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The Magic of Abrakadabra Continues

Hangout (9/1/13) with Dr. Pillai, Mohini,

Rabbi Robert Teixeira, Schlomo Shoham

~~~ Transcript~~~

Mohini: Hello everyone and welcome back as The Magic of

Abrakadabra continues. Another show in our Jewish and Yogic Power
Sounds Series. In his last show Dr. Pillai shared the secret behind the
Kabbalistic Mantra which is reminiscent of ABRAKADABRA. And this
secret is the secret behind any mantra. You can create everything
through Sound waves. Sound waves create consciousness, Light, and
matter. Its only a matter of understanding sound waves and knowing
how to use them properly. And this is the basis behind Dr. Pillais theory
of why the Yogic and Jewish communities are so exemplary. Because
they are descendants of people who knew how to create through
Sound waves.

So in todays show, Dr. Pillai will teach you how to practice the
Mantra which is reminiscent of Abrakadabra so that you also can
understand and experience the power to create.

Before Dr. Pillai gives this teaching, our guests today will help prepare
you for this experience. Rabbi Robert Teixeira, a Psychotherapist from
Manhattan, will give you a brief introduction into the sacred text that
Dr. Pillai will be sharing his insights from, the Sefer Yetzirah. And
Scholomo Shoham, a retired judge in Israel who served as the first
commissioner of Future Generations, will guide us through a powerful
ceremony that can open us up to a mystical experience. And this
ceremony is observed worldwide by the Jewish people on their New

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Year Day coming up this week. So first well begin with Rabbi Robert.
Rabbi Robert, its great to have you back on the show.

Rabbi Robert: Well, once again I wanted to say its a privilege to join
you today and Im very happy to be back.

Mohini: Wonderful. So Rabbi Robert, why do you think the Sefer

Yetzirah is such an important work in Judaism?

Rabbi Robert: Well, first let me tell you just a little bit about Sefer
Yetzirah, often referred to or translated as the Book of Creation or
the Book of Formation. This is a very short work, approximately 1600
words in length. And it appeared somewhere between the 3rd and 6th
centuries of the common era. Its the earliest book of the Jewish
Mystical Tradition, known as Kabbalah. And it begins as many of you
know, who have been listening to Dr. Pillai, it begins with the words:
With 32 Mystical Paths of Wisdom engraved Ya. That is the Divine

So what are these 32 Mystical Paths of Wisdom? And the answer to

that question is: The 32 refers to the 10 Sefirot or 10 Conduits and the
22 refers to the 22 Characters of the Hebrew alphabet. So this book is
all about the Divine Personality. Its all about Light. And the Kabbalists
are referring here to Or Yeshar, a Light that is so brilliant its beyond
our comprehension. Sefer Yetzirah spells out how The Divine
Personality manifested itself, interacted with creation and continues
to interact with creation. Ill just stop there.

Mohini: Thats beautiful. Thank-you. So the Sefer Yetzirah has

everything to do with magic. So how is it that this work is so important
despite Biblical prohibitions against magic?

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Rabbi Robert: Well, One could say that Sefer Yetzirah comes from a
very high place and perhaps in a different climate, the truths that it
contains would have made their way into the Torah as it exists today.
And some of those truths are indeed in the Torah, you have to look very
closely to find them, but theyre there. Magic has everything to do with
the heart. Interestingly, we are talking about the number 32 today. The
numerical value of the Hebrew word for heart is 32. So magic, if you
will, is a gift. A gift that The Divine gave, continues to give humankind
for the purpose of freeing of The Divine so it may fully manifest
itself in the world. Freeing the Light so that it shines more brightly.

Mohini: Very beautifully expressed. Thank-you.

Rabbi Robert: Theres always been tension within Judaism between the
Exoteric expression of the Tradition and the Esoteric expression of the
Tradition. Magic by default falls under the umbrella of the Esoteric
expression of the Tradition.

Mohini: Thank-you Rabbi Robert. Thats very helpful to give us just a

glimpse into this magical text.

Rabbi Robert: Just a glimpse!

Mohini: Yes, I know its fast. Well move on next to Schlomo Shoham.
Schlomo, its wonderful to see you in person on this show.

Schlomo: Yes. Thank-you very much. At last we can see each other.

Mohini: Yes, yes! So Schlomo, can you tell us a little about the
ceremony that is observed on the Jewish New Year Day and most
importantly, please guide us through an experience.

