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Title: The seal of the King, From Yom Kippur to


According to standard Christian scholarship the Gospel of Matthew is written

specifically to and for the Jew, the Gospel of Matthew is first because Jesus comes
first as a human embryo, The Gospel of Luke relates the second step, God, Adonai
Tze-va-ot( twabc hwhy))materializing in the body of that embryo, but the Gospel
of John presents the most Jewish motifs of the four gospels, the early writings of
Martin Luther documented his initial respect of Jews and their perspectives, but
his last writing was very critical of the Jews after he found a pernicious rumor
about Mary enshrined in the Talmud unfortunately, his violent protest expressed
in his last writing On the Jews and Their Lies was easily perverted by Hitler and the
Nazis as a justification to persecute the Jews. The personality of Jesus puts Pagans
in a pickle. Even the followers of Dagon were aware of the divine origin of Jesus
due to a confrontation with the pre-incarnate Christ culminating in 1 Samuel 5:4,
then when face to face with Jesus these Dagon dudes protest, Let us alone. What
have we to do with You, Jesus of Nazareth? Did You come to destroy us? (Mark
1:24) It is time to right the dogma of Christianity before we turn our convictions
into constrictions. The Spirit of Jesus is being poured out over the whole world,
especially Israel in this age. In John 8:32 Jesus declares those who abide in His
word will be free. The Pharisees take such an offense at this, they even deny their
own right hand by stating, We are Abrahams seed and have never been in
bondage to anyone. Their penchant was to their immediate cronies as a vigilante
committee against God Himself. Even overwhelming evidence would not cause
them to conscientiously evaluate the claims of Jesus. Satan uses irrational and
invalid reasoning as impious rationale as he debates Jews and Christians as well as
those on the verge of becoming Christian. In chapter 9 of the Gospel of John the
letters of the Hebrew scripture literally guide events. The most revered words in
the Hebrew Scripture by the Jews is The Shma

dxa hwhy Wnxla hwhy larfy [mv

Shma yis-raw-el Adonai El-low-hey-nu Adonai Eh-kHad
Hear Oh Israel, God Almighty, our God, is One God!
In this verse there are two letters that have been faithfully enlarged as each new
d which symbolizes door and eyein [ which symbolizes
scroll is written, dahlet
eye together they are the word ed which means witnessd[

d[< since Hebrew is read from right to left the letter for eye is encountered before the letter
symbolizing door.

In chapter 9 of the gospel of John Jesus encounters a man who had been blind since birth which
prompted a question whether his blindness was due to the sin of his parents or his own sin.
Jesus replies, neither but that the works of God might be revealed in him. (John 9:3) Jesus
performs the steps to heal the mans blind eyes, then in chapter 10 declares to His disciples
that He (Jesus) is the door to the sheepfold. To view a doorway to an ancient sheep-fold check
out this web page>> This is probably
where the angels appeared to the shepherds as mentioned in the Gospel of Luke. In verse 9
Jesus states unequivocally that He is the door to the most revered verse in Torah, the Shma,
implying that He (Jesus) is God Almighty. The Pharisees knew this verse well, they got his
meaning, it is good they were cautious, but due to their prejudice against Him, they refused to
adequately evaluate His words; unfortunately, some Christians, like the Pharisees, reject valid
signs because there is a hint of Bible codes or a Jewish connotation. Jesus is an open door to all
except those with a closed mind. Attention Christians, its time to come out of our doctrinal
foxholes and give Jesus the recognition He is due, whether you are gentile or Jew, He is LORD.

