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English 307

Title: Using Personification in Our Writing

Author: Brianna Brady

Grade level: 4th

This lesson is designed to teach students what it means to include personification
into their writing. By including personification students will be able to enhance the
details in their writing.

-Students are able to define what personification is
-Students are able to identify personification and point out what is being personified
-Students are able to create their own sentences using personification

1. Ask students if they know the definition of personification
2. Explain why we would use personification
3. Write the definition on the board and have students fill in the definition on their
4.Write and object on the board, with characteristics and have students make a
5. Have students independently or with a partner do part one on their worksheet
6. Discuss answers as a class
7. Show students 3 pictures, have them give characteristics and write a sentence(s)
8. Have students join with a partner or group to practice using the part two activity
9. Have students share their sentence(s)

-White Board

Tying it All Together:

This mini-lesson can be used and referred to for students to remember how to spice
up their writing. While we will learn about other types of figurative language and
descriptors, students will begin to obtain a larger understanding of how to
incorporate details into their writing. These types of description can be used in all
types of childrens writings.

Definition of Personification:


PART 1: Underline the objects being personified and circle what theyre
doing (characteristic) that makes it an example of personification.

1. The sun winked good night as it disappeared behind the horizon.

2. As the rain raced to the earth, everyone ran for cover.

3. The wind howled a mournful cry as it blew through the old windows.

4. The leaves danced to the ground as the children played around the old oak tree.

5. As the boy began his science test, his pencil pranced across the page.

PART 2: Look at the objects below, think of human characteristics that you
could give each one, and write a sentence about the object using a
personification to liven up the sentence.

1. A tall leafy tree




2. An old creaky chair




3. A bouncy ball



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