar You look at your Siyenese
Youpull out the talismanthat you wear on a cord compassonce again, and now you see that its
aroundyor.rrneck,andshowit to the sergeant, He needleis pointingto a paintingwhich hangsabove
inspectsit carefullybeforenoddinghis approval. the fireplace.
B€lievingthar you and your companionsare
lmperial Guards from the Autarch's court in To continue,turn to 137.
Otavai,he stepsasideand allowsyou to enter lhe
Tr-nnto 11O. Your horse sails across the bader, and the
tangers jump their mounts over it with consu
mate ease. Then you gallop across the bridge
8tl and follow the road as it wends its way up into
The rock hits the edgeof your shieldspelland is the hills beyond-
deflecledawayfrom your My, but as it tumbles
past it strikes5rourshoulderwith a painful blow: 'nrn b 2'12.
To continue, turn to 339. 9l
You retrace your route back lo the perimeter of
the forestand turn eashvards, leavingthe trail You
89 soon discoverthat th€ tall plains' grassmakesthe
You hurl your bladeand it whirls throughth€ air to going increasinglyditficult. lt binds around your
strike the squadleaderin the chest,dealinghim a horses'hooves and frustratesyour attenrlrrsLo
deep and mortal wound. The force of the impact hastentheir pace. For five miles you force gour
tips him out of his tub and sendsa torrent of water mounts to wade through this sea of verdant
cascadinginto the fire. His dgingcriesminglewith veg€tationuntil you catch sight of some stone
a loud hissof steamas the bath water extinguishes ruins on th€ slope of a distant hill. lt is the
the fire and sizzleson the red hot grate. remnantsof an ancientvillage,and it is bisectedby
You rush forward and tug your Kai Weapon from a d ed-up watercourse. You scan the site and
the dead man's chest- Then gou turn aside the notice dark pools of liquid scatteredthroughout
92-93 94-96

the area. The pungent aroma of crude oil can be slivercuts your cheekand anothertears open the
smeltwafting on the breeze shoulderof your tunic: Iose 1 ENDURANCEpo'nt
Your Kar 5ixthsensetellr yoLrlhd' rhe ruinsdre To continlre,turn io 339
deserted.Captain Gildas is anxious to press on
Ior fear ol being caughl b! the pur.uing
Bhanarians.but you commandhim to pausefor i
momenl- Your ln5linctsdre warnrngyou ol a The contents of your backpack are scattered
nrooendanqer. acrossthe floor, includingthe Claw of Naar which
skitterstowardsthe fire The hp of its haft hits the
If you wish to enter the ruins of the ancieni grate and spears a burning log The Auiarch
plarnsvillage,turn to 138 moves towards the fire, but you are too dazecl
If you decide to make a detoLtraround them, from gour coll,sionwith the wall to attemptto stop
turn to 109 him. Painfully,you drag yourselfto your feet
To continue,turn to 344
You speak the words ol the Old Kingdom spell 95
Inuisible Fist and thrust vour right ;rm stiffly You tell the rangersto raisetheir hoods.then you
towards the distant steamcannon. A wave ol lead them acrossihe crowdedstreet towards the
energysurgeslrom your cl€nchedfist and speeds oarracksenlrance
acrosslhe messhall ro rtrikeits lron cylinderwith
a resounding C/onql Pick a number lrom the Rondom Number Table
lf you possessAssimilance,add 3 to the number
Pick a number from the Random Number Toble you havepicked
For pvery level ol Kar rank you have ahained
above Kar Grand Spnrinel.add I ro rhe nr_rmber If gour toial score is now 4 or lower. turn 1()
you have picked 20?
If your total score is now js 4 or lower. Lurnro If it is 5 or higher,tr.rrnto 331

If it is 5 or higher,turn to 61
You press home your attack and lash out at the
womanwith your Kai Weaponto preventher lrom
93 launching another psychic assault Your blow
Youstrikeihe lalhngrock and it explodes.shower miss€sher by inches,yet she collapsesupon the
ing you wiih razor-sharpshards of stone One ground like a dying beast.You bring gour horse

around in readinessto make a secondstrike, but

you do noi iollow it through Before gour disbe-
lievingeyesthe woman's body beginsto change
Her marblesmooth skin becomes criss-crossed
with a net of a thousand wrinkles dno ner
abdomenswellslike an over inflatedballoon Then
there is a terrible sound,like the rending of bone
and flesh,and suddenlythe illusionof her beauty
is dispelledforeverwhen this fell vampiric shape-
changerreveftsto its true form.
Confrontingyou now is a leprous horror with a
huge, fangJilledmaw It roars with anger and a
gust of rts putrid breath wafts over you, turning
gour stomachwith its vile stench-The rangersand
their horses are snapped out of their hgpnotic
trance bg the sound of its fearsome cry and,
grippedby a suddenpanic, they turn and flee into
rhe trees.Hurriedlyyou lollow them, Iorcing your
mount to battle its way through a tangle of barb-
toothed briar in gour desperationto evade the
wrath of the demonicforestcreature.
Turn to rl0

The creature sinks beneath the surface Then you
seea trail of bubblescome speedingtowardsyou
Feaiing an imminent attack, you tug your Kai
Weapon from its scabbardand stab blindly about
you Suddenlythe water surroundingyou seethes
and boils You feel your blade cut through the
creatLrre'sjelly like flesh,and in the next instantit
erupts through the surface and launches ihelf The creatureeruptsthrough ihe surfaceand
upon you. launchesitselftowardsyou
98_99 ro0-101
Sligza: underthe bridgeand takea look at their fine new
20 moun$
This enemy is immune to Mindblast(but noi Kai Turn to 314
lf you win the combat,turn to 328 100
Shortly after dark, gou and your companions
9A make your approach to the river bank a mile
You use your Grand Mastery to camouflage upstreamfrom the stonebridge The rangershave
yourselfbefore you enter the m€sshall, anctonce tied their ropes together to proqde a length that
insideyou take cover behindthe neareststand ol will reach to the opposite bank The plan rs for
armour Moving from one suit to the next, you 9ou to swim acrossand securethe rope on the far
makeyour way quicklgtowardsthe far door- side.The rangerswill then lollow you across.using
the rope to preventthemselvesfrom being swept
Pick a number from the Random Number Toble. away by the strong currents
lf you possessGrand Huntmastery,add 1 to the
number9ou have picked. You tie the rope about your waist and wade into
the cold dark river. Then you strike out for the
I{ yottr total scoreis 1 or lower, turn to 8- oppositebank, swrmmingdiagonallyupstreamto
If it is 2 or higher,turn to 211 counterits swift flow You ate halfwayacrosswhen
gour rope snagson somethingbelow the surlace
Furiouslgyou tug at it but to no avail. Then you
99 see a glisteningmound begin to rise up fuom the
You pull away lrom the stallion's scrabbling water.Two slitsopen, revealingthe puplls of two
hooves just in time to avoid being struck on the monstrouseyes.Then a wider slit appearsbelow
head. But as you back off, you trip and fall and them, filled with pgged fangs Your rope disap
grazegour shoulderon a rock at the water'sedge: pearsinto the corner of this ghastlymaw, and as
lose 1 ENDURANCE point. the mouth opens and closes,so yoLl are pulled
Determinedly,you riseto your feet and draw upon ever closerto thesedeadlyfangs.
your Kai powersof Animal Control to subduethe If you possessAnimal Mastery,turn to 224
frightened horse. Your efforts are quickly
rewarded;the lead stallionwalks towalds you and lf you do not, turn to 97.
nestleshis head apologeticallgagainstyour shoul
der When you sense that all of the horses ar€ 101
calm, you call to the rangersto come out from The woman launchesa bolt of psychicenergythat
r02-t03 lOzl-l(M

strikesat the core of gour mind (lose1 ENDURANCE and he pick up the Claw and beginsto walk. As
point), yet your mental defences are strong he circles around you, the point of the needle
enough to saw you from *rstaining any lasting follows his ewry move.
damagetrom this opporfunisticassault. 'lt's a Siyenesetrackergem,' he says. 'The needle
To continu€, tum to 236. o[ the compassis tuned to its vibmtions. It's just a
pr€caution,in caseyou shouldbe parted from the
Claw before you deli!€r it to the Elder Magi. So
tgz long as the gem remainsembeddedin its shaft,
Range!Yalinletsout a !€lp of pain as the musket
ball shikeshis left arm. He clutchesat the wound t(cu'llbe ableto track it usingthe compass.'Gildas
hands you the Claw and you compliment him for
with hls right hand and you see blood oozing his prudence.
throughhis fingers.Fortunately,the le-adball has
parsedclearUvthrough his limb without striking 'A very wise precaution,Captain,'you sa9,as you
bone,andyouare ableto staunchthe flow of blood slip the compass into your tunic pocket
and seal the puncturedskin by the use of your 'Somehow I feel sure that we have not lret seen
Magnakaihealingskillsalone. ffie hurrieduseof the last oI lhe Autarch'ssquad'
your healingskillscostsyou I EIDUMNCE point.) (You can record th€ Siyenese Compass on your
To conlinue,turn to 29O Action Chort as a Specialltem. You shouldalso
record the Claw of Naar as a Soecialltem which
you cam, in lour pack Yorj must discard two
103 items in their favour if yor] already have the
Youare disrna!€dthat your atiempt to destroythe maximum number of Special ltenrs p€rmissible )
Claw has failed,yet you refus€to abandonall
hopeof riddingyourworldof thtsevilartefact. you You sheatheyour Kai Weapon and follow Gildas
resolveto deliver it to the Elder Magi. for you as he refurns outside to the horses. y'!9 yor-iwalk
knowthat it is withintheirDowerto obliteratethis towardsthem, RangerYalin beckonsvou over to
tr.caponof darkness. look at a strange shrub that is growing around the
bas€of the well.
If you possessHerbmastery,turn to 205.
If you do not possessthis Discipline,turn to 16

thenhe handsyoua seeminglyordinarycompass. 104

'Look at the compassneedle,Sir lGi,'ne says, A second volleg of projectiles comes streaking
adjacentalley\r,,ayand he ordershis men to open
fire with their bows.
Pick a numberlrom the RctndomNumber Toble
If you possessAssimllance,add 2 to the number
you have picked. lf you possess Grand
Huntrnastery,add 1.
If your tolal score is nou/ 5 or lower, turn ro
When all three are safely inside, you push t}re
If it is 6 or high€r,turn to 348
door closed and slide rrs drawbolt across,
rocKrngtt secllrely.
To continue,turn to 136. 106

The noiseof the fighhnghas drawna crowdof

I[ lrou possessthe Kai Weapon Magnara, turn

square. to 325.
Theirofficerseesyouattemphngto escap€intoan If you do not, turn to 154


Pick a numberlrom the Rondom Number Toble.

If you possessGrand Huntmastery,add 1 to the
number you have picked

I O8-109

If your total score rs now 2 or lower, turn Lo

If it rs 3-8, turn to 307
If ii is 93 or higher,turn to 190

The ranger' quickly di5moun and come running
to your aid. SergeantPaviz retrievesgour horse,
and you use your Magnalai curing skillsto repair
his gashedforelegs Then RangerYalin warns you
that he can hear the bridge guardsstining from
their sleep.Beforethey emergefrom their shack,
you remount your horse and lead your compan-
ions away at the gallop-
Trlrn to 272

You skirt around the ruins to the north and
happen upon the remnants of an old track,
overgrown with shorter vegetation You are
following this trail when suddenly you hear a
sound like thundering hooves The noise is
approachinglrom the north and yoLrcommand
your companionsro halt To get d beller view. you
stand upon your horse's back and magnify your
vision.A tingle of shock runs down the length ol
your sprne when you catch sight of a group of
strange creafures speeding through the tall grass
land at a terrificpace
They have black bulflike bodies, yet their heads
are crocodilianin shape.and a spikgmane of hair Through the tall grass,a group of creatures
runs the entire length of their muscular backs speedtowardsyou at a terrific pace
11 0 -1 1 1 112-113
They possessfour legs and t',^'oforelimbs,uppeo attack, theg drop their spears and clutch their
with ciaws, in which theg cradle cumbersome hdnds lo heir headsrn agong The rangersseize
lancescrudelypared from the trunks of Vanchou this chanceto attack.and theg qurcklyoverpower
plnes, them, leaving the men propped unconscrous
You ioform Gildasof whai is approachingirno ne againstthe baseof ihe nearesttree
gasps with fear. 'Xanonl' he exclaims 'lshir Turn to 41
preserve us!' Before gou can stop them, the
rangersturn their steedsabout and take off at a
gallop along the track that leadsback towardsthe 112
site ol the ancient village You magnify your vision and see that the
approachinggroup are Bhananans Each of the
Turn to 299 hrelve wardors is armed with a sword and spear,
and ali are clad in black quilted tunics edged with
gold braid.Emblazonedboldlyupon their chestsis
Beyond the main gate is a courtyard where several the tiger's head emblem of Autarch Sejanoz,
wagons,filledwith provisions,are beingunloaded_ denoting them to be Imperial Guards lrom the
You and gour companions each take a box from Autarch'scourt in Otavai
the rear of t}|e nearestwagon and join a line of As lhe nole wirh surpriae
men who are deliveringtheir goods to a l.itchen that this elite unit of bodyguardshaveneglectedto
storeroomlocatednear the middleof the barracks place any scouts at the head o[ their marching
complex- You leave your boxes here and then column. You are about to mention this fact to
return to the courtyardto collect some more. As CaptainGildaswhen suddenlyyou hear a startling
you are making your way back, you pass a door shriekechoingfrom out of the cloudsabove
that your Kar sensestell yolt is unlocked-Quickly
you slip insideand then signal to the rangersto Pick a numberfrom the Rondom Number Toble
follow. When all of you are safelginside,golr shut If the number 9ou have picked is 0-4, turn to
the door and draw its bolt. 277
Turn to 298. If it is 5 9, turnto 167

111 113
You draw upon your improved mental skrlls to Your improved Kai Mastery warns you ihat a
launch a powerful volley of psgchicbolts at the hea'"yrainstormis aboutio breakover the Honah
three guards. Paralysed by your unexpected Hills.
114116 lr7 -11'7

If you wish to seek shelter from the coming the Claw The leaderis obliviousto your presence,
storm, turn to 20 but as your fingers closearound hrs p low, your
stomach heavesand your pulse begins to race
If you chooseto press on along the road, turn You feel a tremendousconcentrationof evil radiat-
to 63 ing from the artefact,and its suddenassaultupon
your sensesmakes9ou gaspwith shock
174 Pick a numberfrom the Rondom Number Table.
You are wary of the creature'srequestand secretly If gou possessAssimilance,add 2 to the number
you suspectthat it is some kmd of elaboratetrap
9ou have picked If 9ou possess Grand
You backawayfrom the cavemouth and signalto Hunimastery,add 1.
the rangersto leavethe clearing The beastpleads
wrth gou to return,but 9ou ignoreits plantive cries If your total score is now 3 or lower, turn to
and hurriedly you remount your horse Gildas 262
beckonsyou to follow as he and his rangersmake If it ls 4 or higherturn to 288
good their escapeinto the trees
To continue,turn to 346 7t7
Gildasfallsunconsciousat your feet, and you hear
l r5
the Autarch's thm laughter echoing around the
You draw an arrow to your bow and take aim at chamber He has enjoyedwatchingthe two ol yotr
the iron cylinderthat is fixed on top of the barrel fight, but now he wantswhat he has come all the
You piay to Ishir that by puncturrngthis part of ihe way from Otavaifor
steam-cannon,9ou will cause the weapdn to 'You havethe Claw- Isenseit,'he growls,in a
explooe menacinglyquiei tone 'Give rt to me and you shall
If you possessMagi magic, and have attained be rewarded Deny me, and you will perish in
the rank of Kai Sun Lord, turn to 173. agony '

lf gou do not possessthls Discipline,or if you Your Kai sensesdetect that the evil aura which
surrounds the Autarch is growing stronger
haveyet to attarnthis levelof Kai lvlastery,
iurn to 54 Suddenlgyou leel a strongwdve of nausedri\ing
in the pit of your siomach,and you feel unableto
preventit from overwhelmingyour senses.
116 If 9ou possesssome Poghiam,turn to 175
Carefullg,gou creep forward and stretchout your
right hand to take hold the blanketroil containing If you do not possessthis potion, turn to 285
I l 8 -11 8 11 9 - 1 1 9
ll8 the city lor one simple reason:he is coming here
The sun has nearlyset by the time you reachyua lo collect the Claw o[ Naar. The news ol his
Tzhan. Lven ar Lhis lare hour, rhe roads thal imminentarrivalre ignitesyour resolveto find th€
approach the city s four gates are busy with the artefact,and swiftly.
traffic o[ travellinqmerchants Some have come As you and yor.rrcompanionsare ridtngacrossthe
lrom the gold-rushtown of Baio in th€ foothillsof main square,you scanthe surroundingbuildingsin
the Hlunsei Mountains,but most are arrivingfrom searchof an inn whereyou may stableyour hors€s
Hotloi and Liyulin, their wagonsladen with exotic lor the night. The housesand howls of YuaTzhan
war€s. are d€nsely-packed, and your searchfor the Claw
As you approachthe nonh gale you consullyour will best be conductedon foot There are several
siyenes€compass,and its sleadgneedleconfirms inns bordering the square, but onlg two have
that the CIaw of Naar is here, somewhere,in this slables: the Prairie Princess and the Golden
grand walledciry. You and your companionspass Trough.
through the arched gat€wag without challenge, If you wish to visit the Prairie Princess,turn to
and follow a broad lanternlit avenuetowardsthe 273.
crtys main square.Mang open-frontedshops line i
this thoroughfare,their display tablesladen with II you chooseto visitthe GoldenTrough,rurn ro
goodsto entice its citizensto part with their hard 749.
Upon entering the main square,you notice that 119
protechonand then you commandCaptainGildas
and his rangersto wait while you leavegour hiding
place and go in searchof the squadleader.You
suspectthat he ma9 be one of the hvo warrlors
benefitoI your companions The postersdeclare who havebeen killed by the rockfall.Mindful that
that tomorow shall be a holidag This is to the Claw of Naar was sheathedin his b€lt. vou are
celebratea visit to the city br Autarch Sejanoz delerminedlo s€izethis opportunityto cabtureit
himsell He will arrive at noon tomoftow, ano betore the dazed Bhanarians recover therr sens€s
ev€rycilizen is expectedto be presentto honour and r€group
their ruler when his entouragepassesthrough the
Streets- Swiftlgyou traverselhe mound of rocks that now
block the pass, and as you leap on to the trail
YourKai sensestell you that the Autarch is visiting unseen,you note lhal neitherol the slainwarriors

t2 t- 1 2 2
is the squadle-aderThen you notice a drainage
channelwhich runs alongsidethe mountain t;il fortuneteller Underlhe influenceof your spell,he
and gour Kai sixth sensetells 9ou that the leader suddenly becomes susceptibleto your mental
hasescapedthe rockfallby rolling into this trench. commands.You tell him to take off his signetring
Without a moment's hesitation, you unsheathe and give it to gou. Meeldyhe complies.Then you
your Kar Weapon and iump into the trench after tell him to lorget that he ever set e!,eson you and
nrm. your companions Dumbly he nods his head, and
then he drifts off into a deep sleep
As your teet hit the bottom of the shallowgully,
you see gour adversary crouching less than a (On your Acfion Chort, recordthe Tigei Ring as
couple o[ melres away. For a moment you stare at a Special ltem tlEt !'ou \rear on the index finger ol
€ach other in silence.Shock blanchestrre man s your right hand. You need not discardang other
sallow, mollstachioed face and his almond eyes Special ltem in its favour if yor-ralready possessthe
widen with alarm, but he suddenlyrecovershis maximumnumberof items permissible.)
composure and springs to his feet Tugging the To continue, hrm to 295,
mace]ike Claw of Naar from his belt. he uners a
terselaughas he levelsits talonedtip at vour chest
There is a crackiing hr-rmof powei. k precedes a 121
bolt of blackfire which leapsfrom the evil artefact Slowlytheylower their spears,and the tallerol the
like a living entity. Fearing for your life, l|ou dive to guardssmilesand nodshis headto indicatethat he
the groundas this supernatunl bolt of dark flame belie'aeslour story, He points to the stables and
comes streaking along the trench tourardsyou tells you to leaw the banack Sr this route. fu you
approach the open doors, he commands the
Pick a numberfrom lhe Rondom Number Toble.
troopersto let you and your companionsuse the
If you possessGrand Huntmastery,add 1 to the
far doors which open out on to the street. You
numberyou have picked.
o[[er up a silentprayerof thanksto Ishir for your
11gour total score is now 2 or lower, turn to good fortun€ as you and your companions weave
308. gour way through the busy stables towards the
If it is 3-7, turn to 278
lf it is 8 or higher,turn to 147
Turnto 347.

