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Leviticus 18 universally outlaws men laying with men as with women, with this being a capital crime,

(Lv. 18:22; 20:13), with an additional separate prohibition evidently forbidding homosexual religious
prostitution. (Dt. 23:17) The context of these commands is one which invokes the practice of Israel's
surrounding culture as an example of what not to do, thus evidencing that homosexual relations and
other sexual sins were pagan cultural practices. Additional evidence shows that homosexual practice
was generally not outlawed in the Ancient Near East (ANE), and was certainly tolerated in that area
and time in private as well as religious life.[5] Miller adds that in contrast, "Israel's God condemned
this behavior in EVERY culture in which it was mentioned(!): ANE (i.e. Sodom), Canaanite and
Egyptian (i.e. Lev 18:3), Israelite (Lev 18, 20), Roman (Rom 1), Hellenistic (I Tim 1.9), and Greek (I
Cor 6.9)."[6]

As for adultery, Moses forbade it entirely, as esteeming it a happy thing that men should be
wise in the affairs of wedlock; and that it was profitable both to cities and families that children
should be known to be genuine. He also abhorred mens lying with their mothers, as one of the
greatest crimes; and the like for lying with the fathers wife, and with aunts, and sisters, and
sons wives, as all instances of abominable wickedness. He also forbade a man to lie with his
wife when she was defiled by her natural purgation: and not to come near brute beasts; nor to
approve of the lying with a male, which was to hunt after unlawful pleasures on account of
beauty. To those who were guilty of such insolent behavior, he ordained death for their
punishment. (Antiquities, 3:12.1)[16]


You shall not commit murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not commit pederasty,
you shall not commit fornication, you shall not steal, you shall not practice magic, you shall not
practice witchcraft, you shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill one that has been born. -
Didache 2:2 (A.D. 90). expose newly-born children is the part of wicked men; and this we have been taught lest
we should do anyone harm and lest we should sin against God, first, because we see that
almost all so exposed (not only the girls, but also the males) are brought up to prostitution. And
for this pollution a multitude of females and hermaphrodites, and those who commit
unmentionable iniquities, are found in every nation...And there are some who prostitute even
their own children and wives, and some are openly mutilated for the purpose of sodomy; and
they refer these mysteries to the mother of the gods. - Justin Martyr, First Apology 27 (A.D. 151).
But we do not say so of that mixture that is contrary to nature, or of any unlawful practice; for such
are enmity to God. For the sin of Sodom is contrary to nature, as is also that with brute beasts. But
adultery and fornication are against the law; the one whereof is impiety, the other injustice, and, in a
word, no other than a great sin. But neither sort of them is without its punishment in its own proper
nature. For the practicers of one sort attempt the dissolution of the world, and endeavor to make the
natural course of things to change for one that is unnatural; but those of the second son the
adulterers are unjust by corrupting others marriages, and dividing into two what God hath made
one, rendering the children suspected, and exposing the true husband to the snares of others. And
fornication is the destruction of ones own flesh, not being made use of for the procreation of
children, but entirely for the sake of pleasure, which is a mark of incontinency, and not a sign of
virtue. All these things are forbidden by the laws; for thus say the oracles: Thou shalt not lie with
mankind as with womankind. For such a one is accursed, and ye shall stone them with stones: they
have wrought abomination. - Methodius, bishop of Olympus and Patara (AD 260-312), Commentary
on the sin of Sodom.

since certain men, seized by diabolical incitement practice among themselves the most
disgraceful lusts, and act contrary to nature: we enjoin them to take to heart the fear of God and the
judgment to come, and to abstain from suchlike diabolical and unlawful lusts, so that they may not
be visited by the just wrath of God on account of these impious acts, with the result that cities perish
with all their inhabitants. For we are taught by the Holy Scriptures that because of like impious
conduct cities have indeed perish, together with all the men in them. [90]