My book:
On April 7, 2009 I had a serious stroke and found myself speaking to
Jesus, it is not my intention to build a platform on which to be
recognized, but to accomplish the charge He gave me, by saying that I
would not sleep but would tell others about Him. Consequently,
I am attempting to write a book. Jesus identified Himself in the
simplest of terms by claiming to be Alef-Tav(ta) however, not only did
the Pharisees attempt to obscure His claim by developing an
impromptu linguistic rule regarding Alef-Tav which they called the
Word unfortunately Christian scholars both ancient and modern have
unwittingly worked in cooperation with the Pharisees by demanding
that Alef-Tav must be rendered in the Greek letters Alpha & Omega,
modern Christian preachers wax eloquently about the first and the last,
the beginning and the end, but when the meaning Jesus intended
explodes in your head, you cant help but exclaim, Oh my God!
Sometimes we, Christians, confuse ignorance with humility. A well-
intentioned book by Irving L. Jensen titled Life of Christ on page 28
states, we cannot fully understand how Jesus is both truly divine and
truly human at the same time. The Bible gives us as much detail as we
require in this regard, however, due to our prejudicial inclinations we
are blind to these details.
After Moses was given the construction plans for the Tabernacle and
the Ark of the covenant God Almighty says to him, And there I will
meet with you and I will speak with you from above the mercy seat
from between the two cherubim which are on the Ark of the
Testimony (Exodus 25:22). you in this case is not just Moses but
plural as Moses would relay the message to the people and later others
most notably Aaron and future High Priests would appear before the
Ark on Yom Kippur in the Holy of Holies for the Redemption of the
people of Israel. Leviticus chapter 16 reveals further details, Tell
Aaron, your brother, not to come at just any time into the Holy Place
inside the veil before the mercy seat which is on the ark lest he die, for I
will appear in the cloud above the mercy seat.(Leviticus 16:2). Perhaps
this was the spark for the idea of the device called a transporter in the
Star Trek television series. In the Holy of holies God materialized like a
hologram just above the Ark witnessed only by the High Priest. There
the High Priest would make atonement for himself, his house, and the
children of Israel. The manifestation of God with whom he would meet
was called in Hebrew Adonai Tzevaot twabc hwhy translated as LORD
of hosts because tzeva is the Hebrew word for hosts but Isaiah also
refers to this manifestation of God as the Redeemer and the Holy
One of Israel.
The Holy of Holies was very close to Bethlehem where the lambs to be
offered were raised. The gospel of Luke relates the story of an Angel
who appears to shepherds in the fields to make a proclamation, For
there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the
Lord(Luke 2:11). There is a subtle issue in this statement, the Angels statement
could make future Christian doctrine less hostile to any specific group especially
the Jews if stated as follows: For there is born to you this day in the city of David
the Redeemer who is Christ the Lord. This is in accordance with the prophet
Isaiah. The Angel Gabriel tells Mary the Holy One who is to be born will be called
the Son of God. (Luke 1:35) the child to be born was first a perfect human
embryo in whom Adonai Tze-va-ot manifested making the child both man and
God. The fact that this is Adonai Tze-va-ot is not a critical need-to-know issue to
most Christians who frankly pay only lip-service to the complete Bible; God will
still be God even if no one recognizes Him, but this information will positively
benefit the Jewish mentality, and could play a supporting role in Pauls prophecy
that All Israel shall be saved. So, all Israel shall be saved. (Romans 11:26)

Ta Alef-Tav the Word, The Direct -Object article vs. The Redeemer

By calling Himself Alef-Tav Jesus was claiming to be the Redeemer and

Reconciliation of Israel because it revealed His identity as God, By rejecting His
claim the Pharisees were exerting their influence as supposed experts in Hebrew
which was still in its formative stages as a spoken language, however the Torah
had already been given to Moses by God Almighty. In a synagogue when a Rabbi
removed a Hebrew Torah scroll from a storage cabinet called an Ark to read the
scheduled portion he would hold the covered scroll close to his chest/heart and
give the top spindle called a crown, a respectful kiss, this is the way Judas
identified Jesus for the Roman soldiers. On the road to Emmaus Jesus explained
how the words of Torah and the Prophets referred to Him. He was the
embodiment of the{rbd}}davar/Word of God. Based on these facts we can
conclude that Jesus has more authority than the Pharisees Only by using English
can an English speaker understand the criticism of the Pharisees, the direct object
of a sentence is a person, place or thing that receives the action of the verb:
He made the earth (earth is the direct object)
I can read the scroll (scroll is the direct object)