120 122
Silentlygou recitethe wordsof the Brotherhood There is a blinding flashof scarletlight upon ihe
spell Mind Chorm and direct its power at the instant that your blade strikes the shaft of ihe
Claw, and a s€aring blast of energy s€nds you

723-124 I
crashing backwards to the ground: lose 4 I woman. The dust obscuresher from view, yet it
ENDURANCE points does not break the hypnotic hold she has over
your companions.
Painfully,you staggerto your feet and approach
the stone block which is now wreathed with trails Fearingthat gou may be facinga powetfulsorcer-
of grey smoke To your dismay,9ou discoverthat ess,you abandonyour elementalattackand try to
the Claw is still intact. Despitethe huge burst of think of a more effectiveweapon to use against
energy that your blow released,9oU discoverno her
mark or blemishupon ifs gnarledshaft
If you possessKai-alchemy,and wrsh to use il.
The blade of your Kai Weapon, however. is iurn to 151.
notched and discolouredat the point where it
If gou possessMagimagic, and wish to use it,
struckthe shaft of the Claw. (The damageto your
turn to 53.
Kai Weaponhas causeda permanentreductionof
1 point to its coMBAT sKL! bonus.You shouldnow If you possessKai surge,and wish to use it, turn
adjustthe bonuson your SpecialItems list.) ro 287.
To continue,turn to 228 lf you possessnone of these skills, or if you
choose not to use f}lem, furn instead to
123 164.
A blindingwhite light obliteratesyour visionand a
a t€rrifying numbnessspreadsrapidly from your 125
neck to the solesof your feet, Helplessro resrsL, YoLrreturnto theantechambet
you fe€l yourself tumbling backwards into a unboltingthe door to the messhall, you hear an
fathomlessabyss. alarm bell and the sound of gruff Bhanarian
voices You listen to their cries and your heart
One of the steam-gunprojectileshas pierced the
side of your skull and penetrated your brain. sink when you suddenlyrealizethat your compan-
ions have been discovered,
Mercifully,your death is swift and painless
Turn to 239.
Sadly,your life and your missionend here, at the
Cttmson Tower of Zr.rda.
You fug your Kai Weapon from its scabbardand
124 draw it backin readinessto strikeout as one of the
You draw upongour elementalpowersto whip Lrp winged horrorsclosesin for the kill. The creature
a whirling cloud of dust that engulfs the sinister swoopsdown and alightsupon a nearbgboulder
127-728 129-129

where it swiftly folds its wings behind its pallid saysGildas,excitedly-Theg must not be allowed
torso Your stomachchurns as gou look upon its to stealaway the Claw.'
lean and sinewy body, which is studded with 'Hold, Captain,' you retort. 'The enemy is too
hundredsof horny spikes. Frothng drool drips strong They outnumberus, and theg possessa
from its fanged jaw as it flexes its talons ancl weapon that can slayus all but with one bolt. Do
preparesto attack.You will have to fight rt. you not recallwhat happenedat SundererPass?
BavazanurLeader(WingedAgarashi) You have lost one good man already Surely you
COMBATSK]LL42 ENDURANCE40 haveno wish to risk our hvesrn a recklesspursuit.'
'Are you abandoningyour mission,Sir l{ai?' he
This enemy rs rmmune to Mindblast(but not Kai
surge) aslG,reproachfullg.'No, Captain,'gou replg. 'My
vow to retrievethe Claw and overseeib destruction
lf you win the combat, turn io 36 remains true. I merely propose we pursue the
enemy at a safe distance.They mag run with the
Claw of Naar, but they cannot keep it from us
t27 forever The trackergem that you placedin ihe haft
You move quicklg to seize this chance to cross the will leadus to it, no maLterwherethey may choose
river before the soldiers return. You are the first to to cany it.
wadeout into the water.You strikeout againstthe
'You are right, Sir Kai,' saysGildas,apologetically.
cufient and reach the first sione pillar Once you
have a securehandhold, gou signal to Gildas to 'Firstly, we shall rest and recoverour strength,'
follow. Soon you are all in the water, linked you say. Then we shall hunt down our enemies
togetherby your handsand securedby ihe stone and claim backthat accursedartefactbeforeit can
pillars, like a human chain. Graduallyyou work be deiiveredto Autarch Sejanoz.'
your wa9 acrossto the far side,and togetheryou Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand
approachZuda under cover of darkness. Huntmastery,9ou must now eat a Meal or lose 3
The road into ihe town is heavily patrolled by ENDUTTANCE pomts.
Bhanariansoldiers When you nearly colhdewith To continue,turn to 201.
one of thesepatrols,you are forcedto seekcover
ln an empty woodcutter'shut.
To continue,tLrrnto 3 After severalminutesand a greatdealof effori, the
lock disengagesand the doorsof the stablesswing
'ComelWe must pursueth€ enemywiihout delay,' To continue,turn io 168

For most of the day you ride acrossa seemingly
endless expanse of grasslandwithout once
catchingsightof lhe enemgyou are pursuing It
is nearlydusk before your keen eyes detect a
column of woodsmoke on the horizon, rising
vertically in the still evening air. You call the
rangers to a halt and then magnify your vision
to take a closerlook at the sourceof the smoke.
It rrses from a small copse of trees and you
suspect that the enemg have set up a canrp
there for the night The smoke tells 9ou that
they are cooking food, confident in the false
beliel that they have safely outdistanced you
and your companions

You inform the others of what you have seen

belore continuing your ride along the plains
road When you are within a mile of the copse,
you leavethe trail and dismount. SergeantPaviz
and Ranger Yalin are told to stay and hold the
horseswhrle you and the Captain go forward to
scoutthe enemyencampment.

Together you crawl towards the copse, side by

srde, concealedby the approachingdarkness
and the waist high grass You are within 100
metres of the enemy campfire when Gildas
makes a sharp intake of breath. You glance at
him and your blood freezes when you see that
his faceis inchesfrom a Grey Conda- a deadly
Bhanarian plains snake The serpent's neck is
raised and its wedgeshaped head is drawn
backin readinesslo slrikeat your companions The deadlyGreg Condais only inchesaway lrom
eyes. his face

131- 1 3 2 133-134
If gou possessAnimal Mastery,turn to 70. 133
If gou do not, turn to 56. You pdy the Loll.but the Lorporalbe(omes5uspi-
clous when he examines the two gold coins
Sommlendingmintage is a raritg ln thls part ol
131 Magnamund
The tavern-keeper'sblast of buckshot peppers lf you wish to ask the corporal to raise the
your side (lose2 ENDURANCE points)and damages barrierand let you cross,turn to 231
your quiver.You must now erase half of all the
arrows you carry, rounding the figure up to the If you decide to give him another 2 Gold
nearestwhole number where appropriate. Crowns, to help him allay his suspicions,
turn to 280
To continue, Iurn to 28? -
732 Youtell yourcompanions
to raisethe hoodsof
You lead yor:r company off to the east, but to their robesto keep ther faceshidden, then you
your dismay you soon discover that the route beckonihem to followas you approachihe rear of
ahead is blocked by a dozen fearsome Xanon a canvas-covered wagon that is queuing outside
Reluctantlyyou are forced to turn about and the main €ntrance.Swiftly you clamber over its
retLlrnto the ancient ruins for fear of being run tailgaie and hide yourselvesamong its load.
down and trampled beneath their pounding Severalminuteslater,the wagon beginsto move
hooves, You tear a hole in its canvascover through which
you can see the inner buildingsof the barracks
Ac you are nearing lhe outskins of rhe ruins. a complexas thegpass The wagontrundlesalong a
volley of iron darts comes whistling past your passagewaytowards a parade square, begond
head. They have been hurled by the leading which lies its final destination- the kitchenstore
Xanon in an attemptto slay9ou beforeyou reach rooms You clamberto the rear 01 the wagon and
the cover of the ancientstonewalls. crouch besidethe tailgate Then, at the momeni
Pick a number from the Rondom Number Table the vehicle emerges from the passageway,you
lf you possessAssimilance,add 1 to the number signalto your companjonsto leave One after the
you have picked. other. you ledp lrom Lhe back o[ Lhe moving
If your total score is now 4 or lower, turn to
Pick a numberfrom the Rondom Number Toble
If gou possessGrand Huntmastery,add 1 to the
If it is 5 or higher turn to 193. numberyou have picked
ll your-total score is now 3 or
lowet turn ro
If it is 4 or higher,tum to 56.

To continue,turn to 339, If youpossess Deliverance,turn to 1?1.

If youdo not, turn to 188


The lirst numberin the sequence is equallo the

t(ai rank a Sun princeis supenorlo a
urano thane.
The secondnurnberis e{ual to the oriqinaltotal
1:1,S9rs,l" Gildas's command, inilr.rdingrhe
One entire. hall of the great circular caplatn hims€ll.
room ls
oomtnaled by a hW€ latticed window,
through The thirdnumberis equalto thenumb€rol islands
wnlcn you can see every rooftop
in Zuda. you )n rhe NorthernGulfof the ChaiSea.
138-138 139-140

When you think you know the three digit answer, 139
note down the figures rn order and turn to the The mounted patrol approaches and encircles
section of this book which ls the same as your you. The officer is an aristocraticlookingsoldier
answer with a pencil-thinmoustache,and he looksat your
dishevelledrobes with disdain 'What are four
If you are unable to determine the correct lowly plains-herdersdoing abroad in the city
solution,turn rnsteadto 294. tonight?'he asks.
'We came to deliverhorsesto the barracks,'you
13{t reply. He shakeshis head slowly; he does not
The tall grassgives wag to shorter vegetationas believeyour story. 'You are all under arrest, he
gou draw closerto the ruins. You are riding along says,and with a flick of his riding crop he motions
ihe dried-upriver bed that dividesthis ancientsite his men to dismountand detainyou Gildasis the
when suddenlyyou hear a sound like thundering first to react He grabsthe officerby his sword-belt
hooves.The noise is coming from the north and and pLrllshim out of the saddle You and the others
gou command your companions to rein their follow Gildas'slead,and quicklyyou unhorseand
mounts to a halt. To get a better view, you stand overpower the officer's men. Then you mount
upon your horse'sback and magnrfyyour vision. their horses and gallop away along tlre srreeL,
A tingle of shock mns down the length of gour leavingthe patrol lying unconsciousin the gutter.
spinewh€n you catch sight o[ a group o{ strange To continue,lurn lo 212
creaturesappioachingthe ruins at a terrificpace
They have black bulllike bodies, yet their heads
are crocodilianin shapeand a spikg mane of hair 140
runs the length of their muscular backs They You flip open the tube's hinged lid and shake a
possessfour legs and two forelimbs,tipped with rolled piece of papyrus inio your palm On this
claws, in which they cradle cumbersomelances
crudelypared from the trunksof Vanchoupines-
You inform Gildas of what is approaching the
ruinsand he gaspswith fear. Xanonl'he exclaims
If you wish to stand and fighi these fearsome
creatures,turn to 245
If you wish to attemptto flee lrom them, turn to

141-141 142-743
scrapof materialis a hastilywntten messagefrom I consumedby the searingball of white-hot fire.
Rimoah, telling you that the Claw of Naar musi
not be allowed to fall into the hands ol Autarch Tragically your life and your missionend here in
Sejanoz.He urges you to find and destrogit lf the barracksdungeonof Yua Tzhan
that shouldprove impossible,you must take it to
the city of Pensei.There you shouldmake contact
wrth Lord Ghadra,the Dessianenvoy,and he will 742
see to its deslruction.He will also help you to As you makethe jump, the corporalside-steps and
rehJrnhome to Sommerlund, thrustsat you with his spear lts sharpenedsteeltip
penetrates your rib-cage and you are knocked out
To continue,turn to 310
of th€ saddleby the force of the blow As gou fall,
you strik€ the back of your head on the roao ano
lose consciousness.
raisesthe alarmandyouandgour
Thesergeant Sadly,you neverawaken-Before the rangerscan
companions are quickly surrounded The gate cometo your aid, the corporalstabsagainwith his
guardsencirclegou with a iing o, spears,forcing spearand its tip puncturesyoLrrheart.Your death
you to surrender. Then the ergeant denounces i5 painless.and instantaneous
you as would-bethreves.out to steal their provi
sions, and h€ orders that your weapons and Tragically,your life and your missionend here.
equipmentbe confiscatedbefore yor-rare led away
and thrown into the dungeons
As the heavy door to your cell slams shut, you With a mounting feelingof dread,you follow the
immediatelylook for a way out of lhis grim prison trail into the VanchouForest Upon entering this
chamtrer. You try to pick the lock, but your chill timberlandit becomessirangelysilent, as if
attempt is thwarted when the sergeantand his the beastsand birdswho dwell here can sensethe
guardsreturn. With them is a squadleadero{ the presenceof intruders
lmperial Guard, lhe same man from whom yotr
took the Claw of Naar He is carrying the You have penetratedlittle more than a mile into
accursedartefact, and when the iron door is thrs unwholesomeforest when you come upon
opened, he points it at gou and triggers a fearl the wreckageof a wagon abandonedby the side
some blast of raw energy In the cramped of the irail, A large black crow is perched on its
confinesof the cell, there is no hope ol escaping rot infested tailgate, and ii caws angrily as you
from its terribl€power In the blink of an eye, you approach-
and gour brave companions ar€ engLrlfedand If you possessAnimal Masiery,turn to 329

14L145 146-148
II you do not possess this Crand Master r.ttt
Discipline,turn to 170 You quicldylose yoLrrselvcs in a maze of passage'
waysthat takeyou deep into the heart of the city's
MerchantQuarter.An hour slipsaway beforeyou
stop to catchyour breathoutsidea tavernlocated
You leap over thc bodiesol gour slainenemi€sand
near the city s South Gate You are now a long
rushacrossthe messhall toL"_ards the archwav As
you draw closer,you shout out to the rangersfhat way lrom the Main Square,and you lear the risk
you are coming through They lower their bows of captureif you shouldreturn to the inn to collect
gour horses.Mindfulthat you will nced mountsfor
and give a rousing che€r when th€y see you
the long journcy to Pensei,!,ou resohe to find
rushjngthrough the archwayand along ihe corri-
some new horsesbeforeleavingthe city
dor towardsthern
Gildas draws your attention to the lowly tavern
Upon rejoiningthem, you have goo{l and ill nervs
before which you stand There is a narrow alley
to imparl 'l have retrievedthe Claw of Naar,yet I
that leadsto stableslocaledat the rear Stealthily
fear our troubleshave only just begun. We must
you approachthe stabledoors,aod when you test
make a speedy escape-I sense the enemy are
them with the soleof gour boot, you discoverthey
closingupon us from everyside '
are firmlg locked.
Your instinctsare correct News ol the tight the
'n of l{ yor-rpossessGrand Nexus,turn to 237.
messhall is spreadinglike wildfire, and groups
armed Bhanariansare rushing towardsthis corri- If you do not, turn to 313.
dor from everyquartero[ the barracks Your sitLra-
tion is beginning to look increasinglydesperate
uotil 9ou suddenlysee a way to escdpefrom the
As you hit the ground, the cracklingarc of black
conidor, a way that promises more than Just a
ghmmerol hope flame roars over gour head and gouges a deep
funow along the wall of the trench You cover
Turn to 57. your headwith your arm to protecLyourselflrom
fallingdebris,and you hear ihe squadleaderutter
a cLrrseas he preparesto finishyoll with a second
145 burstol dark fire
A dart thuds into your thigh and you screamwith
pain:lose3 ENDUMNCE points.Grittingyour teeth, To continue,iurn to 43
you take hold of the rusty missile,wrench it lrom
yourieg,and castit asidewiih rewlsion
To continue,turn to 304. You muster your psychrcpowers and launch a
Mindblastal the Autarch.The ternfrcforceol your
spellmakeshim shudder.He releas€shrsgrip, and
th€ rangerslall limply to the floor- Then ne rurns
to faceyou 'Give me the Clawl' he demands,his
voic€ boomingaround the chamber 'Give me the
Claw and I shallspareall your worthlesslives!
If you chooseto obey his command,turn to 35
If you choose to refusehis command, furn to

You leaveyour horsesin the stableand walk
ihrough an arched conidor that opens into the
taproom of the C,oldenTrough Inn A warm lire
and the welcomingsmell ol roastingmeat greets
your entry. The patronsof this establishmentcast
you no more than a cursoryglanceas you make
your way to the counterand atlernptto attractthe
The owner of the tav€rn is a rofund man with
Ireckledcheeksand an easy smile You ask him

As you are leavingthe inn, you are approachedby

a dark-skinnedman wearing a tLlrban.He intro
duceshimself as Fanshallaand says that he is a
tortune-tellerof some renown He produces a
packof cardsfrom his robe and offersto usernem You are approachedby Fanshalla,
to predictyour future. the fortune-teller
l5G15l 152-153
lf you wish to acc€pt the man's offer, rurn ro f it is 5 or higher,
turnto 101.
If you wish to declinehis offer, turn to 62
You enter the stablesand find that it sheltersseven
horses and a mule Gildas uses his €xpertiseto
150 choosethe bestmounts,and you help the rangers
As lhe sun risesover the edsternhorizon,you to equip them with saddlesand bridles When the
catchyour first glimpseof the formidableChai horsesare readyto ride, you motrni up and lead
Wall.Youcastyoureyealongits entirelengthand your companionsin singlefile along the alley
obserw the three great forts of Xian, Kinani, and
Jhung.The tallcr€nellated wallsof FortJhunglie Unfortunately, the noise that you rnade upon
direcdyaheadand, as you speednear to them, entering the stableshas alerted the tavern-k€eper
you obs€rve something else, something un When you passhis bedchamberwindow,he opens
expected andgreatlywelcome,whichmakesgour fire at you with his Bor musket.
Spiritssoar. Pick a numberfrom the Rondom Number Toble.
Turn to 35O lf the number g,ouhave picked is 0-4, h-rrn to
151 If it is 5-9, turnto 131
You recite the words of the Brotherhoodspell
Counterspelland directits powerat the sinister
youngwoman.Yor.rseeher shudderand recoil as 153
the powerof your spellwmhesover her and, for a You draw upon your lyrical skills to darnpen the
short while, the rangersare sparedthe effect of rran's anger with the soothing, hypnotic sound
h€r hlrpnoticvolce.But the us€of this spellleaves of your voice. Under the influenceof your bards-
youwlnerabl€to a suddenpsychicattack.Sensing manship,he suddenlybecomescalm and suscep-
this,thewomanquicklyseizesher chanceto r€tal, tible to your commands-You prompt him to tell
laTE. his cohorts that he has mad€ a grave €rror, that
9ou are not the plainsman who swindled him
Pick a numberfrom the Rondom Number Toble after all, and meekly he complies with gour
lf you possess Kai-screen, add 3 to the number suggestron.
you have picked. If your current eNDUfl,AItcrscore
is 15 or lower,deduct2 His accomplicesare embarrassedby their friend s
mistake, and they offer to buy you and your
lf your tolal scoreis now 4 or less,turn to s|7. companionssome ale Politely you decline their

154-155 756-157

olfer and make your way quickly towards the lMng as best l|ou can off the flora and launa of this
door inhospitable region. By noon o[ the third day you
catch sight oI a stone bridge across the River
Turnto 295. Heng, on the outskirts of a town called Zuda The
rangersare excitedat the prospectof escapingat
7U Iastfrom the mosquitoinfestedwetlands,but their
You are strugglingto free your trapped foot when enthusiasmis dampenedwhen you magnify your
suddenly one of the winged creafures comes vision and take a closer look at this Chai border
swoopingdown from out of the clouds lt is clasp-
ing a large rock in its foreclaws,and as it glides
Turn to 206
overhead,it releasesits grip and lets the rock
hurtletowardsyour helplessform.
If you possessMagi-magic,and wish to use it,
Upon enteringthe t€nted encampment,9ou are
turnto 266 greetedby dozensof Iaughingchildren.They run
ll you possessKaialchemy, and wish to use it, alongside !rcur horses and feed thern with small
turn to 135 handfuls of hay. As you approach the largest tent,
an old man in a s1/€atstained robe emerges and
lf you possessElementalism,and wish to useit,
bids you goodJay. He holds up a wizened hand to
turn to 51
shieldhis pale egesfrom the glare of the midday
If gou possessnone of theseskills,or if gou sun,and he asksif you and your companionswish
choosenot to useangof them,turn to 230 to trade with him-
ll you trade with the old plains herder, turn to
155 181
You sleepwell and wake feelingrefreshedand
points Shortly If you chooseto declinehis offet turn to 58
restore3 ENDUMNCE
afterda!r,n,goubreakcampandsetoff acrossthe
marshlands, headingeast At first the spongy r5 /
groundis a welcom€relieffrom the jaggedrocks The cannon's pressure cylinder erupts like a
and twistedroots that litter the AngfengForest geyser,sprayingthe Bhanarianswith deadlgpieces
Then the marshysoil degenerates inlo a treacher- of jagged shrapnel. Those who are not felled
ous swamp,and you are [orcedto head south in instantly by the Iorce ol the explosion are blinded
searchof firmerterrain. and blistered by jets of scalding steam.
For two daysand nights!'ou trek acrosswetlands, To continue, turn to 47-
158_159 160-161

158 eyedcorporal,and he demandsthat a toll be paid

You whisper the words of the Brotherhood spell before he will allow gou and yoltr ccrntrilnrons
Si/ence and cast it upon ihe area arouno rne acrossthe bridge.
'The price is 5 Ren per rider.thai's 20 Ren lor
all '
If you have20 Ren and wish to pay the rou,rurn
to 241
lf you have no Ren, but gou are willing ro pay
the equivalentprice in Gold Crowns 120
Ren = 2 Gold Crowns),turn to 133.
lf 9oucannoror willrol pav rhebldqe to,. I rrn
Lo297 .

