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Republican businessman and reality-television star Donald Trump

will be the United States, next president.

Donald John Trump was born in 1946 in Queens, New York City, the
fourth of five children of Frederick C. and Mary MacLeod Trump. Frederick
Trump was a builder and real estate developer who specialized in
constructing and operating middle income apartments in the Queens,
Staten Island, and Brooklyn sections of New York. Donald Trump was an
energetic and bright child, and his parents sent him to the New York
Military Academy at age thirteen, hoping the discipline of the school would
channel his energy in a positive manner. Trump did well at the academy,
both socially and academically, rising to be a star athlete and student
leader by the time he graduated in 1964. Trump worked for his father's
company at the construction sites. He entered Fordham University and
then transferred to the Wharton School of Finance at the University of
Pennsylvania, from which he graduated in 1968 with a degree in

In 1974 Trump obtained an option on one of the Penn Central's

hotels, the Commodore, which was unprofitable but in an excellent
location near Grand Central Station. The next year he signed a partnership
agreement with the Hyatt Hotel Corporation, which did not have a large
downtown hotel. Trump then worked out a complicated deal with the city
to revamp the hotel. Renamed the Grand Hyatt, the hotel was popular and
an economic success, making Trump the city's best known and most
controversial developer.

In 1977 Trump married Ivana Zelnickova Winklmayr, a New York

fashion model who had been an alternate on the 1968 Czech Olympic Ski
Team. After the birth of the first of the couple's three children in 1978,
Donald John Trump, Jr., Ivana Trump was named vice president in charge of
design in the Trump Organization and played a major role in supervising
the renovation of the Commodore.
In 1979 Trump rented a site on Fifth Avenue next to the famous
Tiffany & Company as the location for a monumental $200 million
apartment-retail complex designed by Der Scutt. It was named Trump
Tower when it opened in 1982. The fifty-eight-story building featured a six-
story courtyard lined with pink marble and included an eighty-foot
waterfall. The luxurious building attracted well-known retail stores and
celebrity renters and brought Trump national attention.

It was in 1990, however, that the real estate market declined,

reducing the value of and income from Trump's empire; his own net worth
plummeted from an estimated $1.7 billion to $500 million. The Trump
Organization required massive loans to keep it from collapsing, a situation
that raised questions as to whether the corporation could survive
bankruptcy. Some observers saw Trump's decline as symbolic of many of
the business, economic, and social excesses from the 1980s.

Yet Trump climbed back and was reported to be worth close to $2 billion in
1997. Donald Trump's image was tarnished by the publicity surrounding
his controversial separation and the later divorce from his wife, Ivana. But
Trump married again, this time to Marla Maples, a fledgling actress. The
couple had a daughter two months before their marriage in 1993. He filed
for a highly publicized divorce from Maples in 1997, which became final in
June 1999.

On October 7, 1999, Trump announced the formation of an exploratory

committee to inform his decision of whether he should seek the Reform
Party's nomination for the presidential race of 2000, but backed out
because of problems within the party.

A state appeals court ruled on August 3, 2000, that Trump had the right to
finish an 856-foot-tall condominium on New York City's east side. The
Coalition for Responsible Development had sued the city, charging it with
violation of zoning laws by letting the building reach heights that towered
over everything in the neighbourhood. The city has since moved to revise
its rules to prevent more of such projects. The failure of Trump's
opponents to obtain an injunction (a court order to stop) allowed him to
continue construction.

The positive impact of Donald Trump being president is Donald

Trump's background has been well examined, and what you see is pretty
much what you get, so he isn't an unknown commodity at this point and
we probably have seen most of his worst attributes already granted. His
stand on tax reform to reshape United States economy, increasing the
demands of business, having a fix tax code for businesses. Reduce taxes
across-the-board, especially for working and middle-income Americans
who will receive a massive tax reduction. Ensure the rich will pay their fair
share, but no one will pay so much that it destroys jobs or undermines our
ability to compete.

Eliminate special interest loopholes, make our business tax rate

more competitive to keep jobs in America, create new opportunities and
revitalize the economy. There are several reasons and none of them are
good. But if you had to pick one cause for all the mess, it would be the
fact that politicians have worked with interest groups and lobbyists to
create myriad deductions, credits, exclusions, preferences, exemptions,
and other loopholes. This is a great deal for the lobbyists, who get big
fees. Its a great scam for politicians, who get lots of contributions. And its
a great outcome for interest groups, who benefit from back-door industrial
policy that distorts the economy.

Negative impacts of Donald J. Trump being president are populist

revolt against immigration and trade. Trump bet his whole campaign on
the idea that popular hostility to liberal immigration and free trade policies
would propel him to the White House. He promised to build a wall on the
Mexican border and deport 11 million unauthorized immigrants. He also
pledged to tear up free trade agreements and bring back manufacturing
jobs. From day one, he made xenophobic and nationalistic policies the
centrepiece of his campaign.

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