Since I spoke Spanish as a child, I had to learn English after starting

public school in Denver, Colorado an English teacher, Mr. Garrett, was
very helpful by diagramming sentences on the chalk board, however,
when I came to Illinois I heard people say, I bought Jimmy socks. The
person being spoken to could unscramble the words and recognize that
the speaker had purchased socks, not Jimmy. The syntax of ancient
Hebrew could be haphazard in this way, but the Pharisees were sharp,
and recognized that in verses where Alef-Tav was used, the letters
could be an identifier pointing to the direct object He made > the
earth,( > = Ta ). This could clear up the confusion, but it was only the
Pharisees who were confused and this good-old boy group of stuffed-
shirts were hyper-critical of God Himself, Christians easily fit into this
category when they refuse to recognize the DNA of Jesus and the
foundations of Christianity in the Old Testament. The path can be
somewhat of a tight-rope but the Apostle Paul could walk it and was
well balanced because of it. Unfortunately, many Christians today in
influential positions dont get it. It is contributing to Christianitys
growing insignificance.

The Christian rendering of these letters in Greek as Alpha and Omega

has strengthened the obstinate denial of the Pharisees concerning Alef-
Tav, Alpha and Omega does not reveal any characteristic of Christ
whatsoever, you can search the Septuagint until you are blue in the
face and not find even a hint of anything other than a general
characterization as the first and last letters of the alphabet, but Alef-Tav
is rich in Hebraic tradition in the Masoretic text. The first verse of the
Gospel of John supports, even enhances the claim of Jesus, but,
unfortunately, is diminished without a Hebraic understanding which is
avoided by most Christian scholars. The Pharisees tried to cast Jesus as
a novice in Hebrew by promoting a linguistic rule regarding Alef-Tav but
their label of these letters as the Word has caught on, and the rule
has been adopted in modern Hebrew by the Academy of the Hebrew
language in Israel, however, though the rule is technically viable the
Pharisees were promoting it merely for its argumentative value rather
than the effective use of the Hebrew language. They established the
rule concerning the direct-object article; but Jesus was referring to Alef-
Tav as the word for SIGN as used in Exodus 12:13 the blood shall be a
SIGN for them upon the houses.~ytbh l[ tal ~kl ~dh { {ha-daum
le-kHem le-et al habaiteim} John defends and enhances the claim of
Jesus by highlighting how the Word (Alef-Tav) is used in Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the Word
was with God, and the Word was God .
Genesis 1:1 in Hebrew: #rah taw ~ymvh ta ~thla arb tyvarb
{{beh-raw-sheet bah-raw Elow-heem et ha-sha-my-eem veh et ha-
areetz. John notes that Alef-tav pronounced et is with the name of
God (elow-heem) and together should be considered as a compound
name of God, the Creator. This may even be what Melchizedek was
referring to as the revered El elyon, creator of heaven and earth in
Genesis 14:19.
However, more importantly, by claiming to be Alef-Tav, Jesus is giving
us a serious hint as to His true identity as the God of Israel, who
appeared not only on Yom Kippur to the High Priest but also to Moses,
Joshua and David to chart a course for the Hebrew Nation, His people.
He has been treated irreverently and irrationally by many Jewish people
In the gospel of Matthew He beats around the bush of His hint by
asking the Pharisees, What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son
is He? (Matthew 22:42). The question Jesus asked can be used in
many ways to connect Him to Old Testament Prophecy. 2 Samuel 7:14
I will be His Father and He will be My an anchor for Isaiah 7:14
A virgin shall conceive, but is also a fulfillment of what was about to
happen to Jesus as H e would appear before Pontios Pilot. Pilot will free
Barabbas manipulating the emotions of the crowd so he could report to
his wife that he had tried his best not to mistreat Jesus, but also fits well
with the statement made by to David by Adonai Tzevaot in 2 Samuel