1. 1: For, instructed by the Holy Scriptures, we know that God brought a just judgment upon
those who lived in Sodom, on account of this very madness of intercourse, so that to this
very day that lands burns with inextinguishable fire. By this God teaches us, in order that by
means of legislation we may avert such an untoward fate. Again, we know what the blessed
Apostle says about such things, and what laws our state enacts. Wherefore it behoves all
who desire to fear God to abstain from conduct so base and criminal that we do not find it
committed even by brute beasts. Let those who have not taken part in such doings continue
to refrain in the future. But as for those who have been consumed by this kind of disease, let
them not only cease to sin in the future, but let them alos duly do penance, and fall down


4. before God and renounce their plague [in confession] to the blessed Patriarch; let them
understand the reason for this charge, and, as it is written, bring forth the fruits of
repentance. So may God the merciful, in abundance of pity, deem us worthy of his blessing,
that we may all give thanks to him for the salvation of the penitents, who we have now
bidden [to submit themselves] in order that the magistrates too may follow up our action,
[thus] reconciling to themselves God who is justly angry with us.

116 Punishment of the Unchastity that occurs against Nature.

Moreover, if a human being commits unchastity with an animal, [or] a man with a man, [or] a woman
with a woman, they have forfeited life, and, according to the common custom, they shall be banished
from life unto death by fire.

So here are 76 things in Leviticus, with verse references, that are banned. Its
by no means exhaustive. As an extension of original list, Im going to try to include the
stated penalties for each act. Consider which of these you (if youre of such persuasion)
think still apply, and which we get a pass on, and why you believe so.

Some of the items specify the penalty or punishment. Many fall back to Leviticus
4 and 5, which lists, based on who commits the sin and whether they knew it was a sin
or not, what sort of sacrificial offering animal needs to be given up.

The text except for whats in [square brackets] is from here.

1. Burning any yeast or honey in offerings to
God (2:11) [Normal penalty.]

2. Failing to include salt in offerings to God(2:13) [Normal penalty.]

3. Eating fat (3:17) [That ones a lasting ordinance for the generations to
come, wherever you live. All fat is to be saved for offerings to God. Normal penalty.]

4. Eating blood (3:17) [Normal penalty]

5. Failing to testify against any wrongdoing youve witnessed (5:1) [They

will be held responsible.]

6. Failing to testify against any wrongdoing youve been told about (5:1)
[Which sounds like hearsay. At any rate, they shall be held responsible.]

7. Touching an unclean animal (5:2) [NIV translates this as touching the

carcass of an unclean animal. So if Rover dies, or youre a worker in a pork plant, youre
in trouble here. Normal penalty.]

8. Carelessly making an oath (5:4) [Even if you dont realize you have. Normal

9. Deceiving a neighbour about something trusted to them (6:2) [Return the

item and a 20% penalty, plus normal penalty.]
10. Finding lost property and lying about it (6:3) [Return the item and a 20%
penalty, plus normal penalty.]

11. Bringing unauthorised fire before God (10:1) [God will smite you.]

12. Letting your hair become unkempt (10:6) [You will die and God will be
angry at everyone. May only apply to the priesthood.]

13. Tearing your clothes (10:6) [You will die and God will be angry at everyone.
May only apply to the priesthood.]

14. Drinking alcohol in holy places (bit of a problem for Catholics, this un) (10:9)
[You will die. May only apply to the priesthood.]

15. Eating an animal which doesnt both chew cud and has a divided
hoof (cf: camel, rabbit, pig) (11:4-7) [You will be unclean.]

16. Touching the carcass of any of the above (problems here for rugby) (11:8)
[You will be unclean.]

17. Eating or touching the carcass of any seafood without fins or

scales (11:10-12) [You will be unclean.]

18. Eating or touching the carcass of eagle, the vulture, the black
vulture, the red kite, any kind of black kite, any kind of raven, the horned
owl, the screech owl, the gull, any kind of hawk, the little owl, the
cormorant, the great owl, the white owl, the desert owl, the osprey, the
stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe and the bat. (11:13-19) [You will be

19. Eating or touching the carcass of flying insects with four legs, unless
those legs are jointed (11:20-22) [You will be unclean.]

