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Chapter VII

Chapter 7: Newborn
7.1 Characteristics of the newborn physiological
Color The body of the newborn is pink. During the early days the feet and hands
may be bruising and cold, because the movement of newborns is central. Some babi
es take a postpartum yellow (jaundice), consult your pediatrician. Skin may be c
overed with a white grease (vermix cheesy), which is to protect baby's skin. You
may have dry, especially in hands and feet. Use cream with only medical indicat
ion. You can be born with white spots, called Milia, nose, forehead and chin, wh
ich will absorb alone. Red marks may appear on eyelids and back, go away by them
selves. Dark spots, like bruises on your hips or buttocks, especially in brown b
abies, usually disappear within a few months. It is known as Mongolian spots.
Breathing is shallow, irregular, rapid, abdominal breathing for 35-50 minutes. H
ead - may be irregular due to exit the birth canal, this disappears within 1 or
2 days. - Has soft places, the "soft spot", it is the anterior and posterior fon
tanelle to close around 12 or 18 months. Stools during the first days the stool
is black, thick and sticky, called meconium. Then they will be yellow liquid, es
pecially breastfed babies, formula makers will be more harsh and dark. Constipat
ion in babies is normal, up to 5 days watch and see. Colic and vomiting cramps u
sually occur in some children, especially those fed with formula, because during
pacifier sucking the air can be input. It is recommended after each feeding of
milk, keep it upright until burp or breathe out (some babies do not have). Often
the air is accompanied by the expulsion of milk or regurgitation, this should n
ot worry. This milk can be cut or liquid. If excessive vomiting or projectile is
best to consult your pediatrician. If you find annoying, can help you with the
following positions: oo Sit on his lap and as he gently touches the abdomen, pat
on the back. Place it over your shoulder and pat his back.
Lay him face down pat on the back.
Sneezing and nasal congestion is normal for newborns to sneeze present, this doe
s not mean they are cold. Sometimes it may be accompanied by nasal congestion, e
specially during the night. We recommend placing two drops of saline into both n
ostrils, and if necessary remove phlegm use the suction bulb. In addition, the f
irst few nights, you can put a heater in the room where the baby sleeps to preve
nt nasal congestion. Genital In girls, the female hormones can lead thick white
vaginal discharge. Occasionally, one may encounter some vaginal bleeding. In bot
h sexes may stem from a milky nipples. Do not push, it goes away. It is normal f
or girls to find their swollen genitals, the child can see an increase in testic
le size, accumulated liquid, which gradually disappears. Crying is normal for ba
bies to cry when they are newborns, since this is the only means of communicatio
n they have. Attend always crying. Find out the why of it. Gradually, you, as pa
rents, know when to distinguish a cry of pain, hunger, heat or cold. Sometimes t
he baby has the need to be treated take it in her arms, cuddle and hum. Tips pos
ition usually taken by newborns is with the joints bent, due to the position ins
ide the uterus. The baby will be taking its normal position by the day. Eyes -
Can be open or closed. A newborn resent direct light. The eyelids may be swollen
due to childbirth or the reaction of the drug (antibiotic to prevent infection
in the eye). Veins can be a bit irritated by the pressure at birth, which usuall
y disappear without treatment. They squint at first because the muscles are not
well adapted. You can see quite well at short distance (20 cm) and perform vario
us gestures in the face.
Umbilical Cord Binds. As the days take a blackish, hard and dry. Will fall in th
e first week. Curel three times daily and use only 70 per cent alcohol. No need
to use sash. It is normal for a yellow discharge, purulent and foul smelling, be
cause this is a dead tissue. If you notice the skin around the navel is hot or r
ed, can be a sign of infection, see your doctor.
