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Bad Girl This is a popular declamation piece about a "bad girl"

who becomes bad because of the negligence of her family,

school, and society.
Trisha Danica: Hey! Everybody seems to be staring at me.You! You! All of you! How
dare you to stare at me?! Why? Is it because I`m a bad girl? A bad girl I am, a
good-for-nothing teenagera problem child?

Angelica Q.: That's what you call me! I smoke. I drink. I gamble at my young tender
age. I lie. I cheat, and I could even kill, if I have to. Yes, I`m a bad girl, but where
are my parents? You! You! You are my good parents?

Lexi: My good elder brother and sister in this society where I live? Look! Look at
me.... What have you done to me? You have pampered and spoiled me, neglected
me when I needed you most! Entrusted me to a yaya, whose intelligence was much
lower than mine! While you go about your parties, your meetings and gambling

Angelika: Thus... I drifted away from you! Longing for a father`s love, yearning for a
mother`s care! As I grew up, everything changed! You too have changed!

Frances: You spent more time in your poker, majong tables, bars and night clubs.
You even landed on the headlines of the newspaper as crooks, pedlars and
racketeers. Now, you call me names, accuse me of everything I do to myself? Tell
me! How good are you?

Phoebe: If you really wish to ensure my future... Then hurry....hurry back home!
Where I await you, because I need you. Protect me from all evil influences that will
threaten me at my very own understanding. But if I am bad, really bad...then, you've
got to help me! Help me! Oh please... Help me!
Vengeance Is Not Ours, Its Gods
ABE : Alms, alms, alms. Spare me a piece of bread. Spare me your mercy. I am a child
so young, so thin, and so ragged.Why are you staring at me? With my eyes I cannot see
but I know that you are all staring at me.

DIONISIO: Why are you whispering to one another? Why? Do you know my mother?
Do you know my father? Did you know me five years ago? Yes, five years of bitterness
have passed. I can still remember the vast happiness mother and I shared with each
other. We were very happy indeed.

THOMAS: Suddenly, five loud knocks were heard on the door and a deep silence
ensued. Did the cruel Nippons discover our peaceful home? Mother ran to Fathers side
Please, Luis, hide in the cellar, there in the cellar where they cannot find you, I pulled
my fathers arm but he did not move. It seemed as though his feet were glued to the

DENVERSON: The door went bang and before us five ugly beasts came barging in.
Are you Captain Luis Santos? roared the ugliest of them all. Yes, said my father. You
are under arrest, said one of the beasts. They pulled father roughly away from us.
Father was not given a chance to bid us goodbye.

ALISTAIR: We followed them mile after mile. We were hungry and thirsty. We saw
group of Japanese eating. Oh, how our mouths watered seeing the delicious fruits they
were eating, Then suddenly, we heard a voice call, Consuelo. . . . Oscar. . . .
Consuelo. . . . Oscar. . . . Consuelo. . . . Oscar. . . . we ran towards the direction of the
voice, but it was too late.

JOSHUA: We saw father hanging on a tree. . . . dead. Oh, it was terrible. He had been
badly beaten before he died. . . . and I cried vengeance, vengeance, vengeance!
Everything went black. The next thing I knew I was nursing my poor invalid mother. One
day, we heard the church bell ringing ding-dong, ding-dong!

JAZMYNE: It was a sign for us to find a shelter in our hide-out, but I could not leave my
invalid mother, I tried to show her the way to the hide-out. Suddenly, bombs started
falling; airplanes were roaring overhead, canyons were firing from everywhere. Boom,
boom, boom, boom! Mother was hit.

AIRA: Her legs were shattered into pieces. I took her gently in my arms and cried, Ill
have vengeance, vengeance! No, Oscar. Vengeance, its Gods, said mother. But I
cried out vengeance. I was like a pent-up volcano. Vengeance is mine not the Lords.
No, Oscar.

JUAN CARLOS: Vengeance is not ours, its Gods these were the words from my
mother before she died.Mother was dead and I was blind. Vengeance is not ours? To
forgive is divine but vengeance is sweeter.

ROANNE: That was five years ago, five years. . . . Alms, alms, alms. Spare me a piece
of bread. Spare me your mercy. I am a child so young, so thin, and so ragged.
Vengeance is not ours, its Gods. . . . Its. . . . Gods. . Its

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