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Schlomo: I first want to begin with something I was talking to Baba, to
Dr. Pillai, now and I think this is a great story to begin with. And the
story was about a Rabbi that used to go every morning, it was in Russia,
to pray and on his way to pray, he was diving into a frozen river just to
clean himself, cleanse himself. And one day they changed the police
men of the city, and another policeman came and he saw a crazy guy at
4 oclock in the morning, in a frozen river and he rushed to him and he
grabbed him and he asked him: Who are you?, What do you want?,
Where are you going? So the Rabbi went out of the water and looked
at his eyes and asked: Tell me, how much are they paying you for your
new job? The policeman said, it was in Russia, 10 Kopekos a day. So
the Rabbi said: Im ready to pay you 20 Kopekos a day, if you stop me
every morning on my way to the prayer and ask me these 3 questions:
Who are you?, What do you want?, and Where are you going?.
And I wish to begin with these 3 questions. We have to ask our self
every morning - Who are you?, What do you want?, and Where
are you going?

And then I want to go to something the Rabbi said before about Lev.
Lev is Heart in Hebrew and the numerical number of Lev is as he said,
32. Like the word in Sefer Yetzirah, which is 10 Sefirot and 22 Letters,
Hebrew Letters. And I wish to begin with opening to the heart. In
opening to the heart, what Jewish people do in our New Years, is to
blow a Shofar. Shofar is a horn of a ram sheep. So we take the horn and
we blow the horn. The main intention of this blowing the horn, is to
really shake something inside which is beyond our mind, which is
beyond our understanding. And it shakes everything there and by this
we open our hearts to Almighty God, to Existence, to the Oneness of all
of us. And I feel I want to begin with this just to connect to the sound of

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the Shofar and to connect to the feeling, the harmonious feeling of
opening the sky, and opening our hearts, and actually opening each
and every cell in ourselves, and on the planet and the cosmos.

So Ill begin with this and then at the end, Ill give you more
explanation of what it is and how it works.just a little explanation. We
blow the horn at the beginning. Its one blow which is a reminder. We
call it in Hebrew, zecher. It reminds us: Who are we? What do we
want? Where are we going? And then there is another Sound, a
shaking sound. And this shaking sound, it shakes our self. It shakes our
heart. It helps us to let go of all the old patterns, all of the attachments
that we have and we had in the last years. And all the pains of suffering
that we have in our bodies. So by this sound, it lets us go, we call it
especially on Rosh Hashanah, on the New Years Eve, teshuvah. We let
go all of the old patterns and attachments that create a lot of suffering.

So Ill ask everybody now, instead of looking at me, just look at the
Shofar and then please close your eyes and take a deep breath. And if
you wish, you can put your hands on your heart. And take with me 3
deep breaths. 1--,2--,3---, and feel how the Shofar, this horn of a ram
sheep comes into your heart, and comes into your all chakras. It opens
all of your chakras and you can really connect easier to your Self and to
the Existence. ~(Schlomo blows the Shofar, followed by deep breathing,
hands on heart, and eyes still closed, silence)~ I would like you now to
easy, easy, open your arms and just even with the closed eyes imagine
you look up to the sky and with open hands and your closed eyes and
you imagine your heart goes beyond all the worlds we created when
we had suffering or pain in our lives. And imagine all the worlds are
melting now and the heart is going out like a free eagle flies into the sky
and you can connect to this feeling of freedom, of emptiness, of being

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one, one with the universe. Now take a deep breath, put your head
down and open your eyes. (Schlomo has his hands in prayer formation)

- Silence.

Mohini: Thank- you Schlomo. And that is the perfect prelude to Dr.
Pillais teaching for today. Dr. Pillai, would you please teach us the
Mantra that can give us the ultimate power of creation?

Dr. Pillai: I was in Israel a few months ago. It was in November. I picked
up a book called Sefer Yetzirah. The book is translated as The Book
of Creation. So its all about creating whatever you want to create.

And as I was reading through the book and I saw parallels between
the creation as understood by the Jewish Tradition and the Yogic
Tradition. They both agree that you create through Sound waves.
Sound waves are the basis for creation. And God created everything
through the Sound waves. He spoke and the world was created. And
Genesis says: God said. And what does that mean said? He spoke.
He said Let there be Light and the Light was there. So just by speaking
you can create. And what does speaking involve? - Sound waves.