7.2 A Model of a Baby
While every baby is a world unto itself and has particular features that make it
a unique, all newborns have a number of characteristics, among which can be ide
ntified as follows: Head: The head of the baby can be molded at the time of birt
h. Regain its normal shape between one and three weeks after delivery. The head
has two soft spots or "Fontanels" one is located in the center, front, and it ta
kes between 6 and 18 months to close, the other is back and usually closes short
ly after birth. Sound: Several studies have shown that babies can hear when insi
de the uterus. So at the first hour of life may respond to sounds and voices, es
pecially mother's voice. If you hear a loud noise or sudden, usually react with
a sudden movement. This is a normal reflex. Weight and Size: The average birth w
eight is between 6 and 8 pounds. The average size is 48-52 inches. Hair: Some ar
e born with long hair, others on the other hand, almost bald. In any case, this
hair may fall at times by a few sectors of birth. Eyes: Babies can see at birth,
but have difficulty focusing. They attract a lot of faces. It is normal that yo
ur eyes cross when trying to focus is fixed when the eye muscles develop. Tetrac
ycline that apply at birth can become swollen and red eyes temporarily. The eye
color is gray, but changes in the first six months. Lips: Her lips are very sens
itive, any contact they stimulate the reflex to suck. Reflections: It is produce
d in response to the environment. For example, if you touch the palm of your han
d, try to grab the finger. Also, the sound of the voice of parents and physical
contact will produce a feeling of tranquility. The baby will try to focus on sea
rching for the source of the voice. Movements: It is normal that suddenly make a
sudden movement while sleeping or appears to be very still. It is also common c
ry asleep and seconds later, shut up. Breath: Newborns have a very peculiar brea
thing pattern. A normal baby can breathe 60-70 times per minute and in two or th
ree minutes, slowing the pace a 20-30 times per minute. If you sneeze a lot and
sounds like it cold, do not panic, it's normal. Hands: His hands are usually clo
sed in a fist. His nails are thin and soft and you should cut them lie sleeping.
Genital Maternal hormones can lead, in the third of girls are born, thick white
vaginal discharge (sometimes slight bleeding occurs). A milky liquid can also f
low from the nipples of both sexes. Not the press: the fluid goes away. At birth
, the scrotum in males may be large and swollen. Butt: Sometimes appear "Mongoli
an Spots" common in dark-skinned babies. These are bluish and appear in the lowe
r back and buttocks and can take three or four years to disappear. Deposition: I
n the early weeks after the black effect of meconium was present watery and must
ard. They can also be explosive. A baby feeding may last several days without bo
dy or soiling the diaper after each feeding. Skin: Although the color of childre
n at birth varies, most are pink the effect of breathing. Some babies develop ja
undice, or turn yellow between the second and fifth day of age.
Review: Padres de Hoy. Page 64. No date or number.
As treatment is recommended nude child sun for ten minutes before 9:00 am If the
yellow color does not diminish the sixth day, better consult your doctor. The n
ewborn's skin is very sensitive: it is sometimes dry and scaly or, conversely, v
ery greasy. Examples are the white spots that sometimes occur on the face or aro
und the nose. Not excised, are normal. Any outbreak should not be seen disappear
ing towards the pediatrician.
7.3 Maintaining Newborn Home
Newborn Bath 7.3.1
Tips to mothers before starting the child's daily bath: 1. Try to be calm and re
laxed, take your deep breaths and see how your body and mind are in balance. Do
not feed before bathing (be sick). 2. Talk to your child in a soft voice and lov
ing, he perceives the emotional tone of maternal and paternal voice. 3. Provide
a quiet and safe. 4. Enjoy bath time should be a pleasant time for you and your
baby. 5. Select the location of the bathroom, which is neither too high nor too
low, clear and free of drafts. 6. Isolate the equipment and clothing that will p
ut. 7. Bathe your child every day from the first day of life.€It is preferable
to bathe every day at the same time (7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.) 8. Do not use powde
rs, lotions, oils, or scented soaps (if dry use olive oil). 9. The bathroom, in
the early days, it is faster because the child loses heat easily. 10. The child,
usually the hands and feet are cold it gets less traffic to those areas. 11. Ke
ep warm in accordance with the time. 12. Clothing should be comfortable, cotton
clothing choice. 13. Do not use sash, gloves, hat and wool. 14. Never leave your
child alone in the bathtub. 15. Have your reach those items you may need for ba
th time. Equipment for the bathroom - a tub of warm water, check the temperature
with your elbow before bathing. - A soft cloth to dry the baby. - One or two sm
all sections for bathing. - Mild soap (for children). - Applicators or cotton. -
A bottle of 70% cotton. - Diapers to taste. - The clothes you will wear. - A ru
bberized plastic. - A scissors or nail clippers and baby. - Cream the diaper are
a. - Brush or comb gentle adequate. Procedure Wash your hands, check that your n
ails are not long and take care not to have rings or sharp objects. Remember tha
t you should bathe your child as you feel more comfortable and safer.
