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(steps to answering short Constructed Response Questions)
Reword/restate the question
Provide an Answer
Cite using evidence from text
Explain how the evidence supports your

Example Question and Answer:

Prompt: (after reading Little Red Riding Hood)

How did Little Red Riding Hood know the character in the
bed was not her grandmother?


R- Little Red Riding Hood knew the character in the bed

was not her grandmother because

A, C-the person in the bed did not look like her


The person in the bed had big teeth, big ears, and big
eyes, according to the text.
E-Therefore, Little Red knew a person with big teeth, big
ears, and big eyes was not her grandmother.
Grandmother didnt look like that.


Little Red Riding Hood knew the character in the bed

was not her grandmother because the person in the bed
did not look like her grandmother. The person in the bed
had big teeth, big ears, and big eyes, according to the
text. Therefore, Little Red knew a person with big teeth,
big ears, and big eyes was not her grandmother.
Grandmother didnt look like that.

**Use transition words when providing the answer such

as because, by, to, when, if, until (make sure they choose
the right one to go with their answer).

**When citing evidence use words such as: according to

the text, the text said, the author said, in the text,
according to the poem

**Use transition words again when offering the

explanation such as :

However, therefore, consequently, so, likewise, as a result

(choose the correct one to go with their answer).

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