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Equipment maintenance plan

1. Laboratory equipment that use proving ring are calibrated not more than two
years by authorized institution accreditized by national accreditization committee.
2. Boring machine
a. Every morning check boring machine before used e.g. up and down
movement of spindle, rotation of spindle
b. Oil for genzet and water pump are changed regularly as instructed by
genzet/water pump manufacturer e.g every 100 hours
c. Genzet when not used are turned on regularly every morning for warm up
d. Provide spare parts for critical component such as hose tubes, wire ropes
e. Always clean rods, split spoon sampler, tubes after used
3. CPT
a. Hydraulic oil are checked before and after used
b. Conus&biconus and rods should always be cleaned after used
c. Manometer are calibrated every one year

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