Always start with the head and foot ends. Leave the cleaning of the genitals of
the last, making it front to back. Bath technique vary according to the hospital
s, but the principles are the same. During bathing parents communicate with thei
r baby through touch. This moment provides this special opportunity to touch and
caress your baby. You can gently stroking massage, which will benefit the devel
opment and growth, as well as reaffirm the maternal or paternal attachment. 1. T
he eyes are cleaned first. The eyelids, inside out with a cotton pad or damp was
hcloth. 2. Nares are inspected. When mucus is removed with a piece of twisted co
tton and wet. DO NOT insert into the ear or nose. 3. It cleans the face without
soap. At the head is put little soap. Remove the rest of the face and continues
with chest, arms, hands, armpits. Inspect the folds of the neck to detect the po
ssible presence of secretions, gently tilt the head back. It is important to kee
p the folds clean to avoid skin irritation. 4. Wash with soap and water navel. 5
. It continues with feet, legs, groin and back. 6. Then the genitals, the girls
cleaned from front to back. 7. Remove all soap with water. 8. Dries to the child
especially in the folds of the diaper area. 9. Clean the navel with applicators
and 70% alcohol 10. Dressing, shelters and put to the breast for feeding. 7.3.2
How to avoid diaper rash diaper, an absolute necessity, can be the cause of dia
per rash. Diapers create a warm, moist environment that is in constant contact w
ith the baby's skin. This environment promotes the growth of bacteria. In additi
on there are excoriations by the constant friction of the diaper. To avoid this
we recommend: Check or change diapers every three hours or as needed. Clean gent
ly to remove residual urine in the area. It can be done with cotton wool and wat
er or wipes that are alcohol free. You should wipe from front to back to avoid c
ontamination with fecal matter. Use cream to protect baby's skin. If you use clo
th diapers washing with mild soap, do not use detergents. You must rinse thoroug
hly to achieve the total output of soap. Do not use chlorine. It is recommended
not to use or pins gacillas which can cause accidents. Use tape to hold the diap
er, which will be discarded every time you change it.
Navel Care 7.3.3 After washing very well for the bath with soap and water, apply
70 per cent alcohol at the base of the navel, you can do with an applicator. Th
is can be repeated three or four times each day. You will notice that slowly dri
es, it will fall in the first week. When this happens, shall continue to apply a
lcohol on the base of the umbilicus, to dry completely. It is normal to observe
gelatinous, yellow. As it dries it changes its consistency. Be concerned only if
the cord is bleeding and is red around him. Remember that the secretions are no
Newborn Clothing 07/04
Baby clothing should be comfortable and appropriate, depending on weather. Use t
he point or flannel clothing. Do not wear wool because it could cause allergies.
When selecting clothes for her baby, think of it first must be simple, with lit
tle ornament that can hurt you, no elastic€hopefully without snaps or large but
tons. Avoid rough fabrics, synthetic or very close (with elastic). Do not use a
hat, gloves and sash because instead of being an aid could cause problems. We re
commend washing the baby clothes before use, especially if it comes without seal
ed package. The clothes of the newborn, as with the diapers, do not wash with de
tergent, use mild soap. Do not use liquids to make clothes smell as these can ca
use allergies.
7.5 Sleeping Baby
How should your baby sleep? 2. The correct position of sleep recommended by spec
ialists in order to prevent accidents in your baby, is this: Put your child is a
lways on his back (on your back) to sleep. Scientific studies have shown that he
althy children do not choke on vomit if they sleep in that position. Babies shou
ld sleep on firm surfaces. Do not put in the crib toys or objects that have stri
ngs or straps the baby to put in their mouths. Keep the baby's room at a comfort
able temperature. Do not let your baby become too hot. During the day the gloves
, hats or coats are not needed. Do not allow smoking around your baby. Smoking d
uring pregnancy, as well as smoked in the room where your baby increase the risk
of SIDS and other respiratory diseases. Be careful prenatal care and breast-fee
d. Breastmilk keeps your child (a) and decreases the risk of respiratory infecti
ons may, gastrointestinal or SIDS.
7.6 Things you should know about your newborn
The baby hears the voice of their parents, watching their faces and is impregnat
ed with the smell for daily care. These attentions are essential to their health
and encourage
Taken from: National Children's Hospital. Organizational Communication Division.
emotional attachment through physical contact and language. Although they feel i
nsecure and even fearful of touching the baby, gradually, parents will discover
that your child is so fragile. It can, and it is important to establish routines
and schedules, but not hard the first month. Always bathe and feed them hours t
o get forming habits.
