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Principles (5) and Actions (7) to Learn a Language in Six Months


1. Focus on language content that is relevant for you;

2. Use your new language as a tool to communicate from day 1;
3. When you first UNDERSTAND the MESSAGE you will unconsciously ACQUIRE the language;
4. Physiological training speaking and speaking;
5. Psycho-physiological state matters. Dont study when you are upset. Also there is the necessity to be tolerate
about ambiguity. Dont try to understand 100% of everything always, otherwise you can get very upset. Get
some here and there and you will be learning efficiently.

Actions for Rapid Language Acquisition:

1. Listen a lot!!! Brain soaking. It doesnt matter if you are understanding or not. You will be learning the patterns,
the rhythm of the language;
2. Focus on getting the meaning first, before the words;
3. Start mixing! 10 verbs + 10 nouns + 10 adjectives can result in 1000 possible phrases. Start mixing things you
know, even if at the beginning the phrases seem weird;
4. Focus on the core! 85% of the daily language is covered by 1000 words and 98% by 3000 words;
5. Get a language parent;
6. Copy the speaker face;
7. Direct connect to mental images same box, different path. If I learn the new word Sverige, I create
immediately an image of Sweden in my head.

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