20. Eating any animal which walks on all four and has paws (good news for
cats) (11:27) [You will be unclean. Also applies to touching their carcasses.]
21. Eating or touching the carcass of the weasel, the rat, any kind of
great lizard,the gecko, the monitor lizard, the wall lizard, the skink and the
chameleon (11:29) [You will be unclean.]

22. Eating or touching the carcass of any creature which crawls on

many legs, or its belly (11:41-42) [You will be unclean.]

23. Going to church within 33 days after giving birth to a boy (12:4) [Actually,
shes unclean a week, and then another 33 days. Then she has to offer up a sacrifice.]

24. Going to church within 66 days after giving birth to a girl (12:5) [Actually,
shes unclean a week, and then another 66 days. Then she has to offer up a sacrifice.]

25. Having sex with your mother (18:7) [The penalty for all the sexual sins in ch.
18 is that the participants are to be cut off from their people. Some have additional
penalties mentioned below.]

26. Having sex with your fathers wife (18:8) [In 20:11, both are to be put to

27. Having sex with your sister (18:9) [In 20:17, if you marry her, both are to be
publicly removed from their people]

28. Having sex with your granddaughter (18:10)

29. Having sex with your half-sister (18:11)

30. Having sex with your biological aunt (18:12-13) [In 20:19, he will be held
responsible for the dishonor.]

31. Having sex with your uncles wife (18:14) [In 20:20, they are held responsible
for the dishonor, they will die childless]

32. Having sex with your daughter-in-law (18:15) [In 20:12, both are to be put to

33. Having sex with your sister-in-law (18:16) [In 20:21, if you marry her, they
will be childless.]
34. Having sex with a woman and also having sex with her daughter or
granddaughter (bad news for Alan Clark) (18:17) [No specific penalty given, but per
20:14 if you marry both of them, all three of you are to be burned in fire.]

35. Marrying your wifes sister while your wife still lives (18:18)

36. Having sex with a woman during her period (18:19) [15:24 simply says the
man will be considered unclean for 7 days. In 20:18, Both of them are to be cut off from
their people]

37. Having sex with your neighbours wife (18:20) [In 20:10, both are to be put
to death.]

38. Giving your children to be sacrificed to Molek (18:21) [In 20:2, the person is
to be stoned to death.]

39. Having sex with a man as one does with a woman (18:22) [In 20:13, both
are to be put to death.]

40. Having sex with an animal (18:23) [In 20:15, both are to be killed.]

41. Making idols or metal gods (19:4) [No penalty given.]

42. Reaping to the very edges of a field (19:9) [To be left for the poor. No penalty

43. Picking up grapes that have fallen in your vineyard (19:10) [To be left for
the poor. No penalty given.]

44. Stealing (19:11) [No penalty given.]

45. Lying (19:11) [No penalty given.]

46. Swearing falsely on Gods name (19:12) [No penalty given.]

47. Defrauding your neighbour (19:13) [No penalty given.]

48. Holding back the wages of an employee overnight (not well observed these
days) (19:13) [No penalty given.]
49. Cursing the deaf or abusing the blind (19:14) [No penalty given.]

50. Perverting justice, showing partiality to either the poor or the

rich (19:15) [No penalty given.]

51. Spreading slander (19:16) [No penalty given.]

52. Doing anything to endanger a neighbours life (19:16) [No penalty given.]

53. Seeking revenge or bearing a grudge (19:18) [No penalty given.]

54. Mixing fabrics in clothing (19:19) [No penalty given.]

55. Cross-breeding animals (19:19) [No penalty given.]

56. Planting different seeds in the same field (19:19) [No penalty given.]

57. Sleeping with another mans slave (19:20) [Due punishment, but not death,
just a ram for sacrifice.]

58. Eating fruit from a tree within four years of planting it (19:23) [No penalty
given. May only apply to fruit trees planted in Israel.]

59. Practising divination or seeking omens (tut, tut astrology) (19:26) [No
penalty, but in 20:6 they will be cut off from their people by God. In 20:27, they are to
be stoned to death.]