So fundamentally, you have to understand the mystery behind sounds

and how they create. So intelligence starts with Sounds. Thats why I
have this equation: S=I, which means Sound = Intelligence. Now I am
speaking and you understand, and that is itself a creation. Even through
thought, what we are basically doing is creating. Before thought, before
Sound, thought is just language, and language is Sound and that creates
psychologically and it can also create in a 3- dimensional world. So
basically we have got to understand Sound waves. And its not easy to
understand these Sound waves because it has layers, and layers of

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meaning. And going also beyond the meaning category. And if you can
understand how these words, how these Sound waves work, how
language works. Then youll be able to create.

And this Sefer Yetzirah is a text that is attributed to Abraham, the

first Patriarch. And he got it directly from God. And God said: Dont go
and create through hard labor. Just speak, and then youll be able to
create. Then the book says that when he has to sacrifice a goat, and
then he can create the goat just by Sound waves and then the goat was

And the tradition was lost down the road. And periodically, Jewish
Mystics have been trying to understand and then they have contributed
a lot of how to use these Sound waves. So the True Torah is really
understanding the Sound waves and also the Letters and Numbers.
Sound waves on the one hand and how they are written in a text
format, and then how they are re-arranged. There is a word tzrub. T- Z-
R- U- B, tzrub in Hebrew which is the manipulation of Sound waves in
the Jewish Tradition. So we have the same pattern here in Sanskrit also.
You can go and re-organize the words, the alphabets and then they can
create different things through this permutation called tzrub.

So its time that we are entering into a new era, which I call this The
Golden Age, when people will be able to create through proper
understanding of these Sound waves, going beyond the Mind. Now Im
using words. The words are not powerful. Thats why, in Hamlet, in
Shakespeare, Hamlet says: Words, words, words, words, words.
Words are not going to help. So where do we have to go? You have to
go into the syllables, into the alphabets and meditate on it forever. Its
not just saying it one time, or thinking it one time, or meditating on it

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one time. But stay with this for a few years, then they will open up and
then they will reveal all these things to you.

Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, who was the founder of the Kabbalah
movement. When he was persecuted by the Romans, he just sat in a
cave for 12 years with his son. And what he did, he was just working
with the Torah and meditating on it over and over again. And what
happens is - then everything opens up. And in this case Eliyahu came to
him as a mentor and then taught him the secret behind these letters.

And you have the same situation in the Sanskrit too. All you need to
do is not to get attached to words, sentences, and meaning, but just to
stay with one simple syllable, or alphabet. And if that opens up, you can
understand the mystery of creation. So in Sanskrit it says: Jnana
Dushtanam Matrika. Where is intelligence? Intelligence is in the
syllable. The syllable carries so much meaning. Not only meaning, it has
also the ability to create.

For instance, there is the Sound AH which is in every language. And

there is a meditation with the Sound AH and the Sound AH is
written in my language Tamil, which is as old as Sanskrit. It is older than
Sanskrit and at one time in the history of the world, it was spoken
everywhere. (Dr. Pillai holds up an example of the Tamil letter for AH
with the numbers 1 -12 placed on it.) This is Aleph in Hebrew, and in
Tamil called AH Sound. You can see there are 12 numerical characters
associated with it. The 1 is in the middle and then there are 12. So what
it means is there are 12 Angels who are responsible for opening up the
meaning behind the Sound AH because it is a Sound of creation. It is
the first primordial Sound. So you have to meditate on it. And if you go
on meditating, and meditating, and meditating, the mind dies and then

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you get into the domain where in you understand AH, or the Aleph
which is the first primordial Sound with which God created the universe
and also human consciousness.

And this is the Sound I gave to Wayne Dyer and then Wayne Dyer was
able to use it and take it to the world. And then there were millions of
people just working with the Sound AH Meditation. So what AH
means is it is the creative Sound. Its the Sound that creates the seminal
fluid or creative fluid at the lowest chakra, and creates a baby. And
then when it is taken to the crown chakra, or third eye chakra and then
used in a certain way - (Im not going to go into that because thats not
the purpose of this presentation here.) When it goes into the third eye,
instead of procreation, you can create whatever you want to create. By
manipulating in a good way, not in a wrong way, this Sound AH, or
Aleph in the Hebrew language.

