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Started my day asusual...Woke up @9.30 am for tea and breakfast.

Rushed to kitche
n for food else mess would be closed
and would get nothing whole day...
Hey guys let me introduce me to you all.Hi I am 28 years old software Engineer w
orking in American MNC,staying in a PG
in NCR.To be very specific Gurgaon where famous cybercity of north is sited.
I still remember the day i joined this MNC and came to this city to start my car
eer journey.
So enthusiastic,full of joy and positivity.Life had a goal,it had a dream,had pa
ssion of doing everything to its best.
Yes when a fresh graduate joined a MNC,One is very much happy about starting its
second inning of life.
4 years in MNC--->Let me give a quick overview of life @ MNCs.When you a enter a
shining giant multistoreyed building you have shinning in your eyes aswell.
You think yourself to be on top of the world or you have conquered some very imp
ortant territory.The way you behave,the way you talk,the way you sit,they way yo
u try to be extra consious..thinking of you are going to get
some marks or promotions based on these activities of yours.But all these things
are really of no use.
Well let me start my journey now...Finally after completing my 2 months training
in bangalore i got project in Gurgaon since i opted for NCR as my hometown is n
earer from here.
So my college boyfriend helped me search pgs over here in sectro 17.
Oh yes My college boyfriend.I have met him in my masters in Allhabad-National in
stitute of technology where i pursued my masters in technology.
HMM..You know when i saw him 1st time in college...
Let me take you than 2 years back August 2012,Department of Electrical Engineeri
ng MNNIT(For those who donot know MNNIT.Its Motital Nehru National Institute of
I reached hostel on 25th of july as our classes were going to start from 26th ju
ly 2012.So i reached there with all bag and baggage and moved towards alloted Ro
om No F-33.
It was on 1st floor.First time i was going to live in hostel away from my family
.My family is based on UP and staying in kanpur city.I belong to a family where
we were raised
to question and always encouraged to aim for stars.My parents provided me anythi
ng and everthing we needed.My father was a government official who was going to
retire in a year or two.
We(I and my siblings) were raised to be cultured and disciplined but neither mee
k nor docile.
So coming back to hostel room no F-33.Well the room was spacious but it would be
shared by 4 girls.Can you imagine four girls in same room.Anyways i saw three b
eds there and of which two best were already occupied and forth bed was
not placed till dan.I thought four sitter made to 3 sitter only.So i placed all
my belingings in place and prepare bed to rest as it was noon time and evening s
nack would be served after 5pm.Being tired of 5 hours journey as soon as i lied
i slept.At 5 pm i heard someone waking me up.She was one of my rummate asking me
for evening tea and snacks.So we introduced ourselfs and left for mess.
Classes started forn next day.1 month went like that and after 1 month when i ca
me back to room after attending classes,I saw a bed has been placed in my room,r
ight next to me.And there was some luggage placed overthere.
That shows that finally the fourth roomate has arrived.Well she was from Rajasth
an.Very straight forward girl.Formal introduction went between all four of us.An
d routine college work started.
In 2-3 days i was going well with my fouth roomate since swe had same department
but different branches and we used to have 2 common subjects.
So obe day we were passing by the department lobby and i saw a boy on foot suppo
rt was moving towards department office with his father.When first time i saw hi
m i had feeling of pity and sympathy.It seems that guy had met some accidents an
d got fractured
his one leg.Just glacing him casually we went to our classroom.After 5 mins same
boy came and sit in our class in front sit.Soon professor came and started taki
ng attendance.
There came the name of that guy with fractured leg.As soon as he said present si
r.Professor's eye immediately went up and searched for the same boy.Actually sin
ce he has been absent for almost more than a month.
His admission was going to void as we are going to have our 1st class test from
next week onwards.

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