60. Trimming your beard (19:27) [No penalty given.]

61. Cutting your hair at the sides (19:27) [No penalty given.]

62. Getting tattoos (19:28) [No penalty given.]

63. Making your daughter prostitute herself (19:29) [The land will turn to
prostitution. No other penalty given.]

64. Turning to mediums or spiritualists (19:31) [No penalty given.]

65. Not standing in the presence of the elderly (19:32) [No penalty given.]
66. Mistreating foreigners the foreigner residing among you must be treated as
your native-born (19:33-34) [No penalty given.]

67. Using dishonest weights and scales (19:35-36) [No penalty given.]

68. Cursing your father or mother (punishable by death) (20:9) [Death, as noted.]

69. Marrying a prostitute, divorcee or widow if you are a priest (21:7,13) [No
penalty given.]

70. Entering a place where theres a dead body as a priest (21:11) [I.e., if youre
a priest. No penalty given.]

71. Slaughtering a cow/sheep and its young on the same day (22:28) [May
apply only to sacrificial animals. No penalty given.]

72. Working on the Sabbath (23:3) [No penalty given.]

73. Blasphemy (punishable by stoning to death) (24:14) [Death.]

74. Inflicting an injury; killing someone elses animal; killing a person must
be punished in kind (24:17-22) [Killing someone means death. Injuring someone
mean punishment in kind. Killing or injuring anothers animal means punishment in

Two quotations whose predictions have come true:

"The Supreme Court ruling to strike down the nation's anti-sodomy laws
combined two of the most contentious issues on the political landscape
by grounding the liberty of gays in the same legal turf that sustains the
right to abortion -- and it directly points to yet another clash in the
culture war: a fight over gay marriage." David Von Drehle Washington
Post. 1

"State laws against bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest,

prostitution, masturbation, adultery, fornication, bestiality, and
obscenity ... every single one of these laws is called into question by
today's decision. ... If moral disapprobation of homosexual conduct is
'no legitimate state interest' for purposes of proscribing that
conduct ... what justification could there possibly be for denying the
benefits of marriage to homosexual couples exercising '[t]he liberty
protected by the Constitution?" Excerpt from the dissent by Justice
Antonin Scalia in the Lawrence v. Texas case before the U.S. Supreme
Court in 2003. 2

Two notes concerning terminology:

We discourage the use of the term "gay marriage" because the word
"gay" is ambiguous. It is sometimes used to refer to male gays only,
and sometimes to gays and lesbians together. Also some same-sex
marriages are composed of one or two bisexuals. We recommend the
term "same-sex marriage" or its acronym "SSM." These are more
inclusive and accurate terms. A Google search for "same-sex marriage"
on 2014-MAY-28 found 102 million hits; "gay marriage" found 9 million
hits. As same-sex marriage becomes more popular in the U.S., we
expect that SSM will be replaced simply by the term "marriage."

The terms "sodomy" and "sodomite" were derived from a story in the
Bible. Genesis 19 refers to an incident in the city of Sodom where a
group of male adults unsuccessfully attempted to gang rape two
visiting angels as an act of humiliation and rejection. Other biblical
references to Sodom show that the "sin" of the city was related to its
poor treatment of strangers, the poor, and needy. One exception is a
reference to Sodom in Jude which appears to imply that the "sin" was
bestiality -- sexual activity by a human with a different species. This
was because the men of Sodom attempted to rape two angels, who
are non-human.
However, the incident has been interpreted by many conservative
Christian theologians as a homosexual act motivated by the men being
sexually attracted to other males. These theologians teach that the
men's behavior was punished by God who destroyed the city and
exterminated all of the newborns, babies, children, adults, and
elderly. This passage in Genesis is often used to condemn all same-
gender sexual acts, including consensual sexual activities in private by
a loving, committed same-sex couple. Over time, "sodomy" was
defined in many different ways, to include anal sex and oral sex.


