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SOUTHWESTERN OREGON COMMUNITY COLLEGE NURSING PROGRAM - SKILLS PERFORMANCE LIST NURSING 112 Spring 2016 EXCELLENCE COLLABORATION COMPETENCE COMMUNICATION INSTRUCTIONS; 1. Skill Demonstration may only be performed after Peer Practice and will be graded according to the assigned Skill Check List from text. 2. During the Campus Learning Lab Competency Performance, the student must demonstrate proficiency with minimal prompting and be able to articulate rationale for actions performed while demonstrating the skill to achieve a grade of PASS. 3. When a PASS grade is achieved the student is deemed competent to perform that skill in the clinical setting. ‘4, Because preparation is a key ingredient to successful completion of a skill in both the campus lab and clinical setting, students who are not prepared will be excused from the lab and will need to make up the missed time. Preparation includes providing the necessary documentation, including the checklist(s) for the skill and this Skill Performance List. 5. During the skill check-off students may bring one (1) 3x5 card with information relating to the skill. The card must be kept In the student's pocket during the skill evaluation. Students may refer to this card up to two (2) times during Nursing 110 and one time during the remaining terms. When referring to the card students must: ‘© excuse themselves from the bedside/patient «step back from the bedside but stay inside the curtained off area ‘* renew contact with the patient upon returning MANDATORY: All bolded skills must be completed in lab and clinical prior to graduation. Keys: M= Mannequin; S = on Student; TT = Task Trainer; Sim = simulation; TH= Talk Through “Bring skills check-off sheets to BOTH the campus lab and the clinical facility. NURSING 112 SKILL CHECKLIST Name: Molly Plowman $ u i s : Faculty initials/date | Faculty initials/date Week | Skill# | Code Skills ‘Campus Lab Clinical Site ‘Medication Administration Exam with mini assessment ' ' M | @ass/No Pass) 3h ae Demonstrate assessment of colostomy, changing a 2 M colostomy appliance, and irrigating the colostomy. Teach yo patient care of colostomy. at ‘Demonstrate inserting a nasogastric tube, taking steps to : M__ | Provide for the patient's comfort checking the location, and connecting the tube to suction, State & perform ‘appropriate assessments before & after. Demonstrate feeding and administering medications vie: 4 M a, nasogastric tube a a Ny b. Gastrostomy (PEG) tube b by oo / : A a ‘Demonstrate irrigation of nasogastric tube with oe 5 M appropriate assessments. a ic Demonstrate assessing, maintzining, monitoring, are 6 M emptying, and removing a closed wound drainage ty he system, Fe __ | Demonstrate insertion and removal of rectal tube. gail, Q° Demonstrate removal of nasogastric tube and discuss the MG S M ___| we of PPE. 48 Tig Using sterile technique for catheter insertion: ‘a, open sterile equipment packages without a 1B M ‘contamination i (ole . removal sterile supplies from a container 7 ye 14 BAH _| Bladder scan (to be done at hospital) 4 o 24 Demonstrate insertion and removal of urinary ! : Gy 1s M_ _| catheter using sterile technique: Foley (indwelling) gk Yo Go! ae mt . SIM _| Cardiac Simulation, Y, / U he a) Demonstrate application of splints, slings, abduction 16 S/M__| wedge, and immobilizer. ya " S/TH | Teach cast care; removal of casts. u M/S _| Set up traction equipment (Buck’s). Demonstrate assessment for CMS (color/cireulation, } 19 M/S__| motion/movement, and sensation) checks, and chart | o ws _ | Demonstrate application of cold therapy (ice packs, ifroja Auge etc). Demonstrate incision assessment, with and without dressing a M 4’ qo 22 M Removal of skin sutures and staples 23 M/S Apply TED hose ‘Demonstrate arm and leg stump wrapping, assessment of ya M ‘stump with CMS check “Assess a patient using the Braden Scale and identify ey Jio[h WUE 25 S| risk and teach (perform) appropriate interventions 4 based on Braden Scale score \ponged ao . SIM | Assessment ofan infant with seizures 53-306 Se Kanes AT 7 ‘SIM Endocrine Simulation S10-a016 Place an external monitor on a prenatal client in 5-94 ley) lahlio 26 MTT labor. Identify the fetal heart rate, fetal heart pattern, YP ‘and uterine activity, (Scenario will be provided for lab). | Le For a newly born infant: 6 I » a. Demonstrate a newborn assessment, including a Of a 2 M newborn hearing b, Demonstrate administration of prophylactic eye care, Vitamin K, and Hepatitis B vaccine “Y 28 Noelle/SIM Perform a postpartum assessment on a mother who has had a spontaneous vaginal delivery, operative vaginal delivery, and cesarean section. Include teaching points including breastfeeding, postpartum ahlin Le device and role-play discharge teaching instructions. care, postoperative care, sitz bath. 9 . Continuation of week 8 skills Demonstrate obtaining a urine specimen: 29 1. Clean catch L 1 2._Inand out catheter 2 2. io 30 Demonstrate urinary catheter irrigation for TURP with CBI. Perform required assessments. al Demonstrate care of patient with a urinary diversion Rev; 09-13-2012 om, sw, pw; S7H4 TP, N2UIATE; 2/15 TR, 6/15 TF, 216 TF Skill Performance Rubric [DIMENSION Exemplary Competent** Developing Needs Work* [Preparation Able to gather appropriate _|Gathers appropriate equipment [Needs some prompting for equipment [Does not know what

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