Yourrpa(rionshavebeendu tedby rhp laligupof
Your heart rs poundingwildly in yorrrchesras gou voJr longjourney.Youlall behrndrhe range- ard
race towards the rang€rs on the lar side of the get caughtby the lull force of the mudslideas it
comes thunderingalong the hill road you lose
consclousness the moment you are swept from
your horse.and 9o'r are sparedthe pain of drown_
lng in this mercilessriver of mud
Tragically.gour life and your missioneno nere ln
Pick a number from tf,e Rondom Number Table. the Honah Hills
il the number you have picked is 3 or lower,
turn to 195.
lf it is 4 6, turn to 39 You roll asidebu1lail to avoid the Condas fangs
If it is 7 or higher,turn to 275 that grazeyour neck Gildasreacheslor rlrssworo

You rein your horse to a halt before the sleepy-
762-163 t64-165

With a trembling hand, gou touch your neck and Tragically,your life and your missionend here in
then look to your fingertips They are smeared the barracksof Yua Tzhan
with blood. Nauseawells up from the pit of your
stomach and your vision blurs as the serpents
deadly venom begins to take hold. You draw t&
upon your Magnakai Disciplne of Curing to You unsheatheyour Kai Weapon and spur your
counter the poison, but betore your innate horseto the charge Swiftly you gallop past your
delenceswin Lhe bdrile. you sutler agonicing hypnotisedcompanions,but as you thunderalong
muscle spasms throughout your bodyr lose 5 the track towardsthe sorcerouswoman, goLrare
ENDURANCE points hit by a suddenblastof psychicenetgy
To continue,turn to 335 Pick a numberfrom the Rondorn Number Table-
If you possessKai-screen,add 3 to the number
you have picked
Your bold ploy works The soldier on the other If your toial scoreis now 6 or lower,turn to 25
side of the door obegsyour command,believing
If it is 7 or higher,h..rrnto 208
gou to be his squadleader.
You allow yourself a silent chuckle as you turn
away from the antechamb€r door. Then gou
You leap from the wagon and hrt the flagstoned
Lrnsheathe your Kai Weapon and enter the main
ground, spraining your ankle as you land
chamber,determinednow to confront the squad
awkwardly:lose I ENDURANCEpoint
leaderin his bath.
The rangers come hurrging to gour aid. Gildas
Turn to 260.
and Paviz take hold of you under the arms and
carry you to the cover of a darkened doorway
163 Here you use your Kal healing skills to mend
Strddenlga blinding white light obliteratesyour the torn ligamentsin gour foot, then you turn
vision A terrifyingnLrmbnessspreadsrapidlyfrom your attention to the door against which you
your neck to the solesof your feet, and gou feel are leaning You try the handle and djscover
yourself tumbiing backwards into a fathomless that it is unlock€d.Quicklyyou slip rnsideand
abyss beckonthe rangersio follow. When all of you
ar€ safelyin, you closethe door and draw its
One of the rangers' arrows has pierced your
sturdy bolt.
foreheadand penetratedyour brain. Mercifully,
your deathis swift and painless To continue,turn to 11

165-t68 I69-170
t6 way to the SouthGate.It is open, and the sleepy
Suddenly you recall the dying words of the old guardspayyou no attentionaslrou canterthrowh
hetbalist you encountered in lhe Vanchou Forestl its tall arch and departth€ city. The road beyond
'. . . ond the key will opn the door to my hone passesthroughseraerdoutlyingsettl€mentsbefore
in Zudo. It is colled the Crimson Touer' it b€ginsa gentleclimbinto the HonahHills.
You retrieve the key from your backpacx ano Picka numberfrom the RandomNumberToble.
insertlt lnto th€ dial lt fits, and when you h/vistit,
the heavy door swings inwardswithout a sound If the numberyou havepickedis 0<, turn to
Qulckly you step inside,then beckon the rangers 202.
to follow: 'This way!' ll ir is 5-9, tun to 194.
When all threeare inside,you pushthe heaw door
clos€d and slide its drawbolt across, locking it
securely. You rush towardsthe man and draw back your
To contlnu€,turn 1o 136. rightlegin readiness
to kickoverthe bathtub,But
before gou can land your kick, you find yours€ll
staing into the muzreol a Bor pistol.The squad
L67 le-adergivesyou an evil grin as he squeezes
YourKai sixths€nsewarnsyou that a hostof flying the
w€apons trigger.
cr€afuresare soaring owrhead, obscuredby the
thick blanketof cloud.Hurriedlyyou warn the Picka numberfrom the RondomNumberToble.
rangersof their presenceand they take cover If gou possess
add 1 to the
amongthe boulders.Your $ariftaction savesrnem numberyou havepicked.
from beingdetectedbt, the wingedbeasts,but as If your total score is now 2 or lower, turn to
the lastol therr numberpassesoverhead,!,ou see
something thatmakesyourskinpricklewithdread
II it is 3-8, hrrnto 307
Turnto 295.
l[ it is 9 or higher,turnto 190.
You enter the stablesand discowr sewn horses 770
anda mule.Gildas|.rseshis exp€rtiseto choos€the Yo.r contine alorg tle t-ail untl you s€€ a distant
b€st mounts,and you help the rangersto €quip fi$re slardins in [le middl€ of the nm€d b-dck.As
themwrthsaddl€sand bridles.Whenthe horsesar€ gou draw clo6er,yolr skin pri:kles with a $dd€n
readyto ride,you leavethe stablesand makeyour prernonitionof dangerwtEn tlou seethat tt€ fi re is
f 17t-172
a beautifulyoung uroman, Sh€ has milly v,rhitesl<in
anda maneof glinenirg hair that car-dac arourd her
slenderbody. She is u,rap@ in a flowing gos:amer
robe and her dark elqs glimmer as she beckonslrcu
to come cloeerwith a soft, hgpnoticr.oice.
lf you possessKai-screen,turn to 32.
If you do not, h.rrnto 223

A burningpainshootsfromthe frontof yor.rreyes
to therearof yourhead:los€2 ENDURANCE points.
You reel back in shock and quickly you muster
your Kai curingskillsto nurnbthe pain ano restore
your injuredsight. But as your vision is rehrrning,
gou hear a loud crashoI breakingglass,ano your
companionscry out in shockand alarm, You Iear
a steamtun proiectile has smashei lhrough the
lower'sgreatglasswindow,bul whenyour vision
clears,9ouseethat it is somethingfar larger. . .
and far worsel
Turnto 200.

thestraining andsendyour
arrow whistling towards the beast's open jaw.
Desperatelylt h,,/istsits loathsome head away from
the on-rushingmissile,but it cannot escapeyour
unerring aim. The arrow enters the beast's left
eye-slit and s€ndsthe creafure somersaulting head
o\rer tail, out of conhol. You dive aside to avoid
being crushed beneath its plummeting body, but A beautihrl young woman beckons you closer
you are grazed by its body-spikeswhen it hits and with her soft, hlrpnotic voice.
773-77 4 175_].76
bouncesoff the rocks: iose 2 ENDURANCE
points. 775
To continue,to 18. Quickly you refiieve the pohon fronr ycrur
backpack,flip open the stopper,and down it all in
one gulp Instanfly,the nauseasubsidesand you
773 feel new strength coursingthrough your aching
Before you releasegor.t arrow, 9ou intone the words limbs: restore4 ENDURANCE points.
of the OId Kingdom sp€ll Penetrate Then you send
llour missile whis{ing across the mess hall towards To continue,turn to 48.
the distant steam-cannon It strikes the cylinder and
it puncfuresits iron skin with delastahng effect. 776
Turn to 29. Gildas obeys gour command and reluctantlyhe
returns the arrow to his quiver. Cautiously you
dismount and approach the misshapencreature
You and your companionsracealong the alleyway on foot, for yoLlsensegour horseis too frightened
and lose yourselvesin the maze of passagesand to venture any closer to its lair. Using your
tunnels that infest this quarter of Yua Tzhan. MagnakaiDisciplineof Divination,you attempt to
When you are sure that the City Guard have lost communicate with the creature telepathically.
your trail, you halt beneaththe light of a tavern Your patienceand your effort is soon rewaroeo
lantern, heal your wounds, and consult your when you hear its true voice speakingto you in
Sigenese compass Your mind is now focused 9OUrmlncl.
upon the task of finding and retrieving the Claw of
Yor-rlearn that this 'creature' is human It is the
Naar before Autarch Sejanoz arrives in the crty
victim of an evil spell cast by the vampiric shape-
You set off in the direction indicated by the
changerthat you encounteredon the foresttrack.
compass needle, and it leads you towards the
You ask if there is angthingyou can do to alleviate
military quarter located to the east of the main
its wretchedcondition,and you are shockedwhen
square Here yorufollow a broad avenue lined with
closed shop doorways and soon arrive at a busy 9ou hear its plaintivereply
barracks.The compass,and your Kai sixth sense, 'Strike me with gour blode, kind sir.Deol me o
b6th tell you that the Claw of Naar is located mortal wound so thot my soul mog be freed
somewhereinsidethis troop-infestedbuilding from this hellish torment '
If yoLr wish to try to find a wa9 to enter the If you wish to strike the creature with gour Kai
barracks undetected, hrrn to 81. Weapon,turn to 321
If gou decide to observe this building from the If you choosenot to strike the qeafure, turn to
cover of an unlit doorwav- [rn lo 242 114
177-77a 179-179

r77 Pick a ntrmberfrom the Rondom Number Table.

You force the doors back to allow enough room for If you possessAssimilance,add 3 to the number
a horse to passthrough, then you enter the stables gou have picked. If yoLl possess Grand
and searchthe upper and lower floors. You discover Huntmastery,add 1
sevenhorsesand a mr.rle,and tack enough to equip
them all. Gildasuseshis expertiseto choosethe best If gour total scoreis 2 or lower,turn to 8.
mounts, and you help the rangers to fit them with If it is 3 or highet turn to 211
saddlesand bridles When the horses are ready to
ride,you leavethe stablesand makeyour way to the
South Gate- It is open, and its sleepy guards pay r79
you no atiention as you canter through ih tall arch You rise at dagbreakand readg gourself for a long
and depart the city The road begond pass€s march south across the st Bhanarian Plain
through severaloudying settlementsbelore it begins Using your Kai tracking skills,you have no diffi-
a gentle climb into the Honah Hills culty lollowing the trail that has been left by the
Pick a number from the Random Number Table Imperial Guards Their footprints can clearly be
seen upon the surlace of a dusty track that cuts
lf the number you ha!€ picked is H, turn to across the rolling grasslands.
m2. As you march along this derelict plains road, you
If it is 5 9, turn to 194. are bathed b9rthe warm rays of the rising sun It is
a beautifulday, yet you notice that your compan-
ions are in a sad and sombre mood. They are
va mourningthe lossof their comrade,Durasso,and
You draw upon gour mastery o{ Elementalism to they do not feel much like talking.
car.rsethe fire to flare wildly The sudden flash of
flamesscattersred hot coalsacrossthe floor, and
someignitea leg of the dining table. Grippedby a
suddenpanic, the soldiersleap from their seats
and attempt to put out the fire with cloaks and
mugsof ale.
In the confusion,none of them see you enter the
mess hall. You take cover behind a stand of
armour, then you draw upon your Magnal.Gi
Disciplineof Invisibiliiyto help keep you hidden
beforeyou attempt to reach the far door.
180-181 la2-ta2
Fifteen miles lrom the Darnmerdon foothills, you alter your horseswhile you e)<amrnethe wares and
come to a wooden bridge that crossesa stteam o[ trinketsthat are stored inside.Gildasnudgesyou
sparklingwater Here you lose your enemy's trail and points to a rickety table that rs heaped with
for the track has been frest y churned by dozens simple stiawroloured robes, much-favouredby
of hoof prints. You magnify your vision and scan Bhanarian plainsmen 'Ma5foea wrsepurchase,Sir
the far horizon, but all that you *p are a few Kai? he mutters. 'l fear our tunics ma9 arous€
roving black Bhanarian stallions You check the suspicionthe further south we venture' You nod
trail once morc, and then your heart sink wh€n in agr€ementand ask the old man how much he
suddenlgyou realizethat gour enemy must hav€ wantsfor four robes
caph.rred someof thes€fine wild horses.If they are
now travellingon horseback,your only hope of 'One hundred and twenty Ren, kind sir,' he
catchingthem will rest on your ability to capture replies, cheerflrlly.
four wild stallons for yours€l\res. The old man's price is the equivalentto 12 Gold
If you possessAnimal Mastery,turn to 27 Crowns.The rangersdo not have any money, so
il yoLrwish to purchas€thesegarmentsyou must
If vou do not. turn to 349. pay the full price-
If yoLrcan affold to pay the man's price, urn ro
180 2&.
As you gallopthrough stables,
the youdrawupon
your Kai Masteryof Elementalism to stir up the If youdo not havesuflicient GoldCrownsto pay
strawthat littersthe floor aroundthe exit. The for the robes,turn to 45
trooperswho are attemptingto bar your escape
are blinded by thls sudd€nwhirlwind of debns r82
They are forcedto abandontheir attemptto close Quicklyyou recitethe wordsof the Brotherhood
the doors, and yor..rare able to make good a spellMind Chorm and dlrect its power at the
speedyescapeinto the street beyond.As you angrysergeantUnderthe influence of yourspell,
gallopthroughthe opendoorwag,you steeryour he calmsdownand becomessusceptible to your
hors€to the right and then race away along a mentalcommands. Youtellhim thatyouandyour
dark.cobblestoned street. companions are agmts from the Autarchs court
Turn to 14 in Ota\ai, senthere to checkthe barrack before
his aniual tomonow. Wilhout questioninq!'our
181 claim, he step6asideand allowsyou to enter the
The old man hvrlesyou andyour companions to banack
enterhistent Youdismount,ard the childrenlook Turnto 110-

183-184 185_186

1&l they slow lhe river's flow However, the enemy

You signal to the rangersto halt and dismount guardingthis bridgeis esp€ciallyvjgilant.Theg are
Then you requestthem to help move one of the expectingand watchingfor your approach
i pillarsinto ihe middle of the track. They look at
you quizzically, but they do not question your I[ you wish to attempt to swim acrossthe river,
comrnand.When you have completed this rask, turnto 100.
you call upon gour improved Kai Mastery of If you chooseto attempta crossingbeneaththe
Elementalismto suffound the pillar with d power- bridge,turn to 261
ful electrical charge. You sense that the Autarch's
squadare now little more than five miles distant,
and it is your hope that this trap may delay them l6D
when they pass through the t alley.
Gildas questions your actions and l|ou explain
them to him as you remount your horsesand ride
along the ualley trail towards a distant ridge.
Pick a nnmber from the Rondom Number Toble. To continue,tum to 39_
If the number you have picked is H, turn to
u2 186
lf it is 5-9, turnto 21.

You decide to wait unlil nightfall before maxrng
9our attemptto crossthe River Heng. During the
day you scout the river bank and you determine guards.lmmediatev,gou and the others sllpport
lhal there are only hlo ways to cross. Both are hisattackanda desperate
You can suim across the river, but the current is COMMTSKLL35 ENDURANCE 39 i
last and treacherous. Or 5roucan attempt to cross
I at the bridge. The road is blocked by soldiers,
makinga crossingby that way lmpossible.But you
can attempt a crossing b€low the bridge. Its
You.may add +2 to your coMBATsXrLLlor the
duralion of this fight due to the support you
receve lrom yout rangercompanions.
Supporting stone pillars are closely spaced and I[ !|ou win the combat,turn to 41. c
i-1[ I
t'. I
When the Xanon are only 2O metres from the
wall, you command the rangersto open fire All
threeanows find therrmark and the leadingbeasts
staggerand fall Shockedby the sr-rdden death of
their brothers, the following creatures tuin to
r€treatfrom the rangers'deadlybows But as they
pull backto the outskirtsof the ruins,you suddenly
becomeawareo[ a new threat
Some of the Xanon have left the main group and
ridden in a wide arc around the ancient site in
order to come up behindyour position You hear
their leader snorting grumy as he leaps into the
ruined hall and quicklg you spin around to face
him You raise yoLrrKar Weapon and courageously
you l€ap lorward to block hrm trefore he can
Iar.rncha surpriseattack upon the back of your
three companions
Tr-rrnto 270.

A searingpain shootsfrom the froni of your eyes
Io the rear of your head:lose 4 ENDUMNCE points
You reel back in agony and quicldy muster your
Kai curing skills to numb the terribl€ pain, and
restoreyour damagedsighl Bui as your vision is
returning,9ou hear a loud crashof breakingglass,
and your companions cry out with shock and
alarm You fear a steam gun projectile has
smashedthrough the tower's great glasswrndow,
but when your vision rehrrns, you see that it is
somethingfar larger - and far worsel
The attackingXanon are surprisedb9 your volleg
Turnto 200. of arrows.
tag-192 r93_195
189 If you survivethis wounding turn ro 68
An arrowhitsyou in the lelt arm barelymoments
beloreyou reachthe saletyof the darkenedalley
way. lose 3 LNDUMNCL
points 193
The tip of a dart grazesyour thigh, making you
To continue,turn to 174 grit your leeth aga'nsithe stingingpain: lose 1

190 To continue.turn to 304

You dodge1o the right, and all at once there ls a
flashand a deafeningbang You feel the lead ball
Irom the sqr-radleader's pistol rip through your 794
loose robe. lt passesbeneath your armpit and Shortly before midnight, you approach a toll
:tikeqrhp fdr wall wilhoul rausingyou any rnjury bridge that traversesa deep gorge The entrance
to this bridge is blockedby a singlepole barrier,
To continue,turn to 204 and on either side of tlle obstructionare parnted
wooden shacks,adornedwith flickeringlanterns
191 The soldierswho guard this bridge are asleep
Your sweeping blow miss€s and, in the nexi inside the shacks and they farl to hear you
instant,a blindingflashof white light engullsyour approachrngYou decrdeto jLrmpyour horseover
visionas the rock slamsinto yourJaw.A numbness the barrierand you call 10Gildasand the othersto
engulfsyour sensesand you feel yourselltumbling follow your lead
headlirst rnto a deep, dark abyss Picka numberfrom the RondomNumber Toble
The rock has shatieredyour jar.vand knockedyou If you possessAnimal Control. add 2 to the
unconsciousUpon seeingyor-rrlimp and helpless numberyou have picked
form, the flying creature swoops in lor the kill If your toial scoreis now 0-1, turn to 42
Mercifully,you are spared the agong ol death as
this rLlthless
denizenol lhe Doomlandsrendsyour If it is 2 or higher,hrrn to 90
body in two
Sadly,your life and your missionend h€re 195
The Bhanarianguardsmenreact quicklyand soon
they are followrngcloselyon gour heels as gor..r
r92 race throughthe copse When you breakfrom the
One of thc steam'gunprcjectilesgrazesyour left coverof lhe lrees the nearestenemywarrior hurls
jeg: lose 2 ENI)LjRANCE
points his spearat your Jleeingback Your Kai sixth sense
196-197 t9&199
alerts you to the flying missile and you dodge the cards, 9or.rnotice he is wearing a distinctive
aside,but the tip of the speargougesgour shoul blacksignetring engravedwith a tiger'shead.You
der and sendsyou turnblinghead first into the long suspect this man is secretlg one of Sejanozs
grass:lose 3 ENDURANCE Points agents. When he asks whg you have come to Yua
Tzhan, Gildas placeshis hand on yotrr shoulder
To continue, turn to 85 and sugg€ststhat it is time you should be leaving
If you possessKai-alchemg,turn to 120.
Above the clangingof the alarm bell, you hear a If you do not possessthis skill, or if you choose
gruff command to halt You glance over your not to use it, turn to 15
shoulder and see a Bhanarian guard framed in the
jagged window through which you have made
your escapefrom the mess hall corridor. He is
As you makethe Jump,the corporalside-steps and
almed with a Bor musket, and when you and gour thrusts at you with his spear.lts sharpenedsteel tip
companioosignore his order to stop, he raiseshis grazesyour rib cage (lose 2 ENDURANCE points).
cumbersome weapon to his shoulder and
dischargesa shot at your fleeingback Your horse sails acrossthe barriet and the rangers
jump their mountsover it with consummateease.
Pick a number from the Rondom Number Table The angry cries of the corporal quicklg fade into
lf you possessAssimilance, add 2 to the number the distanceas yoLrleavethe bridge and follow the
you have picked.
road up into the hills beyond.
If your total scoreis now 0, turn to 335.
Turn to 272
lf it is 1-4, turn to 102
If it is 5 or higher,turn to 82. 79
You speak ihe words of the Brotherhood spell
Lightning Hand and level your right arm at the
t97 cteature'shead.A cracklingarc of electricalpower
The man invites you to sit at his tabl€ and then he leaps from yor.rr hand and connects with the
proceeds to shuffle and deal or.tttwelve cards from
beast'sjaw, its raw power causing the creafure to
his deck and place them face up before you. They lose all control. With a sickening crunch, the
each featire intricate designsand symbolsthat you helplesscreature collideswith the rocky wall of the
have never seen before. Predictably, he assures mountainpassand then tumblesout of view
you in a syrupg tone that you shall enjoy health,
wealth,and great happiness.As he is pointing to To continue, to 18.
You see the learsome figure of Autarch Sejanoz
come stepping through the chamber'sshattered
window. He alights from the platform of his
goldensky chariotwhich hoverssilentlybesidethe
tower. Sheathedfrom neck to toe in black and
goldenarmour.this warrior standsan arm's length
tallerthan you and your companions A greattiger
helm concealshis face and behind him swirls a
voluminous scarlet cloak Only his hands are
visibleand they seem sirangelyat odds with the
grand scale and design o[ his armour They are
witheredand iwisted like claws,the skin wrinkled
and crackedlike burnt parchment.Hanging over
them are lour long, cuwed, needlelike claws of
steel that sprout from the back of the golden
bracerswhich encasehis wrists
Grldasand his men reach for their bows and fire
repeatedlyat the ALrtarch,9et every arrow theg
sendagainsthim endsshattered From the visorof
his helm theie issuesa thin, chilling laugh: 'You
cannot kill me with your sharpenedsiicks, yolr
fools!' Upon hearing this. Paviz and Yalin drop
their bows and unsheathe their blades. Paviz
shoutsa much practicedcue, and together they
attack the Autarch, striking simultaneouslyfrom
With stunning swiftness,Sejanoz retaliates-He
reachesout and grabseachman by the throat with
his cadaveroushands, and raises them several
inches from the floor. With a series of metallic
clicks,the needle-claws extend and turn inwards,
punciuringtheir jugular veins Their facesblanch Grldas'men are powerlessin the grip of the
as their blood is drained,and not a drop is spilt mightg AutarchSejanoz.