7:14, I will be His Father and He shall be My Son. In regard to the
release of Barabbas instead of Jesus. Barabbas means son/father. A
rather unusual name except in this amazingly precise incident. With
these things in mid it would be wise to reconsider the words of Acts
3:25,26, You are the sons of the prophets and the Covenant which God
made with out fathers saying to Abraham, In your seed shall all the
earth be blessed. To you first God raised up His Servant, Jesus, sent to
bless you in turning away every one of you from your iniquities. Time
has allowed these words to become even more pertinent than when
they were written..
Isaiah 47:4 states the gist of the hint given by Jesus precisely As for
our Redeemer, the LORD of hosts is His name. The LORD of hosts in
Hebrew is Adonai Tze-va-ot twabc hwhy the last three letters of this
name pronounced ot is alef-vav-tav which are also translated as SIGN
in some biblical verses and is the word for MIRACLE in modern
Hebrew. It would not have been much of a stretch to have translated
the name Adonai Tze-va-ot as LORD of miracles instead, tzeva is now
the word for colors as well as hosts.
Adonai Tze-va-ot is known from the Jewish Prayer book as the One who
would materialize just above the Mercy Seat between the cherubim on
the Ark of the Covenant on Yom Kippur to meet with the High Priest as
Redeemer, Psalm 24:10 asks and answers a question which is: Who is
the King of Glory, the answer: Adonai Tze-va-ot(twabc hwhy), He is the
King of Glory. Isaiah speaks frequently of Adonai Tze-va-ot, however the
most controversial statement made by Isaiah is 7:14 Therefore the
LORD Himself will give you a sign: Behold a virgin shall conceive and
bear a Son and shall call His Name Immanuel. A different set of
Pharisees protested that the word translated as virgin should instead
be young maiden Knowledgeable men who have wrestled with this
issue have pointed out that the first criteria to be called a young
maiden is that a young girl would be a virgin. God speaking to David in 2
Samuel 7:14 states, I will be His Father and He shall be my Son. The
parents of Jesus shouldered this awesome responsibility, the Gospel of
Matthew relates that an angel comforted Joseph by telling him that the
human embryo in Marys womb was of the Holy Spirit(Matthew1:20,21)
who would not have been bewildered by the complexity of human
DNA. Then the Gospel of Luke relates that the Angel Gabriel informs
Mary that Adonai Tze-va-ot who normally materialized just above the
Ark of the covenant in the Holy of Holies not far from her location
would instead materialize in the human embryo within her womb and
that her son would be the Holy One of Israel as spoken of by Isaiah. The
calling of her son would be uniquely as God with us being both man and
God (Luke 1:26-33&1:35).
The Hebrew nation received the Word of God through Moses and
vowed to do all that God had said, but they didnt. so other people
groups who noticed that the Hebrews had a good thing going tried to
confiscate the beneficial aspects of Hebrew heritage, however self-
centered objectives kept everyone including the Hebrews from
developing the magnanimous objectives God intended for all mankind
which He had created. The Hebrews were proud that they gleaned 613
rules and regulations from Gods Word, yet could not comply even with
the first one, they blamed their circumstances and environment for
their inability. They expected a Messiah who would come as a deliverer
to wipe out all the causes of their inability and discomfort. The
Hebrews gave way to the Christians like a shift change at a modern
manufacturing plant, but the 2nd shift was no better than the first
though the rules had been reduced from 613 to just two. But, the new
crew denied any connection whatsoever with the old, consequently,
became even more out of tolerance with the original plan of the one
true God. Finally, some are realizing that since God simply spoke to
create something out of NOTHING, we would be wise to consider what
God said! There is a Hebrew tradition to accomplish that very goal by
studying a portion of His Word every week. It would be good to
continue that practice!