So if you understand the Sound waves and then re-arrange the Sound
waves, then just by thinking you can create. And this is how we are all
going to evolve. There is of course science and technology, they have
done regular things for our civilization but still we are in infancy, and
the people are still suffering, and still fighting because we have only
manipulated the material intelligence. We have not gone into the
Spiritual intelligence which is embedded in the Letters and then which
also will open up our soul, our love towards others, and also
understand that you and I are one and the same. That intelligence is
more important, not only for us to evolve, but for us to live in peace
and grow. Thats why we should have a revival of the spiritual
intelligence, the spiritual Tradition. And the Spiritual Tradition says that
there is a level of intelligence, a level of Love beyond mind and that can
unify us. Thats why we have to revive the Ancient Traditions. This is

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not only common to the Jewish and Hindu Yogic Traditions. Every
religion and every language can be analyzed in the same manner that I
am doing between these 2 Traditions.

So the Sound AH can create. So if you understand it, and then pour
your heart, and soul, and mind into it, and then completely stay away
from words. Just go and concentrate on the syllable, then youll be able
to create. You know, in the last presentations, I talked about the
Abrakadabra, which became a very common term used by kids and
magicians. The magicians pull out from their hat a rabbit by saying
Abrakadabra. I never knew this until I read the book Sefer Yetzirah
because the translator was mentioning that. And I found out there was
also a movie called Abrakadabra in Hindi, it was produced somewhere
in Mumbai. And when I inquired that even in the United States, children
use word Abrakadabra to do magic. The translator of the Sefer
Yetzirah says it is a corruption of a creative phrase or Mantra which
Im going to show it to you. Which is RaBhA BaRA GaBhRA. (Dr. Pillai
holds up an example.)

So what it means is if you look at the linguistic aspect of it, the

Sounds are repeated. This is called a tzrub. Only the first and second
sounds, the same sounds are repeated, RA and BhA Sounds. They
have a tremendous amount of power. The same thing that I showed
here, in this (Tamil) AH Sound. There are Angels governing these
Sounds. And these Angels will reveal it to you and the process of
creation. That is how it should be understood. You cannot just read the
book like a novel and go on. You have to pour your heart, soul, and
mind into it on this Sound. And then the Sounds RA and BhA are
repeated and then the creation takes place with the Sound Gha.
Which is also the same in Sanskrit, which is the material creation. So if

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you use this Sound, then youll be able to create. With this Sound they
were able to create, even another human being. This expert on the
book also talks about that. So were not here to go into the cloning
business, but we are here with these Sounds able to get into an
intelligence that knows the relationship between speech and creation.
Or that speech is a Sound energy and the other is Material energy. Its
called name and form in Sanskrit. You say the name, you cannot
separate the two, they are one and the same. And where is the
relationship? The relationship is mediated through these Sound waves
and the Angels are behind this. And they will come and aide you in the
creative process. And if you go on repeating this sound, then it will go
deep into your unconscious and you will know what cannot be known
by your mind.

And that is also the same thing, same Tradition within the Hindu
Yogic Tradition as well. For instance, Ill give you the Hindu one first.
Then Ill come to this Sound of Creation, RaBhA and GaBhRA. And
Ill explain to you and give you a meditation how to practice that.
Within the Hindu Tradition, the most important Mantra word is
RAMA. And if you do a permutation combination of it which is tzrub,
which is actually taking place with RaBhA and BaRA with a change.
Change the position of the Sounds. They also change the position of the
Sounds within the Hindu Yogic Tradition.

Dr. Pillai chants:



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It says if you say RAMA one time, it is equivalent to calling God a

thousand times. Because RA is energy and Ma is matter.

If you want that, Einsteins equation is in these two words. The same
thing can be said about these two Sounds here RaBhA and BaRA
and then they manipulate it. In the Hebrew Tradition there is Sound,
also there is the Letter writing. Saying the Sounds, and then reversing
the Sounds into RaBhA and BaRA. And also adding a suffix like
GaBhRA, or the Gimmel, the Ga which is matter, which is creation.
Its all significant.