201-202 203-204

You are shockedby the spectacleof the Autarch's the soundof yot.rrhorses'hooves.Fearingyou to
vampiricattack,and gour sensesscreamat you to be a surprise inspection bg their commanding
act to save lour brave companiorrs before it is too officer, they grab their sp€ars and stumble out oI
tare. the shack A5 they draw thems€lvesup in an
untidy line before the barrier,their corporalraises
l[ you possessKai-alchemy,and wish to use it, his hand, commanding9ou to halt
iurnto 75.
I1 you wish to stop before the barrier, turn to
lf gou possessMagi-magic, and wish to use it, 159.
turn to 2Sl
ll you wish to attemptto jump gour horse over
If you possessKai-surge,and wish to use it, turn the baryier and ride across the bridge
to 148. beyond,turn to 38.
lf yoLr possess none of these skills, or if you
choose not to use any ol them, turn to . 203
Patientlg,you watch and walt until the skyshipand
201 its attackershave disappearedfrom view before
D-rsk soon approaches ard you resolve to rehm you break cov€r and searchfor the metallicfub€.
to the ancientruinsio s€t up a camp for the night. Alter sevemlminutes,lrou discoverit lodgedin a
At first light you beglna long rlde south,guidedby jagged outcrop protruding from the wall of the
your Siyenesecompass. Judging by the steady ravine,some 6 metresbelow the rim.
course that you follow, you hazard a guessthat the Aide/ by your tracking skills and natural agiliBr,
enemy are heading towards the cityrof Yua Tzhan. 5roudescend the steep gully wall and retri€ve the
If you possessAstrology,turn to 332 steeltube You tuck it into gour belt and then climb
back to the top of the ravinebelore you examine
If you do not possess this Grand Master what the tube contains
Discipline,turn to 232.
Turn to 140.

Shortly before midnight, you approach a toll 2M
bridge that haverses a de-epgorge. The entrance With surprising agility, the squad leader leaps from
to this brilge is blocked by a single pole barrier, his bath h-rbard attacks you with the butt of his
and on either side of the obstructionare painted empty pistol. In the ensing stnrggle, 9ou deal him
wooden shacks,adorned with flickeringlanterns. a deep and mortalwound to the chest The force of
The soldiers who guard this bridge are awoken by your blow sendshim tumbling backwardsto collide
205-206 206-206
with the tub lt tips otJerand a torymt of water The tiger's headflag of AutarchSejanoznow flies
cascades into the fire His dying criesminglewith over Zuda.This bordertown hasbeenoverrunby
the loud hissingoI steamas the bath water extin- his army withln the last 24 hours. At firsl yo;
guishesthe fire ard si?zl€son the red-hotgrate- suspe.t that this cor-rldbe the start of a war
betweenBhanarand Chai,but your Kai s€ns€stell
You sheatheyour blade and your Kai s€nsestell youlhar this is no ondinaryrnilitaryoperation.This
l'ou that you are now very close lo lhe Claw of army hascome here for one purpose- to ensure
Naar You look at lrour Silrenes€compassonce the recoveryol the Clawof Naar
again,and lrou seethat its needleis pointing to a
paintingwhich hangsabovethe fireplace, You hold sombrecouncilwith the rangersand try
to determineho,/,,best to proceedfrom here. 'l
To continue,turn to 137

YoustooDto examinethe curlous.kee like shrub
ard gour Grand MasterDisciplineenablesyou to
recognizeits red and y€llol leaves.
'This is a Klorva tree,' you say, confidently. 'fts had remarkableforesight.He constructeda formi-
leavescontain a powerful healing agent tllat is dable$alllo deterAutarchS€janozfrom in!,ading
strongerthanLaumspur' his peacefulrealm.It has servedChai well for
Therearesufficient leaveson thissmalll{rorvarree manycenturies.'
for 1 dose.If gou wish to plck and keep them, YouthankGtldasfor thls historylesson,our you
record the Klotua on your Action Chort as a questionit5 accuracy.'l was taughtat the Kai
Backpackltem. When s,wallowedafter sustaining
an injury, Klorvawill r€store6 ENtxJRANcEpoints,
To continu€,hrrnto 24O.

Youobser\€that the bridgeat ada is occlpied b9
Bhanariansoldie6.Their tentedencamprnents are r
dottedaroundthe approachroad and riwr bank,
andthe line oI their supplywagonsstretchesaway
lo the west.
207-208 209-217

Monasterythat the r€ign of Khea Khan Xo was trom sustainingany s€rious damage from this
more than a thousandyearsago Surelghis enemy opportunisLic
assaultrlose 2 ENDUMNCE
th€n w-asnot the same Autarch Sejanoz who rules
Bhanarnow? To continue, hrn to !16
'Ah, but he is!' repliesGildas.'Sejanozhas ruled
this land for 3,000 years Legend sags that he 209
enteredinto a pact with Agarashthe Damned ln You shoul ar the rangers.commandingthem lo
refurn for his soul he received. . immortality.' hold their lire. bul ir is already loo late.
Desperatelgyou throw yourselfto the ground as
As you look upon the flag of Ar.rtarchSejanoz their featheredshaftscome streakingtowardsyou.
fluttering high above the buildings of Zuda, a Two of their arrows clip and gougeyour llesh as
growingsenseof forebodingcreepsupon you and you strikethe stone floor and roll to a halt lose 4
it leavesa chill in your blood ENDURANCE points.
To continue,turn to 184. lf you havesurvivedthis wounding,turn to 269

207 270
You are making gour way through the crush ol You roll aside and your quick reflexessave gou
soldiersand wagondriverswhen suddenlya Guard irom the Conda'sdeadlyfangs.Gildasreachesfor
Sergeantblock your path
'H€y, youl'he growls, pushing gou forcefullgin
the chestwith th€ heel of his hand 'Where'syour
II you possessa Tiger Ring, and wish to show it You whisperyour thanksto Gildasas he wipes hrs
to the menacingsergeant,iurn to 320. bladeon the grubbysleeveof his tunrcand slipsrt
silentlyback into its scabbard.
Ii gou possessa Gold Talisman,turn to 87
Turn to 335
lf you possessneitherof theseitems,hrn to 55

M You reachthe far door without b€ings€en Silently
The woman launchesa bolt of psychicenergythat you hvistits copper handleand €nter a smananre- t
i strikesat the core of your mind. Fortunately,gour chamb€rthat is hung wilh tapestries.Begondthis ;
I mentaldefencesprove strong enoughto saveyou smallroom is an archwaythroughwhich you catch I
I 212-273
sight of part of a sumptLrousbedchamber.You
detectthe soundof splashingwatei and the sweet
aroma of perfumedbath oils YoLrcan also detect
the powerful aura of evil which radiatesfrom the
Claw of Naar.
Cautiouslgyou approach the archway and peer
aroundits car.;edframe. Bathing in a large tub of
soapywater set before a blazinglog fire, 9ou see
the squad leader You sense that ihe Claw is
somewhereclose to him, but gou cannot see it.
Suddenlyyou are startledby a loud knock on the
door behindgou
If gou wish open the door, turn to 73-
lf you decideto lock the door, you can draw its
bolt by turning to 217

Guidedby your pathsmanship and trackingskills,
you leadthe rangersto the SouthGate of Yua
Tzhan. Here you are able to depart the city
unchallenged,along a road that passesthiough
the HonahHills
Picka numberfrom the RondomNumberTable
lf the numberyoLrhaveprckedrs 0-4, turn to
lf it is 5-9, turn to 194.

Your command comestoo late to prevent Gildas You discoverthe squadleaderbathingin a tub of
from letting slip his bowstring. His arrow arcs soapywa|er
2t4-274 215-217
towardsthe creatureand strikesit in the centreof 215
its bulbous body. With a chilling cry, the beast Silentlyyou recite the words of the Brotherhood
crumplesto the ground and beginsto shrink and spell Mind Chorm and direct its power at your
change.Within the spaceol a few fleetingseconds angry accus€r-Under the influenceof your spell,
the transformation is comPlete, and you find he suddenlybecomescalmand susceptibleto your
yourselfstaringwith disbeliefat the woundedbody mental commands.You prompt him to tell his
of a frarlold man. cohorts that he has made an error, that 9ou are
not the plarnsmanwho swindledhim after all, and
Instinctively,gou leap from your horseand rush to
meeklyhe complieswith your psychicsuggestion.
the old man's side. Cradhnghis greying head in
the crook of gour arm, 9ou attempt to relievethe His accomplicesare €mbarrassed by their friend's
pain of his chest wound by the use of your Kai mistake, and they offer to buy you and gour
healingskills companionssome ale Politely you decline their
offer as you make your way towardsthe door
lf you possessDeliverance.hrrn to 10.
Turn to 295
lf you do not, turn to 264.

274 The rock is deflectedby the gust of ait but as it
As you gallopthroughthe stables, tumblespast, it glancesgour righi shoulderand
intonethe words of the Old Kingdom spellPotoer rips open the sleeve of your tunic, lose 1
Word and shapeyour mouth in readinessto utter ENDURANcE Point-
it: Gloor!
To continue,turn to 339.
The concussiveenergy of your spellword strikes
one of the trooperswho is attemptingto bar gour
escape,and it sendshim cartlheeling acrossthe 277
strawcoveredground. His companion slamsshut QuickJyyou draw the bolt and, as you step away
his door, blockinghalf of lhe archway,but there is from the door, you hear the squadleadercall olrt
stillspaceenoughfor you and gour companionsto in responseto the l(I1ock,'Enterl'
makegood gour escapeinto ihe streetbeyond.As
you gallop through the narrowed exit, 9ou steer The door shuddersand the handle turrb as al
your horse to the right and race away along a attempt is madeto enter lhe ante chamber
dark, cobblestonedstreet- lf you possessKai-alcherng,turn to 24'l. !
Turn to 14 lf you do not, turn to 28 t
218-219 220-220
218 and they seem vaguelyfamiliar They are similar in
Youhand over the gold crownsand the traderslips design and purpose to those found ai the helm of
the coins into the pocket of his apron Then you Cloudioncer, albeiton a smallelsimplerscaleYou
and your companronseach take one of the loose- place your right hand on a sparldingsphere, but as
fitting robes and slip them on over youl tunics you are pushing it forward to make the charioi
The thin, hooded garmentsare large enough to advance, a handful of the lrnperial Guards in the
concealyourbackpacksand weapons,and you are courtyardbelow fire a volley of projectilesat you
pleasedto discoverthat they do not hamper your
The Autarchhas giventhe orderj he is determined
not to let you get awag
Having concludedyour business,yoLl thank th€ Prcka numberfrom the Random Number Toble
trader and brd him farewell.Then yoLrleavethis lf gou possessAssimilance,add 2 to the number
villageand continuegour ride south you have picked
Turn to 118. If your total scoreis now 0, lurn to 123
lf it is 1-3, turn to 300
You smashthe head of the Claw againstthe floor lf it is 4-7, turn to 254.
to remove the burning log, and then tuck the
ll it is 8 or higher,turn to 192.
artefactin your belt Below, gou can hear the door
to the tower being blown off its hingesand an old
fear returns to chill your blood. The Auiarch's 220
guards are storming up the stairs; it rs onlg a Quicklyyou refurn to CaptainGildasano orscover
matter of secondsbefore they enter the chamber. thal RangerDurassohasbeenkilled,and Sergeant
Your incLinclstell yoLr to save your unconscious Pavizbadlywoundedby the Claw s secondblastof
companions,but gour rational mind tellsyou that powet You use your Magnakathealing skills to
this is now impossible;there is only time enough staLtnchthe flow of blood from the serg€ant's
to saveyourself You bid them a sad farewellas woundedarm, and th€n yoLrscan the trail leading
you run towardsthe open window and leap out on south from lhe pass lor signs oi Lhe escaping
to the platform of the Autarch's sky-chariot enemysquad.ln the failinglight you glimpsetheir
Below, you glimpsethe lmperial Guardsgathered black-cladforms hurrying away along the trail
aroundthe body of the Autarch To your amaze which headstowardsthe BhanarianPlain
ment. 9ou s€e that theg are helpingth€ir leaderto Gildasand his rangersare too shakento attempt
his teet. Sejanozis still alive an immediatepursuit and so you allow them to
Quicklg yoLi look to the controls of the sky-chariot rest and recover their strength. When you cast

221-222 223-223
your eye towardsthe ravinewhere Cloud dancer leg o[ the table and. gripped by a suddenpanic.
was hidden, before jt was attackedby the flying the soldiersleap from their seatsand attempt to
horde, your sixth sensesuddenlyinforms gou that put oul the flameswith rhpircloaksand rheir mugs
there is something waiting for you there of ale
:ll To continue,turn to 13- In the conftuion, none of them see gou enter the
L mess hall. You take cover behind a stand of
armour, then you draw upon your Magnakai
227 Disciplineof Invisibilityto help keep gou hidden
You shoulderyour bow, then gou speakthe words
beforeyou attempt to reachrhe far door.
I of the Brotherhood spell Lightning Hand and
li point your right hand at a pool of oil on the Pick a numberfrom the Rondom Number Table
H groundin front ol the chargingXanon An aic of l{ you possessAssimilance,add 3 to ihe number
cracklingblue energg hits the black puddle and you have picked. lf you possess Grand
ignitesthe oil with a teirific t,l/hoomphl,sendinga Huntmastery,add 1.
searingball of flame and blacksmokesoaringinto
If your total scoreis 2 or lower,furn to 8.
the air. The heat of the fireballforcesthe Xanon
io retreat, but as they pull back, 9ou suddenlg If it is 3 or higher,turn to 211
becomeawareof a new threat,
iii SomeXanon haveriddenin a wide arc arormdthe
ruinsand havecome up behindyour position.You 223
You detect that the woman is attempting to
hear their leadersnorting gruffly as he leapsinto
ensnareyou with a powerful mind charm. You
the ruined hall, and you spin aroundto face him.
draw upon your MagnakaiDisciplineof Psi-screen
Hurriedlg,you unsheatheyour Kai Weapon and
to block her spell and gou are able to resisther
leap forurard to block his path before he can
mesmericcommands,but the effort drains gour
launcha surpriseattack upon the back of your
i. three companions
mentalenergy:los€ 2 ENDUMNCE points.
I Unfortunatelg, your companions do not possess
To continue,turn to 270.
i your strongpsgchicdefencesand they continueto
ride along the track, lured on by her hgpnotic
222 voice. You call out to them to halt but they seern
ii You use the power of your GrandMasteryto oblivious to gour presence. You must act quickly if
I dislodgethe spit that supportsthe roastingside of you wish to savethem from her sinisterspell.
beef. lt collapsesinto the fire, scatteringred hot lf you possessa Bow, and wish to use it, turn to
coalsacrossthe floor. Some of the coalsignite a 3t2.
!t I
224-225 225-22s

lf you possessKai-alchemy,and wish to use it' the cage. It is not until their lead€r smiles and
turn to 151 revealshis white teeth that 9ou realizethey are
human. The many weeks that these Sigen€se
If you possessMagi-magic,and wish to use it, rangershave spent in the hell of the Doomlands
turnto 53 have exacted upon them a heaw toll
If you possessElementalism,and wish to use it, 'Greetings,Lord Rimoah,' saysthe leader 'l am
hirn to 124 Captain Gildas of the King's Ranger Regiment,
ll you possessKai-surg€,and wish to use it, turn and theseare mg men - SergeantPaviz,Rang€r
to 281 Durasso,and Ranger Yalin- We're glad you ve
anruedbeforethe enemy,thoughbg no more than
If you possessnone of these skills, or if you a few hoursat best '
choose not to use them, or a Bow, turn
insteadto 164. Captain Gildas looks at you and bows his head
relerentb. 'We're honouredby your presence,Sir
Kai. I was lucky to be in Seroa last year when
224 Karvaswas crowned King, and I witnessedyour
You useyour Kai Masteryio commandthe ghasuy knighthoodin the PalaceSquare We Siyenesewill
creafureto Spii out your rope ano swlm away be forever in your debt for ridding us of that
Pick a number from the Random Number Toble usurper- Baron Sadanzo.'
For everv level of Kai rank you have attained You thank the RangerCaptainfor his compliment
abovethe rank of Kai Grand Gr.rardian, add 1 to and tell him that 9ou have come here wrth Lord
the number you have picked. Rimoah to help capture the Claw of Naar. It rs
If your total score is now 6 or lower, turn to I vital that Sejanozbe denied th€ CIaw,' you say
315. earnestly,'. , at all costs'
to 276
lf it is 7 or higher,Ir.r/.n 'Fearnot, Sir Kai,' he replieswith confidence We
have laid a hap to ensnarethe enemy and their
foul relic They'll not get out of SundererPass
225 Come, we shallshowyou what we haveprepared,
lnstinctivelyyou reach for th€ hilt of your Kar but first gou must concealyour skyshipbefore the
Weapon, br.rtRimoah stays gour hand Hold, enemy arrive Look over there, Lord Rimoah,'
Grand Master, These are nol our enemies saysGildas,pointingto a distantravine,'that gullg
they'reour friends.' is deceptrvelydeep. It will swallow your ship
The for.rr gaunt, grey, grime-encrusted{igures without trace You must hide it there. But first,
leavetheir hiding ptacesand move slowlytowards may I ask a favour?'Rimoahnods in reply
l 226-226
l 'Oui provisions are exhausted We have some
water,but we've had nothing to eat for dags Can
you sparesome food beforeyou depart?
'Of cours€,Captain,'repliesRimoah.'l'll havethe
bo'sundrop provisionsthis instant.'
Rimoah climbs into the boarding cage and is
winched up to the rear ded<,ol Cloud-doncer.
Within minutes, the cage descendsonce more,
laden with food and water. With a gleelul cry,
Gildasthrows open the cagedoor and he and his
men Leap upon the provisions like ravenous
wolws What little they fail to consumeimmedi-
ately they stow away in their empty backpacksfor
As Cloud-dancermovesoff to seekcover rn rne
disiant ravine, Captain Gildas leads you to the
moLrthof SundererPassand showsyou the prepa
rationsthat he had his men hav€ made ln readi-
nessto ambushthe enemy squad
To continue,furn to A?l

You retreat before the advancing lmperial
Guardsmen until your backs are pressed against
the baseof the ciimsontower. Gildaseallsfor grou
io look behind, and when gou glance over your
shoulder,you see that there is a red door set flush
into the tower wall. Forcefully you push the door
but it will not open. Then you notice a dial set in
the middle of its surface, and in the centre of the
Four gaunt, grime-€ncrustedfigures leave the dial is a small keyhole. The rangers load their bows
cover of the rocks and move towards goLr and fire repeatedlyat the advancinggJardsmenas
227-227 224-224
you attempt to unlockthe door to the crimson tower. Each of you takes a box of provisions from the
The dial is surrounded by nr.tmerals numbering rear of the wagonand joins in the line of dflversas
from 0 to 100. Usingyour MagnakaiDisciplineof they file throughthe iron door You follow this line
Nexw, you determine that by hrrning the dial to to a kitchenstoreroom,locatednear the middleof
one of tlese numbers, you will cause the lock to the barrackscomplex, where you deposit gour
disengageand the door will open. delivery and then return to the street to collect
I another box. As you are making your way back,
While examiningthe dial, you recallthe wall safe you pass a door that your Kai sensestell you is
in the barrack at Yua Tzhan. That lock required 3 unlocked Quicklyyou slip insideand then srgnal
digits to open it This requires only one The to your companionsto follow.When all of you are
ntrmber that will open this lock is equal to the total safelyinside,you closethe door and draw its bolt
you get when you add together the three digits
that openedthe wall safe. Turn to 298.

When you think gou know the answer,turn to the

section of this book which is the same as goLrr 228
You are dismayed that your atiempt to destroy the
If you are unable to determine the correct Claw has failed,9et you refuse to abandon all
solution,tlrrn insteadto 2114. hope of riddingyour world of this evilartefact \bu
resolve to deliver it to the Elder Magi, for you
know that it is within their power to obliterate thts
227 weaponof darkness
Thinkingthat gou are provisionerslrom one of the Captain Gildasconsolesyou. and from d pocKer
oth€r wagons, the driver is glad to accept your ol his runic he produces a small crimson
offer to help gather up the vegetablesthat lie gemstonewhich he cupsin his palm, invitinggour
strewn across the paved street. The raised hoods inspection.Without saying a word, he fixes this
of gour robeshelp keep your facesin shadow,and gem into one of the hollows rn the shaft of the
he fails to recognize that 9ou are not native CIaw, and then he hands you a seemingly
Bhanarians.Then one of the iron doors in the ordinargcompass-
northern wall creals opens,and a baffack guard
barks an order to the waiting drivers to begin deliv-
ering their loadsby hand.A colleclivegroan adses
from the line of parked wagons, but for you and
your companionsft provesto b€ a perfectoppor-
tunity to enter the bafiacks undetected. 'lt's a Siyenesetrackergemj'he says.'The needle
229-229 230-237
of thecompassis tunedto its's justa guards
precaution, in caseyou shouldbe partedfrom the
CIawbeloreyou deli!€r it to the ElderMagi.So
Turnto 41.
Iongas lhe gem remainsembeddedin its shaft,
you'llbeableto trackit usingthe compass,' Gildas m
handsyou the Claw and gou complimenthim ,for You tug lrour Kai Weaponfrom its scabbardand
his prudence attempt to strike the falling rock as it plummets
'A ve4fwis€precautlon,Captain,'you sajy,as!,ou towardslrour torso.
slip the compass into your tunic pockel, Eck a numberlrom the Random Number Toble.
'SomehowI feel sure that u€ have not 9et s€en lf you possessGrand Huntmastery,add I to the
the last of the Autarch'ssouad.' numberyou haw picked. If you possessthe Kai
(You can record the SiyeneseCompasson lour Weapon'Magnara',add3.
Action Chort as a Sp€4ialhem. You shouldalso lI four total score is now 3 or lovver,rum ro
recordthe Claw of Naar as a Specialltem which r9l.
you carry in your pack. You must discard tu/o
itenrs in their favour if gou already have the
If it is G7, tumto 93.
maximumnumberof Specialltems permissible.) Il it is 8 or higher,tumto 7.
You sheathelrour Kai Weaponand follow Gildas
as he returnsto the horses.As grouwalk towaids
them, RangerYalinbeckonsyou or€r to look at a al
The corporalordercyou to wait while he returns
strangeshrubthat is growingnear the ruins. to his shack for a few moments lo check his
lf you possessHerbmastery,turn to 305. r€conds.You sensethat somethingis wrong, ano
If you do not possessthis Discipline, turn to lrou communicatethis to Captain Gildas with a
subtl€shakeof your hcad.
When the corporal disappears,you circle your
ho.s€ aroundand then make a suddenchargeat
229 the barrier.The guardsscatteras you b€ar down
You use your improved Grand Masteryto cause
the overhangingboughsof the hees to lashout at
the Bhanarianguards.Startledby thls unexpected t
attack,theydrop their spearsand raiseth€ir hands I
to protect their faces The rangers seize this
chanceto attackand overpowerthem, leavingthe Twn 16272.

