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Benefits and How the processing of Soursop leaves for health

In the village such as soursop tree in a place I often considered one eye. Probably because
it's already accustomed to consume fruit that tastes fresh. Unwittingly reversed the soursop fruit
tastes of freshness has many benefits for health especially in the leaves that are very rarely the
person knew it.
Benefits and How the processing of Soursop leaves for health comes from the soursop
tree Plants forest of South America, Africa and Southeast Asia. This plant leafy green, every part
of this plant is very useful because it has medicinal properties. Soursop fruit has sharp aromas
with flavors of sweet and a little sour. Currently soursop leaves get special attention from many
circles due to the potent nature of owns capable of killing cancer cells naturally. Regardless of
the nature of the anticancer, soursop fruit has several other health benefits. Soursop leaf is the
most profitable part of this plant. Soursop leaves have Acetoginin compounds, namely bulatacin,
asimisin and squamosin. Acetoginin acts as an antifeedant. With the content of this soursop
leaves can be used to kill insects and pests, they will die while consuming soursop leaves. In
scientific research conducted by The National Cancer Institute has proved that effective in
soursop leaves inhibit and destroy cancer cells. In addition, soursop leaf is also used in the
treatment of several other ailments. Soursop leaves rich in some compounds, including protein,
calcium, fructose, fat, vitamins A and B and the like. With this content, soursop leaves have
medicinal properties that are excellent for use as an ingredient in some herbal health products.
The following are the Benefits and ways of processing the Soursop leaves for health:

1. To treat cancer . Benefits of soursop leaves can be used to inhibit cancer cells and cure cancer
more quickly and effectively. In comparison to chemotherapy soursop leaves more secure. In
addition to the expensive chemotherapy also gives the side effects. Research has proven that
the soursop have active ingredients that 10000 times more powerful than chemotherapy
against cancer cells. Thus, soursop leaves can be used to treat a variety of cancers including
prostate, lung and breast cancer.

The way of processing for the treatment; take the 10 strands of soursop leaves then wash to
clean, then boil with 3 glasses of water to remaining one cup, strain, chill and drink this
concoction every morning for 3-4 weeks to correct the condition. Soursop Leaf is the only
natural cure for cancer the most powerful to date.

2. To treat gout . In addition to cancer, the benefits of soursop leaves can also be used to treat
gout. Even a lot of uric acid treatment method using soursop leaves. Soursop leaf Meal can
be very helpful in treating gout.

How processing; take about 6-10 strands of soursop leaves an old one but still green,
soursop leaves boiled with 2 cups of water to a boil and let the remaining up to about 1 Cup.
Drink this concoction twice a day in the morning and afternoon to get maximum benefits.

3. To treat back pain . Pain in the lower back Pain is often experienced by many people,
especially at the time of exercise. Using chemicals for back pain can lead to side effects.
Soursop Leaf is an effective herbal remedy for treating back pain and without side effects.
The way of processing; You can poach 20 sheets soursop leaves in 5 cups of water until the
remaining 3 cups. Drink Cup of this herb once in a day.

4. To treat eczema and rheumatic . Rheumatic diseases more often in agony by the elderly,
arthritic pain this causes intense pain. Soursop Leaf is a natural treatment for arthritis pain.

How processing; puree soursop leaves and apply it on areas of the body that feels pain due
to arthritis and eczema. Do this on a regular basis twice a day.

5. Treatment Of Diabetes . Limit one's normal sugar levels ranged from 70 mg to 120 mg.
Nutrients in soursop leaves mamu is believed to stabilize blood sugar levels within the
normal range. In addition, soursop leaf extract can be used as one of the solutions to cure
diabetes naturally.

6. Boost the immune system and prevent infection . Soursop leaf nutrient content is believed to
be able to boost the immune system and avoiding infection in the body.

The way of processing; boil 4/5 soursop leaves in 4 cups of water until the remaining water
and drinking one glass of water decoction of soursop leaves of this herb regularly once a

7. Other benefits of soursop leaf . In addition to the benefits mentioned above, soursop leaf is
very effective in inhibiting the growth of bacteria, viruses, parasites and tumor development.
Their healing properties make them capable of use as anti-depressant drugs seizures.
Soursop Leaf was also able to reduce fever and lower high blood pressure. Soursop Leaf
beneficial in treating inflammation and swelling of the legs. They help in digestion and
improves appetite. Consumption of soursop leaves regularly help in improving stamina and
recovery from illness faster.

8. Soursop Leaf to treat ulcers . Boils are skin disorder that is characterized by a very great pain
and even have a risk of getting the infection. Ulcers can occur on parts of the body or face,
so that the presence of ulcers and skin kesehaan interfere with beauty. Soursop Leaf is a
natural remedy to cure boils. You can choose some leaves and put them on soursop body
affected by ulcers.

9. To treat Eczema . As has been previously stated, soursop leaf can treat eczema with natural
way. You can fine up to soursop leaf mashing and apply it on the affected area twice a day
regularly. This will help in reducing the pain caused by eczema. A porridge made with fresh
soursop leaves and rose water if applied to the skin can be very useful in preventing the
occurrence of blackheads and other skin problems as well.

10. The benefits of being able to get rid of fleas soursop leaf . We all want healthy hair free from
damage, but unfortunately the unhealthy lifestyle plus exposure to harmful chemicals and
environmental pollutants can make hair become damaged, branching, loss and cause
someone grizzled, though in the age of a young relative. Natural ingredients and herbs are
very effective in combating this problem. Benefits of soursop leaves for hair is not yet well
known by many people. Soursop leaves have the ability to inhibit the growth of parasites, In
addition to other medicinal properties. By applying decoction soursop leaves on your hair
can help you to get rid of head lice on the head.

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