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The nasal cavity

There is a huge air filled space behind the nose in the middle of the face called nasal
cavity that connects with the back of the throat. The nasal cavity is only separated
from the inside of your mouth by the palate (the roof of the mouth).

The nasal bone just below the eyes, the maxilla and ethmoid bones circle the nasal
cavity. Underneath, the nasal cavity is separated by the palate from the upper mouth.
The nose itself covers the front of the nasal cavity, while its back connects straight to
the pharynx.

Right on the nasal cavity, there small openings (ostia) that connects to the para-nasal
sinuses. When these openings become blocked, mucus drainage is delayed leading to
the inflammation of the sinus lining.

On its frontal part, the nasal cavity is divided into two spheres by a septum (a flabby
cartilage wall). A septum proceeds from deep within the nose near the skull where it's
made of thin bone pieces. There is mucus as well as hair-like structures called cilia on
the surface of the nasal cavity that catch and remove germs and dirt from the inhaled
air, before it enters the respiratory system.

The most dangerous disease that affects (but rarely does) the nasal cavity is nasal
cavity cancer.

Para-nasal sinuses

The skull is one of the heaviest bones in mankind. One may wonder why we are still
able to carry it though. The secret is that on its frontal part it has air-filled pockets
(sinuses) that lighten the weight of the skull and give resonance to the voice. These
sinuses also help filter, moisten and warm the air we inhale before it proceeds to the

There are four pairs of these air-

filled cavities...
Frontal sinuses

Ethmoid sinuses

Maxillary sinuses

Sphenoid sinuses
When the ostia (small tubes attached to the nasal passages for free exchange of
mucus and air) become blocked or irritated due to bacteria, virus or other irritants.
This infected mucus damages the sinus membrane. Inflammation of these sinuses is
called sinusitis. Sinusitis is a severe condition of inflamed sinuses that attacks either
acutely, chronically or recurrently.

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