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SOUTHWESTERN OREGON COMMUNITY COLLEGE NURSING PROGRAM - SKILLS PERFORMANCE LIST NURSING 110 Fall 2015 EXCELLENCE CARING ‘COLLABORATION COMPETENCE COMMUNICATION INSTRUCTIONS; 4. Skill Demonstration may only be performed after Peer Practice and will be graded according to the assigned Skill Check List from text. 2. During the Campus Learning Lab Competency Performance, the student must demonstrate proficiency with minimal prompting ‘and be able to articulate rationale for actions performed while demonstrating the skill to achieve a grade of PASS. 3. When a PASS grade is achieved the student is deemed competent to perform that skill in the clinical setting. 4. Because preparation is a key ingredient to successful completion of a skill in both the campus lab and clinical setting, students who are not prepared will be excused from the lab and will need to make up the missed time. Preparation includes providing the necessary documentation, including the checklist(s) for the skill and this Skill Performance List. 5. During the skill check-off students may bring one (1) 3x5 card with information relating to the skill. The card must be kept in the student’s pocket during the skill evaluation. Students may refer to this card up to two (2) times during Nursing 110 and one time during the remaining terms. When referring to the card students must: '* excuse themselves from the bedside/patient ‘step back from the bedside but stay inside the curtained off area ‘* renew contact with the patient upon returning MANDATORY: All skills must be completed in lab and clinical by end of term to progress to winter term. This excludes medication administrations EXCEPT oral. Keys: M= Mannequin; S = on Student; TT = Task Trainer; Sim = simulation; TH= Talk Through “Bring skills check-off sheets to BOTH the campus lab and the clinical facility. NURSING 110 SKILL CHECKLIST Name: Molly Plaartan Faculty reek | Co Skills initials/date | jnitials/date ™ og Campus Lab | Clinical Site TH Campus Lab Scavenger Hunt ‘ tace Basie Nursing Stale 1 2. Vital signs/orthostatc changes on arms and legs; manual and electronic | amg fan his| 2.24 was sM & cae . a : emits d. Basic hygiene, peri care, and oral care; comatose and awake a. dah E> e. Bed making; occupied and ngf-occupied ety |eGines ‘pair with experienced CNA for s Interviewing/Health History 2 s Physical Assessment: Skin (integumentary) s Physical Assessment: Neurologic 3 s Physical Assessment: Ears (otic) s Physical Assessment: Eyes (ophthalmic)/Vision sereening 4 s Physical Assessment: Musculoskeletal 5 | SIMTT| 9 | Physical Assessment: Respiratory ° 6 | SIMITT] 10 | Physical Assessment: Cardiovascular/cireulatory 7 wes py 7 | SIM/TT| 11 | Physical Assessment: Abdomen/Gastrointestinal, mouth, & throat while wh MATT | 12 | Prepare and administer oral medications (liquid and solid) ab a a4 MITT | 13 | Prepare and administer a sublingual medication to a client } tf 8 tourera | MTT | 14 | Prepare and administer ophthalmic drops and ointment to a client wit "olan | ‘hol 0 MITT | 15 | Prepare and administer otc drops toa client € MITT | 16 | Prepare and administer nasal drops and spray to a client v y° Bene MATT | 17 | Teach wctient how, when, and why to use a hand-held nebulizer «lathe aomre MITT | 18 | Teach a client how, when, and why to use a metered-dose inhaler (MDI) > 9 MATT | 19 | Prepare and administer a rectal suppository Pefaalney MITT | 20 | Prepare and administer topical medication to the skin ny" 10 SIM_ | 21 | Head-to-toe physical assessment testing, & administer one medication Bev OTS DT om, pw ST ioe STE Skill Performance Rubric PIMENsION ‘Exemplary Developing Needs Work* Preparation [Able to gather appropriate -quipment without prompting. ble to discuss skill steps and Fationale in depth, Can adjust quipment required for edure according to patient -ondition and/or needs. athers appropriate equipment [Needs some prompting for equipment jbut may need a prompt for an tem. Can discuss sill steps and prompting and guidance to discuss rationale, but not in depth. |Afinal review of the procedure lprior to performance is, jbeyond a single item. Needs steps/rationale for the skill |Afinal review of the procedure prior to} lperformance is acceptable, refers to the procedure once during the skill lemonstration based on consultation [with the faculty. [Does not know what lequipment is needed. lunable to discuss skill steps ind/or doesn't understanding he underlying rationale, References the lprocedure more than one time luring the procedure. ganization & Performs skill with organized tient Safety pss and without compromising litperformed well but with sme hesitation or delay in kill had sequencing robles. Student could recogni kl steps are disordered and lout of sequence, student does satient safety. ution. Able to correct —_ errors but not easily continue the skil_ jnot recognize errors and/or rrors with minimal prompting [py correcting the problem. Needs compromises patient safety kill performed smoothly and fin danger of compromising _jprompting from faculty to move from _|without recognition of ferecy antec vxagnzesend_ fe opto athe, protons atient Care Provides patient teaching pews ppropriately during skill lemonstration. Recognizes and iddresses patient care needs beyond the immediate skill [Provides for patient teaching jwith minimal lprompting. Speaks to patient {during skill, but not able to reach smoothly and in [Performs skill with only minimal recognition of patient, such as introduces self. Does not speak to [patient during skil. Able to state a few! aching needs with prompting, ldepth. Recognizes patient care Ineeds well with minimal ompts. jgnores patient during process, inable to state any patient teaching that might be needed Documentation|Oocuments clearly, concisely, [Documentation is mostly [Documentation is adequate with some [Documentation is incomplete, ccurately and orrect and needs little editing. |correction. Less complete, and may _ jrambling, disorganized, end/or thoroughly. Information is _|Information is organized based {have one or two spelling or sequencinglinaccurate. Spelling errors. ganized based on skill jon skill sequencing. lerors. sequencing expected outcome ind client/patient response. No spelling errors *Student requires additional practice of the skill before continuing/completing the skill check-off for faculty sign-off. **Student needs to perform at the competent level for faculty to sign-off clinical skill check-off completion.

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