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My Week in Toddler Class

Child Name: _____Jake________________________ Teacher Name: _____Veronica________________

This week I explored and played in toddler class by doing these things:
Date: May 24, 2016 Date: May 26, 2016
Jake explored by playing with cars throughout Jake explored by going in the ball pit, pushing
the classroom. He played inside the popup bus balls around and playing on the edge picking
in the classroom so he could interactively play up and pushing the balls around. Jake played
inside the bus. He played in the ball pit by on the play structure going down the slide and
climbing into the ball pit and by pushing balls climbing up and down the stairs. He also
around. played in the pop up bus in the classroom with

My Goal:
Jake will use two 2-word phrases each day in lab to convey his wants and needs

I worked on my goal today by:

Date: May 24, 2016 Date: May 26, 2016
Jake used words to describe what he was Jake used words to describe objects by saying,
thinking, as well as what he wanted by saying, slide, ball, and car. Jake used words to
bye, wow, and no multiple times while describe what he was thinking and what he
playing in the ball pit and with cars. wanted by saying, wow, drive, and mine.

Date: _May 24, 2016_____ When I came in, I seemed to be: Energetic
Date: _May 26, 2016_____ When I came in, I seemed to be: Happy and Energetic
Comments: Jake explores the whole classroom and is very active. It is so fun to see him play and interact
in the classroom!

My Week in Toddler Class

Child Name: ________David______________________ Teacher Name: __Veronica_________________
This week I explored and played in toddler class by doing these things:
Date: May 24, 2016 Date: May 26, 2016
David explored by playing in the ball pit by Absent
pushing the balls around and climbing in the
ball pit, going through the tunnel on the play
structure, playing with cars throughout the
classroom, and playing with musical
instruments like bells, tambourines, and rain

My Goal:
David will share objects, people, and space once each day in lab.

I worked on my goal today by:

Date: May 24, 2016 Date: May 26, 2016
David shared cars by handing them to his peers Absent
so they could play with them. He shared space
by playing with other toddlers in the ball pit
and in the music area of the classroom.

Date: _May 24, 2016_____ When I came in, I seemed to be: Happy

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