This will also help you sleep! At first sneeze a lot, but not because they are c
old. May startle, is a normal reflex. Recognize your voice (voices) from when th
ey were in the womb. His genitals are often swollen, especially the male scrotum
and girls may have a vaginal discharge with a few drops of blood. The breasts o
f infants of both sexes may be swollen and may secrete a milky substance. His he
ad is large in comparison with his body. They may lose weight in the first week
of life up to 10%. They can squint while developing the eye muscles. Newborns ca
n not be spoiled, if you hold him and feed him weeping with affection. The conce
pt of manipulation does not develop until after 4 or 6 months. Babies like to be
near the bodies of their parents, about the beating of his heart, preferably sk
in to skin. Put your baby back to sleep, if you are always facing the same side,
the position of the crib to encourage him to turn his head also in the other di
rection to keep your head flat. They cry to express themselves, but does not inc
lude pain or hunger. Crying is their only form of expression, often only indicat
es fatigue or boredom. His fontanelle (soft part of the head) is harder than you
think, do not be afraid to comb. It will be completely closed by the time the b
aby is 18 months. Often defecate after each feeding, you may explosively or clut
tered. The first stools are dark and sticky after mustard. Her skin is often cov
ered with spots, and may have sprouted a rash on the face. His head is fuzzy, bu
t recovered form in the early days. They can be patchy hair fall is normal. Newb
orns can see, but fail to focus very well until after a few weeks. They may howe
ver, focus your eyes on her mother while breastfeeding. Newborns may have the fi
sts clenched. Often suck their fingers or hands. The baby only needs to stay in
the room with her parents until you have the confidence to pass their own separa
te space. Be sure that if you need it, you'll hear it!. Give your baby a massage
after the bath, will relax you and help you sleep better.
When taking your baby to medical consultation? Still asleep: eyes tightly closed
and quiet, little or no motor activity.€Breathing primarily Call the doctor if
any of these symptoms: abdominal In some cases it may be left in observation. S
tayed active: 1. Fever over 38 ° in an infant eyes closed but there could be mo
vement. The body less than three months. stretches or jumps a little. Sometimes
a baby in February. Fevers of more than 39 ° for more than 24 could smile or lo
ok angry on the other hand, am in a baby older than 3 months. could make little
sounds like laughter or suction. 3. Repeated vomiting for more than 24 hours. 4.
Severe diarrhea (more than one deposition Sleepy: per hour). The eyes may be op
ened or closed or remain in May. Persistent crying for more than three hours. pa
rted. The baby may be still and somewhat dazed. When taking your baby to the hos
pital? Do not waste time trying to locate the doctor quiet Alertness: Body and f
ace relatively inactive, face relaxed, in these cases. Call him when in the hosp
ital. Blow to the head, eyes open and alert. Observation status. Shortness of br
eath Burn active Alertness: Heavy bleeding lot of activity, irregular breathing,
crying, moaning, grunting and loss of consciousness in general activities Seizu
res call attention. Poison: Call the poison center first and explain clearly wha
t crying: child consumed. Follow the lot of activity, sustained crying. you are
7.7 APGAR Index
It is a system for assessing the physical condition of the newborn one minute af
ter birth. There are heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, response to stimuli and
color and are attributed a value of 0, 1 or 2. The maximum value that can be at
tributed is 10 points. A value of 7 or less indicates the presence of a problem
that requires immediate assistance to survive the newborn. The test can be repea
ted at 5 minutes 3. It is easy to remember what that is evaluated if you think o
f the letters of the name "APGAR": Activity, Pulse, Gestures, appearance and res
piration. The parameters to evaluate the baby are: Activity (muscle tone) 0 - No
forces, no movement 1 - Some flexion of the arms and legs 2 - Active motion pul
se (HR) 0 - No heart rate 1 - Less than 100 beats per minute 2 - At least 100 be
ats per minute gestures (reflex response) 0 - No answer against the aspiration o
f the airway 1 - Gestures reflex during suctioning 2 - Gestures and reflex react
ions, cough or sneeze during suctioning. Appearance (color) 0 - A baby's body is
completely white or gray-blue 1 - Good color in body with bluish hands and feet
2 - Good color all over Respiration 0 - Breathless 1 - weak cry, can be heard a
s a whimper or a slow or irregular breathing 2 - pitched cry, frequency and norm
al breathing
APGAR score at one minute
This test helps the doctor decide if your baby needs immediate help. If your chi
ld's score is between 7 and 10, usually means you are in good health and does no
t need more than routine postpartum care. (Do not get discouraged if your baby d
oes not get a perfect score of 10. It is rare for a baby whose hands and feet wi
th great color to the minute about birth.) If the score of your baby is between
4 and 6, might need a little help breathing. This could mean something as simple
as vacuuming your nostrils or massage, or give oxygen. If the score is 3 or les
s, you may need immediate action to save his life, such as resuscitation. Howeve
r, remember that a low score at one minute does not mean that the baby will be f
ine. Sometimes babies born prematurely or with a
caesarean section, for example, have lower scores than normal, especially in the
first minute test. APGAR score at the fifth minute This test helps the doctor d
etermine whether your baby is doing well and if you've responded to any initial
medical intervention. A score between 7 and 10 is still considered normal at thi
s time. If your child's score is 6 or less at five minutes, you may need medical
care, in which case your doctor will determine the measures to be taken. In sho
rt, we must consider the information in the table below: PUNCTUATION 0 Absent Ab
sent Pale blue Flabiness No reply 1 Less than 100 per minute weak cry, moaning B
ody pink,€blue extremities moderate flexion of the limbs 2 Superior Small movem
ents to 100 per minute vigorous crying or bent completely pink Tips sharp moveme
nts and crying
Heart rate SIGN Quality Skin color breathing muscle tone of the reaction members
, eg the introduction of a tube into the mouth
7.8 Reflections on the Newborn Child 4
The Reflexes are involuntary movements or actions. Some movements are spontaneou
s and are part of the regular activities of the baby. Others respond to certain
actions. Reflexes help identify normal activity of the nervous system and brain.