Laws prohibiting same-gender sexual behavior are commonly called "sodomy

laws." They have taken many forms in different jurisdictions. Some criminalize
certain behaviors by opposite-gender as well as same-gender couples. It
would not be much of an exaggeration to say that every sexual act except
sexual intercourse between a married couple using the missionary position in
the dark has been criminalized in at least one U.S. state at one time during its

These laws and regulations can be traced back at least to biblical times. In
England, homosexual behavior was originally handled in the ecclesiastical
courts. By 1791 CE, when the original 13 states ratified the Bill of Rights, they
all treated sodomy as a criminal offense. By 1961, the U.S. military, and all of
the states and territories maintained "sodomy" laws on their books -- some
dating back more than a century. Some were worded so generally that they
would even criminalize consensual oral sex in private between an opposite-
sex married couple as a "crime against nature." In 1961, Illinois became the
first American jurisdiction to repeal its sodomy law.

In 1986, the U.S. Supreme Court reviewed a Georgia case that criminalized
same-sex behavior and decided that the state's law was constitutional. They
decided that a state has the constitutional authority to criminalize what it
considered to be immoral behavior.

According to the Associated Press, sodomy laws remained on the books in 13

states as of the middle of 2003. "Sodomy" was illegal for everyone -- gay and
straight -- in Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina,
South Carolina, Utah and Virginia. In addition, four contiguous states, Kansas,
Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas, criminalized certain forms of private,
consensual sexual behavior between persons of the same gender, but
permitted them if performed by a man and woman.

During the first half of 2003, the U.S. Supreme court studied the
constitutionality of sodomy legislation. In theLawrence v. Texas case, they
reviewed a Texas law. It criminalized certain sexual behavior by same-sex
couples even though the same activities are quite legal if done by opposite-
sex couples. In a ground-breaking decision, the Court decided on 2003-JUN-
26 that adults are free to engage in private consensual sex without
government oppression. They placed limits on the ability of state governments
to legislate sexual morality. The sodomy laws in Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma
and Texas, were declared unconstitutional. Legal experts believe that the
sodomy laws in the nine other states are now also null and void. Laws in a few
states which criminalize fornication (sexual intercourse by unmarried
persons), adultery, and other behaviors may also be overturned by this ruling

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them
have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death."

75. Selling lan

d permanently (25:23) [No penalty given.]

76. Selling an Israelite as a slave (foreigners are fine) (25:42) [No penalty given.]
Quite the list. Not many Christians today would go for all of those but most would
consider some of them as laudable commandments still applicable today.

Changes in legislation since the 1960s:

Prior to 1962, the U.S. military, and all of the states and territories had
maintained "sodomy" laws on their books -- some dating back more than a
century. Some were worded so generally that they would even criminalize
consensual oral sex in private between a married couple. The penalties for
violating sodomy laws -- often called a "crime against nature" were often
severe. In 1961, Illinois "adopted the American Law Institute's Model Penal
Code, which decriminalized adult, consensual, private, sexual conduct.
They were the first U.S. jurisdiction to repeal its sodomy law.1,2

During the 1970s, laws were repealed in additional 18 states and two
territories: American Samoa, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware,
Guam, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Maine, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New
Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont,
Washington state, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Alaska, Nevada, North
Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands followed suit during the 1980s. Three
more jurisdictions, the District of Columbia, Nevada, and Rhode Island did
so during the 1990s. Arizona repealed its law in 2001.

In the early 1990s, many conservative Christian individuals and groups,

including local organizations, state-wide groups, independent churches,
the National Association of Evangelicals, the Christian Coalition actively
campaigned to either defeat or overturn gay rights legislation. Sometimes,
the Roman Catholic Church and conservative black pastors joined the battle
against equal rights and protections for gays. According to author Gary
Comstock: "The leaders of this movement advocated a codification of
antihomosexual laws not unlike that of colonial New England. Some even
discussed, and others called for, the reinstitution of capital punishment for
homosexual behavior." 3

According to, by late 2002, only 14 states, Puerto Rico and

the U.S. military still had enforceable sodomy laws on the books. According
to the Associated Press, laws in 13 states remain on the books. "Sodomy,"
which has many definitions in law, is illegal for everyone in Alabama,
Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Utah
and Virginia. In addition, four contiguous states, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma
and Texas, criminalize certain forms of sexual behavior between persons of
the same gender, but permit them if performed by a man and woman. 4