232-233 234-235
232 The concussiveenergy of your spellworctslams
Yourjourney southis favouredb9 a coolingbreeze againstthe Autarchs helm. and the Iorce of the
which sweeps dov,n across the plain from the impact makeshim shudder.He releaseshis grip
H\runs€iMountains Shortlybefore noon! 9ou see and the rangersfall limply to the floor Then he
a tented encampmentin the far distance Small hJrnsto face you
crimsonp€nnanlslltrtter from ils slripcd durings. 'Give me the CIaw! he demands, hrs voice
and groups o, women and children can be seen boomingaroundthe chamber. Give me the Claw
walkingalong the banksof a nearbystream and I shallspareall gour worthlesslivesl
'Plains-herderfamilies, says Gildas 'Their
If you chooseto obey his command,turn to 35
menlolk ar€ out on the grasslandsrounding up
groupsof wld stallion.Theg train the horsesand lf you chooseto reluse his command, turn to
sellthem at auctionin Yua Tzhan-' 338.
If you wish to visil the herderencampment.turn
to 156. 24
You pull away from the stallions scrabbling
If you choose to avoid the encampmentand hooves.but gour reflexesare too slow lo saveyou
continueyour ride south. furn insteadto 2 trom being struckhvic€on the head and knocked
down lose 4 €NDUMNCE points
233 Daz€d but shll determin€d,you staggerto your
You intone the words of the Old Kingdom spell feet and draw upon your Kai powers of Animal
Power lUord and shape your mouth in readiness Control to subdue the frighlened horse. Your
to utter ilr Gloorl efforts are soon rewarded As the lead stallion
nestleshis head againstgour shoulder,you call to
lhe rangersto come out from underthe bridgeand
take a look ai their fine new mounts
Turn to 314

You launcha mindblastat the angry s€rgednrirno
he reels back, clutchinghis head in pain Your
sudden psychicattack soon rend€rshim uncon-
scious,but you catch him belore his limp body
crumplesto the ground
236-236 237-238
You call out to the gate guardsto come and help
you You saytheir sergeanthas been taken ill, and
quicklythey respond As theg lift him out of your
arms,you motion to your companionsto followas
you slip away into the baEacks.
Beyondthe main gate is a courtgardwhereseveral
wagons,filledwith provisions,are being unloaded
You and your companionseach ta.kea box from
the rear of the nearestwagon and join a line of
men who are deliveringtheir goods to a kitchen
storeroomlocatednear the middleof th€ barrack
complex You leave your boxes here and then Turn to tl0.
r€lurn to the courb,ardto collectsome more. As
you are making your way back, gou passa door
that your Kai sens€s tell yoLr is unlocked You 87
You tell Gildasand his men lo keep a lookour,
quickly step inside and then signal to the rangers
thenyou kneelin front ol the doorsand adempl
to follow. When all oI you are safelyin, you shut to pickthe lock.
the door and draw its bolt.
Pick a numberfrom the RondomNumber Toble.
Turn to 298. If .yourcunentENDURANCE scoreis 25 or higher,
addI to thenumber9ouhavepicked.lf it is 15 or
When the woman sensesthat her psychicattack lf your total score is now 3 or lower, turn to
has failed,she collapsesupon the track, bent over 252
on all fours like a dying beast She hrritches and
lf it is rk, turnto 26
wrigglesuncontrollably,and, beforeyour disbeliev-
ing eyes,her body beginsto change Her marble- lf it is 7 or higher,
turnto 129.
smooth skin becomes criss-crossedwith a net of a
thousandwrinlles and her abdomenswellslike an
over-inflatedballoon. Then there is a terrible I
sound, like the rending of bone and flesh, and The avalancheof rockshas blockedthe mounrarn
suddenlythe illusion of her beauty is dispelled pass. Two of the enemy waniors hdve been
forever when this fell vampiric shape-changer crushedby the deluge.and three others can be
revertsto its true form, seenstaggeringawaywounded However,most of

the squadappearto have survivedthe rockfalland

you cannothelp but begrudginglyadmirethe swift-
ne<sol their reacrions.You magnily your vision
and scantheir scatteredranks,br.rtyou are unable
to locatethe squadleader.
lf gou possessAssimilance,turn to 119.
If you do not, turn to 251.

You inch op€n the door to witnessa fight taking place
on the far sideof the messhall. The Bhanarianshave
abandonedtheir feastingand are now attempting io
storm the archway.Four of their number lie dead or
woundedon the grourd, hit by mnger arrows Your
companions are putting up a brave fight, but theg
face the danger of b€ing surround€don both srdes
and trapped in the corridor.
Then a new threat to their survival arrives. Three
Bhanarianguardsenter the hallpushinga strange,
cannonlike contraption towards the distant
archway. Fixed above its barrel is a large iron
cylinder.It is studdedwith hea',y rivets and fitted
with a springedvalvethat bubblesand hisseslike
an angry serpent. You surmise rhis device is a
steam-poweredcannon, and you lear that if it is
fired alongthe corridor it couldslayyour compan-
ions with one blast. As the Bhanarian gunners
beginloading their weapon wiih handfulsof msty
nailsand leadshot, you know you must find some
way to stop them from {iring this devilishdevice
If you possessa Bow, and wish to useit, turn to They load the steam-cannonwith rust1rnails and
240-240 24t-242

If gou possessMagi magic, and wish to use it, 247

hrn to 12. Youhandthemoneyto thecorporalandhe orders
his men to disperse. The barrier is raised, and as
lf you possessKai-alcharry,and wish to use it, you trot your horses on to the bridge, he waves
turn to 69. farewelland wishesgou a swilt and safejourney.
If you possess andwlshto useit,
Elementalism, Turnto 272.
turnto 267.
ll you possessnone of lhe above, or it you 242
choose not to use any oI th€m, fum to You observeth€ main enbanceto the barrack
42. buildhg and note a great deal of activity despite
the lateness of the hour-Colunnsof Bhanarian
2N spearmen, cladin blackquilteduniformswith wide
You mount lour horseand lead the rangersaway silk leggings,go marchingthrough its main gate
lrom the rulns, headingsouth. Soon 1mucome er€ry few minutes with an almost clockwork
upon a track and you steerl|our horseon to it so regularity.You suspectthat they are musteringm
that he can tiawl at a fasterpace. Yout Kai sixth preparation for the arrival of the Autarch,
senseard your pathsmanshipskilh wam you that although they app€ar too heavily armed to be
the Autarch'ssquadhave reco!€redlh€ir stallions gathering for ceremonialduties. You also calch
and are now in hol pursdt. sight of some Xanons,and you sensethat these
cr€afureswere amongthoeewhom you foughtat
You follow the track into a shallowvalleywherea the ruinsearliertoday.
corridor of weather-wornpillars line the ftail.
Theseman sizedpinnaclesof rock are engraved Dudngthe timeyousp€ndobs€rving thebarracks,
with the likeness€s of ancientBhanarianrulers severalwagons arrive laden with we-aponsand
datingbackto a lime long beforeAutarchSejanoz supplies-When seven of these army transpons
seiz€dcontrol of this land. As you passbetween convergeupon the main gateat the sametime, it
them, you notice that eachone has beendefaced createschaos for the Gate Guands.As Oreytry
by axeandhammerblows desperately theensuing
to untangle chaos,yousee
an opportunltyto enterthe barrack,
If you possess Elementalism, and haveattained
the rank of Kat GrandSentinel,or higher, If youwishto attemptto hid€in th€ rearof one
turn to 1&1. of the armywagonsthat is queuingto enler
the banacks,tum to 134.
lf youdo not possessthis skill, or if you haveyet
to attain this lev€l of Kai Mastery,turn to lf you chooseto hy to slip through the matn
78 entranceon foot, fum to 95.
243-244 245-246
243 245
You scurry to the edge of the ravine and search Gildasleadshis men off the trail and you follow as
for Rimoah's metallic tube After several frantic he enters the walled ruins of an ancient hall-
minutes,you linallydiscoverrhat it is lying on a Huftiedly you dismountand corral your horsesin
jagged outcrop of slate which protrudes lrom a corner of this site beloredrawingyour weapons
th€ wall of the ravine, some 6 metres below the in readinessto confront the approachingXanon.
nm The mngers prepare iheir bows and take up
positions along the northjacing wall. You choose
Quickly you descend the steep gully wall, but in a place closeto Gildasand watch with mounting
your haste to retrieve the tube, you lose gour
Iear as the Xanon come chargingout of the tall
footingand fall. grasslandAs you watchtheir approach,your sixth
Pick a number from the Rondom Number Table sensedetectsthat thesefearsomecreatureshave
been spawned by evil sorcery
If you possessGrand Huntmastery,add 2 io the
numberyou have picked. If you possessa Bow, and wish to useit, turn to
If your total score is now 4 or lower, furn to
106 lf you do not possessa Bow, or if you choose
not to us€ it, turn to 187.
If it is 5 or higherturnto 67
; The third tumbler clicks into the correct position
44 and the door of the wall safeswingsopen to reveal
While you are examining the lock and dral, the the Claw of Naar. You ta}e the accursedartefact
advancingenemy dischargea volley of projectiles and place it in your pack, then you closethe safe
from their steamjuns These missilespepper the
and re hang its cov€nngportrait.
wall of the tower,tearingaway fist-sizedchunk of
masonry that fb in all directions You should restore the Claw oI Naar as a Sp€cial
Item on your Actron Chorf. You mustdiscardone
Pick a number from the Rondom Nttmber Toble ilem in its favour if gou hdve the maximum
If you possessAssimilance, add 1 to the number numberof Specialltems permissible
you havepicked.
If you now wish to searchthe chambet turn to
If your total scoreis now 0-1, turn to 50
If it is 2-5, turn to 265 If you decideto leavethe chamberand return to
If it is 6 or higher turn to 292. the rang€rs,turn to 125
247-244 249_250

247 9
You recitethe wordsoI the Brotherhood
spell You force the doors open Justwide enough to
Silence and cast its elfect upon the door. allow a horseto pas.s,then you €nter the stabl€s
Outside,the soldierwho is trying to gain entr!, and search its upper and lower floors You
startsto bang repeat€dlyon the door with his discoverseven horsesand a mule, and tack
fists,but insidethe antechamber
not a soundcan €noughto equlpthemalL.Gildasuseshisexp€rtise
be heard. to choose the b€st mounts, and you help the
You unsheatheyour Kai Weapon in sil€nceand rangersto lit themwith saddlesand bridl€s.When
enter th€ marn chamber to confront the squad the horsesare readyto ride, 9ou mount up and
Ieaderin his bath. leadyourcompanions in singlefilealongthealley,
Turn to 260. Unfortunately,the noise that you made upon
enteringthe stabl6 hasalertedthe tavern-keeper.
When gloupass by hls bedchamberwindow, he
28 leans out and opens fire at you with his Bor
There is a blinding flash of scarletlisht upon the musKer,
instantthat gour blade strikesthe shaft of the
Claw, and a s€aring wave of heat sends gou Picka numberfrom the RandomNumfur Toble
spinning backwardsto the ground: lose 4 lf the numberyou havepickedis 0-4, turn to
Shrnnedand gasping for brealh, you drag yor.rrself lf it ls 5 9, turnto 131.
to your feet and stagger to the altar stone which is
now wteathed with hails of grey smoke. To your
dismay,l,ou discoverthat the CIaw is still intact. \ 250-,
Despitethe huge burst of energy that gour blow The tall plains'grassm-afi-es
the goingincreasingly
released,you discover no mark or blemish upon its difficult. lt bindsaroundlrour horses'hoovesand
gnaded shaft. fnEtratesgour attemptsto hastentheir pace. For
The blade of your Kai Weapon, holrcver, is
five miles!'ou forceyour mountsto wadethrowh
notched and discoloured at the point where it
this seaof vendantvegetationuntil you catchsight
struckthe shaft of the Claw (The damageto your of somestoneruinson the sloDeof a distanthill.
Kai Weapon has causeda permanent reduction of It is the remnantsof an ancientvillage,and it is
1 point to its coMBATsrqrr bonus. You should now bisectedby a dried-upwatercourse.You scanme
adjustthe bonuson your Specialltems list.) site and notice dark pools oI liquid scalt€red
throughoutthe area.The pungentaromao[ crude
To continue, t'rrn to lO3. oil canb€ smeltwaftingon the breeze.
251-251 252_252
Your Kai sixlh s€nse t€lls you that the ruins are nole that neitherol the slainwarriors
deserted.Captain Gildas is anxious to press on, is the leader Then 9ou notice a drainagechannel
but you command him to paus€ for a moment which runs alongsidethe mountaintrail, and your
Your instinctsare warning you of a hiddendanger Kai sixthsensetellsyou that the leaderhasescaped
the rocklall by rolling into this trench. Without a
I[ you wrsh to enter the ruins of th€ ancient moments hesitation, gou unsheathe your Kai
plainsvillage,turn to 138. Wenponand iump Into the trenchafter him.
lf you decrdeto make a detour around them, As your feet hit the bottom of this shallowgully,
turnto 109. you seegour adversarystandinglessthan 2 metres
awag For a moment you stare at each other in
tq1 shocked silence, then the almond€9ed warrior
You call upon gour Magnakai Discipline of tugs the maceJikeClaw of Naar from his belt and
Invisibilityfor protection,and then you command l€velsits talonedtip at your chest.There is a crack-
Captain Grldasand his rangersto wait while you ling hurnoI powerand a ienifying bolt of blackfire
go in s€arch of the squad leader You suspect that leaps from the tip and comes streaking towards
he may be one of the two warriors who have been gour body.
killed by the rockfall Mindful that the Claw of Pick a nLnnberfrom the Rondom Numbr Toble.
Naar was sheathedin his belt, you are determined If you possessGrand Huntmastery, add 1 to the
to s€izethis opportunity to capture it b€fore the number you ha!€ picked
dazed Bhanarians can recover their senses and
regroup lf your total score is now 3 or lower, rurn ro
You swiftlg traverse the mound of rocks that now
block the pass, and as you leap on to the trail If it is 4 8, turn to 278
lf it is 9 or high€r,turn to 147

You exhaustyourselfattemptingto pick this lock
by the use of your Grand Masteryof Nexusalone
(lose2 ENDUBANCE points),and after thirty mrnures
o[ futile €ffort, you concededefeat. The mecha-
nism is may have to resort to
lorce to gel it open.
253-254 255-256
I[ gou possessKai alchemg,and wish to use it, 255
turnto 65 You do not r€cognizethe shruband 9ou are wary
If you possessMagi-magic,and wish to use it, of any properties it may possess Rather than risk
turn to 263 testingil in caseir shouldprove to be potsonolrs.
you adviseYalin not to touch the strangeiooking
lf you possessneither of these skills,or if gou plant,
choosenot to usethem, turn to 324
To continue,turn to 2110

253 2.#
When the Xanon are only 6 metresfrom the wall, The noise ol the fighting has drawn a crowd of
you commandthe rangersto open frre All four of curiousonlookers Their cries of encourdoemenr
your arrowsfind their mark and the leadingbeasts and outragehave in turn alertedthe Ciry Gr.rard,
staggerand fall- Shockedby the suddendeath of and as the lastof your attackersfallsto your orows,
their brothers, the following creatures turn to 9ou hear the sound of their iron shod boots
retreat from your deadly bows. But as theg pull echoing along an adjoining avenue-Anxious to
back to the outskirtsof the ruins, you suddenly avoid them, gou rallgGildasand his men together
becomeawareof a new threat. and then make a hurriedescapefrom the square,
along a dimlylit alley.
SomeXanon haveriddenin a wide arc aroundthe
site and have come up behindyour position.You When you are sure that the City Guard have lost
hear their lead€rsnortinggruffly as he leaps into your trail, gou halt beneaththe light of a tavern
the ruined hall, and quickly you spin around to lantern and consultyour Siyenesecompass.Your
face him. Shoulderinggour bow, you unsheathe mind is now locused upon the task of finding and
your Kai Weapon and leap lorward to block him retrieving the Claw of Naar before Autarch Sejanoz
before he can launch a surpriseattack upon the arrives in the city You set off in the direchon
backso[ gour three companions indicatedby the compassneedle,and it ieadsyou
towards the military quarter located to the east of
Turnto 270 the main squar€.Here you follow a broad avenue
linedwith closedshop doonwags and soon arriveat
a busybarrack. The compass,and your Kai sixth
2g sene, both tell you that the Claw of Naar is located
One of the steam-gunprojectiLes grazesthe back somewhereInside this troop-infesied building
of your right calf: lose I ENDUMNCE
lf you wish to try to find a way to enter the
If you survivethis wounding,turn to 68 81-
257-25a 259-260
If gou decide to observe this building from the 'One hundred and twenty Ren, kind sit' he
cover of an unlit doorway, turn to 242 replies,cheerfully.

and try to predict the future from the relative
positionof the planets,moons, and stars But your
If you can allord to pay the mdn s pric?, rutn ro
observations unsettleyou and fill you with a sense 286.
of foreboding You learn from the night sky that
your flight to Chai will be fraught with many If you do not have sufficient Gold Crowns to pag
dangeEand disappointments. for the robes,turn to 1[5.
You resolve not to tell your companions what you
have foreseenfor fear of lowering their morale. 259
Later, when 9ou are asleep, your predictions The rock is deflectedby the gustof air, bui as it
refurn to haunt your dreams. tumbles past, it strikes your left shoulder with a
Turn to 341. painfulblow: lose 2 ENDUFANCE points.
To continue,turn to 389
The old man invites gou all to come into his tent. 2@
You dismount, and the children look after your The squad leader gasps with shoqk when he sees
horseswhile you file into his spaciousdwelling. He
giveseachof you a glassof mulledwine and a piece
of unleavenedbread, and while gou are enjoying the
plain fare, he invites you to examine the wares and
trinkets that lie strewn about the tent
Gildasnudgesyou and points to a rickety table that try to make a grab for it.
is heapedwith simple skaw coloured robes, much
favoured by Bhanarian plainsmen. 'These may be
a wise purchase, Sir Kai?' he mutters 'l fear our
funics mav arouse suspicion the further sourn we
venfure.'You nod in agreementand ask the old
man how much he wants for four of his robes. quesuon.
Suddenlghe reachesover the side of his bath tub
and attempts to grab somethingthat is lging on
the floor, hiddenfrom view
If you wish io rush forward and strike the squad
leader with your Kai Weapon, turn to
lf you wish to nsh forward and tip him out of
his bath tub, tr.rrnto 169
lf you wish to throw your Kai Weapon at the
squadleadet turn to 89.

Shortlgafter dark, you make gour way towardsthe
stone bridge, keeping close to the river to avoid
the enemg encampmentson either side of the
road which crossesinto Zuda You get to within 6
metres of the bridge itself before you are forced to
stop when you see enemg soldiersat the iiver's
edge.They are filling their canteensand washing
clothes lf you are to make a successfulcrossing
below the bridge, you will first have io distract
them, or lure them away
If you possessAssimilance,and have attained
the Kai tank of Grand Master Superior,
turn to 17.
If you possessElementalism,and have aitained
the rank of Kai Grand Defender, Lurn to
If you possessneither of these skilis,or if you
have get to attain the requiredlevelsof IGi
Mastery,iurn to 79. Bhanariansoldiersat the dver's edg€.

262-264 26t267
The squadleaderawakeswith a start ano reacnes
for his sword but, before he can unsheatheit, you
snatchthe blanketroll from beneathhis head and
leap over his prone body
Your heart is poundingwildlg in your chestas you
race towards ihe rangers on the far side of the his wound remains
copse. They have dispersed the Bhanarians' To conhnue,turn to 76_
horsesand they are waiting anxrouslyfor you L<r
appear As you rush through the trees, you hear
the squadleaderscreamingat his men to wake up 265
A chunk of jaggedmasonryhits you in the neck
and give chase-
and knocks you sidewaysto the qroLrnd:iose 4
Pick a number from the Rondom Number Toble ENDUMNCE points
If the number you have picked is 4 or lower, Il you have suruivpdlhi5 wounding. yuu cdn
turn to 195 continueby turning io 104.
If it is 5 7, turn to 39
Ii it is 8 or higher,turn to 275 266
You quicklyrecite the words of the Old Kingdom
spellShie/d and make a circlein the air with-your
263 right hand. A translucentdisc shimmers tnto
You recrte the words of the Old Kingdom spell existence,and the fallingrock slamsinto it with a
Inuisrble Fisf and thrust your right arm stifflg loud Crock!
towards the lock A wave of energg surgesfrom
gour clenchedfist and strikesthe lockplate,smash Pick a numberfrom the Random Number Toble.
For every Ievel of Kai rank you have achieved,
ing its internalmechanism.The doorsshudderand
then they swing slowlyopen. above thar of Kai Grand Sentinpl, doo an
Turnto 152.
If gour iotal scoreis now 0 3, turn to 88
If it is 4 or higher,turn io 185
You draw upon your MagnakaiDisciplineof
Healingio numbthe painof the old mans wound 267
beforedrawingout the arrow.Thenyou lay your You focusthe power of golrr Discrplineupon the
iron cylinder and you cause a rapid rise in the
temperature of the steam Moments later, the
valve fails and the cylinder explodes with devastat-
ing effect
Turn to 157.

