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The Wanderer Script

PG screen and production company title roll with the soundtrack

starting at the end of it.

Scene 1: Nuclear blast

Stock footage of nuclear missiles launching off from a peaceful

looking place. The soundtrack of 'The Wanderer' by Dion is playing
in the background.

Stock footage of missiles impacting a city with the nuclear blast

going off. As the shockwave approaches the camera, it is sped up
significtly to transition into the next scene.

Fade to black

Scene 2: Awakening

Quite a long take that looks at the door frame, through which the
protagonist in ragged clothes goes through slowly by opening the
metal door and exposed the intense sun light. The movement of the
character is slow and confused to convey an idea of being born
into the hostile world.


Scene 3: Forest walk

A shot where the dirt walk is centralised and the trees are on the
left and the right side to establish symmetry within the shot. The
protagonist, now dressed and equipped walks infront of the camera
confidently, contrasting from the first shot to show a transition
of character that has occured. This is told by the manner with
that he walks and the metal bat that he rests on the shoulder.

A quick cut to the leg level shot where we see the bat swinging

Another quick shot to where we see the survivor step into a small
puddle. The shot must be quite dark and gritty, with rainfall.

Cut to a long shot from which we see the survivor from the side
walking on the dirt road. There are trees and leaves infront of
the camera to make the shot more rich with objects.


Scene 4: Tunnel walk

The transition between scene 3 and 4 to be done seamlessly, so

that the idea of travelling is not disturbed. The shot is once
again placed symmetrically, with the tunnel walls being on the
left and the right side of the shot. The edges of the shot are
dark, with ground included, but is in contrast with highly lit sky
and the exit from the tunnel. The survivor walks steadily into the
shot again, but now from the left side. Lighting is done in way
that the character is almost seen as a silhouette. As he
approaches the end of the tunnel, he slightly looks up and at that
point the scene ends and a fade to black occurs.

Scene 5: Survival

This scene is a series of quick cuts that reveal different aspects

of suvival for the protagonist. All the shots are in low
brightness and amplified contrast.

Close up of the character starting up fire.

Over the shoulder shot of him filling up a metal can with water.
Graphic match.
A close up of the survivor opening a different metal can with a
knife for food, whilst in the background the fireplace can be
A close up of the survivor navigating on the map that has marking
on it. The fire from the fireplace is seen within the shot.


Scene 6: Radio

A close up of the survivor putting down his metal bat to lean for
a radio that is in the grass. The leaves are wet and the shot
looks gritty.
Extreme closeup of the camera being switched on and the screen
lights on.

Fade to black

Scene 7: Distress signal

A long shot of the survivor standing in the field and pulling a

string from the flare and it being lit on. This scene ends quite

Fade to black

Scene 8: The House

The survivor walks into the shot with a map in his hands, whilst
the house can be seen infront of him. As he opens a map cut.
Over the shoulder shot of the map.
Extreme closeup of the door frame, where only the audience can see
that there is a tripwire.
Quick cut.
A different POV from the same closeup where we see the wire being

Long fade to black.

The sound is changed in way as if we are hearing after a

concussion or underwater.
Distorted vision from which we see the protagonist being injured
and walking away from something, whilst he puts a log in a door
frame to block it. There are cuts within the same shot to add an
irratic feeling.


Same distorted vision. A pursuitor angrily walking through the

same path with a bat in his hands and throwing away the log that
blocks his way. He walks in the same direction of the survivor.
The idea must be created that the protagonist is in danger and
that he has nowhere to run.

Long fade to black.

A ground level shot behind the toilet cabin, where the dirt and
trash can be seen infront of the camera and the edge of the door.
The follower walks infront of the camera behind the door as his
shoes can be seen and then they are quickly turned towards us.


Over the shoulder shot from the follower POV infront of the door
from the other side. He kicks the door angrily and it smashes to

Distored swipe.

Scene 9: A long shot where the survivor can be seen running

through the forest with cuts to different points of view. The
survivor is seen with the bat in possession again, revealing that
he had contact with his follower. As he runs through the forest
fade to black.

Scene 10: Titles

Title of 'The Wanderer' in neon lighting.


Scene 11: An extreme closeup of the gas mask that the survivor
had, being left in the grass and the change of focus of the camera
is it looks into the eye of the mask.
Fade to black.
Scene 12: Credits

Credits of people who participated in the production.

Title of 'March 20'

Titles of secondary images and text.
The soundtrack goes down in volume until it becomes silent.

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