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Subject to Subjectivity

A boy is thrown into a testing chamber

Boy: So this place doesnt look like its seen a health inspector in years.

A doctor speaks to the boy in an overhead speaker

Doctor(VO): Welcome test subject, for a period of 30 days you will be held in this
detention area, occasionally you will be given genetically modified gelatine.

Boy: Hmmm okay this sounds say the least, am I the first to do this?

Doctor(VO): No although you are the first subject with prior education. All other
subjects from birth have been contained in cells such as these and have done so
for their entire lives.

Boy: Do they understand English?

Doctor(VO): what do you mean can they understand English?

Boy: Well youve mentioned theyve stayed in these cells for all of their life, do
they have any education?

Doctor(VO): well.nonot exactly. They are purely educated through the TV

monitor we have provided for you.

Boy: Surely youd think it benefit the experiment if they had a basic
understanding of English so they can understand what the TV is telling them.

Doctor(VO): thats the whole point of the bloody experiment, to show what the
media has an effect of you and how giving you GMO gelatine can affect your
mood levels.

Boy: without comprehending what the tv is saying?

Doctor(VO): youre overthinking this.

Boy: I dont think youve thought through this enough

Doctor(VO): .right thats it, sit down, shut up and wait for your goddamn
jelly..holy shit Im starting to regret this.

FIRST SAMPLE: addiction.

The boy wakes up on his First day. In the corner a blindfolded butler,
hold a platter containing a single piece of orange jelly. The Boy is
surprised to see the butler there, he is hesitant at first and looks at the
jelly intensely, studying it from all sides, he tries reaching for it but
keeps having second thoughts.

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