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A. Fill in the blanks with the correct degree of comparison:

1. Patty is (short) ______ than her brother.
2. His family is (rich) ______ than her family.
3. My room is (clean) _______ than hers.
4. His phone is the (expensive) _______ of them all.
5. The sea is (calm) _______.
6. Julius is (healthy) ________ than Randy. Jasmine is the _______ of them all.
7. My hair is (neat) ________ than yours.
8. Which star was the (bright) _______ among that you saw last night?
9. The cake I ate at this bakeshop was (delicious) _________ than the cake I ate at home.
10. Is the president (powerful) ________________ than the vice-president?
11. The bag I bought is the (cheap) ________ of them all.
12. It is (fun) _______ to go to the park than to the mall.
13. Julian is an (obedient) _______ boy.
14. My essay is (long) _______ than Jeremys.
15. Jason is (loyal) _______ friend than Jacob.
16. Rob is (courageous) ________ among the boys.

B. Choose the correct answer:

1. School days are than college days.

(a) as enjoyable as (b) more enjoyable (c) the most enjoyable

2. This road is the one in town.

(a) as long as (b) longer than (c) longest

3. Nursing is many other professions.

(a) as noble as (b) nobler than (c) the most noble

4. Dogs are as dolphins.

(a) as friendly (b) more friendly (c) the most friendly

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