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Rewrite the following sentences starting as suggested.

1. Although he was kind, he liked to gossip.

In spite of ______________________________________________________________________

In spite of his ___________________________________________________________________

2. Although he was good-natured, he was always quarrelling with his brothers.

In spite of ______________________________________________________________________

3. Although they have booked rooms for 2 weeks, they left early.

Despite ________________________________________________________________________

4. Despite being responsible for the environmental destruction, the industrialised nations dont take
effective measures to avoid it.

Although _______________________________________________________________________

5. Despite his concern about the childrens safety, nothing was done to free them.

Although _______________________________________________________________________

6. He didnt tell me what he had done, but I knew it, though.

In spite of ______________________________________________________________________

7. The pay was not good but he took the job.

_____________________________________; however, ________________________________

8. Even if you ring the bell again and again, no one will answer.

However _______________________________________________________________________

9. Though he is rich, he has made his money honestly.

However _______________________________________________________________________

No matter ______________________________________________________________________

10. He has got a lot of cars but he is going to buy another.

No matter ______________________________________________________________________

11. Although he is a learned man, his opinions are always controversial.

However _______________________________________________________________________

No matter ______________________________________________________________________

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