Some reflexes occur only in specific periods of development. Here are some of t
he normal reflexes in newborns: Reflection Search: This reflex occurs when strok
ed or touched the corner of the baby's mouth. The baby turns his head and opens
her mouth to follow and "root" in the direction of the stroking. This helps the
baby find the breast or bottle feeding.
Sucking reflex: Search helps to prepare the baby to suck. When the roof of the b
aby's mouth is touched, the baby begins to suckle. This reflex begins around the
4 and h
week of pregnancy, and not fully developed until about 36 weeks. That's why the
suction ability of premature babies may be weak or immature. Babies also have a
reflection of hand-to mouth reflex that accompanies rooting and sucking and may
suck on fingers or hands.
Moro reflex: The Moro reflex is often called a startle reflex because it usually
occurs when a baby is startled by a loud sound or movement. In response to soun
d, the baby throws his head back, open your arms and legs, cries, then pulls the
arms and legs in the original position. Sometimes the baby may startle his own
tears, which starts this reflex. This reflex lasts about five to six months of a
Tonic neck reflex: When it becomes a baby's head to one side, the arm on that si
de stretches out and the opposite arm bends at the elbow. This is often called t
he "fencing" position. The tonic neck reflex lasts about six to seven months old
. Grasp reflex: Stroking the palm of baby's hand causes the baby to close his fi
ngers in a grasp. The grasp reflex lasts only a couple of months and is stronger
in premature babies.
Babinski reflex: When is firmly stroked the foot, the big toe bends back toward
the top of the foot and the other toes fan out. This reflex usually lasts about
two years old.
Step reflex This reflex is also called a reflection of walking or dance because
a baby appears to take steps or dance when held upright with feet touching a sol
id surface.
Although these automatic reactions are reflexes in any way we winning them at ra
ndom. Babies come into this world well equipped to survive the encounter with a
completely new environment for them. They come already equipped with powers and
abilities that would not have time to learn as rapidly as needed, once outside t
he womb. Most of these are vital as inborn reflexes, such as breathing, sucking
and swallowing. If these reflexes do not work in the time following the birth, t
he baby would drown or starve. Another of the instinctive reactions of young chi
ldren, as hang or crawl, do not seem essential for a newborn, but it is assumed
that if they should be so at other times when men were engaged in picking fruit
and hunt to survive. Nature gives us not only what it considers necessary, but a
lso preserves everything that is not against us. The health check these reflexes
as part of routine examination that the doctor makes a newborn. Immediately aft
er birth, the doctor checks the baby almost three times, at intervals of five to
ten minutes. Within the framework of Apgar called not only checks the automatic
reactions but also the proper functioning of muscles (especially the heart), th
e color of the skin and respiratory system. Once exploration,€specialist draw l
essons about the state of health of the newborn and how it has adapted to its in
dependent life outside the womb. Reflexes tested again the next day. Medical att
ention then focuses on the sense of balance and joints; checks that there is no
dislocation or disruption caused by childbirth. The vast majority of babies natu
ral reflexes disappear within a few weeks, while some take four to eight months.
Others, however, not lost in life, such as swallowing or coughing. Over time, t
he brain gaining rage these automatic reflexes. The loss process is perfectly na
tural, since the baby has to learn to govern itself and it would be impossible t
o train your hands and feet if they continuously react to the slightest stimulus
produced externally. One last detail: not all small have power to attach to a r
ope as the baby acrobat photo. Such feats do not like anything to children. Home
Experiments are strictly prohibited and only the doctor can ask our little hero
to show his skills.

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