It will take a long time for me. I plan to do it sometime later, maybe
in December. A full course on this Sound and also the Sound YAVE
and how it works and how it can create. And also I have in mind some
scientists that can go and see what happens in the brain when you say
these Sounds. And do some functionality studies which I have already
started in India. And which I will also start in the West. So that people
will know that it is not just a superstition. Its something very real and
youll be able to create just through Sound waves. Its true, literally

So what Im going to do is only give a preliminary understanding of

it. As I said, there is a written part of these Sounds, which you have
here (Dr. Pillai holds up example of Hebrew Letters.). And if you go into
the Sefer Yetzirah book, you can have it as another source also. And
writing these Letters, itself will create a different consciousness. Just

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drawing these characters. Not only that, the numerical value of this is
612. Which is one number short of 613, which is required for full
creation. He says this way we are creating, this is humans trying to
creating, so that is why it is one less. See the profound Wisdom behind

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Meditation on the Sounds RaBhA BaRA GaBhRA

So now I want to introduce you to a meditation on these Sounds.

~ Now you can close your eyes.
~ Now Im going to clear the mind chatter and bring you to a proper
place for deep meditation.
~ Just visualize a deep Light, a Beam of Light entering your R Eye. A
Beam of White Light. And the Light Shoots into the L Brain
~ Now visualize another Beam of Light, White Light piercing through
your L Eye. The L Eye becomes all Light, and then it shoots into the
R Brain.
~ Now visualize another Bright White Light piercing through the
R Eardrum, and shooting into the L Brain.
~ Another Light, L Eardrum, shooting into the R Brain
~ Now there is another Beam of Light going through the R Nostril,
going into the Brain, the Midbrain.
~ The R Nostril and the L Nostril - 2 Beams of Light going into the
~ And visualize another Beam of Light entering the Mouth, rolls over
the Tongue, and goes into the Cerebellum, the back of the brain
~ Now the Whole Brain is Luminous its ready to receive these Sounds
~ RaBhA (3 xs) - (Its reversed)

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~ BaRA (3 xs)
~ RaBhA BaRA (4 xs)
~ As you speak the Sounds, or think the Sounds, or hear the Sounds, the
Angels behind these Sounds are responding and they are around you.
~ RaBhA BaRA (1 xs)
~ Now the creation.
~ (Gimmel) GaBhRA (4 xs)
~ The birth takes place. BhRA is creation. Ga is matter. The English
word birth or Abraham the Creator God, which is called Brahma in
Sanskrit. BhRA is to create, break away and to create.
~ GaBhRA (3 xs)
~ RaBhA BaRA GaBhRA (3 xs)
~ If you move the head up and down, it will help you experience this
~ RaBhA BaRA GaBhRA (3 xs)
~ Just become vulnerable, just quit the rational mind, and become
~ The number 612 will become active, enabling you to create. Create on
all levels. It will give you the creative ability - on the material plane, on
the spiritual plane, on the social plane.
~ RaBhA BaRA GaBhRA (1 x)
~ RA (extended) (2xs); RA is a very powerful Sound. Its called Agni
in Sanskrit, Fire the heat and the Light, Bha is again the Light of
Creation. Without Light there is no creation.
~ RA (extended AH Sound) BhA. Allow the Sound to penetrate every
cell in the body.
~ BhA (extended AH Sound)(2 xs)
~ RA BhA, RA, Ga, BhRA, Ga BhRA The sound becomes

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more material when it comes to GaBhRA. This is what creates the 3-
Dimensional world.
~ GaBhRA (1 xs)
~Embrace the Sound, let the Sound penetrate every DNA.
~ GaBhRA ( 4 xs)
~ RaBhA BaRA GaBhRA (2xs)
~ GaBhRA (3xs)
~ Embrace the Sound waves. Embrace the Sounds.
~ RaBhA BaRA GaBhRA (1 xs)
~ Now put these Sounds in your R Eye: RaBhA BaRA GaBhRA
~ In your L Eye: RaBhA BaRA GaBhRA
~ In you R Eardrum: RaBhA BaRA GaBhRA
~ In you L Eardrum: RaBhA BaRA GaBhRA
~ In both Nostrils: RaBhA BaRA GaBhRA
~ Now in the Mouth, roll it over the tongue: RaBhA BaRA GaBhRA
~ From the tongue it moves into the Cerebellum, at the back of the
brain, which is a very powerful place to conceive, unconceivable
manifestations: RaBhA BaRA GaBhRA
~ From there it shoots into the Pituitary Gland, in between the 2
eyebrows: RaBhA BaRA GaBhRA
~ The Whole Brain now reverberates with the Sounds: RaBhA BaRA
GaBhRA - (Silence)
~ Now we pay our Gratitude to the Angels who are guarding the
Sounds. And pray to them that they give the ability to create whatever
you want to create on the material plane as well as on the spiritual
plane. Let everyone be able to do the creation. When everybody is able
to create, then they will not fight for things because they themselves,
know how to create. And this way we can create a New World Order,

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The Golden Age. Where everyone can create from their own soul. This
is the basic teaching within the Sefer Yetzirah and also in the Yogic
~ Now you can Relax, Dont open your eyes, but stop the meditation
and come back slowly, slowly.