Penalties range from life imprisonment in Idaho, to 20 years imprisonment in

Oklahoma and Puerto Rico, to as few as 60 days jail time in Florida.
Concurrent fines range from $2,000 in Alabama and Louisiana to $500 in
Texas. Of the 14 jurisdictions, only the law in Texas does not include a jail
sentence. 5

Although these laws remain on the books in many jurisdictions, only a few
states still attempt to enforce them. It is probably impossible to mount a
successful repeal campaign in most of these states, because of opposition
from religious conservatives. It will probably require an action of the U.S.
Supreme Court to overturn the laws.

The 1927 act[edit]

Main article: Immorality Act, 1927

The Immorality Act, 1927 (Act No. 5 of 1927) prohibited sexual intercourse outside of marriage
between "Europeans" (white people) and "natives" (black people). The penalty was up to five years
imprisonment for the man and four years imprisonment for the woman. A persons color during trial
was dictated by their race, a term which at the time described a persons appearance, mannerisms,
and assumed descent/ethnicity (similar to later color classifications recognized during
the Apartheid era of South African history, where races were decided upon by government officials,
not pre-determined by the true ethnicity of the accused).[1] The act also prohibited "procuring" women
for interracial intercourse, and contained a proposal that described a punishment of up to six years
of imprisonment specifically for colored women who were thought to be provoking white males to
have intercourse with them.[2]

The Immorality Amendment Act, 1950 (Act No. 21 of 1950) amended the 1927 act to forbid
unmarried sexual intercourse between "Europeans" and anyone not "European". The prohibition was
therefore extended to intercourse between white people and coloured or Asian people. Interracial
marriages had been banned in 1949 by the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act.[3] Later legislation
closely related to the Immorality Act also banned the marriage of interracial couples outside of South
Africa, viewing foreign marriages as invalid and illegal.[4]
Main article: Sexual Offences Act, 1957

The Immorality Act, 1957 (Act No. 23 of 1957; subsequently renamed the Sexual Offences Act,
1957) repealed the 1927 and 1950 acts and replaced them with a clause prohibiting sexual
intercourse or "immoral or indecent acts" between white people and anyone not white. It increased
the penalty to up to seven years imprisonment for both partners. The 1957 act also
prohibited brothel-keeping, procuring, and living off the proceeds of prostitution; and it prohibited
sexual intercourse with people under the age of sixteen.

The Immorality Amendment Act, 1969 (Act No. 57 of 1969) amended the 1957 act to introduce or
expand a number of offences. It prohibited the manufacturing or sale of any "article intended to be
used to perform an unnatural sexual act" (i.e. sex toys). Despite the fact that sex between men was
already prohibited under thecommon law crime of sodomy, the 1969 act made it a statutory crime for
a man to have sex with another male under the age of nineteen. It also introduced section 20A, the
infamous "three men at a party" clause, which prohibited any sexual activity between men at a party,
where "party" was defined as any occasion where more than two people were present.

The Immorality and Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Amendment Act, 1985 (Act No. 72 of 1985)
repealed the provisions of the 1957 act that prohibited interracial sex, and repealed the Prohibition of
Mixed Marriages Act. This came as part of the repeal of many petty apartheid laws under the
government of P. W. Botha.[3] This act specifically deleted the definitions of "coloured" and "white"
within the act, and repealed Section 16 of the 1957 act which barred interracial, extramarital sex.[5]

The Immorality Amendment Act, 1988 (Act No. 2 of 1988) renamed the Immorality Act, 1957 to the
Sexual Offences Act, 1957. It criminalised, for the first time, a woman having sex with a person
under the age of consent, for that purpose setting the age of consent at 16 for a boy and 19 for a girl.
It also made it a crime to be a prostitute, where previously only certain acts related to prostitution
(brothel-keeping, procuring, etc.) had been illegal.[6] The legislation also noted that either gender
could now be convicted of sexual offences.[7]


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