Many,many years before Jesus was on the cross the book of Esther was
composed, in the story Haman builds a gallows upon which he intends
to hang the Jew Mordecai, however the ten sons of Haman were hung
instead. Hamans ten sons are listed, in the list are three small letters
and Alef-Tav after each name which is supposed to be read before each
name but the scribe did it this way, so be it.
Taw atdnvrp t= 400
Taw !pld
Taw atpsa
Taw atvmrp v=300
Taw atzyw z=7
During WWII just as on the Gregorian calendar people knew it was the
1900s, so the Hebrew calendar it was in 5000s, so 707 would be added
to 5000 to get year 5707 which equates to 1946 on the Gregorian
calendar. In 1946 two things happened:
1. The Nuremburg trial was held which resulted in ten Nazis being
2. The Academy of the Hebrew language in Israel published its first
English-Hebrew dictionary, in that book they rendered the phrase
One another as hz ta hz zeh et zeh a picture of the three
crosses on Calvary, two thieves with Jesus in the middle. In fact
the way to make the relationship between any two people to
flourish is by putting Jesus in the center. The members of the
committee would probably have found this to be revolting, so I
suggest that the Spirit of Jesus had to have had an influence.
Jesus carried the two beams of the cross to Calvary for you and me. On
the beams of this cross were His two commandments, but they were
not complete until 1946, two thousand years after He was nailed to it,
Id say only God can do that. Whats your opinion?
The nation of Israel was established roughly in the same time after the
cross as Abram was called to the promised land before the cross, as
Abram walked God sent Jonah to Nineveh, there the library of
Assurbanipal contained the wicked works of the Code of Hammurabi
and the Epic of Gilgamesh which were leading many into a growing
pantheon of gods with their accompanied untrue doctrines of error.
Unfortunately, as the descendants of Abraham grew in number some of
them joined the dark side to create religions like Zoroastrianism which
emphasized light vs. darkness in Persia. So, by the time of Jesus the
Pharisees had good rationale to be cautious of accepting any old idea,
but all they needed to do was consult scripture while allowing the Holy
Spirit to be their guide, but personal preferences and opinions blinded
them. Sounds like a growing number of Christian churches today, right?
Okay, ya got me. I have to keep myself in check also, and I am well
aware of the God I follow.
The personality of God that manifested in Jesus was the God exclusively
of the Jews and made His preference clear when He appeared to Joshua
at the river Jordan shortly after Joshua assumed command from Moses.
Adonai Tzevaot resided just above the Mercy seat between the
cherubim on the Ark of the covenant. Joshua commanded the priests
to carry the Ark through the river Jordan and as they did so the waters
of the river were cut off and stacked up as had happened at the
crossing of the Red Sea creating a dry path for the people to cross over
after the people had crossed over the priests deposited the Ark of the
covenant on the opposite bank of the river then Joshua crossed to
discover an impressive military man with a drawn sword(Joshua 5:13-
15). The only rational explanation for this person is that He was Adonai
Tzevaot who had stepped down from the Mercy to meet Joshua
because He gives Joshua the unusual battle plan for Jericho which when
carried out causes the walls of Jericho to fall down so the children of
Israel could merely walk over them. The book of Numbers chapter 22
reports that a short distance inland from the river Jericho. Balak, the
king of Moab, was worried sick that the children of Israel would wipe
them out as an ox licks up grass, so he summoned Balaam to pronounce
curses against Israel, but when Balaam arrives his donkey abruptly stops
and Balaam responds by hitting the donkey. Balaam does not consider
it to be unusual when his donkey talks to him to reveal that an Angel of
the LORD with a drawn sword was standing in the way. It is obvious this
is the same personality who appeared to Joshua just a short distance
away at the river Jordan and was there on behalf of Israel. This is also
the same personality who materialized in the embryonic Jesus He is
pro-Israel yet Israel has treated Him irreverently and irrationally.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one will see the Father
except through Him. When you love God this is not a threat or a
statement of intolerance, but a promise that you will know the quality
and character of the people with whom you will spend eternity.

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