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SuperTmatik - Mental Calculation

Knowing the game menu â º â º How to play? â º Demo

The face of each card has ten expressions identified by letters. Each card has d
ifferent calculations were found for the letter "A" is always a sum, for the let
ter "B" is always a minus for the letter C is always followed by a subtraction s
um and so on.
The back of each card has: - solutions of the operations of the face of the lett
er - "Super-letter" or "Superstar" (in this case, the "Super" T ") - Roulette fi
ve levels.
The first rectangle is the first level, the second rectangle corresponds to the
second level and so on.
12 345
On the back of each card, there is a wheel of five levels.
Aim of the Game On each turn, players have the opportunity to earn letters in hi
s verse have "Super-letters" or "Super-stars." The aim is to collect them in ord
er to write SuperT. The "Superstars" can be used to replace any "Super-letter" i
ntended to be and can be used as many times as you wish. The "Super-letters" aga
in have no value for the player and this put them on the hill roulette. SuperTma
tik a round of play to the best of three games - you need to win two games to de
feat the opponent.
How to play?
One-on-one 1 - After shuffling the cards, pick up the level of play (each player
can choose a different level but it should keep until the end of the game) When
choosing a certain level, players select one set of expressions that can be dra
wn during the game that will play.
Players who choose ...
Level 1 - may respond to the expressions A, B and C Level 2 - can respond to the
expressions A, B, CD, and E Level 3 - can respond to the expressions A, B, C, D
, E, F, G and H level 4 - can respond to the expressions A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H,
I and J, Level 5 - can respond to any expression (at random);
2 - Give a card to each player (the letters can not be lifted from the table unt
il a player to answer - if this happens, the opponent wins the two cards in play
since the initiation the new move);
3 - Place on the table a letter with the back facing up (letter roulette) to kno
w the question to be answered by each player in your letter.
In this example, the letter states that play roulette for the letter B (if the p
layers play at level 1) for the letter C (if you play in level 2) for G (if you
play at level 3) for letter J (if play at level 4) and the letter B (if play at
random level - level 5). Note: In each game is always repeating steps 2 and 3 -
give yourself a letter to each player and take up a new card roulette deck.
Suppose the two players decided to play at level 1. Each player must make the ca
lculation corresponding to the letter B. the player makes a calculation "8-4" an
d player 2 makes the calculation "9-7". To respond is to say SuperT (pronounced
Tee Super) immediately followed by the result. After being given an answer, the
player who responded had seen the letter and places it on the table so that both
players can verify the result.
Each player must perform the calculation as fast as you can in order to be able
to give a correct answer before the opponent. However, the response should only
be given when the player is sure of the result. Called attention to the followin
g rules: - An incorrect answer receives double the opponent as the player who ma
kes mistakes loses his license for this, which also collects its own letter unan
swered. The precipitation should be avoided at all costs, only the answer if you
are unsure of the outcome. - It is always necessary to express the intention to
respond by saying SuperT before the calculation result. Without this keyword, t
he response is not valid. The player can, however, after giving an invalid respo
nse, back to answer using the keyword (only if the opponent has not yet responde
d) - If the reply is valid but there is no wrong way to rectify. Only the first
response is valid. -You may not pause between the keyword "SuperT" and the resul
t obtained;-You can not prolong the syllables to pronounce the key word (Suuuuuu
perT) to take more time to think.
All offenses have the same penalty: delivery to the adversary of the two cards i
n play. Menu
Possible situations in each game: - A player answers correctly anticipating the
opponent - the player in question gets his license. A letter from your opponent
is placed on top of the card roulette (roulette mount);€- A player answers inco
rrectly anticipating the opponent - the opponent wins the two cards in play (not
answered your letter and the letter of the opponent - the two players meet in /
near simultaneously and correctly - each player collects their letter (mean by
"almost simultaneously" when doubt remains for the player who first replied) - T
he two players meet in / near simultaneously and incorrectly - The two cards in
play are placed on the hill roulette. - The two players respond to / almost simu
ltaneously and one correctly and one incorrectly - that the player answered corr
ectly wins the two cards in play;
Demonstration superTmatik Level 3
SuperT 13
In this demonstration, both players play at level 3.
SuperT 13
SuperT 8
SuperT 9
SuperT 8
SuperT 9
SuperT 28
SuperT 28
The moves follow up to meet a player "Super Letters" enough to write "SuperT. Pl
ayers can use the "Superstars" to replace "Super Letters" missing. A match is pl
ayed best of three games (you need to win two games to win).

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