A fisht is on the verge of breaking out when
suddenlythe innkeeperinteruenesto break it up.
You hear the distinctivemetallicclick of crossbows
beingcocked,and when you look to the taproom
bar, yott see the innkeep€rholding hrvoof these
weapons,one in either hand.
'l'll drop the first man to draw a blade,'he growls.
'Yor.rl'he shouts, directing his ire towards your
accuser.'Get out, and take your friendswith yoll.'
The one eged man cursesunder his breath,then
he tuns on his heel and leaves with his motleg
cohorts following in his wake. You thank the
innkeeper for his timely action but he does not
reply YoLr can tell by his stony silence that he
would prefer it if you and your companionsleft as

lf you possessTelegnosis, or Grand Pathsman

ship, turn to 340
If you possessneitherof theseskills,turn instead
to 37

The mngersare mortifiedthat they came so near The Innkeeper holds trao cocked ctosstrows,one
to slayingyou. They help you to your feet and beg in eitherhand.

270-271 272-273
you to forgive their recldersbovlire. 'There's no streamsfuomtheir fangediawsas they circleonce
time for reproach,'yor.rreply, stoically.'l have around the passand then come s1/ooping down 10
retrievedthe Claw o[ Naar,1et I fear our troubles attack you and your companions.
mayhaveonly jr.tstbegun.We mustmakea speedy If you possessKai alchemy,and wish to us€ it,
escape.I sensethe enemy are closing upon us turn to 199.
If you possess Magimagic,and wishto useit,
Yourinstinctsare conect.Newsof the fightIn the turn to 330.
messhall is spreading like wildfire,andgroupsol
armed Bhanariansare rushingtowardsthis corri lf gou possessa Bovv,and wish to useit, hrrn to
dor from everyquarterof the barrack. Yoursitua 23.
tion is beginningto look increaslngly desperate If gou possessneitherof theseskills,nor a Bow,
until you suddenlyspy a way to escap€from the or iI you choos€ not to use any of them,
corridorthat promis€smore than just a glimmerof turn insteadto 125.
lurn lo 5/. n2
You are a few leaguesto the south of the toll
270 bridge when 9ou pass a signpost that saysj
The Xanon leader roa6 wilh excitement as he BEHNAZ - 70 mtles- Beyond this point, the hill
comes galloping across the floor of the ancient road beginsto twist like a swimmingserp€
hall His amb€r eyes gleam with murderous intent, are passingaround one of its s€eminglyendless
lor he has set his mind on skewering you upon lhe bends when you hear a loud rr_rmbleof thunder
tiD of his crudewooden lance. echoing through the hills,

Xanon Leader: If you possessGrand Pathsmanship,and have

COI,,IBAT attained the rank of Kai Grand Sentinel,
' turnto 113.
lf 9ou win this combat, turn to 277
If you do not possessthis skill,or if you haveyet
to reach this level of Kai Mastery, turn to
NL 63.
Fromthe denseblanketof cloudtheredesc€nds
host of wingedhorrors. They have sinewybodies
studdeiwith hundredsof horny sprkes,and a cold 273
yellowylight radiatesfrom slitsin their faceswhere You stableyour horsesand enter the taproom of
one couldexp€ctther€ to be eyes.Bubblingdrool the Prairie Princess.As the door creaksopen, a
274=274 275-275
gustof ale soakedair and the jingle of bellsinter
rupts the hubbub.The denizensof this taverncast
your party a suspiciousglanceor two, then they
return to their conversations.The rnnkeeper
approaches, wending his way nimbly through the
closely-packedtables He is a lean man with dark
skin and a shaven head You ask the cosr or
stdblingand add thar you shall not be requjring
rooms for the night.
'Seven Ren each, he says, brusquely 'You can
pay tomorrow when you collectyour nags.'
You turn to leavethe crowdedtaproom, but gour If your lotal score is now 7 or lower, lurn to
wag to the door is blockedby a stout, one-eyed 186
man with a roughly-trimmedbeard. 'You plains-
nomadshave got some n€rvet'come in here,' he lf it is 8 or higher,turn to 121.
spits- 'You swindled me, near on stole all m9 herd
o'stallions. Well I vowed I'd make you pag and
now I'm going to collectl'
With a flick of his hand he signals to his cohorts to
bar the tavern door. You tell the man that he is
mistaken,that he is confusingyou for somebody
else,but he paysno heed to your explanation.
lf you possessKai-alchem9,and wish to use it,
tum to 215.
lf you possessBardsmanship,and wish to useit,
turn to 153
lf you possess neitherof theseskills,or if you
choose not to use them, h.rrnto 268 Picka numberfrom the RondomNumber loble.
I[ t]re^
you havepickedis 0<. rurn io
274 293
You draw upon your Magnakai Discipline of If it is 5-9, turn to 54.
276-277 27a-279
276 shatter Xanon skulls and smash their lances.
The sinister iiver beast obeys your mental forcing them to abandon any hope of following
command.It spits out your rope and then disap the rangersas they makegood their escapeacross
p€arsbelowthe surface.You watch, and when you the plain But when the time comes for you to
see its trail ol bubbles moving rapidly downstream follow your fleeingcompanions,a thrustinglance
towards the stone bridge, you strike out with blow to the middle of your back nearlg r,rnhorses
renew€dvigour for the oppositebank. you. YoLrhangon desperatelyto the mane of your
frightenedmount as he leaps over the wall and
Upon reaching the far side, you tie your rope carnesyou away,
around a sturdy tree trunk and signal to the
rangersto begin crossing.AII three crossthe river You reioin the rangersat the top of d grassyrise
safely, and together you approach Zuda und€r that overlooksthe ancientruins The triumphant
cover of darkness. cries of the Xanon are carried to you on the
wind, and when gou magnifyyoLrrvision, you see
The road into the town is heavily patrolled by they havegather€din a group in the ruins of the
Bhanariansoldiers.When you nearly collidewith hall One of their number appearsto be holding
one of thesepatrols,you are forced to seekcover aloft a short staff. You focus upon it and gour
in an emptg woodcutt€r'shut. heart sinks when you see that rt is the Claw of
To continue,turn to 3 Naarl
Turn to 72
As the Xanon bellows its death_cryand crumples 274
to the groLrnd,you see six of its kin come gallop As you hit the ground, a black funnel of flame
ino alonq besidethe west wall of the ruin. Fearfttl roarsover yotr headand strikesyou in the backof
th;t the; deterrnined creahrres could overwnelm your legs A searingpain runs the length of your
spine and explodes in yoLrr head, making you
scream with anguish: los€ 6 ENDURANCE points.
If you havesurvivedthis wounding,turn to 4i|.
captain leads his men away at the galloP, you stay
and fight a brave rearguardaction to delay the 279
battlingXanon There is a fiery flash and a loud bang, and
With ice-cool nerve and deadly grace, you wield your vision.A
suddenlya white light obliterates
your Kai Weapon to deadly effect Your blows terrifyingnumbnessspreadsrapidly from your
neck to the solesof your feet, and lrou feel !/our- mindblastpenetratesh.. 0"r...""
while, the rangersare spared the ""0,,'.::.:::
effect of her
selftumblingbach^rardsinto a fathoniessabyss
hlpnotic \,roice.But the use of this attack leaves
The lead ball lrom the squadleader'spistol has you wlnerable to a s'.rddenpsychic assault
oiercedvour foreheadand penetratedyour brain' Sensingthis, the womanquickb seizesher chance
ii4ercifufy,your death is $rift and painless. to retaliate.
Your Iife and lrour missionend here, in th€ bar- Pick a numberlrom the RondomNumber Toble.
rack of YuaTzhan. lf gou possess Kai-screen,add 3 to the number
you havepicked.lI your curent ENDUMNCE score
is 15 or lower,deduct2-
The corDoralsmilesbroadlywhen you placenlo lf your total scoreis now 4 or less,turn to 337.
more g;ld coins into his hand lmmediatelyhe lf it ls 5 or higher,turn to 101.
ordersthe barrier tre raised,and as you lrot your
hoE€s on to th€ bridge, he waws farewell and
wishesl|ou a s,wifland safejourney. 82
Youunsheatheyour Kai Weaponandyou offer up
Tum to 272. a pra!€r to Ishirto protecl you asyou get readylo
launchyoulselfinto the fray. With your battle cry
237 upon your lips, you pull open the door and rush
headlongacrossthe messhall, flailingyor.rrdeadly
bladeat angBhanarianwho daresto standin your
way- Your suddenattacklrom the rear divertsthe
gunners'attentionawayfrom the rangers.fu you
cut a bloodyswathethrough their comrades,they
are forcedto abandonthe steam-cannon andface
you with cold steel-
Bhanarian Guards& Gtrnnersr
If you win this combat,turn to 144

The forh.rne-teller
becorn€irate. He standsup and
284-246 2A7-284

stabs at the air with his index linger as he threat- grin. Then you and your companions each take
one of the loose-fittingrobes and slip them on
over your hrnics The thin, hooded garments are
large enough to conceal your backpacks and
weapons, and you are pleasedto discoverthat
they do not hamperyour movement.
Havingconcludedyour business,9ou thank the old
tavern door, Gildas releases the trickter' He man and bid him farewell.Then you leavehis tent
motions his rangers to accompany him as he and collect your horses.
followsgou to the door
Turn to 118.
To continue, turn to 295
24 With ihe tavernkeeper's cursesringing in vour
You intone the words of the Old Kngdom spell ears, you urge your startled horse on to the end of
Penelrote fiomenlsbefore you releasethe strain- the alley and then turn him towards the South
Gate Fortunately the gate is open. and its dozing
guardspay you scantattentionas you ride through
its tall arch and depart the ci\,. The road beyond
brain, killing it instantly. it beginsa gentleclimb into ihe Hornh Hills
Turn to 18 Pick a numberfrom the Rondom Number Table.
If the number you have picked is 0-4, turn to
245 202.
Youdrawuponyour psychic but to no
avail.In thi; instancethey fail to protect 9ou from If it is 5-9, turn to 194.
the concentration of ancient evil that is present
within this chamber,lose 4 ENDURANCE Po'nts
Turn to 9. The squad leader awakes with a start. But before
he can react, you snatch the blanket roll {rom
2& beneathhis headand set off at a sprint.With gour
You hand over the gold croums and ihe old man heart pounding wildly in your chest, 9ou race
slips the corns into his pocket with a contented towardsthe rangerson the far side of the copse.

2A9-290 290-290

They have dispersedthe Bhanarians'horsesand the sihlation-Frombeneathrhe lealyboughsoI the

theyar€ waitinganxiouslyfor you to appear'As youngoak, you look out acrossthe paradeground
you rush throughthe trees,you hear the squad and scan the buildingsthat border upon it
leaderscreamingat his men to wake up and give Bhanarian soldiers are mnning everywhere,
chase seemingly in confuslon. Thenyourealizethatthey
allhavea purpose: thegarerushingto secureevery
Picka numb€rlrom the RondomNumberToble. entranceand exlt from the barracks.
lf the numberyou have pickedis 3 or lower, Gildaspointsto a buildingon the w€stsideoI the
turn to 195. paradeground ltsdoorsareopenandunguarded.
l{ it is 4-6, turn to 39. You magnifyyour visionand seelhat it is part of
the barracks stablesltswell-litInterioris busywith
lf it is 7 or higher,turn to 275 trooperswho are preparingtheir mounts for
tomorrow'scer€monlalparadethroughthe city
9 Beyondits rows of stallsis an archwaythat opens
You call upon your Magnakai Discipline of on to one of the citg'sstreets.You inform the
Invisibilityto help keep you hidden as you enter rangersof what9|or.r har€ seenandyoudecidethat
the messhall. You take cover b€hind the nearest the stables offer you yourbesthopelor an escape
standof atmour, and by movingquicklylrom one Irom [he barrack. Using the perimetertrees for
suit to the next, 9ou make your way steadily cover,you skirt aroundthe paradegroundand
towardsthe far door. makeyour approachto the stablesYou are less
than 6 metresfrom its ofren doors when you are
Plcka numberfrom the RondomNumberToble suddenlycalledupon to halt. Three Bhanarran
lf gou possess GrandHuntmastery, add 1 to the guardscome weavingthroughthe line of trees
number have picked. towardsyou, theirspearsheldat the ready.'Stay
II yourtotalscoreis 4 or lower,turn to 8. whereVouare,'bark the tallestof thes€soldi€rs,
'andall o[ you- raiseyourhands!'
lf it is 5 or higher,turn to 211.
lf gou possessHerbmastery,and have attained
the rankof SunLord.turn to 229
qr.urd lf you possess Kai-surge, and haveattainedthe
Before the can reload hls musketand fite rankol lGi GrandGuandian, turn to ll1.
aqain. vou ieach the end ol the roof and climb
diurn tire trunk of rhe rree.Gildasand his men If you possess neitherof theseskills,or if 9ou
follo*,5rourlead,and when all ol you are safelyon have !rct to attain the requiredlevelof Kai
the ground,goupausefor a few momentsto assess Mastery,turn to t4.
291-293 294=294
All that it containsare s€veralblocksof stone,
You leave Sunderet-Et
Pass and follow the nail engravedwith ancientdesigns,which are illumi-
through the foothills to the edge of the Bhanarian nated b' strelrns ol moonlight filtering down
Plain. Shortly belore midnight, you sloP and make through the holesin the shatteredrool You take
camp for the night, SergeantPavizvolunteersto the opportunityto examinethe Claw,and as 9ou
sit watch, and before yorj s€ttle down to sleep unfoldits coveringblanketon on€ of the blocks,
alongside the others, you r€solve to s€t off alter you find yor,rrsellboth fascinatedand repulsedby
the Imperial Guards at first light th€ intricacies ol its evil design.The headof the
Claw resemblesa petrifiedvulture'sfoot, casrIn a
Unless you poss€ss lhe Discipline o[ Grand blackmetal that is fleckedwith shimmerinascarlet
Huntrnastery, you musl now eal a Meal or lose 3 speck. hs shatt is a lengthof gnarled
ENDURANCE points. root, and it is perforaiedalongits lengthwith pea
To continue,tr.rrnto 179. sizedhollows
A palpableevil rddiatesfrom this dread artefact
D2 and you feel an overwhelmingcompulsionto
A sliverof masonryhits you in the shoulderand destroyit You tell the rangersto standclear,and
knocks you sideways to the ground: lose 2 then you unsheatheyour Kai Weaponanddealthe
ENDURANCE shaftoI the Chw a mighly blow.
To contlnue,turn to 104 Picka numberfrom the RondomNumberToble
ll the numberyou havepickedrseven(ie,O, 2,
2:X 4, 6, or 8), turn to 46.
For three hours you ride acrossthe rolling grass lf it is odd(ie, 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9), turn ro 122.
hnds, guidedon your way by your infallibleKai
trackirg skillsand the light of a waxingmoon. lt is
not until tou see the oudine of a broken stone N
watchtowersilhouettedon the southernhorizon By twislingthe dial of the wall safeto an incorrect
that \rou slow gour pace and point your tired s€ttingl|ou unuttingly setofl an alarmin a distant
mount towardsit. Upon reachingthe derelict barracksguardroom.Suddenlgthe door to the
tower you discoverthat it standsbesidea pond of antechamb€ris forcedopen and ln bursra oozen
lreshwater.You let the horsesdrink their fill and, soldieas,armedwith sr,earsand axes
as they recowr their strength, you and your You draw your Kai Weaponand fight bravely,
companionsexplorethe lorler levelsof the ruin. slayingmost who dare come within a sword's
The to\ /er is ernptg and overgrownwith weeds length. but the chamberis soon awash with
295-295 296_297
reinforcementsand ultimatelyyou are forced to If you wish to ky to find a way to enrer the
drop your weapons and surrender.During the banacksundetect€d, turn to E1.
mCI6e, therangersarealsocaptured,andtogether
you are tak€n before the Sergeantof the Guard. lf you decidero obs€rvethis buildtngfrom the
Upon learningof the deathof the squadleader,he coverol an unlildoorwav,turn to 242.
denounces you as assassins and he ordersyour
immediate execution 296
Underhean4r guaid, you are ledout into the centre
ol the barracksparadegroundand tied to wooden
stakes.A troop of crossbowmenarrive and ,orm
up in a line before you. Then the Sergeant
marches to the headof theirline,andpromptlyhe
giuesthe onderto lire. The crossbowmenrelease
their volleyof deadlymissilesand your deathsare
mercifully swift
your life and your missionendshere,
Tragically, i
upon the parade ground of the Yua Tzhan

lf pu wish to humT back to Cloudlancer ano

M help Lord limoah repel the aerial assault,
With your mind set upon the taskof findingand turnto 345.
retrievingthe Claw of Naar belore Autarch
SeBnozarriws, you hurry out of the inn and stride lf you chooseto stay with Captain Gildasand
acrossthe main square.In the light of a street the rangers,tum to 302.
lanternyou consultyour Siyenesecompassonce
more before seftingoff in the directionthat it 297
lt leadsyou towardsthe mllitaryquarter
locatedon the eastside oI the square.You follow
a broad avenuelined with closedshop doorways
andsoonarriveat a br.tsgbarracks. The compass,
and your Kal sixthsens€,both tell you that the
Claw of Naar is locatedsomewhereinsidethis

effortsto stop it, it quicklydeterioratesinto an all

out fight
BhanarianBridge Guards:
You mag add +2 to your coMBArSKILLfor the
duration of this combat, for the rangers are
supportingyou durrngthis fight
If you win the combat.turn to 84


passageway.You detect the aroma of roasting

meat and hear the soundsof feastiog,ano wnen
you peep through the door's keyhole,you see a
soldier'smesshall bevond-
Carefullygou hr,,istits sphericalhandle ano pusn
open the heavyoak doorjust a few rnches.peering
around the door, you see a dozen Bhanarian

armourare positionedaroundthe wallsof the hall,

and its panelled ceiling is decoraied with the
The guardsat the bridge are quick to anger- portraitso[ famousBhanariangeneralsof old.
299-300 30l-3o2
Some of the soldiers dining here are lmperial lf you suwivethis wounding,turn to 68.
Guardsfrom the sqr-radthat you encount€rd in
Sr.mderer Pass.Youscnitinisetheir faces,yet you
cannot see their leader among them. Your 301
compassindicatesthai the Clawof Naar is nearby; Usingtheshadows
to concealyourapproach,you
its ne€dleis pointing to a door on the lar sideof climbover the tailgateof a canvasroveredwagon
the messhall. You senselhat the CIaw is in the that is standingin the line, and hide yourselves
room belond this door, and you resolveto find a amongits load. Patiently9ou settledown and wait
wayof reachingit withoutbeingseen. for it to enter the barrack. Severalminutespass
If youpossess GrandNexus,andwishto useit, beforethe wagonbeginsto move.Youteara hole
hrn to 222. in its canvascover throughwhich gou are able to
seethe inner buildingsoI the barrack complex.
lf you possessAssimilance,and wish to useit, fie wagon trundles along a narrow passage
turn lo 98. towards a parade square,beyond which lies its
lf yor.tpossessElementalism,and wish to us€it, final destination- the kitchen storerooms.You
turn to 178. clamberto the rear of the waqonand crouch
b€sidethe tailgate.Then, at t[e moment ure
lf you pcssessnone of these skills, or if you wagon emergesfrom the passage,you signal to
choosenot to use any of them, furn to yotrl companions to leave.On€ after the oth€r,
2E9. gouleapfromthe backof the wagon.
Pick a numberfrom the Rondom Number Toble.
299 lf you possessGrand Hunhnastery,add I to the
Yougallopalong the kail after the fleeingrangers, numberyou have picked.
shoutingdesperatelyfor them to stop, but they are
d€afto your pl€asas they speedfor the coverol If your total scoreis now 4 or low€r,turn to
the ruins.As you enter the ancientsite,you glance 165.
overl'our shoulderlo seethal the fearsomeXanon If it is 5 or higher,turn to 66.
aregainingon youat a terrificpace.
To continue,turn to 245. fiz
You watch with mounting fear as the horde of
winged creaturescircle and dive reF,€atedlyinto
300 the ravine. They are met by intermittent flash€s
One of the steamgunprojectilesgougesyour of maglcal energy which illuminate the gloom;
shoulder:los€ 3 ENDURANCE Lord Rimoahand his young crewmenare putting
up a spirited defenc€of their groundedskyship
Then gou see an unexpectedsightrCloud-doncer
risesout of the gully and ascendsrapidly into the
darkening sky. You magnify your vision and
witners a bloody batde raging along her deck as
the winged b€-astsattempt to wrest conhol oI the
helm. You watch helplessly as the beleaguered
skyshippowersawaytowardsthe east,pursuedb9
the flying swarm of raveningbeasts-
When the squadof ImperialGuardscatch sight of
I Cloud-doncer fleeing €astwards, their leader
raiseshis hand and signalshis men to advance.
Using your enhanced vision, gou focus on the
I leaderand your Kai sens€sreel at the aura of evil
sunounding him. You sens€ that this power does
not emanate lrom him directly; it flou/s arourd a
mace like weapon which he carries sheathed in his
belt lt is the Claw of Naa( and even at a dislance
its malignant power fills you wlth uneaseand fore-
i- boding
With batedbreath, 9ou watch the Autarch'smen
come marching along the narrow trail. Captain
Gildasgives the signal to Durassoto spring the
ambush.and the rang€r fugs hard on the rope in
his hands.There is a moment of silence,then a
thunderous rumble reverberates througb the
mountains. A billowing cloud ol thick dust engulfs
the hail and you lose sight of the squad as a
I thousand tons of rock and rubble cascadetowards
i them.
i Pick a numberfrom the Rondom Number Table.
I If you possessGrand Huntmastery, add I to the The skyshipis swathedln a blanketof attacking
numbervou have Dicked. beasts.
',*u*t*t, ou-,*, a.n ,o **tou
.. yuu
oo not, turn
lo 155.
30,6-308 309-309