~ You can come back to yourself now!

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Im Thankful for the Divine for this opportunity to share this Wisdom
with you. And hope that you can use it in your life and then create
everything that you want. Thank-you!

Mohini: Thank-you Dr. Pillai. And we are so grateful for the profound
experience that you gave to us today. Schlomo do you have any
thoughts you would like to share about Dr.Pillais teachings today?

Schlomo: Its much, more than thoughts. Its a feeling, its a deep, deep
feeling. And if I bring it up to the mind, the word RaBhA BaRA GaVRA,
its mentioned in the Gemarah in the Talmud Sedarim. Its a very, very
profound and Mystical way. And its written there that the Mystics in
Judaism, if they want, they are able to create the world with these
words. So its really, very, very powerful words. As Rabbi Teixeira said
it, and I may add one little thing to this, the word GaBhRA or we say
in Hebrew GaVRA. Its called GaVRA, its the the potent power. A
man that has the GaVRA can create life with a woman. So the
GaVRA is more the Yang power of the world. And the Yin power
of the world is the power of creation, which is the word BaRA. And
the word RaBhA, it has a double meaning there. RaBhA is also a name
of one of the great sages of the Jewish religion. But also RaBhA is a
name of Almighty God. RaBhA is The Almighty God. So what I feel is

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that these three words are combining and unifying everything. And by
unifying these and by combining these within this harmony, we can
really be part of the creation. And actually each and every cell of
ourselves is part of creation and all the time we are creating, and we
are created at the same time. So this Yin/Yang theme is really pictured
itself in these three words. This understanding that there is a power of
creation on one hand, and the power of the Oneness, or the
Interconnectedness on the other hand that are connecting these Yin
and Yang parts.

And when the heart is open, pros and cons are disappearing. Its not
good and bad, it goes beyond. Its like in the Garden of Eden we have
the privilege to go back to the Tree of Life, and not from the Mind Tree,
the Etz Ha Da At tov Vera, which means the Tree of Good and Evil. To
go beyond the judgments, beyond the mind stuff, beyond the thinking.
You know, the real thinking, we really connect to the Oneness. When
we connect to the Oneness, we are Endless. This is a great feeling, and
Thank-you Dr. Pillai for your teaching today.

Mohini: Thank-you Schlomo.

Dr. Pillai: Well, I think listening to you was very enlightening about
these Sounds because Im trying to study Hebrew now. But what
amazes me is the commonality between these two Traditions. The Ka
Sound is as Kah Kuh Gah in Sanskrit so its called a Kakadah. So the
Ka Sound in its variations is like kah, kuh, gah, guh. All of these
contain the power to create on the material plane. And BhRA is the
Sound that creates from the energy - the matter. BhRA is a Brahmin -
is the Creator God. The Creator God is called Brahma. Brahma is the
Creator God. What he does is create from the Unity, the Duality. And

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it is also very interesting that the first Patriarch is called Abraham.
Brahma and Abraham they go together. And its interesting, Brahma,
the Creator God, in the Hindu Tradition has a wife. And his wife is
called Saraswati, Sara. And Abrahams wife is also Sara. So this must
have originated from a common Tradition, or maybe connected
through the Sound Waves. But anyway it was very enlightening to
explore together the creative principles.

So the bottom line is everybody should be able to create with these

Sounds instead of just wasting time like, what are you doing ? Why
dont you do these Sounds? If you do these Sounds over and over
again, you will have the ability to create what you really want to create
because the intelligence will be a different intelligence. So thats what I
want to say at this point. So we will explore more in future sessions.

Mohini: Thank-you Dr. Pillai, And Thank-you to our guests. And Thank-
you to all of you who participated in our show today. Well be sending
you a PDF that outlines the profound technique that Dr. Pillai gave us
today. So you can begin practicing immediately and experience the
benefits of the power to create. Well let you know about our upcoming
show, and until next time May you be transformed by the Universal
Power of Sound.

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