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Running Head: JOURNAL #4

Journal #4

Thalia Rivas

EDT 3371

Wednesday 8:30-11:20

University of Texas at El Paso


Communication Tools (Newsletter)

A newsletter is a great way of informing parents and students of important information of

school and classroom. For example a newsletter can include a weekly calendar,

reminders, classroom activities and upcoming events. What I learned of a newsletter is

that they are easy to make and informative. I will use newsletter for my future students

and parents its a useful method that can inform parents of what are we doing in school

and what are we learning in class.


A spreadsheet is a document arranged in row and columns of a grid. Using Microsoft

Excel we were able to make a spreadsheet. A spreadsheet can be a great way for

teachers to keep track of attendance, grades or goals for students it can also be used in

other educational ways. For example, it can be used in math because spreadsheet can

do almost any equation. In fact, using the data you input you are able to make graphs

and they are easy to make and a great method of organization. I will use spreadsheet

with my future class to keep track of attendance and grades.

Timeline (Timetoast)

A timeline is an organization of events that occurred in chronological order. Using

Timetoast we were able to create a timeline .It is easy to make you can add time

frames, pictures and change the color of your timeline. A timeline can be used in any

grade level and it can be a great method of explaining any educational event.

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