shrub for 1 dose. If you wish to pick and keep funnelof flame come rushingtowardsyou. Then,
them, record the Omaldro on your Action Chotl in the blink of an eye, your vision is obliteratedby
as a Backpackltem- When swallowed,Omaldro a vividscarletflash Instantlyyou are plungedinto
will boost your coI'{BATsxlLl by 2 points for th€ a dark and fathomlessvoid as the power of the
durationol one combat. Claw leechesyour life-force.
To continue, turn to 240 Tragically, your lile and your mission end here in
Sttnderer Pass.
You turn on your heel and walk speedilytowards
the end ol the street, ignoring the officer's
As you gallop owr the crestof the ridge,you see
repeatedcommandsto halt. You tell Gildasand his
the first rays of dawn sunlight brightening the
men to get readyto run the moment you teach the
easternhorizon You continue to ride at a swift
corner, but belore gou arrive there, you hear a pace lor you are anxiouslo put as much distance
shrill whistle and the sound of iron-shod hooves
as possible beh^€en yourselvesand your pursuers,
clatteringon stone. A glanceover your Shoulder
but as the sun illuminatesthe way ahead, you
confirms gour fears: the patrol are chasingafter
catch sight of a dense forest stretching across the
you Gildas points to a narrow alleywayon the
soulhernhorizonlike a long dark wall.
opposite side of the street, and upon your
command,you spnnt towardsit 'That's the llanchou,' callsout Grldm. I've heard
tell it's hauntei.'
Turn to 146.
The trail continuesdu€ south towards the centre
of this forbidding timberland and, as you draw
w7 steadilycloser,you feel an unnaturalchill radiat-
You dodge to the left, and immediatelythere is a
ing from its tangle of sicklycoloured pioes, You
flashand a deafeningbang You feel the lead ball
are inclined to disb€lievethat it is haunted, yet
from the squad leader's pistol strike your right you do not relish the thoughtof riding through it
forearmwith numbing force, but you sustainonly Then a suddensenseof uneasemakesyou glance
a flesh wound and you are able to keep a grip
points over your shoulder,and your heart skips a beat
upon your Kai Weapon: lose 2 ENDLTRANCE
when you see that the Imperial Guards are
To continue,turn to 204. gaining fasti theg are now less than thre€ miles
308 lf you wish to leavethe trail and ride eastacross
As you hit the gtound, you gltmpse the black grasslands, turn to 250.
If gou chooseto stagon the trail and enter the bordersof the Doonrlands, r"""t;"t"l:
VanchouForest,turn to lzl3.
"raWhen the last of
them returningnorth to Naaros.
the creatureshas disappeared,gou beckon Gildas
and his men to follow you down on to the
310 mountain traii. Here you discoverthe bodies of
You tear the scrap of pap5nus into small pieces hvo Imperial Guards who were caught by the
and swallow them to ensure that Rimoah's rockslideambushand crushedto death
messagewill not be discoveredby the enem9.
Then you return to the mountain pass to iejoin If you wish to search their pockets and
Captain Cildas and hic men. but upon arriving backpack, turn to 80.
there you discover that his ambush has failed lf you chooseto ignorethem, you may leavethe
Gildastriggereda rockfall to block the pass, but passby turning to 291.
the Autarch's men ua;edthe Clgw of Naar to blow
their wag through the resulting obstruction In the
ensuing fight, Ranger Durasso was killed and 311
Sergeant Paviz was wounded in the shoulder. You A swift search of this chamber uncovers rne
use youi Magnal."aihealing skills to numb the followingitems,
s€rgeani'spain, and then gou scanthe trailleading Dagger
southfrom the passfor signsof the enemysquad
In the failing light you glimpse their black-clad Laumspur (sufficientfor 3 doses Each
forms hurrying away along the trail which leads dose is an individual Back
towardsthe BhanarianPlain. pack ltem. One dose will
Gildasand his rangersare too shockedafter their restore 4 ENDURANCE points
deadlyencounterwith Autarch Sejanoz'sguatds when swallowedafter combat )
to attempt an immediatepursuit. You inform the Food (enough for 3 Meals)
dazed captain that Lord Rimoah was forced to Bow
flee in order to saveCloud doncer and his crew Bar of Soap
from the attacking horde, and he nods his head 5 Arrows
in silence You also tell him of the messagethat Sword
Rimoah left behind. Then gou hear Ranger Yalin 100 Ren (equivalent1o 10 Gold Crowns)
shouting a warning: the flying creatures are lf you wish to keep any of the aboveietms, make
returning. Hurriedly you take cover among the the necessaryadjustments to your Action Chdrt.
rocks and watch as they circle above the pass
Your Kai instincts tell you that these beasts To leavethe chamber and return to the rangers,
cannot survive for long beyond the mountain go to 125
3r 2-313 314-3r 5
372 If gou possessMagi magic, and wish to use it.
Hurriedlyyou draw an arrow to gour bow and take turn to 263.
aim at the woman. She seesyorl but she seems If gou possessneither of these skilis,or if gou
undauntedby your threat.You releaseyour affow choosenot to use them, turn to 324.
and send it arcing through the air, but as it falls
towardsher it passesthrougha shimmeringwallof
heat and eruptsinto flame
Fearingthat you couldbe lacinga powerfulsorcer Gildas and his men emerge from beneath the
ess,you shoulderyour bow and try to think of a bridge and they each choose a stallion. They
more elfectiveweapon to use againsther. are all expert horsemen, and they are able to
If you possessKai-alchemy,and wish to use it, make bridles and saddleclothsfrom ropes and
turn to IcI. blankets that they have stored in their packs
Within the hour, all four of you are ready to
If you possessMagi magic, and wish to use it, leave the bridge and rid€ south in pursuit of the
turn to 53. enemy
If yor.tpossessElementalism, and wish to use it, Before you s€t off, unless you possess the
turn to 124. Disciplineof Gland Huntmastery,you must eat a
lf you possessKai-surge,and wish to useit, turn Meal or lose 3 ENDUMNCE points
to 281. To continue,turn to 130
If you possessnone of these skills, or if you
choose not to use them, turn instead to
7e. 315
The creaturespits out your rope, but it is angered
by gour mentalcommandsand it comesspeeding
313 towards you, its Jawagape in readinessto swallow
You tell Gildas and his men to keep a lookout, you whole You must fight it
then you kneel in front of the doors and examine Sligza,
the keyhole.You discoverthat the doors are fitted CO]\,IBAT
with a formidablelock, and you suspectthat you
mag have to resortto force to open it This enemy is immune to Mindblast(but not Kai-
If you possessKai-alchemy,and wish to use it,
turn to 65. If gou win the combat,turn to 328.
3r6ir8 319-319
316 they seem to have forgotten basic military
Youtakea single
goldcrownfromyourbeltpouch practice:theyhaveplacedno scoutsat theh€adof
and tossit on to the lloor (rememb€rto eras€this theirsquadto checkthatthe wayaheadis clear.
crown from your Acfion Chorr). The fortuneteller
scurriesafter the coin like a cal after a mous€. It you haveattainedthe Kai rankof Sun r-oro,
While he is searchingfor rt, you leav€the tableand lurn to 49
stridetowardsthe taverndoor with Gildasand his If yor-rhaveyet to attainthis levelof Kai rank,
men followingclosebehind. hirn insteadto 74
To continue,turn to 295.

377 fu you gallopthror-rgh you quickly
the stables,
You draw an arrow to your bow and take aim at recite the words of the Brotherhood spell
one of the leadingXanonas it comescharging Lightning Hond and raise your right arm. Vou
througha puddleof crudeoil, point your outstretchedfingerstowardsthe closing
lf you possessMagi-magic, doors and a cracklingbolt of blue fire leaps from
and have attained your fingertips-It strikesone of the troop€rswho
the rankof Kai GrandGuardian, or higher, is attemptingto bar your escape,and it s€ndshim
turn to 6
cartwheelingacrossthe straw-covered ground His
If youdo not possess thisskill,or if gouhave9et companionslamsshut one door, blockinghalf of
to attainthis levelof Kai Masterg,turn to the doorway, but there is still space enough for
g. you and your corhpanions to make good your
escape into the srre€t beyond. As you gallop
throughthe narrow€dexit. you steerVourhorsero
You magnify your viston and see that lhe
approaching figuresare Bhananans. Armedwith
swordsandspears,theyar€all cladin blackquilted
tunics€dg€dwiih gold braidandemblazoned with
the hger'sheademblemof AutarchSejanozThey
are clearlya unit of lmperialGuardsfrom the
Autarch'scourt in Otavai. fu the squadoI twelve
guardsmen drawsneare(yourKai stxthsenselells
you that somethingis wrong. These are elite
soldiersof the Autarch'spersonalbodyguard, yet
320-327 322-323
the right and race away along a cobblestoned 322
street. Only the swiftnessof gour reactionssavesyou and
your companions from a watery death. Yor.rrace
Turn to L4
backalong the hill road, throughthe blindingrain,
with a surgingtorrent of mLd and debrischasing
320 you all the way. Trees are uprooted and loose
You showthe ring to the sergeantand he nodshis boulders are sent huitling into ihe air by the
approvdl Belieungthal you and your companionc destructiveforce of this mercilessftow
are th€ Autarch'ssecretagents,he stepsasideand You succeedin out-runningthe mudslidebut at
allowsyou to enter the barrack. some cost Your horses are so drained by the
Turn to 110. ordeal that two of them die of €xhaustion,and a
third becomes too lame to continue. You are
forced to abandon them and coniinue your
journey on foot. You headeast,and takeshelterin
You steel yourself for the act you are about to a wooded hillsidewhil€ you wait for the rains to
commit, thenyou draw backyour Kai weaponand abate
dealthe creaturea stabbingblow to its chest With While you are resting, unless yoLr possessthe
a chilling cry, ihe beast crumplesto the ground Disciplineof Grand Huntmasterg,you must now
and beginsto shrinkand change,Within the space points.
eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE
of a few fleetrng secondsthe translormation is
complete,and you find yourselfstaringwith disbe- To continue,hJrn to 59-
lief at the woundedbody of a frail old man
Instinctiv€ly,you rush to his side and cradle his 323
greyinghead in the crook of your arm. Then you There is a blinding flashof scarletlighi upon the
attempt io relievethe pain of his chestwound bg instant that your blade strikes the shaft of the
the use of your Kai healing skills You lay your Claw, and a searing wave ol energy sends you
right hand upon his chestand transmitthe power crashing backwards to the groundr lose 2
of your healinginto the wound. You feel some of ENDUMNCE points
your energg draining from your body (lose 2
ENDURANCE points)as lhe mending processtakes Dazedand gaspingfor breath,you dragyourselfto
place,but when finally9ou removeyour hand,you your feet and approachlhe altar stone which is
discoverthdt no trace ol the wound remains. now \rteathedwith trailsof greg smoke-To your
dismay,yor.rdiscoverthat the CIaw is still intact.
To continue,turn to 76 Despitethe huge burst of energy that your blow
324-325 326-327
released,9ou discoverno mark or blemishupon its and then climbbackio the top of the ravinebefore
gnarledshaft. yoLrstop to examinewhat the tube contarns.
The blade of your Kai Weapon. however. is Turn to 1zl0
notched and discolouredat the point where it
struck the shaft of the Claw. (The damage to your
Kai Weaponhas causeda permanentreductionof 326
2 points to its coMBATSKILLbonus. You should Your arrow strikesthe cannon'spressurecylinder,
now adjustthe bonuson your Specialltems list.) but it fails to penetratethe thick iron skin and it
ricochets away. Your failed altempt to deshoy the
To continue,turn to 103. cannon betrays your presence, and a handful of
the Bhanariansleavethe fight at the archwayand
'324 come runningtowardsthe antechamberwith therr
Youinstruct swordsand axesraisedto strike
to unsheathe
and insert the tips of their bladesin the gap in the You shoulder your bow and offer up a short prayer
doot close to the hinges. You detect that the to lshir to protect you as you get ready to meet
hingesare rusty,and theg are far weakerthan the their determinedattack With your battlecry upon
lock On gour signal,the rangerspush againstthe your lips, you pLrllopen the door and flail your Xai
flats o{ their bladesand lever the doors open Weaponat the first Bhanarianwho comeswithin
Pick a numberfrom the Random Number Toble strikingdistance.

If the number you have picked is 3 or lower, BhanarianGuards,

turnto 177 COMBAT

If it is4 or higher, lf you win this combat,turn to 144-

turnto 249

325 327
You unsheatheyour axe and strike the boulder a 'Come, brave rangers- We must pursue the enemy
mighty blow that shattersthe rock and freesyour without delay,'gou plead,in an effort to rally your
lrapped foot. You lall to lhe base ol Lheravine, exhaustedcompanions.'Theymr:stnot be allowed
but gour natural agility enables you to hvist in to steal away the Claw '
mid-air and land safely on your feet without
'Hold, Sir Kai,' retorts Captain Gildas. 'The
further injury
enemy is too strong, They outnumber us, and
Quickly you ascend the steep gully wall and they possessa weapon that can slay us all but
rctieve the steel 1ube. You tuck it into your belt with one bolt. Do you not recall what happened
at Sunderer Pass? I have lost one good man one of thesepatrols.y.r ,".."0 ,. .:;.:::
already.I hove no desire Lo risk any more in a in an empty woodcutter's"r"
reckl€sspursuit '
To continu€,turn to 3
'Are you breakingyour vow to help me, Captain?
you ask, reproachfully
'No, Sir Kai,'he retorts. 'M9 vow remainstrue. I You halt beside the wrecked wagon and use your
simply propose we pursue the enemy at a safe Animal Mast€ryto conversewith the belligerent
distance.They may run with the Claw of Naar,but bird.To your discoverthat the crow is
they cannot keep it from us forever Th€ tEcker- not angry at all - he is trying to warn you. You
gem that I've placedin the haft will alwayslead us leam that the lorestis dominatedby an e\alshape-
to it, no matter where it may be hidden.' changerthat teedson human blood The brrd tells
'You are right, Captain,'you reply, apologetically you that it hasclaimedmany victims,includingthe
'Firstly we shall rest and recover our strength poor soulswho oncevenhxedhere long ago in this
Then we shall hunt down our enemy and claim wagon. You are about to ask the crow where this
backthat accursedartelactbefore they can deliver shape-changercan be found, but something
it io Autarch S€janoz.' disturbshim. He takesfright and quicldy flies away
Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand I1 you wish to hrrn back towardsthe norlh and
Huntmasiery,!,ou must now eat a Meal or lose 3 le-avethe forest, go to 91.
ENDUFLANCE If gou decideto continuesouthwardsalong the
lo conlrnue,turn to zul trail,lurn io 170.

324 330
You utter the words of the Old Kingdom spell
You quicklyrecoverlrom the shocko{ your watery
,nuisibleFisf and projectyour clenchedright hand
encounter,and you strikeout with renewedvigour
towardsthe on rushingcr€ature.
for the oppositebank Upon reachingthe far side,
you tie the rope around a sturdy kee trunk and The power of your spellhits the beastsquarelyin
signalto the rangersto begin crossrng-All three the chestand sendsit somersaultingsideways,out
crossthe river safely,and togetheryou aPProach of control. With a sickening thud, it impacts
Zuda undercover of darkness. againstthe rocky wall of th€ mountain passand
disappearsfrom view.
The road into the town is heavily patrolled by
Bhanariansoldiers.When yor.tnearly collidewith To continue,to 18.
331-333 334334
ae1 bridge Madeeeri€ by the light of the torchesthat
You thread your way ihrough the crush of soldiers the soldiers are carrying, the sudden appearance
aDd enter the barracksunchallenged.The raised o[ this mist startlesthe soldierson the river bank.
hoods of your robes keep your facesin shadow, Fearing that a monster is set to rise up and
and the guardsfarl to recognizethat you are not consumethe bridgewith its fiery breath,theg turn
nativeBhanarians. tail and flee in panic from the water'sedge.
Beyond the entnnce is a courtyard where several Turn to 127.
wagons,filledwrth provisions,are being unloaded.
You and your companionseach take a box from 334
the rear o[ the nearestwagon and join a line of Above the narrowest section of the mountain
men who are deliveringtheir goods to a kitchen pass, the rangers have rigged a great wooden
storeroomlocatednear the middleof the oarracxs platform heaped with boulders and rocks A
complex- You leave your boxes here and then length of rope has been tied to a prop which
return to the courtyardto collectsome more. As supports this platform, and it trails back to a
you are making your way back, 9ou passa door hiding place overlookingthe pass 'One pull on
that your lGi sensesiell you is unlocked Quickly this rope,' saysSergeantPaviz,flashinga wicked
you slip inside and then signal to the rangers to grin, 'and the whole lot ll come tumblin down on
follow When all of you are safelyinside,9ou shut their heads|
the door and draw bolt
'ts CaptainGildastells you that the enemysquadare
Turn to 298 expectedto traversethe passbefore nightfall He
posts Ranger Durassoas lookoLlt atop a high
332 peak, and while you wait for th€ enemy to show,
By the combineduseo[ gour map and your Grand you pass the time in conv€rsation with the
Master Discipline of Astrology, you are able to Captain.
determinethat the ruins lie 75 milesdue north of
Yua Tzhan lf you can maintain a steady pace Slowlg the sun sets beyond the western horizon
throughout the day, you feel conlident that 9ou and a blanket of cloud rolls acrossthe sky from the
can reach the city by nightfall north, bringingwith it a chill night wind. Then you
hear Durassowhistlingrit is the signal that the
To continue,turn to 232 enemyhavebeen sighted.Quicklyyou look down
into the pass below and notice a group of dark
383 liguresmoving along the mountarntrack
You call upon your improved Kai mastery to If you possessGrand Huntmastery,or Grand
conjure up a mist beneath the first arch of the Pathsmanship,
turn to 318.
If gou have neither of these Grand Master
Disciplines,turn insteadto 112

Cautiouslgyou continue gour approach towards
the enemgencampment-Upon reachingthe edge
of the copse, you catch sight of the Impenal
Cuards gathered around a campfire Theg are
€ating the remnantsof a roastedfanji, and their
horsesare teth€redby silkenropesto the boughof
a chestnut tree some distance away from the
cracklingfire. A few of the warriors are already
asleep, inclr.rdingtheir leader You observehim
carefullyand your Kai sixth sensetellsyou that the
Claw of Naar is wrapped in the blanketroll he is
usingas a pillow. Having commitiedthe detarlsof
the encampment to memory, you srgnal to
CaptarnGildasto follow as silently9ou slip away
and retLrrnto your waiting companions
Turn to 4

You hear the muskets loud report, then a blinding
white light obliteratesgour vision. A ierrifying
numbnessspreadsraprdlyfrom gour neck to the
solesof yor-rrfeet, and you feei yourselftumbling
forwardsinto a fathomlessabyss
The leadball from the guard'smuskethas pierced
the back of your skull and penetratedgour brarn
Mercifully,your death is swift and painless-
Sadlg,your life and your missionend here in the
barrack of Yua Tzhan ImperialGuardsgatheredaroundtheir campfire
337-338 339-340

337 CaptainGildas(Psgchicollgpossesseo
The woman launchesa bolt of psychicenergythat COMBAT SKILL48 ENDURANCE 40
lancesyour mind and fills your head with a fiery,
Conductthis combatas normal.All blowsthat you
agonisingpain: lose 3 ENDURANCE points
land upon Gildasare with the flat of your blade.
Fortunately,your mentaldefencesknit tog€therto Youare attemptingto subduehim, not kill him. He
repalr the damageyou have sustainedfrom this is immuneto all psgchicattack
opportunisticaltack, and the pain in your head
ll you win this combat,turn to 117
To continue,turn to 236.
As the flying creaturedisappearsover the llp of
the rauine, you wrench your foot {ree lrom lhe
338 cl€lt in the boulder. Instantly, you fall towards the
Yor.rrrefusal angers the Autarch bas€ ol the steep gully, but your natural agility
enablesyou to tuist in mid-air and land safelyon
You sense a sudden surge of psyrchicpower, and your feet without sustainingany further injuries
you braceyour mental defencesin preparationto
meet an exp€ctedattack The Autarch launchesa You quickly ascendthe steeply sloping wall and
streamof psychicpulsesbut they are not directed retrieve the steel tub€ from the slate outcrop You
at you; CaptainGildasis the target. tuck it into your b€lt, ihen you climb back to the
top of th€ ravine where you pause to €xamine
GiHas shuddersas the pulsesimpact de€p in his
what th€ tube contains.
mind His eyesopen widely, but his pupils rise to
the cerling.He is in a trance. He drau,shis $!ord Turn to 1tl0
and, like a mindlessautomaton,he swingsaround
and comesmarchingstifflytowardsyou You shout
his name repeatedly,but all he can hear are the
YourKai sensewarnsyou thatthe one-eyed man
ArJtarch'spsychic commands to attack and slay
you wlth his sword.
and his cohortsare waitingoutsidein the main
square.Theyare determined to ambushyou and
At first his blows are clumsy and easy to dodg€, your companions the momentyou steplrom the
but the speedof his movementsincreaseuntil you inn. Wary of their intentions,you ask th€
are backedagainstthe chamberwall with nowhere innkeeperif there is another exit from the
to go. You have no desirelo fight Gildas,but he taproomandhe pointsto a curtained archwayIt
will slay you unwiftingly if you do not defend concealsa door which op€nson to an alleway
yourselffrom his relentlessblows runningalongsidethe inn Youleaveby thisdoor
and walk ro the end ol the alley. taking care ro
avoid the main square.Your mind is now locused
upon the taskof findingand retrievinqthe Claw of
Naar belore Autarch Se;anozarrivd, and when
Turn to 206.

with closedshopdoorwa!,s,and soon vou arriveat

a busybarracks.The compass.and your Kai sixrh 342
s€ns€, both lell you lhat the Claw of Naar is
locatedsomewhereinsidethis troop infestedbuild-
If you wish to try to find a way to €nter ti€
barracksundetected,turn to 81.
ll you decide to obs€rvethi5 building lrom the
cov€r ot an unlit doonvag. turn to 242.

You sleep poorly and wake feeling drained and
dishedrlened:lose 2 tNDUFtANcE points. Shor y
afier dawn. you breakcamp and set oll acrossthe Seizinglhe Lrrgeyour stallion (o
marshlands,heading east At first th€ spongy lhe gallop and speed away Lom rhe ridge wirh
groundcomesas a welcomerelief after the jagged your rangercompanionsfollotvingcloselyon your
rocks and twistedroots that litter the floor oilhe heels,
AngfengForest.Then the marshysoildegenerates Turn to 309,
lnto a lreacherousswamp. and soon you are
forcedto head south in searchof firmer terrarn
For two daysand nightsyou trek acrosswetlands,
livingas bestyou can off the flora and faunaof this
inhospitabler€gion. By noon of the rhird day you
catch sight of a stone bridge across tlre River
Heng. on the outskirtsof a town calledZuda.The
Sepnozapproachesthe lire and sloops to retrieve
the CIaw, but then he hesitates.His skeletalhand
tremblesand he s€emspowerlessto control it. you
sensethat he is afraid of the flames:it is his one
vital weakness.
You rush towardshim and land a kck to his side,

and rollsaway,towardsthe

follow up and jab it at his hands,and he shrieks
with fear. Then h€ tries to stand, and as he rs rever-
mg himselfup from the floor,you leap into the air
and land a two-looted kick to his chest that s€nds
him somersaulting backwards.With a wailing cry,
he tumbles out of the window and plurnrneh into
the courtvardbelow.
You nod in agreemenl and ask the old man how Tum to 219.
much he wantsfor four of his robes
'9ne 345
ltylrdredand sixty Ren. kind sir' he replies. 'Stay here, Captain,' you whisper, 'l will return

lf you can aflord to pay lhe man s price, turn to

magical energgpiercing the gloom. The winged
If you do not have sr.rfficientGold Cro$yls to pay
horde are making a delerminedattack upon the
for the robes,turn to 45. ground€d skyship, but Lord Rimoah and his
346-346 J47-349 I
young crewmenare putting up a spiriteddefence A7
Once gou are safely outside the barrack. you
When 9ou reach the edge of the ravrne,you are hurry away along a cobblestonedstreet that is
confronted by the Lrnexpectedsight of Cloud crowdedwith parkedwagons,anxioustroops, and
doncer rising rapidlg into ihe darkening sky A iratedrivers-The barracks'alarm bell continuesto
bloody battle is ragrng along her decks as the toll, and you sensethat the th€ft of the Claw has
winged beasts attempt to wrest control of the
now be€n discovered.
skyshipfrom the crew You magnify your vision
and catch sight of Lord Rimoah standingat the As you turn a corn€r,gou seea mountedpatrol of
cralt's stern, near to the boardingcage For a few four guardsmen come cantering along the street
moments your eyes meet and you make a towards you. The officer regdrdslrou wrth suspicion
lelepaLhiclink He hurls a melallic lube in your and he orders9ou and your companronsto halt
direction and you hear his voice in gour mind, If you wish to obeg his command,turn to 139
urging you to retrieveit. Then the link is broken
when he is forced to defendhimselffrom a deter If you wish to trg to evadethis patror, turn ro
minedattacker.You watch the tubestrikea rock at 306.
the edgeof the raqn€, and then it disappearsfrom
sight. With fear running cold in your veins, you
watch helplessly as the beleaguered skgship
As you rushinto the ill lit alleyrray,one of the City
powers away towards the east, pursued by the
Guard'sarrowsricochetsoff the wall and gougesa
flyingswarm of raveningbeasts. furrow of skin from your calf, Iose 1 erounarce
If you wish to stay hidden among the rock at pont
the edgeof the ravine,turn to 203. To continue,turn to 174
If you wish to attempt to retrieve the metallic
tube, turn to 243-
Youtell the rangerswhat you havediscovered,and
g6 suggestthat they rest awhile under the wooden
the clearing,and follow an easterlybearing that
soon bringsyou to th€ edgeof the for€st.Without
daring lo look back, you leavethe Vanchouand
set off across the vasl, open plains
Turn to 250.
350-350 350-350

bridgewhile you attemptto lure a distantgroup of hardly believetheir eyeswhen you bring the sky
stallionstowards the stream By the use of gour chariot down to land upon the deck. Within
MagnakaiDisciplineof Animal Control, you are secondsof touchingdown, you are surroundedby
able to entice four horsesto approachthe bridge. a massof cheeringcountlymen.
At lirst theg are nervous,for they can detectthe Lord Rimoah appearsamong the excitedthrong
vjle stenchof the Doomlands dust which impreg Wlth tears of Jo9 rn h$ eyes, he embracesyou
natesthe rangers'tunics, but they are also thirsty and then offers up a prayer of thanksgrvingto
and they cannot_resrst for too long the temptation GoddessIshir for your safe return You deliver to
of the sparklingstream him the Claw of Naar and he vows ihat this
You allow them to drink at the streamfor several accursedartefact will be destrogedby the Elder
minutesand, as they settle,you slowlgapproach Magi to prevent it from ever falling into the
the leadingstallion You are reachingout io take hands of Autarch Sejanoz
hold of his manewhen he suddenlyrisesup on hrs Congrafulations, GrandMaster.You havemet this
hind legsand flailsat you with his hooves. difficult challengeand you have triumphed Your
Pick a nr.rmberfrom the Rondom Number Table braveand daringexploitswill long be remembered
lf you possessGrand Huntmastery,add 2 to the in the legendsof the New Order Kai Yet the fight
number you have picked If you possess againstEvil goes on- Soon your courageand Kai
Assimilance,add 1. skrllswill be testedanew The naiure of the quest
and the dangersthat await you will be revealedin
If your total score is now 3 or lower, turn to the next excitmgLone Wolf adveniureentitLed:
The Hunger of Sejanoz
I { if i< 4 hi^ h.. h, , - r ^ qq

You see the unmistakableshapeof Cloud-doncer
silhor.tettedagainst the rising sun lt hovers above
the centralkeep of Fort Jhung, and wrth the wind
in your hair and a cry of victorgon gour lips, you
bank goLrrskg-chariottowardsit
Lord.Rimoah and Lord Ghadra are among the
many on deck who are anxiouslgwatching and
prayrng lor you to appear. rhough no one is
expectingyour arrivalwrll be by air. The crew can
r. Add your coMBATsrTJLLto any bonus points
given to you by your Kai Weapon, Special
Items or Grand MasterDisciplines
2. Subtractthe coMBAT of yor.r enemyfrom
this total This number = CombatRatio
3. Pick number from the Rondom Numbr Toble
Turn to the Combat ResultsTable
5. Find your Combat Ratio along the top ol the
chart and cross-reference to random number
you have picked. (E indicatesloss of ENDUR-
ANCEpoints to Enemy GM indicatesloss ot
ENDUMNCE points to yourself)
6 Continue the combat from Stage 3 until one
character is dead. This is when ENDUMNCE
points of either combatantlallsto 0.


1 L You may only do this when th€ t€xt of the

advenfure offers you the opportunity.
2 . You undertake one round of combat in the
usual way. All points lost by the enemy are
ignored.only you lose ENDURANCE pornts
3. If the text offersyou the chanceto take evasive
action in place of combat, it can be taken in
the first or any subsequentround (unless

E -10
GM -2

E -1 0

E -14

E -18
Git -o

ThzIONE WOLF scri.t... dae yt rdd thar, all?

2. fIREONTHEWATER O09 9359@6
3. THE CA\ERNSOT KAITE 0€9345509
,r. THE CHASMOF DOOM 0099591E05
5. SHADOWON THEt{ND 0 09942490I
7 Ci\STLE DTATH 0 09 9476207
IO TH E D U N GE ON OFS TOR C A R 00 99512505
S O0995I 32O X
14-THE CAPTft'ESOF (AAG 009967?@8
15-THf,.DARKECRUSADE 009!1677105
16 THE I_EGA(;TOF VASHNA 0 09 $6050 !
t7. THE DF]\TH[-ORD OF tXtA 0 09 !t!t6{m 2
t8. DA\4N OF THE DMGONS 0 09 998430x
19- wolFs aANE 0 09 9{A4,(| 7
20- THE CURSEOF NAAR O09 998{50 4
23 MYDN|CI|TS HERO 0099252910
2t, RUNEWAR 009 925301I
25, TI IL OF T1IEWOLF 009 9641917
All LONEWOLFb6Lt ph..d .r i4 99
Ai! you Eady ro rlc rh. lrNE C-t rbdcd by
ord.'ia8 rhc LONEWOLFb6rr by polrl
Un ft. [tl6 ]utr d lit . .n.le : cl'.qu. o. p6ul ordcr h:d. out b
A@ Aatt Ltl atv! ilon'r angc b b.l'dc ?tp F bor aq pcbg. .rd
p.cE g (.ppti6 b UK.nd oEE- od.B) ll|d jun Fnd tor ordcr b:
A'rd B.oL! |Rft rtu n3hr b lhov n.t REr Fkd on (GE 4i.h nEl
diftr lren rhG DRroulY dErd{d
WARNING!!!This is a grippingly gory, paul Zindels hlaod-&illin1lhrilk-ris oul
adren aline-punpin g, n on-stop-actlon f nap - graba tob lor th?nosttaribing
rolbr coastu read,of yur lile.
block-buslerof a read,...
Here's a taster to get 1ou trembling...
A deadE predatur i stalking SalBbuD Plnirl, l2rluntg (r
blaod-andting bgaq of tenor, muftbr and deshrctnn m Thc explosion from the $atcr camc quickly. The .amen
ik uahe. ThLt hillmg machine must be stol+c.d belore it fell fiom ErdoD s hands ar he glinDsed a pair of huge,
hills again - and. again. hor.ilyinli ycllow eyes and a gorge rimmed by jagged,
dagger-sized tc€th. The horror happened so f6t - as rI
In rhe nexr split second Richards glimpsed an cnor- Erdon had bcen struck by thc hood of a Ecing ca., his
moN skull like facc with hornqrng, deep, huge eye f€et tom from lhe rope webbing - he had an insbnt to
sockets.The impact ripped his legs from the ladderand feel the impact on his face and chest. He wa-sar6re of
hurled his bodyagainst the ceilin8 beams. He was aware a brief tensation of being turDed, positioned, when a
ofbeing tumed by great clawed hands locking him like godless, fiery pain c.ashed sitnultaneously into his back
pincers, and he was ashamed to 6nd himselfscreaming and groin.
He stared helplessl], down into thc skull-face, saw it
open its mouth. A huge, gnahing sp.ay of lwisted, Ar first, Sar^h didn t have timc to scream. Inslincdvely,
razor-sharp fangs spiralled upMrds and beSan to she reached forthe ignition kcy, butd hcr arm and hmd
penetrate hh throat. He felt a deep unspeakablc pain, wen! out shc fclt srrm. thick drops spotttng her skin.
saw the bulItofhis om bl(Ed in frontofhim ln his last When she looked at her arm shc knew it was raining
conscious moments on ear(h, be knew he wai beirg blood. Now she screamed.

RrDltrx y'zy'rr&A !3 50 lsBN 0 09 9542?14 tuD Fox r,rzr&d, Il 99 lsBN009954261 7

THEAoolEyHE^D ru'lr&tr 1899ISBN0 370322819 Tr u BoDrrl HuD lzrdr,.A ii 99 ISBN037032450?
WARNINC!!! This is a grippingQgory, paul hndd's blootl-chilling thilkr is out
non-stop-action I nw - grab a ropyJor themostterrilying
bhck-bustnol a rcad... rolbr-co@stsr
read,of Jour life,
Hcrc's a tostzr to gd lou l,rcnbbng...
A dcatlb pnhtor it stalLingSalisbu) Plain, laving a
blml'audling l4at1 of tznw, ,nutdt and dalntction tn The explosion from the Mt€r came quicuy. The camera
ils anie. This Nlling nachiw nu:t bc slopqcdbelon iI fell from Erdon s hands as hc glimps€da pair or huge,
hi/lt egain - a d.agiin. hornrying ycllow eyesand r gorgc rimm€d by jagged,
dagSer-liz€d t€crh. The horror happcncd ro fas. - a.! if
In thc ncxt lplit s.cond Richard! glimFed an cnor- Erdon had bc€n strucr by thc hood of a r.cint (r!, his
mous st'nHih facc with horriryiDg, deep, huSe cyc fcer rorn from the ropc *cbbint - hc had an insrant to
socket! Th. impact npp€d hi! lcts fiom thc ladd.r and fe€l rhe imF,acton his face and ch6t. Hc xas aryarcof
hurled his body aFinst rh€ ccilint b€ams.Hc wasawar€ a brief sensationof beinS turn€d, position€d,when a
of being tumed ry grca! clawedhandslocking him lik€ 8odl6!, 6ery pain crash€dsimulbneouslyinro his bact
pincers,and hc wrr aihamcd to 6nd h;rnseus.reaming. ano 8rom.
Hc stared hclplcssly doh'n into dre skuil-face, saw it
open its mouft. A hwe, 8nashing spray of twistcd, A( first, Sarah didnt hav. tim€ to rcr€am. lnldnctively,
razo.*harp fan$ rpirallcd upMrdi and began to 3h€rcachedfor the ignition key,butas her a]m rnd hand
pcnetratehir throat. He felt a de€p unspeatabl€pain, wcnt out she fclt wam, rhick drops spottint hcr sLin.
sawth€ burstofhb own blood infront of him.ln his lart When sh€ looked ar her arm she-kniw ir \{Bs raininE
consciousmoment! on earrh, hc knew he wa9 being blood. Now shescreamed.

ItrD Fox ,.F 6.d, t!-5O ISBN0 09 95427rI RD Fox ,+,rad, 1290 ISAN0 @ 95161 7
THr aoorry H.lD ld!6r.t $,99 [iaN 0 3? ltt22{l I Tflr E dr HN rudr.d, ,l 99 lsEN 0!t0 !2atttt

GoSxppL€q€ S€A Bn{puc

A(t ioniached aduenturc.hish-tnLsion f )ou're an aduetuture
add,ictthenjou'll loae
I L drama and hercicstuushburkling! BNDli, I'HE WND - it\ un-but4ownablc!
Join d.ashingheroFbhxBrookeas tu Here'sa lasreof uhat'sin ston,.,
anbarhsupon thajournE of a Wfine. .. Shipwe.kzL inprisonzd and thm haunted b a gholrli'h
Hne\ a La.ttetto tztnpttou! lraunitit
'he L - bftnte t'dit tw.4 bc daum on his lwh bul
'U M'er, dcr gitn Lp...
'Ye'!t run t&qrs€lf Into a real n6t of addeB, here, lad,'
'OI, bur l dont wanr b di€!'
Sammy whisp€r€d,
'I know they are smuS8leE, I trege protesting. 'Thar And then, asecondtim€, rhc fcar ofdeath, such
v'as why the f€e was low But I could take care ofmy-'
rs I had nor fclt" even(hrough the ship$reck.inlo myown
'They are worse than smugglers, lad - rhey are hett,'Oh - ha - I don't - znnt - to - di.!'
Comprachicos,' hc brcath€d into my ear.
P€trified,I staredall around me. From wherecould rhe
'ComDra - c<omDrdchicos?' voiceDossiblvcome?
At fir;t I thoutht-l coLrld nor hav€ heard him ari8ht. Trembling uncontrollably,I lookecl upward, and now,
just for a nomenr, ir seemedto my darcd sensesrhat I
Then I could not b€li€ve him. The I did beliele him -
Sam would not makc up such a tale-and, desprte myself,
could seesometh"rg,some ,od)- surpendedfron one of
my teerh b€gan to chalter. the archin8boughsoverhead,that I could s€ea ihin form
swinging,dangling at rhe end of a ropc not three feet
aboveme. . Ir faded,melbd, and wasgone.

THE FEI,IX TRILOCY bv l()an Aiken frcm Red Fox THE FEl,tX TRII,OGY bv loan Aiken from Red Fox
Go SondtedE Se 13.99 ISBN 0 fl) 953771 0 co S&b Ate9a f3.99 ISBN0 09 953?710
Bri.IIe d'. Wi'd !3.99 ISBN 0 09 9537A18 Dr IL ,hi Wid 13.99 ISBN0 09 953?818
Th.Tc.thofd|.GoL f3.99 ISBN 0 0g 9537915 TtET"d.otivGoL 13-99 ISBN0 09 9537915
rr+€[€€lFFf Gxtrc
An eerietateof thesupem&turaL.

rab a ropl ol the thrilling ltntlt nl eurig theliddlrr is o hauntednon. 7 he

\J THr: FELIY TRIl,ocy. It's an attion- pa)iluula sPiir, Hafrcn, hos.apluPd hi:
pacfud read - so hold.on tight! soul - and,nou possesses the kE... to hzslife.
Puket ran uhm trau lillx leads res e mission uith
hit !1uftttuarLInna. It's a d&db dangemu.t lash - uiu The Severn was grev and puryle; huge, a shifting,
Itelix tueP hL heud and retun a hno? brearhrng mtrs of lfater, swollen right up to the base of
che wall, Iapping quie l.
Hff?'s a tiqt)ng t^ter..
About haua mile down the $?ll was the ltatchtowei lall
Juanar Keep tery stU'' I called hoarsel,q and built of black stone, its windo\as blank eyes that
M,v hea[ seemed to fall clean out of my body into thc watched them come.
gorye below There she Ms, defencelcss, h deadly dan- Conor hesrtated. Then he said, 'Do you thrnk it will
ger, and here I was, strnng on two ropes oter the gulf,
wirh my guD strappcd out of rea.h, uselesson my back; Meurig turned 'Safe)'
howevcr fist I moved, I would neve. be able to get back
time ro save her f the bear flew at her The fiddler glan.ed out at the estuary 'You mean from
'nThe nrassivebear tu.ned, at the sound ofny loicc, and
cycd mc intcntly- I joggled finotically on fte .ope, to
TheI looked at each oiher for a moment Then the
'Be a rl B ear | I y elled ' l -o o k a t me l L o o k a tm c o n the liddler smrled a bitter smile 'I doubt it. For me, nowhere
b rd q e . ' ine r n. l ger me . b e d .l l l c rc I.rm '

THE FEI,IX TRILOGY byJoan Aiken iiom Red Fox

f3.99 ISBN 0 09 953?7t 0
f3 99 ISBN 0 09 9537818 THE CANDI-EMAN by CathcrineFisher
The Teethof the Gale f3 99 ISBN 0 09 95371)15 RED FOX paperback, 2 99 ISBN 0 09 9301393
Slnrl lisktl [or the WH Snith Mind Boggling BoLll: hM CatherineFishsr\ri elinglanl,oE adva ure con[inws...

ra1 hP'sa monstT othn\ hof,ch? i\
\) fuad, and no onc hat sem him lor man7,
man) )ears. Unl,il nou..-
R enenbetthewichedice-uitchCudrun!
Ifyou thoughtshzcouldn'tget an) more
nil... Think again.Shejust has...
Hakon tumed, clutching rhe sword rha( feh hor and
'l'm s€ndi.g vor to live with mysn,'theJarl said. heavy in his hand. And then, amonS $e undergrowth,
For a moment thcy couldn t realiTc what hc mcant. among stomitirEd leaves and snow, something shifted,
ThenJessa feh sick; cold sweat prickled oD her t'ack. md he knew he vr.s looking a( a face, a naroq inhMan
Thorkil Ms whirc. You can't knd us thcre, h€ face amons splintered bianches and shadow. It witched
him, its small e.vespale as ice, a bi8, indisrincr shape, and
'Hold your tongu€ and Iet me finish' Ragnar h?s he swore for a moment rhat Lhe snow drifred rhroush irs
looking at rhem now' wirh a ha'd, amrNed stare. bodt
'Call it exile. and think younelves hrcky At least you ll Like a man, but bigger. Likc a bcar bur. not Hakon
have a sort oflife. You lcave tomorrowfbr Thrdi^hall, at felt a sudden pulse of rcrror that he squashed at once,
first light.'
Je ssasa wT hor k il was t' € mb l i D g . Sh e k e w h e .o u l d n' t Barely openirg his lips he said, 'lt's here. DonI move.
believe this; he \^.ast€rrifi€d, It burst out ofhim in a w;ld Don't speak. Whatever happens don'! make a sound.'
despairing cry
'I wonl gol You can'! send us out there, nor to that

otr( trow in pap(rba<khuN Red Fox ar f350 O{t o* in paperbacl from Rcd Fox ar f3.50
I THE SNO\ALWAI-KER S SON,ISBN 009925192 2 I THE 5NO\,!'-WALKERS SON, ISBN 0 0€ ()2sl92 2
2 THf DMPry H ND.ISBN O M 9251825 2 THE EMPTY I{AND, ISBN O09 925IE2 5
5 THE S{)UI- THtEVES,ISBNO09 9559713 3 THE SOUL TIIIEVFS, ISBN O09 953971 3
'A thnlkng chi ing tutA of magt and Mae'MArL oN suND^\:

TtttlT T hm a ttouerful sbell-stormsettl.esolter

Y Y theJctrl":hold. Kai hnowsit s o Sign.
A Sign to tahe up hts mother'sfnal" nost
d.reatlful chalknge.. .

Kari raised tbe cup ro drin k xnd stopped, so stitl thatJesa

looked at him. He war staring into the wine is if
something had poisoned it, and when he looked up his
face wns white with terror
'She s here,' he breathed.
Alarmed, Wulfgar lea ed foftErd 'Who is?'
But Kari had spun roLrnd, quick d a sword{lash. 'Close
thc doors!' he yelled, his voice lzw and desperate over
the hubbub. 'Close tlem! NOWI'
Jessacaught Kan\ arm and the red wine splashed her

'What is it?' she gdped. \ rhafs happening?

'She s here.' He stared over her shor der. 'Cods,Jessa
Lo o kl '

Out now,n paperbackfrom Red Fox at !3-50

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